Topic: Thoughts on Demiurge
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Noble Realms → Aliens and Matrix → Thoughts on Demiurge
No Brad, you've got it all wrong.
The Demiurge is Jehova 1, that evil space alien from some Corporate Sin Galaxy.
I wasn't considerably accepting of the Demiurge-Yahweh-Alien concept because it filled me with nothing but doubt and further doubt-ridden speculation. In other words, it doesn't lead anywhere. It’s just another concept you're trying to cram into your cosmology.
Thoughts on Demiurge- 12008
Principles as Expressions
Principles are the ends of separation. Sub-principles, subjective constructs are born from the separation within the microcosm, man. They are conduits of the One. In this respect, we can see individuals as subjective expressions; Expression being the emanation succeeding Principles.
^^^ Just don't tell me that such expression is void of merit unless it relates all the way back to the source, as opposed to arising from our tickled pink nakedly human selves of our (relatively) own accord, and you and me are alright. Maybe I just like to boil down everything Divine to one word - "relatively".
If I were a betting man about the Demiurge, nice elaboration about its nature by the way, then I would bet that come 2012 it turns from evil to neutral.. if I were thinking optimistically so that my intention affects reality, that is. If you just wanted my best prediction regardless of morales, I'd say the Demiurge steps out to lunch.
It could be said that the Demiurge has lost his name, therefore place, therefore...etc al.
What do you mean? How would this loss have arisen?
Consider the culture. Consider the questions posed. Those who 'caught on' and continued on the quest and those who didn't understand.
Also consider relatively recent insight into subjects such as Neo-Platonism, Gnosticism, and Alchemy.
Thoughts on Demiurge- 12008
Demiurge as Compensator
The Demiurge has been consciously observed in its evolution. The dying fundaments are being slowly, subliminally erased and replaced with the updated compensation. In effect, the Demiurge is the All concentrated by Principles. It's intent seems to be to idolize the Void.
Well, you've lost me I'm afraid, right around the name loss thingy.. besides, isn't idolizing the void worshiping God? What is this "void", an infinite vacuum, as if from childrens' nightmares?..
I is apart of all and all is one from its own perspective.
The Demiurge looked into the mirror, what did he see? He saw himself, I, the All, the One.
Then what did God see upon looking in the mirror? Show me a universe with a crueler fate and I'll show you one that's worth its own weight in existence.
The Void is the Unknowable Objective.
Perhaps we are 'god looking in the mirror.'
The mirror a glass darkly.
Noble Realms → Aliens and Matrix → Thoughts on Demiurge
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