Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals there anybody in there? just nod if you can hear there anyone home......?
Nobody's probably reading this anymore but I thought I'd add yet one more update, something I thought was interesting. Apparantly on the "glass teat" they had an expose recently regarding KFC and the meat company where they get their chicken from, where there was a hidden camera videotaping employees beating the crap out of chickens, kicking them, punching them, throwing them as hard as they could onto the floor, etc. Two girls at my work were talking about it this morning in the reception office, just freaking OUT about it. They seriously had no idea that this stuff goes on. Several things went through my head: One: MOST people probably have no idea that this stuff goes on, and don't realize what kind of conditions those animals live in before they wind up packaged all nice and pretty for them to consume in the grocery stores; Two: Just showing people the visuals of what goes on behind the scenes IS enough to jolt them awake. It DOES have an effect, as I witnessed with my coworkers. They were so upset and affected by it that they were talking about it long after they'd watched the program, and told me they couldn't even look at that brochure I had, it was too much, and would make them cry; and Three: Considering the Tyson Chicken scandal from 6 - 8 months ago, (basically, the same deal: employees sadistically abusing chickens for kicks) and now the KFC crackdown, it seems like things are changing with the meat industry. I'm sure it won't stop with KFC. In a few months it'll be another expose.....and another.......which is a good thing.
I couldn't help but wonder why, why now? What's going on here? I'd like to think that it's a sign of bigger things, that the entire evil power structure prison that all of us are a part of, animals and humans alike, is beginning to crumble and fall apart. Ellie Crystal keeps saying, over and over again, that the "program" is ending, and all of this madness will soon be over. David Icke said it too, after he had his revelation on Ayahuasca. It's all over. Soon. Very soon. Done, bye bye. Program over.
It seems little and piddly, I'm sure. Tyson Chicken and KFC are hitting the fan, so that means the entire system as we know it is falling apart?? Well......maybe. It's one crack among many cracks that are currently forming in many things. I just know that things can't keep going on the way they are. Everything is spinning wildly out of control. That's how it feels to me, anyway. It has to be reaching a breaking point. The C's even said that Mad Cow and other new meat diseases were a direct result of human mistreatment of these animals, and that the diseases are are their soul group's "revenge" for what we've been doing to them for so long without even a second thought. I imagine all these expose crackdowns and resulting fallout on the meat industry is another form of this. The animals are getting their day.
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."