Topic: Sun Gazing

Sun Gazing … 5_314.html

"Is living on light possible? According to scientific research and studies, it is. Not only that, living on light seems to be a significant part of our heritage from the very ancient past. In this issue, you will learn how the brain and body actually needs it for maximum functioning.

As science continues to delve deeper and deeper into the mysteries of the brain and discovering its remarkable power and abilities, it becomes clearer that humans of the not-too-distant future will have learned to use the brain more efficiently and perform amazing feats. What we currently think of as being impossible will not only become possible but will rise to be increasingly commonplace in the years to come." … _Flyer.htm

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Re: Sun Gazing

A buddy of mine sent me an article where NASA is/was studying a guy because he hadn't eaten (I think drank too) in years execpt for a very rare 'just because' moment. I think it said he would gaze directly at the sun for about an hour a day.

I haven't checked the links above yet. If it isn't there I'll check if my buddy still has it.


"It means the Matrix can't tell you who you are" - Trinity

Re: Sun Gazing

SiriArc wrote:

Sun Gazing

Dang! I knew it! It's like living off of 'mana' or 'phrana' or something! LOL!! This ties in with a link I posted about a week ago about this universe being a 'phantom' universe (possibly created by the 'dark side') and humanity needing to feed off of the life of other living things to survive here. Is it that way because of our genes being engineered to disconnect us from our connection to the complete and utter loving infinity of God, or because we are from 'another universe' incarnating here (in the dark universe) that we have lost this connection and are reduced to vampires of physicality?

T-Ren wrote:

A buddy of mine sent me an article where NASA is/was studying a guy because he hadn't eaten (I think drank too) in years execpt for a very rare 'just because' moment. I think it said he would gaze directly at the sun for about an hour a day.

Wow, maybe that's the source of 'mana' from where life flows into our general zone. But, didn't the person like, go blind!? LOL!!! AND maybe that's why the ancients worshiped the sun . . .

I am as is Void.

4 (edited by T-Ren 2005-10-08 12:58:13)

Re: Sun Gazing

Ha, I found it on my own.


NASA To Study Man Who Survives On Liquids And Sunlight

Delhi - Jun 30, 2003

An Indian man, who claims to have survived only on liquids and sunlight for eight years, has been invited by NASA to show them how he does it.

Hira Ratan Manek - also known as Hirachand - a 64-year-old mechanical engineer who lives in the southern state of Kerala, apparently started disliking food in 1992, the Hindustan Times newspaper reported.

In 1995, he went on a pilgrimage to the Himalayas and stopped eating completely on his return.

His wife, Vimla, said: "Every evening he looks at the sun for one hour without batting an eyelid. It is his main food. Occasionally he takes coffee, tea or some other liquid."

Last June, scientists from the US space agency verified that Manek spent 130 days surviving only on water, the report said.

They even named this subsistence on water and solar energy after him: The HRM (Hira Ratan Manek) Phenomenon.

Mr Manek is now in the US to show NASA's scientists how he survives without food.

The US space agency hopes to use the technique to solve food storage and preservation problems on its expeditions, the report said.

Mr Manek said he "eats through his eyes" in the evening, when the sun's ultraviolet rays are least harmful. He and his wife claim the technique is totally scientific. However, doctors warn that staring at the sun can make you blind.

His wife said: "He has a special taste for sun energy. He believes only 5 per cent of human brain cells are used by most people. The other 95 per cent can be activated through solar energy."


Many more related news articles at

His Sun Gazing Process is explained at


"It means the Matrix can't tell you who you are" - Trinity

5 (edited by SiriArc 2005-10-09 00:45:26)

Re: Sun Gazing

Energy wrote:

Be careful not to fall under the deception of the lightbearers, for they wish for you to worship the false sun too.


Not sure of your context E but all the info in the links stands on it's own for those with Resonance and has zero to do with worship which is a Distortion of Gratitude.

General considerations:

Light = Information

The "winners" Re-Write "history"

As much as You want OUR Love, You also fear it.   -Lazaris-

11   23   11

6 (edited by Mriver 2005-11-19 16:41:34)

Re: Sun Gazing

Hi SiriArk this resinated with me well. As of today will start it . Right now can only see six inches perfict, after that it gets fuzzy. Will let you know how it works out . Will be going to optometrist to get checked out to. Thanks.
10/9/05-  Did first ten seconds no problem felt good . Am doing the afternoons. Can not see the sun till  9. AM .
10/10/05- Did not do  cloudy.
10/11/05-Did twenty seconds a little bright at first then my eyes adjusted. Worked today and was tired. It feels that I get more energy after the sun goes down.
10/12/05- Did thirty seconds no change.
10/13/05- Did forty seconds no change.
10/14/05- Did fifty seconds  no change.
10/15/05- Did sixty seconds no change.
10/16/05- Did seventy seconds no change.
10/17/05- Did eaighty seconds no change.
10/18/05- Did not do cemtrails.
10/19/05- Did ninety seconds. no change.
10/20/05- Did one hundred seconds no change.:D
10/21/05- Did not do cloudy.
10/22/05- Did not do cloudy.
10/23/05- Did 0ne hundred ten seconds no change.
10/24/05- Did not do cloudy.
10/25/05- Did not do cloudy.
10/26/05- Did one hundred twenty seconds no change.
10/27/05- Did not do cloudy.
10/28/05- Did not do cloudy.
10/29/05- Did one hundred thirty seconds no change.
10/30/05- Did one hundred fority seconds no change.
10/31/05- Did one hundred fifty seconds no change.
11/1/05- Did one hundred sixty seconds no change.
11/2/05- Did one hundred seventy seconds no change.
11/3/05- STOPED started The See Clearly Method
Hi all went to optometrist 11/ 18/ 05 He said my sight had not improved or got any worse I did the sun gazing 1/2
hour after sun rise and 1/2 hour befor sun set. I would not recomend this to any one as your eye sight is very valuable. I only did it to improve my sight but found The See Clearly Method and started using it.

Be the Wave

7 (edited by paradox 2005-11-15 19:38:37)

Re: Sun Gazing


thought you guys would like to check these out:
...any thoughts?...

Where in the World is Hira Manek?

Staring at the sun, again (excerpted from

    I am receiving quite a few google hits on something I wrote some time ago on Indian mechanical engineer Hira Ratan Manek, alias Hirachand, who claims to be able to sustain his life on only sunshine and some liquid diet. Recently, essentially the same claims have resurfaced, and again it is NASA that allegedly has tested his sunlight diet.

    This 64-year-old mechanical engineer has been tried and tested by US space agency NASA. In June 2002, NASA verified his claims when he spent 130 days with its scientists drinking only water. They have even named such subsistence [~] water and solar energy [~] the 'HRM (Hira Rattan Manek) phenomenon'.

    Now NASA wants him to show them how he does it. They hope to use the technique to solve food storage and preservation problems on space expeditions. So on Friday, Hirachand left for New York.

Of course, none of these reports mention anything about who at NASA allegedly tested and verified his claims. His name is not mentioned on NASA's site, in scientific papers or science news publication on the net. The story has made it into innumerable newspapers and web sites promoting various "alternative" ideas, though.

Do we smell a scam? Of course. And not even a very new one.

I am not the only one smelling the scam, as I have also received google hits on my story about the Welsh fasting girl Sarah Jacob, who became a celebrity in the 19th century when she claimed to go for months without  food. Sceptical doctors back then set a 24-hour watch on her to disprove her claims, and tragically she died from starvation shortly afterwards.

Not only nutritional experts should be surprised at the claims of Hira Ratan Manek, eye doctors will also take exception to his recommendation of staring at the sun unprotected for an hour. Staring at the sun can severly damage your eyes (yes, your mom was right on that count). So don't try this at home. And don't fall for every hoax you hear.

Re: Sun Gazing

I live in the sunniest place in the world and there's plenty of fat people around.  Someone better tell them.

Re: Sun Gazing

I know somebody who actually met this guy. Apparently he's the real deal.  *shrug* my intuitive mind says to believe it, but my scientific mind is having quite the hard time.

As far as mana or prana goes, I have physically seen this for years.  They are like little translucent squigglies that pop around in the sky.  There are definitely more of them around when the sun is out.  I once read that this was the first stages of 'etheric vision'.

It is not for us to understand love, but simply to make space for it.

Re: Sun Gazing

tenetnosce wrote:

As far as mana or prana goes, I have physically seen this for years.  They are like little translucent squigglies that pop around in the sky.  There are definitely more of them around when the sun is out.  I once read that this was the first stages of 'etheric vision'.

dear tenetosce,

i was wondering if you can elaborate on 'etheric vision' and its meaning and implications.

thanks in advance,

Re: Sun Gazing

Im guessing he means a form clairvoyancy ?  Like whats used to see auras, ghosts etc.

I tried sungazing for a week.  My eyes were fine.  It doesnt hurt your eyes @ all looking at the sun in the early hours.

Re: Sun Gazing

Living without eating has been something that's interested me for many years now.  I've read about various people who claim to be able to do this and get their energy elsewhere -- be it from God, the sun, or whatever.  However each person may do it, still just as interesting to me.

As far as Etheric vision, I believe I have this to some extent.  I can see "waves" like the ocean just about anywhere, but especially on the ground, and particularly if there is grass.  And no, I'm not referring to the grass waving in the wind ;-)  Also, my great-grandmother (native american) taught me to look between bushes and trees, in their shadows, and to look for "static" appearing there.  I was able to do this, and I've since discovered on my own that I can predict rain, and even see the rain before it becomes visible to others (smaller particles maybe??).  So while my time with her was very limited, I have to assume this is why she showed me how to do this.

And, in regards to it having something to do with the sun -- I can't prove or disprove, but as a youth I looked at the sun a *lot*, even though I was told you shouldnt, and I did look at an Eclipse when I was young -- the kind you're not supposed to look at (I forget which is which).

I'm really hoping this etheric vision, if that's what it is, will improve with age -- especially since my "normal" vision appears to be getting worse!  haha

This is no time for the righteous
Only the wicked survive
Bake up a batch of the Yellow Cake
Bake up a batch of the lies
- - - - -[ Yellow Cake - Ministry - Rio Grande Blood (2006)


Re: Sun Gazing

I sungaze and it hasn't hurt my eyes at all; in fact I am sure it has helped them.  I don't stare at the sun though.  I do look at it steadily (while blinking).  Haven't done it lately and I miss it. 

There's a Yahoo sungazing group, I used to belong, it has plenty of members.

Re: Sun Gazing

Seems to me this is what Luke's parents were actively engaged in at the end of episode 3 of Star Wars.  So engaged that they stopped looking at their new kid, and back to the sun, pretty quickly.  Perhaps another G.Lucas'ism, like so many other interesting tidbits the filmmaker has to say.

"The unknown does not incite fear, but dependence on the known does." - J. Krishnamurti

Re: Sun Gazing

Well I tried this on a couple separate days, a few weeks ago.  Was surprised how my eyes adjusted after the first few seconds.  You can actually make out the exact spherical shape of the sun, as the light around it dims.  Then, what looked like semi-etheric waves of energy emanating from it, very cool.  For a while after I saw yellow on everything.  Don't think it did any harm.

Anybody else having success with this?

"The unknown does not incite fear, but dependence on the known does." - J. Krishnamurti