Re: Aliens in the Media

Interesting blog post from Rogan, thanks for posting that!

Regarding the new book by Strieber:

From Publishers Weekly
Strieber's epic sequel to 2006's The Grays blends equal parts science fiction thriller, supernatural horror and provocative spiritual speculation. As struggling author Wylie Dale works on his latest novel, which revolves around an upcoming date when the earth crosses both the galactic equator and the solar ecliptic—a time that the Maya predicted would mark the cataclysmic end of this age—he begins to uncover evidence that what he's writing about is actually happening on a parallel earth. If nothing is done, on December 21, 2012, gateways will open into this world and reptilian invaders will not only enslave humanity but feast on their succulent souls as well. While Strieber's exploration into the existence and import of the soul isn't exactly profound, it is wildly entertaining. Fans of apocalyptic page-turners like King's The Stand and Niven and Pournelle's Lucifer's Hammer will enjoy this ambitious—and audacious—tale as it invokes everything from rectal probes and Ann Coulter to the destruction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. (Sept.)

Another piece of the puzzle, in my opinion. In trying to figure out what scenario "they" will most likely pull "when the time comes," I have looked for the most common ideas pushed in the various disinfo literature out there. Something that would achieve maximum effect while hijacking as much of the already-present fringe research as possible. A good candidate is the "Good grays save us from bad reptilian" scenario, which I first saw in Dr Courtney Brown's two books "Cosmic Explorers" and "Cosmic Journey" -- you can download them freely from his website.

Brown proposed that based on his "remote viewing" work, a time will come when earth will make contact with friendly human-like Martians and benevolent Grays, and that we need their help to save mankind from an evil faction of renegade reptilians. After they help us defeat the renegade reptilians and bring the Martians to earth and integrate them into our society, over time we will build increasingly strong relations with the mysterious Grays and probably meet up with the rest of the non-renegade positive reptilians.

To assure maximum success, it makes sense that both a fear and reward tactic would be used. The fear of a reptilian threat. I mean, they look scary, so why not have them be the bad guy? And David Icke has helped spread awareness of the reptilian problem anyway, so that won't be an issue. Grays look all smart with their big heads, so they can be the advanced dudes with incredible technology (Stargate SG-1 -- "I love those guys!") -- they have already sent signals in crop circles saying they oppose deception, and they have returned a modified version of the Arecibo message we broadcast into space, which reveals they have three stranded DNA and a silicon-based chemistry  (silicon like computers! they must be smart like computers then!) The Nordics look like us only better, so they can be something we all look up to in awe. Therefore the Reptilian threat unites earth once and for all under the "benevolent" leadership of the Grays and Nordics who offer us additional technological and "spiritual" incentives for allying with them. Sounds like a plan!!!

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

182 (edited by wandering1 2007-09-29 11:18:22)

Re: Aliens in the Media

montalk wrote:

Therefore the Reptilian threat unites earth once and for all under the "benevolent" leadership of the Grays and Nordics who offer us additional technological and "spiritual" incentives for allying with them. Sounds like a plan!!!

As has been referenced on this thread, there are a lot of media messages that try to portray the grays as good.  The movie ET is probably the most famous example.  Other examples include the Bratz dolls with their gray-like eyes, the "gray like" appearance of the lead characters in the movie "Corpse Bride", parts of The Last Mimzy movie, the skinny woman with proportionally large head and large sun glasses fashion trend, etc.

Although most Reptilians are portrayed as negative, there are also positive examples to represent the "friendly" faction.  On the friendly reptilian side, we have the cartoon Dragon Tales, the Geico lizard, the Budweiser Reptiles making funny comments, etc.

So there are media examples to fit the theory.

183 (edited by montalk 2007-09-29 14:44:37)

Re: Aliens in the Media

Wandering1 wrote:

Although most Reptilians are portrayed as negative, there are also positive examples to represent the "friendly" faction.  On the friendly reptilian side, we have the cartoon Dragon Tales, the Geico lizard, the Budweiser Reptiles making funny comments, etc.

I wonder if two different versions are given to two different age groups. The older generation (mid-20s upward) is given the evil sleestaks from Land of the Lost, the fascist reptilians of the V miniseries, genetically engineered storm troopers called J'em Hadar in Star Trek DS9, and the demonic Unas in Stargate SG-1. The sleestak had positive counterparts (Altrusians), and the Unas were only "evil" when hosted by that parasite, so these shows portray both positive and negative reptilians, with the negative ones being a de-evolved or corrupted version. Here are some images for comparison:

Then for the newer generation there is Dragon Tales (pro-rep), Barney (pro-rep), Teletubbies (pro-gray), and who knows what else. If this is indeed a pattern, then it further supports the idea of reptilians being portrayed as two factions, a smaller evil renegade faction that appears first as a collective enemy, and later a larger group of seemingly positive reptilians. The first deception (threat) hinges on the older generation, while the second deception (good reptilians) hinges on the newer generation, thus the older is programmed with images of evil lizards while the younger more with positive. In that dream-vision I had back in 2004, I was shown children's cartoons and books with reptilians portrayed in a friendly caricaturized manner. I think the Grays, Reptilians, and negative Nordics are all on the same team, and regardless of how they divide themselves up into good-guy/bad-guy in the meantime, in the end they must be back together and in control of mankind. Hence all the rationalizations in the disinfo.

It's a workable scenario because even with people like Greer or Boylan who believe all aliens are positive, if the "truth" came out that there are indeed negative reptilians, they could merely go, "Oh, how could I have been so naive? Wow, I guess this does explain a lot though! Thank god we have the Grays to help us fight against these tyrannical renegade reptilians!"

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

Re: Aliens in the Media

montalk wrote:

It's a workable scenario because even with people like Greer or Boylan who believe all aliens are positive, if the "truth" came out that there are indeed negative reptilians, they could merely go, "Oh, how could I have been so naive? Wow, I guess this does explain a lot though! Thank god we have the Grays to help us fight against these tyrannical renegade reptilians!"

My mom oves the Geico lizard yet considers herself "awake" Most people I've talked to love that character. Its rather disturbing.

My People Were Fair And Had Sky In Their Hair...But Now They're Content To Wear Stars On Their Brows

-Tyrannosaurus rex

Re: Aliens in the Media

montalk wrote:

I wonder if two different versions are given to two different age groups. The older generation (mid-20s upward) is given the evil sleestaks from Land of the Lost, the fascist reptilians of the V miniseries, genetically engineered storm troopers called J'em Hadar in Star Trek DS9, and the demonic Unas in Stargate SG-1. The sleestak had positive counterparts (Altrusians)(...)

Interesting pattern...
Funny this new "good" grays way, were not more easy to make the beautiful Nordics the
"good" against the others who play the bad, also helped by their ugly apparency?
In the early 80s we got the E.T. the "good" gray...

BTW, the Sleestaks are degenerated decedents from the Altrusians. … s#Sleestak
Funny they even got a Harry Potts smile

Bye, Pictus


Re: Aliens in the Media … index.html

Article from CNN by Former Arizona Governor. He'll be on Larry King tonight 9 PM Eastern.

Symington: I saw a UFO in the Arizona sky

By Fife Symington
Special to CNN

Former Arizona Governor Fife Symington will be moderating a November 12 event at the National Press Club where he will discuss the Phoenix Lights incident. He says he will be joined by 14 former high-ranking military and government officials from seven countries who will share evidence from what they call their own UFO experiences and investigations.

(CNN) -- In 1997, during my second term as governor of Arizona, I saw something that defied logic and challenged my reality.

I witnessed a massive delta-shaped, craft silently navigate over Squaw Peak, a mountain range in Phoenix, Arizona. It was truly breathtaking. I was absolutely stunned because I was turning to the west looking for the distant Phoenix Lights.

To my astonishment this apparition appeared; this dramatically large, very distinctive leading edge with some enormous lights was traveling through the Arizona sky.

As a pilot and a former Air Force Officer, I can definitively say that this craft did not resemble any man-made object I'd ever seen. And it was certainly not high-altitude flares because flares don't fly in formation.

The incident was witnessed by hundreds -- if not thousands -- of people in Arizona, and my office was besieged with phone calls from very concerned Arizonians.

The growing hysteria intensified when the story broke nationally. I decided to lighten the mood of the state by calling a press conference where my chief of staff arrived in an alien costume. We managed to lessen the sense of panic but, at the same time, upset many of my constituents.

I would now like to set the record straight. I never meant to ridicule anyone. My office did make inquiries as to the origin of the craft, but to this day they remain unanswered.

Eventually the Air Force claimed responsibility stating that they dropped flares.

This is indicative of the attitude from official channels. We get explanations that fly in the face of the facts. Explanations like weather balloons, swamp gas and military flares.

I was never happy with the Air Force's silly explanation. There might very well have been military flares in the sky that evening, but what I and hundreds of others saw had nothing to do with that.

I now know that I am not alone. There are many high-ranking military, aviation and government officials who share my concerns. While on active duty, they have either witnessed a UFO incident or have conducted an official investigation into UFO cases relevant to aviation safety and national security.

By speaking out with me, these people are putting their reputations on the line. They have fought in wars, guarded top secret weapons arsenals and protected our nation's skies.

We want the government to stop putting out stories that perpetuate the myth that all UFOs can be explained away in down-to-earth conventional terms. Investigations need to be re-opened, documents need to be unsealed and the idea of an open dialogue can no longer be shunned.

Incidents like these are not going away. About a year ago, Chicago's O'Hare International Airport experienced a UFO event that made national and international headlines.

What I saw in the Arizona sky goes beyond conventional explanations. When it comes to events of this nature that are still completely unsolved, we deserve more openness in government, especially our own.

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

187 (edited by sinaptix 2007-11-26 22:18:15)

Re: Aliens in the Media

Truck commercial (trunk monkey):

Okay the site doesn't seem to allow a direct link sad

From the menu at the top: Laughs -> Video Humor -> The Newest (click on The Newest)
Scroll down a bit to this section: Suburban Auto Group's now-world famous Trunk Monkey lives on! Here's Trunk Monkey 7 and Trunk Monkey 8. The first six are my "Car Ads" page.

And it is the trunk monkey 7 link... I don't know if this was worth the effort, but then FWIW, more aliens ....


Re: Aliens in the Media

Hey montalk, yeah, that sounds like such a clever, fiendish plan they have in stored. These aliens are also depicted from remote viewing as the aliens having incredible healing abilities (Healing the virus and sickness they started) - And I have discuss this with some friends and they would say a lot of people would rather go "oooooooh's and aaaaaah's" than screaming or jumping.

This is sick... How we'll manage this, I'm not sure - By being neutral and very aware is probably the best way. But I'm wondering if the aliens would be out in the street then, if they see my ethereal halo or something - I guess they'll write my name down in their head "Let's look after this human.. (Slurps tongue or some freaky alien stuff)".

189 (edited by Bhang 2007-11-28 15:55:26)

Re: Aliens in the Media

Hyperdimensional Blogging


Re: Aliens in the Media

Watch this FOX news reporter shape shift, very convincing: … re=related

Hyperdimensional Blogging

Re: Aliens in the Media

OMG Bhang - I watched the vid. Whoa......I couldn't believe what I was seeing.  It seemed real, esp. since the reporter walked off camera rather abruptly at the time he was looking the most creepy.



Re: Aliens in the Media

Did you notice his double-blink tongue-flicker? That is a very creepy video. That guy knows he accidentally shape-shifted and you can see it in his eyes and by the grimace on his face.

I also noted he is Hispanic. Central America is the hottest spot on the globe for ufo activity...

Hyperdimensional Blogging


Re: Aliens in the Media

Yet another reptile like being and he is some type of vaccine specialist! Going on about forced vaccinations.

Dude; these reptile videos keep popping up and they are scaring the crap out of me! … re=related

Hyperdimensional Blogging

194 (edited by Xenopope 2007-12-10 18:17:36)

Re: Aliens in the Media

Bhang wrote:

Watch this FOX news reporter shape shift, very convincing: … re=related

I actually thought that this type of 'shift' displayed in the video above was most likely some sort of video editing effect especially cince I've seen several of the videos showing it and on one of them the womans hair and clothes also appeared to 'shift' in the same manner as her skin. But I watched a few of the others and found this one where there apparently was an entire hoopla within the production news set because of the 'shift' that was happening on camera. (skip to 1:35) … re=related

Her reading of the script was slightly interrupted by something during the shift. You can see the womans head flinch away from her right side during the first moments of the shift, apparently being yelled at in her earpiece, and the ensuing discussion about what all the yelling was about.

Strangely, I am still torn between it being video effects. When you look at her upper lip area during the most 'intense' moments of the shift (1:53) you see two lighted marks running down past her top lip and then exactly as she utters the word "Bush" (as in George Bush), part of the lighted mark which had overlapped her top lip then disapears. It looked like a bubble popped on her lip!

I am as is Void.

Re: Aliens in the Media

My understanding of extra terrestrial beings is that they're more extra dimensional than anything else. No, I do not think you would necessarily see visible evidence of shapeshifting...HOWEVER, you might see a person become overshadowed or possessed. Its really something you can see in their eyes, and not so much their skin and facial features.

Hybrids also exist, bu they are a different story.

My People Were Fair And Had Sky In Their Hair...But Now They're Content To Wear Stars On Their Brows

-Tyrannosaurus rex