Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals there anybody in there?  just nod if you can hear there anyone home......?


Nobody's probably reading this anymore but I thought I'd add yet one more update, something I thought was interesting.   Apparantly on the "glass teat" wink they had an expose recently regarding KFC and the meat company where they get their chicken from, where there was a hidden camera videotaping employees beating the crap out of chickens, kicking them, punching them, throwing them as hard as they could onto the floor, etc.   Two girls at my work were talking about it this morning in the reception office, just freaking OUT about it.  They seriously had no idea that this stuff goes on.    Several things went through my head:   One:   MOST people probably have no idea that this stuff goes on, and don't realize what kind of conditions those animals live in before they wind up packaged all nice and pretty for them to consume in the grocery stores;  Two:   Just showing people the visuals of what goes on behind the scenes IS enough to jolt them awake.  It DOES have an effect, as I witnessed with my coworkers.   They were so upset and affected by it that they were talking about it long after they'd watched the program, and told me they couldn't even look at that brochure I had, it was too much, and would make them cry;  and Three:   Considering the Tyson Chicken scandal from 6 - 8 months ago, (basically, the same deal:  employees sadistically abusing chickens for kicks)  and now the KFC crackdown, it seems like things are changing with the meat industry.   I'm sure it won't  stop with KFC.   In a few months it'll be another expose.....and another.......which is a good thing.   

I couldn't help but wonder why, why now?   What's going on here?   I'd like to think that it's a sign of bigger things, that the entire evil power structure prison that all of us are a part of, animals and humans alike, is beginning to crumble and fall apart.    Ellie Crystal keeps saying, over and over again, that the "program" is ending, and all of this madness will soon be over.   David Icke said it too, after he had his revelation on Ayahuasca.  It's all over.   Soon.   Very soon.  Done, bye bye.   Program over.     

It seems little and piddly, I'm sure.   Tyson Chicken and KFC are hitting the fan,  so that means the entire system as we know it is falling apart??   Well......maybe.   It's one crack among many cracks that are currently forming in many things.   I just know that things can't keep going on the way they are.   Everything is spinning wildly out of control.   That's how it feels to me, anyway.   It has to be reaching a breaking point.   The C's even said that Mad Cow and other new meat diseases were a direct result of human mistreatment of these animals, and that the diseases are are their soul group's "revenge" for what we've been doing to them for so long without even a second thought.   I imagine all these expose crackdowns and resulting fallout on the meat industry is another form of this.   The animals are getting their day.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."


Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

lyra, I read once that one of the plans for humanity was for us to all become vegetarians, and ultimately eat what cattle eat. Farfetched, but if the beef's bad, and the fish is unsafe, and the chicken's tainted, and of course shellfish'll kill you, I mean, really! Also, the recent spate of torture-themed video (Iraqis and chickens, are we to equate them?) might function as conditioning to make people accepting of greater atrocities. Some humans seem to be getting worse than I can imagine. I can't wait for "everything that can be shaken" to be shaken. I want to feel like Joshua at Jericho. Now would someone explain to me why I have this craving for popcorn chicken?

Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

Hi aaronfirebrand,

I don't know, but sad as this may seem, earlier tonight I had a mad craving for a chicken burrito from the best Mexican restaurant on the planet.....Zona Fresca.  (any south florida people out there??  anybody know what i'm talking about?? zona fresca!!!!  they rock!)   They make the best Mexican food I've ever eaten, no lie, and despite knowing what I know, I crave it.   It's horrible.   That's the thing I ponder a lot....How does one cut the meat cravings permanently?   Is it even possible??   I'll go for periods of time where I have no craving for meat, and am fine.  Then every once in a while......At any rate, I didn't go to Zona, and didn't cave in.   But still.   It's one yummy burrito.


And not to be all "the C's said...the C's said....."  all the time, but, the C's did say wink that humans in 3rd density were not meant to be vegetarians, and it was not beneficial to us.   Humans before "the fall" into 3rd density were supposedly vegetarians though.   But, it's not meant for us right now, while we're still in 3rd --  so they say.  Oh well.   I've also heard that the whole vegatarian thing is a disinformation ploy to get us to relinquish iron-laden meat.  Iron is something that "they" don't want us to have, among other beneficial nutrients, being that it helps us connect to higher realms.  So the whole vegetarian movement is something perpetuated by "them" to keep us unhealthy and lacking vital nutrients that can only be gained from animal protein, so that we'll be weaker, lack connections to higher realms, and be more easily controlled.   I tend to believe this, it does make sense.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."


Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

lyra, do you think Zona Fresca would deliver to central WA? I'm so hungry for good mexican food now. And not all chicken is raised in torture. A big part of me just wants to "eat, drink and be merry", especially since tomorrow may be worse than death. My general rule is that I eat exactly what I'm hungry for, because my body knows more about what it wants than I do. Animals seem to know what's good for them, without analyzing their diets. So I've taken their lesson and I let my body order for me.

35 (edited by lyra 2004-07-26 21:50:21)

Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

Delivering to WA....well, don't know about that, but let me tell you, I've actually worried about what I'm going to do when I eventually move from Florida and then it's no more Zona Fresca!!!   I've just never had such tasty Mexican food.    I've actually worried about this though.   I know, it's sad.   hehe

And yeah, I can relate to wanting to just eat, drink and be merry.   I look at those around me where I live who do just that, and they all seem so happy and oblivious.  In a way, I almost envy them for that.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

lyra wrote:

Apparantly on the "glass teat"  they had an expose recently regarding KFC and the meat company where they get their chicken from, where there was a hidden camera videotaping employees beating the crap out of chickens, kicking them, punching them, throwing them as hard as they could onto the floor, etc.

I had the boundless displeasure of seeing this videotape.  Kinda hard to believe we all come from the same gene pool... nature vs. nurture? 

I think I remember the men, as relayed through a company spokesperson, claimed they were angry because there was a greater amount of live chickens coming into the plant and they didn't want to have to work overtime to process them.  The apx. 200 lb. men were taking out their ill feelings for the company they worked for on these little 4lb. chickens in what looked like a murderous rage.  I am happy for you that you didn't see the videotape lyra.

It's no wonder there's such a concept as SednaSphere brought up awhile back, the idea of "Independent Worlds", other worlds of people that'll have not one thing to do with humanity, like we just don't exist. I live here, this my home (I love the planet I live on, it's beautiful, and so diverse!) for now, and I don't want to have anything to do with the greater part of my species either, because of what they're capable of.

aaronfirebrand wrote:

Some humans seem to be getting worse than I can imagine.

These are the words of an evoluting consciousness. wink  Be proud of yourself for thinking this way, that there is not one nuance of your being that can imagine as much. I think I know why Wanderers are called Wanderers, instead of transdimensional beings, because we're still wandering around scratching our heads doing one of these, "Huuuh?" things/thinks.  We just can't get over it intellectually, much less emotionally.  It's simply beyond us.  This is a good thing. big_smile

lyra wrote:

It seems little and piddly, I'm sure.   Tyson Chicken and KFC are hitting the fan,  so that means the entire system as we know it is falling apart??   Well......maybe.   It's one crack among many cracks that are currently forming in many things.   I just know that things can't keep going on the way they are.   Everything is spinning wildly out of control.   That's how it feels to me, anyway.   It has to be reaching a breaking point.   The C's even said that Mad Cow and other new meat diseases were a direct result of human mistreatment of these animals, and that the diseases are are their soul group's "revenge" for what we've been doing to them for so long without even a second thought.   I imagine all these expose crackdowns and resulting fallout on the meat industry is another form of this.   The animals are getting their day.

See, what you're thinking is little and piddly maybe isn't so much so, I think you make an excellent point.  My little and piddly point to make is--if chicken coming into fast food processing plants is so plentiful, then why are fresh chickens in the grocery store costing six to seven dollars?  Double the price they were less than six months ago?

Now think about the two working parent family, the food preparer of the family is going to think, especially tired after a long day at work, laundry, kids' homework, etc., that it makes common sense to forego grocery store, the time it takes to prepare a healthy and home cooked meal, cleaning up all the pots and pans and dinnerware, when all they have to do is drive through KFC... after all eight pieces of chicken at KFC costs about as much as the fresh one that's going to take so much more time to get to the table.  We already know the dangers of fast food, it's like a crap shoot what you're getting (remember the KFC rat story in I think it was the 70's), but do these others? 

Sometimes the TV serves a greater purpose, and did so by being the delivery system for the expose... I'm pretty sure it was on 60 Minutes on Sunday.

I was doing a little search engine research on food costs and inflation about a month ago.  It seems as though there are only five major corporations that control all domestic processing of food product in the USA. For sure we know that corporate "buy outs", all kinds of buy outs, has been like a rabid business strategy for what?, about the last six to ten years?  Or moreover, isn't it the Illumnate seizing ultimate control over the food source?  This only one area of economic power they strive to control. But it is a biggy, right up there with fossil-feul oil.

I was starting to think a month ago that things were getting out of hand as if the funneling of control into the Illuminates hands was getting out of hand for them because of the vast poplulation of the country, much less the world population... is it possible that in their quest for control they underestimated their ability to actually handle it?  And the cracks that you talk about lyra is the "intuitive" evidence that brings one to say, as do you,

"I just know that things can't keep going on the way they are.   Everything is spinning wildly out of control. That's how it feels to me, anyway."

This is how it feels to me too.

Ellie Crystal keeps saying, over and over again, that the "program" is ending, and all of this madness will soon be over.

Yeah, the programs going to have to end, or the better part of humanity is going to take over, and the rest of them are going to have to live in OUR madhouse. big_smile

But really, I'd rather have one transitional shift please.  I'm a fast track kind of girl. smile

Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance.
If you spin around on your chair really fast, things around here will make a lot more sense.


37 (edited by lyra 2004-07-27 07:05:45)

Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

Auendove wrote:

   It's no wonder there's such a concept as SednaSphere brought up awhile back, the idea of "Independent Worlds", other worlds of people that'll have not one thing to do with humanity, like we just don't exist. I live here, this my home (I love the planet I live on, it's beautiful, and so diverse!) for now, and I don't want to have anything to do with the greater part of my species either, because of what they're capable of.

Same here.  I've actually lamented being human, saying I hate this species, it's evil.  I hate it, and I don't like being a part of it, I'm over it.   It seems there are more negative people in this species than positive, more people who are psycho, evil, sociopathic, and beyond reform, who get their kicks out of abusing each other, animals, and the environment.   And I'm probably one of the few who nodded my head in agreement when Agent Smith told Morpheus that humans are a virus, a plague on the planet.   Yup!  I nodded.   

I don't necessarily think we're getting worse though like aaronfirebrand mentioned.  I think humans have always been this nasty.   We can't forget about the things that used to go on in ancient times.  People in general are actually more "civilized" nowadays.........but only because the atrocities are now more covert, and are hidden, behind closed doors, (with the exception of what happens out in the open during war time.)     

Auendove wrote:

   Now think about the two working parent family, the food preparer of the family is going to think, especially tired after a long day at work, laundry, kids' homework, etc., that it makes common sense to forego grocery store, the time it takes to prepare a healthy and home cooked meal, cleaning up all the pots and pans and dinnerware, when all they have to do is drive through KFC... after all eight pieces of chicken at KFC costs about as much as the fresh one that's going to take so much more time to get to the table.  We already know the dangers of fast food, it's like a crap shoot what you're getting (remember the KFC rat story in I think it was the 70's), but do these others?

Very interesting point.......................everybody's so pressed for time nowadays, so lacking in vital energy to prepare dinner and clean up afterwards, that they automatically reach out for the cheaper, convenient fast food option.    And of course, who makes it so convenient and affordable?   The Powers That Be, to encourage a poor diet and low quality "food" consumption.   I kind of noticed this in my own way about 6 weeks ago, when I stopped by at Boston Market for lunch one day.   They had all the prominant display ads everywhere outside and inside advertising their convenient, affordable "family meals".    I was standing in line contemplating that.    I guess I was fortunate enough growing up to have had a mom who cooked dinner every night.   As a kid I'd never heard of such a thing as swinging by a fast food restaurant to pick up a convenient, affordable "family pack" with the 12 piece chicken and 50 side dishes and the 100 oz. super size soft drinks.   wink  Was not my family's reality, thankfully.   

It's a whole interconnected part of it which is that we live in a world where most times, both parents need to work if they're even going to keep their heads above water;   the fact that most people have become like gerbils in a wheel spinning around and around faster and faster, leaving them no time or energy to accomplish things such as dinner which used to be a normal task in the "olden days", and then the rising food costs at the grocery store which insures that many will just say "Screw it, let's just swing by __________restaurant tonight!  Then we'll make it a Blockbuster Night!"  (haha had to throw that in there.)   

Auendove wrote:

   I was doing a little search engine research on food costs and inflation about a month ago.  It seems as though there are only five major corporations that control all domestic processing of food product in the USA.

Are you sure??    Is that true?   What about smaller, organic farms and producers whose food can be found at Whole Foods Market, Wild Oats, and all the organic grocers?  Are they also funnelled through the same 5 corporations?   Where can we find out more info. about this?

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

Just a slight diversion from the chickie/food/inflaiton thing, but I just glanced at the early bimbo news here (yeah the female newscasters get to dress like porn stars!) Seems that Shamu the whale attacked it's trainer-guess he/she just had it and decided to go for it.

If there is no time
      Then you have time for everything.
   You're never in a hurry.
That's true freedom.

39 (edited by Auendove 2004-07-27 09:28:43)

Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

Auendove wrote:

   I was doing a little search engine research on food costs and inflation about a month ago.  It seems as though there are only five major corporations that control all domestic processing of food product in the USA.

Are you sure??    Is that true?   What about smaller, organic farms and producers whose food can be found at Whole Foods Market, Wild Oats, and all the organic grocers?  Are they also funneled through the same 5 corporations?   Where can we find out more info. about this?

Well, maybe the use of the word "all" was an overstatement by say like 20%, even 30%, my unintentional bad sad, yet what a handful of corporations have control over is most of it. I remember one time the C's were talking about just how controlled we can be through our food source. LKJ asked how. They inquired of us to think about all the deli meat people buy in grocery stores. It's all processed, so easy to taint, and so very, very many buy it.  And while I don't have a solid figure as to how much of processed deli meat is done so by whom, I wouldn't be surprised to find it's processed to a greater extent (better than "all", yes? smile ) by the top revenue, stockholding companies. And the stock market is controlled by who? (rhetorical)

When you go to the grocery store how much of the food that you see with your own two eyes, even fresh food much less the avalanche of packaged food, is produced by these following companies? … =investing

Companies mentioned in this article
Data as of 3 Jul 2004 19:24 ET. Delayed at least 15 to 20 minutes.

Symb  Company                           Last   Chg   Chg %

CPB.N  CAMPBELL SOUP CO           26.67 -0.01 -0.04%
DLM.N  DEL MONTE FOODS            10.03 +0.01 +0.10%
GIS.N  GENERAL MILLS                  46.98 -0.52 -1.09%
HNZ.N  H J HEINZ CO                    38.66 -0.19 -0.49%
HRL.N  HORMEL FOODS                 30.69 -0.55 -1.76%
KFT.N  KRAFT FOODS INC              31.02 -0.16 -0.51%

I just found this below web site and this page of interviews. The page is about the Beef Industry and some of it is about controlling interests in the production of beef.  I think it's safe to relate that what is said here can also be applied across the board to other areas of food production with regards to how much of food production is controlled by what few, especially when one takes into account how much of just grocery store food is produced by the above companies, and that's not even touching on restaurant and fast food food production.

Everyone talks about one of the most important things to understand about the meat industry is how highly concentrated it is -- 84 percent of the slaughter is controlled by only four companies in beef. Have we gotten back to the days of the "beef trust"?

... Most business sectors in the United States economy are fairly concentrated, comprised of three or four market leaders that in general have about a 60 percent, 70 percent, 80 percent market share. You see that happening in the banking business, and it's been a long-standing structure in the automobile industry. ...

So in that regard, in terms of the overall economy of the United States, the beef industry is not much different in its economic structure. But what is important to understand is that it is a dynamic, evolving, highly competitive sector of our nation's agricultural economy. Four companies account for more than 80 percent of the beef capacity in the United States. ... But 30 years ago, only one of those big four were actually in the beef industry. Within the last 30 years, three of the other big four have actually grown up as startup companies, or expanded as a result of acquisition, to the market share levels that they have today. It's a vibrant competitive industry. If you ask the CEOs of the four largest beef companies, one concern that they have is the upstart companies that are coming into the business, the small regional new entries that are coming into the beef industry, who one day may have the agility, the acumen, and the competitive instincts to achieve the market share levels that the larger companies have today.  [Patrick Boyle]

How has the industry changed since the 1920s?

We have gone away from cow-calf operators and small feedlots dominating the production of meat. ... [Now] you clearly have a relationship where, on the processing side of the picture, we have three or four or five very big operations that run the show. And in the meat industry -- beef -- you have four that control over 80 percent of the marketplace; when, in the 1920s, the government filed an antitrust action to break up the "beef trust," I think just five [companies] controlled about 50 percent of the marketplace. So you see, it's become much, much more concentrated.

If we were concerned in 1920 about that kind of consolidation, why aren't we concerned about more consolidation now?

There's a lot of concern in production agriculture. Those farmers and ranchers who are left are very concerned about it, because ... they've got [only] one or two sellers to sell to, and there's no competition. But the truth of the matter is, the real reason why we haven't been so concerned as a country is because food is so cheap in America. That is, Americans pay a lower per capita cost for food of all types than any place else in the world. And as a percentage of their income, it's the lowest in the world. So as long as Americans get their hamburgers or their chicken or their hot dogs, people have not been overly concerned about these issues of consolidation. ...

So the cost of cheap meat is ultimately going to be, in today's economy, putting the squeeze on the small rancher?

Certainly the smaller rancher will be the most victimized by the pricing system. ...  [Dan Glickman] … ation.html

And this last answer speaks directly to your question about organic farms and food producers, the smaller rancher relatively like the organic farmer and producers.  The organic market suffers JUST BECAUSE people will take advantage of the financial savings over health concerns thinking, "What a deal!", and this even if they are aware of the better, healthier, more conscientious choice... because money's tight for middle and lower income US Americans. And why is that? (rhetorical)

How much does it cost to send a kid to college in the US?  Maybe this is more of a contemporary concern than is eating less than healthful food costs us.

I'm thinking that the alternative food production market poses no economic threat to the "bigger picture", because they'll never have the opportunity "to get a leg up".

Did you know General Mills owns Small Planet Foods? … allplanet/

Check out some of the "big five" food production companies, find out how far reaching their subsidies are... their from the private corporate sector acquired subsidies.

Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance.
If you spin around on your chair really fast, things around here will make a lot more sense.


40 (edited by Auendove 2004-07-27 10:59:32)

Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

I don't know what's with the page where the table came from, when I cut and pasted it there was a blank page.  Hmmm.. I'll have to see if I can figure it out.

Sheesh, I don't know maybe it's a lost link, I don't know what else to do...

Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance.
If you spin around on your chair really fast, things around here will make a lot more sense.


41 (edited by lyra 2004-07-27 09:50:07)

Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

manyeagles wrote:

Just a slight diversion from the chickie/food/inflaiton thing, but I just glanced at the early bimbo news here (yeah the female newscasters get to dress like porn stars!) Seems that Shamu the whale attacked it's trainer-guess he/she just had it and decided to go for it.

Great.   I hope they don't do anything to Shamu to "punish" him.  (or her?)   They have these animals kept in captivity, forced to do tricks and do all this stupid shit to entertain humans, day after day, week after week, year after neverending year, on and on, and then humans can't understand when these animals get old, and are tired and sick of this nonsense and don't want to do it anymore and get snappy and turn on their captors.   They do this crap to circus animals, abuse them then act all flabbergasted when they fight back.   Humans suck.   Don't get me started!!!!!   

When that white tiger attacked Roy Horn and he was being carried out on a stretcher, with a big wound on his neck and skull, half alive, the only thing he cared about was making sure no harm came to the tiger who did that.   He didn't want it put down in retaliation.   I thought that was pretty neat.    He got his wish.  On the other hand, it's not so neat that they even have those tigers locked up performing tricks for Las Vegas' amusement.

BTW.................regarding those porn stars, I mean, newscasters wink  here where I live they just look like robotic cyborg bobbleheads.   They move their heads all funny when they talk, with their big blank eyes and goofy makeup.   You half expect to see battery packs in their backs. I'm glad I don't own a glass teat where I'm subjected to that on a regular basis!!

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

42 (edited by Auendove 2004-07-27 12:38:09)

Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

I'm sorry, I know this is an animal evolution page, but I ran across this article and decided since I've already posted a little about mega-corporations and their power and potential ability to control food quantity and quaility, I couldn't let it go by without posting it.

What do you think about this headline?  Silly me, I was surprised.


Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance.
If you spin around on your chair really fast, things around here will make a lot more sense.


Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

Came across this story today.   Wow!   I always dig stories about slaughterhouse animals that make a run for it and defy being caught.   Very cool.  smile


Escaped Slaughterhouse Cows Find Sanctuary In NY
By Kristin Harty
Chronicle-Tribune - Grant County, IN

FAIRMOUNT -- A happy ending is in store for three of the four cattle that escaped from a slaughterhouse two weeks ago.
The three animals soon will be on their way to a farm sanctuary in New York.
The fourth animal, a steer, was shot and killed over the weekend, said Max Amos, owner of Circle A Meat, 10811 S. E00W.
"The boys that shot it, I told them, if you find it and shoot it, you can have it," said Amos, who wouldn't reveal the identity of the men. He had received reports from drivers along Grant County Road 100 East that the steer was eating grass along the road.
"I was worried about someone getting hurt," said Amos, who flagged down cars one day last weekend to warn them the cow was near the road. "On 100 East, these cars fly down that road. This one truck driver told me, 'I've seen it six or seven times and I've almost hit it like three.'"
Amos signed a contract Monday afternoon, turning over the other three cattle to Farm Sanctuary, Watkins Glen, N.Y. An employee of the sanctuary, Harold Brown, left for Marion Monday evening and was expected to arrive by noon today, said Farm Sanctuary President Gene Bauston.
"The animals will change from being a commodity to being a companion," said Bauston, adding that thousands of people visit the Farm Sanctuary every year to see the pigs, sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys, rabbits, ducks and geese. "They'll have pastures to graze in. They'll have a barn to come into when it gets cold outside or rainy. They will have pasture and shelter and companionship."
Amos won't be compensated for the cattle, which escaped Aug. 3 just before entering the slaughterhouse. He had invested about $4,000 in the animals.
"It's a big loss," Amos said Monday. "But it's out of my hair now. I'm tired of looking for them. Tired of hunting them. Tired of making everybody mad."
The Fairmount Police Department and Chronicle-Tribune were flooded with phone calls last week from people who didn't want the cattle killed. The cattle have been hiding in corn fields and have defied capture by cowboys with lassos, well-meaning neighbors and increasingly desperate owners trying to track them with a tranquilizer gun.
Two of the cattle escaped a second time Friday, astonishing witnesses by leaping over a 5-foot fence.
Bauston said he expects it will be a challenge to capture the cattle before transferring them to New York.
"We need to create a positive, calming effect in the area," he said, adding that Brown will work as a sort of bovine 'horse whisperer.' "It's our hope these animals can be calmed just by being fed and being approached kindly. If there's any farmers in the area that are interested in working with us, we're interested in hearing from them."
Copyright ©2004 Chronicle-Tribune. All rights reserved.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

BB-My best guess is either a Schitzu (sp?) or a Pekingnese on your puppy pic.

All of the stories are beautiful. Absolutely, touching and hysterical. I'd like to share some of my experience with the group! Just food for thought, my two cents, ramblings. In the early 90's I became a vegetarian, and for a short time vegan. Exposure to PETA material was my inspiration. I was so horrified.  My blood type is A, and seem to do fine without meat and even dairy, although I do eat some cheese and yoghurt. And being raised in the south, nothing makes white gravy like real whole cow's milk. Fortunately, the universe is so kind as to supply us with alot of these dairy products for free or at low discounted prices. Local natural foods warehouse/co-op! Lots of near and out of date products. Most generally what we get is free, and even organic from the supposedly and hopefully ethical sources. Living in an agricultural area, alot of these things are available and even produced locally. In two cases I am positive the animals are definitely treated with care. I have gone through alot of struggle with the eat meat or not issue. As a result my diet had reflected this. On and off, mostly on. I am also aware that being a "vegetarian" can also become an identity to set yourself above, as I am guilty of having done. That was large part of the struggle. Trying not to be judgemental, but I was.The ethical part was easy.   As of now, for the most part, I do not eat meat. Although, eggs are undeveloped chickens. The ones we eat are from either a local vet who raises them or our own chickens and ducks. Over easy, please! I do wear leather products, though, which seems quite contradictory to me. But, doing some of the things I do living in the woods and caring for a large group of animals nothing has the durability and in some cases the safety of leather. Boots and gloves specifically. Hmm! So, I have been asked and have asked myself what is the difference, if it is all consciousness. Aside from the fact the animals have eyes to see, none. After all, the vegetable kingdom is exploited immensely, and senses and experiences. BUT, could I go out and slaughter one of our chickens for dinner. Hell no! If survival depended on it, possibly. But, it doesn't so I can't. So why then could I go out and slaughter the tomatoe or whatever. It is conscious and living. At one point we, Palulukon and I, seriously considered going breatharian. After three days and me passing out twice we decided differently. So, something will die so I can eat. It seems the only thing I can do then is whatever I eat I express gratitude for. And also make conscious choices that I may contribute to a mutual exchange between myself and that which sustains me, instead of the careless exploitation of. Unless it is a cocoa bean! COOOOOKIE! Kidding! CHOCOLATE CAAAAAAKE! Kidding! But, if the body needs something I also believe it tells you. Meat, for example. Unless you have transcended all of that.;) I have, not so long ago, visited BK. I've wolfed down some burgers, and in my dreams as well. On the other hand, I also took a ride on the "wheatgrass bus" once. Hmmmm! Living closely with the animal kingdom and vegetable kingdom helps to put things into perspective, for me anyway. I have had enough telepathic interactions with the cats, dogs, pigs, deers, and mostly with our african grey, THOOK! She KNOWS! Wicked sense of humor, too! She laughs alot. Probably at me! In my experience some animals exhibit more intelligence, wisdom, compassion, tolerance, forgiveness, beauty, and self-determination than other animals, and even humans. Apparently!!!! It is not species specific either. The biggest thing is there is no ego with any of them. Just pure. They are so willing, no matter what they are going through. If we are still enough without even trying or they manage to find a gap to slide something in they communicate readily. With all that said, and with all of the majestic qualities I have seen in them, they certainly do not deserve our cruelty, rather our sincere gratitude for the services they willingly provide, if we let them without taking complete advantage of their giving nature thus dishonoring them and making them suffer needlessly. This I believe helps with their evolvement. It seems to me they want to be of service out love, but man, humans are thick. We have saved chickens and turkeys that have fallen off the Tyson trucks on their way to the slaughter and have brought them home. They never look healthy. The drivers don't give a flip if the birds fly off barreling down the highway. I guess I am not much different, though. I don't always show alot of mercy with fleas and ticks and other parasites. GOOO AWAAAY! I do feel bad killing them. I am not always perfect, but I can always improve. As far the nutrition aspect goes with a vegetarian approach I say anyone can do it. Supplementing essential fatty acids and b-vits are really vital along with the protein and iron. EFA's, particularly omega-3, are so critical to cell and brain function a Dr. has cured cancer patients by blending flax oil with cottage cheese or yoghurt. Blue green algaes and whey powder are good protein sources. BGA also contains all b-vit, all essential amino's, and lots of other nutrients some may argue are higher quality than animal sources. It is good stuff. We have taken alot of it. Helps children and adults with ADHD.

Okay, going to bed.

" Then it was, then again it will be. And though the course may change sometimes rivers always reach the sea." Robert Plant

Re: The Spiritual Evolution of Animals

thook wrote:

I don't always show alot of mercy with fleas and ticks and other parasites. GOOO AWAAAY! I do feel bad killing them. I am not always perfect, but I can always improve.

Oh gosh, me too. I turn into the Great White Hunter when there's a cockroach around.  I'm disgusted with myself, but I'm more disgusted with sharing space with a cockroach. GACK!  I sure hope when I pass from this body I'm not slammed into a Cockroach Hell wherein I find myself faced with a gang of 10 ft. tall roaches saying, "You wanna piece of this?"  LOL!

On the other hand, and you may find this amusing, earlier this year there was a fly in my apartment, and it was flying around where I was for days (and no I wasn't shmelly!).  I tried opening the door and shooing the little critter out, but he wasn't budging. I complained about the fly to my mate and he said why don't you just kill it... well, killing it wasn't an option for me, afterall a fly is no cockroach, eh? I ended up naming him Flint the Fly. Flint hung out with me for about a month. He would follow me around the apt..  If I sat down at the computer he always went to the same place on the wall and sat there while I typed.  If I was in the kitchen he would sit on a particular cupboard.  I don't know what he did at night, Monster the Cat (Monster's her name for good reason wink ) is THE only critter allowed to sleep with me.  Then one day I went to take the trash out and out from the bag flew Flint, he flew in a couple circles in front of me and then zoom-zoomed away... "Don't go Flint, don't go!" I called out.... Snicker! Snort!, and had to resign myself to his presence being gone.

I've got to be the only person on the planet who would adopt a pet fly, and then have the nerve tell others about it!  I sure hope he's faring well out there in the cold, cruel world.

Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance.
If you spin around on your chair really fast, things around here will make a lot more sense.
