Re: Sun Gazing

About 6 weeks ago following a fairly lengthy sun-gaze, I got bright spots that didn't completely go away for about 2-3 days.  This sort of freaked me out.  Usually I only gaze with the sun virtually on the horizon.  It's my understanding that the sun should be 10degrees or lower in the sky, especially when starting out, and I was pushing it at this time as it was maybe 10-14 degrees. 

When judging height of the sun in degrees, remember to judge by the actual horizon, and not any mountains/trees/buildings etc... that are obscuring.  If you have a view of the actual horizon such as the ocean, a good way to tell if it's 10degrees or less is to see if you can repeat the distance between the horizon and the sun a minimum of eight more times before you reach the point in the sky that's directly above.  (ie. If 90deg is the point right above you, sun should be <10deg.)

As for any lingering effects of the long-ish lasting bright spots, I'm not too sure...!  But my eyesight feels ok now.  Foods rich in vitamin A and bilberry seem to help.  If done in moderation and at safe levels, especially when beginning, there's a lot of evidence to suggest that sungazing can really help your eyesight.

"The unknown does not incite fear, but dependence on the known does." - J. Krishnamurti

Re: Sun Gazing

Thanks for starting this thread, SiriArc. I don't think I've heard of this exact thing before. I'm going to try this.

I've been thinking lately that maybe the more we evolve (become enlightened, ascend, etc.), the less we will need to eat, that maybe leaving off taking the energy of other beings to survive (and this is true on so many levels) is really a large part of it. And then I find this thread. smile Sometimes the simplest and most straightforward things are the wisest.

I've seen those squigglies you guys have been talking about pretty much all my life. I've often wondered what they were... and then I find this thread. I don't know if they mean anything profound, but I, too, think they're fun to watch.

Thanks again!


Look... Wonder... Remember... Know

93 (edited by DanB 2007-10-08 09:41:10)

Re: Sun Gazing

Hi Sun Friends,

How Are My Fellow Solar Meditators? : )
Wishing You All Well!

I just returned from a 7 day journey to Chaco Canyon and other sacred and
beautiful areas in New Mexico with a wonderful spiritual group I am a part of.

I connected with the spirits and the light in that beautiful canyon with a few of the most beautiful and wonderful sunrises (a couple of sunsets too).
The last sunrise before leaving brought me to joyous tears...
if you know what I mean!
HaHa! : )

That last sunrise was an emotional gift as there was an immense morning thunder storm right behind me coming in from the west...just before Grandfather Sun came up that storm made one last bright and loud flash directly behind me from the west and immediately silenced and dispersed "around" the canyon on both the north and south sides...what a memorable and connecting moment with the sun and the spirits and the cosmos.

I had wonderful follow-up gratitude/connection barefoot walks on that high spot at the canyon, too : )

Love and Light,

Re: Sun Gazing

Wow DanB that is really beautiful, and I could easily see how some deep gratitude and other good stuff could be easily evoked...!

Off The Grid ... Returning to Peace and Human-ity ...

"The unknown does not incite fear, but dependence on the known does." - J. Krishnamurti

Re: Sun Gazing


[center][size=18]6 With-Out[/size][/center]


[center][size=18]5 With-In[/size][/center]


[center][size=18]Sun & Man[/size][/center]

My advice to you, whoever you may be, Oh you who desire to explore the Mysteries of Nature; if you do not discover within yourself that which you seek, neither will you find it without. If you ignore the excellence of your own house, how can you aspire to find excellence elsewhere?

Within you is hidden the treasure of treasures. 

Oh Man!  Know thyself, and you will know the universe and the Gods.

~The Oracle of Delphi~


Geometry and Number are the building blocks of the universe, the fundamental language of Nature.  It is by these symbols that we are able to recognize the particular nature of a thing.

In this page I will discuss the significance of the  Hexagram and the Pentagram, their relationship to each other and the numbers assigned to them by Nature.

The early Babylonian division of the annual Solar cycle by the six celestial animals is not an isolated example of the Sun's association with the number six, many other cultures of the world also describe the Sun as being six-natured.  The Kabbalist's magical 'Kamea of Gold' or 'Square of the Sun' had six rows and six columns.  The Hebrews used the Hexagram as a symbol of God and a seal of protection and is frequently referred to as “Solomon’s Shield”, or “Solomon’s Seal”.


The geometry of the pentagram follows the natural law of the function of growth otherwise known as the 'Golden Section' or the 'Golden Proportion'. Each time one of the five lines that form the pentagram crosses another it dissects that line at the Golden Proportion of 1 : 1.618.  Often referred to by the Greek letter Phi, it is considered the most beautiful proportion and Art and Music use it regularly.  The most pleasing harmony created by two notes is the interval known as the 'Perfect Fifth', caused by a division of the octave by Phi.  A 'Golden' division of a persons height locates their navel, the original source of Life around which our bodies grow.  Since ancient times Five has been considered the most appropriate number to describe the nature of Man, His senses, appendages and fingers on each hand all number five. Kabbalistic drawings that depict Man in the Pentagram reveal his nature as a living being.  The Chinese character for Man is likewise a five pointed star.  The Pentagram is the perfect symbol of Life.

72: Like the Pentagram, the number 72 also describes the nature of Man.  His five appendages divide an enclosing circle into five lots of 72 degrees.

[center][size=18]The Son of the Sun

The Pentagram & the Hexagram [/size][/center]

Man is the Son of the Sun.  This claim was made by the ancient Egyptian Pharaohs from the very early times by the words 'Son of Ra', a title that accompanied their names whenever written.

All life abides to the natural law of the Golden Section, for it is the function of growth.  The pentagonal geometry of the human body elegantly describes this life-giving function.

The Solar 366 Hexagram Gives Life to the Organic 72 Pentagram.

[center][size=18]4 4[/size][/center]

The four humors are an Alchemical understanding of the elemental make up of Man and a similar conception can be found in the ancient Egyptian Four Sons of Horus.

Both the Ancient Egyptian 'Four Sons of Horus' and the Western Alchemical concept of the 'Four Humors' could be likened to the Taoist 'Four Pakuas' which are formed around the center of the body at the height of the navel.  The 'Four Pakuas' are developed through meditation to collect and store the emotional energies of the organs so that they can be refined and fused into a ball of energy perceived as a radiant pearl.  And just like in the Egyptian system, human children and animals are used to symbolically describe the energies of the individual organs.  Once these energies are combined to form the radiant pearl, it is then circulated around the body in the 'Microcosmic Orbit' to strengthen the body and to develop and nourish the energy body or soul body.


The god Horus is very closely related to Ra and is sometimes referred to as a younger form of Ra.  He was identified specifically with the appearance of the sun, as was the scarab god Khepra, who's name literally means 'coming into existence'.  The rising sun was a common Egyptian metaphor for the soul's rebirth and the incentive behind the name of the collection of ancient texts commonly known as the 'Book of the Dead' to which the Egyptians gave the name 'The Chapters of Going Forth by Day'.

[center]   Ra      Osiris        Horus

366     72     44[/center]

See Also:   #10 and 11


11   23   11

Re: Sun Gazing

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

Re: Sun Gazing


[size=14]Sun Gazing by SiriArc [ 1 2 3 … 7 ] 95    5544   Today 01:29:05   by montalk[/size]

[center]366   72   44   =   32

95   5544        =   32

9   (555)   44[/center]



[ORMUS-Sungazing] Digest Number 573

    Re: Insects and Bird Attraction
    Posted by: rimponche   tuareg777
    Tue Oct 9, 2007 4:17 pm (PST)

    When I started sungazing as an everyday discipline I notice something weird about bees and sungazing. Not only were they flying around but they suspend themselves at the height of my forehead and try to land there or in between my eyebrows. It happened so often that I was consciously avoiding places where I knew bees where around. It still happens with bees from time to time, but what really amazed me happened when hummingbirds started doing the same in a way that made me think they where seeing some kind of flower. They never go for the eyes but directly to the forehead and when that happens I stay still and let them approach. Most of them just suspend themselves in front of my face with curiosity, and only two had enough courage to touch my forehead and fly away as fast as they could. It felt like the tiniest of the kisses.

    Enrique/ 2007

[center][size=16]Wings Of Steel[/size][/center]





11   23   11

Re: Sun Gazing

Most of them just suspend themselves in front of my face with curiosity, and only two had enough courage to touch my forehead and fly away as fast as they could. It felt like the tiniest of the kisses.

Ahhhhhh...Wonderful, Wonderful : )

The birds at my home doing early morning feeding seem to weave towards me and in front of me and then away in a musical flow...a beautiful thing when I am enjoying the sunrise near them.

Re: Sun Gazing

tenetnosce wrote:

I know somebody who actually met this guy. Apparently he's the real deal.  *shrug* my intuitive mind says to believe it, but my scientific mind is having quite the hard time.

As far as mana or prana goes, I have physically seen this for years.  They are like little translucent squigglies that pop around in the sky.  There are definitely more of them around when the sun is out.  I once read that this was the first stages of 'etheric vision'.

Or it could be this ; ) … phenomenon

And by the way, you all can gaze at me anytime you want...

Re: Sun Gazing

Hello All

Is anyone from Florida (any area) part of (or just aware of) a sun gazing group, or interested in starting one?

Please email me:

Love & Light,
Carey Tinsley


Re: Sun Gazing

Wishing You the Best on getting a Group going in Florida, Carey!

Re: Sun Gazing

SiriArc, thank-you for the sunshine you have brought  me this year though your beautiful images.  If you don't mind be borrowing, I'd like to share a link from the DNA journal that you provided from another post.  It sums up my appreciation for the the wonderful things you have shared.

Re: Sun Gazing

I think it was maybe two years ago, I heard about sungazing from that wifeswap show on television. Of course the wife who did it was made out to be some crazed hippy. I started doing it slowly after reading more on NR and other sources.

I was worried because I'm either sleeping or working (working late and overnight shifts) but I found that during the sunset my job allowed me access to the roof or the top of the parking garage. I was also worried because I wouldn't be on bare ground but instead concrete.

I started out slowly and with eyes closed only. I eventually opened them and increased the time even more.

Aside from what seemed to be a boost of positive energy and happiness I noticed that I wasn't seeing "floaters" anymore. The eye doctor says that most people get them as they get older (I'm only 24) but that they're pieces of protien that break of in the back of your eye. They aren't doing anything more than floating around in the fluid around your eye. What I noticed is that after gazing for a few weeks there were fewer of them. I also had, what seemed to be, a little better vision at night. Before I had a new job that prevented any gazing the protien "floaters" had disappeared 100%!!

Hopefully soon I can start taking part in the sun again, and hopefully move to a location where it's not hiding all winter.

Remember to be different.

Re: Sun Gazing



11   23   11

105 (edited by Natural Mystic 2007-12-30 08:42:11)

Re: Sun Gazing

Oh yea!  This is going to be an amazing year.


"Beyond the stars a new world awaits me now" - Wintersun