Re: Thoughts on Demiurge
Realizing that I is an illusionist provided by Demiurge for your entertainment!
Look IN the mirror.
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Noble Realms → Aliens and Matrix → Thoughts on Demiurge
Realizing that I is an illusionist provided by Demiurge for your entertainment!
Look IN the mirror.
I could be wrong, because terminology is imprecise on the best of days, but it seems to me like you are confusing the good god with the evil god? You are letting the evil one trick you into describing the good one in false light. Is the opposite of Unknowable Objective not all that *is*? If you call the evil god as he who idolizes Void, then in what way is the good god the opposite of Void? If it is maya for it is the very reality that lives, as nothing infinite exists apart from the finite, then you describe the Demiurge, not the Tao. Everything *is* emptiness, no matter how scary it may seem. The whole that is greater than the sum of its parts, is this not Nothing? And then beyond this impersonal heart of the Divine, there are lesser benevolent and all powerful gods in various places?
Anyways the Demiurge is nothing for me to laugh at or derive entertainment from. Its nature can drive a man mad, because it's like looking at the most unfathomably horrendous and brutal suffering, beyond imagination. A true bane to the universe. And yet it remains a necessary element of universal procession. Focus thus on the good and know that it is not entirely separate from the bad, and strive always to do good for that is why there is the bad, just as there can be no good without bad. Amelioration and healthy evolution is most real, it's just that it happens to take place within a grandiose dance of illusion.
I can understand how Christian preachers could have easily botched this up for themselves. Yikes.
The 'Good' better known as the 'All-Good' is the Void, the Unknowable Objective. You see, no one can tell you what the objective is, it’s intuitive, thanks to the now unconscious Principles that govern man psychologically. You 'feel' something is wrong. The Unconscious Principles in effect via Demiurge appear as synchronicity or meaningful coincidence. This is due to the fact that these Principles are unconscious and therefore have their own unknowable nature.
Well I may amend my comment then, alas I have to go for the night now. Namaste.
Don’t you see what’s been happening? What the Demiurge represents? Consuming and reconstituting. Death and resurrection comes to mind.
What is the Logoi of the Demiurgos?
The Circle.
If you'll notice this Masonic design, you'll realize that the Square and Compass are within the Ouroboros. The groundwork of the initiate is to quantify the Demiurge. The serpents used in this depiction are of distinction. One seems to be mundane and the other with wings and a crown. Perhaps expressions eternal reward?
Side note: Please Recycle.
Have you ever considered if an animal or objects geometry has to do with constituting an effective symbol?
^^^ Just don't tell me that such expression is void of merit unless it relates all the way back to the source, as opposed to arising from our tickled pink nakedly human selves of our (relatively) own accord, and you and me are alright. Maybe I just like to boil down everything Divine to one word - "relatively".
If I were a betting man about the Demiurge, nice elaboration about its nature by the way, then I would bet that come 2012 it turns from evil to neutral.. if I were thinking optimistically so that my intention affects reality, that is. If you just wanted my best prediction regardless of morales, I'd say the Demiurge steps out to lunch.
I didn't address this before, my apologizes.
I agree on the merit coming from the Self as opposed to the Other. We shouldn't be trying to achieve disillusion in the One. We should rather achieve gnosis in regard to the Demiurge/Matrix.
Metaphysics, they call it.
Noble Realms → Aliens and Matrix → Thoughts on Demiurge
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