Re: Aliens in the Media
Interesting blog post from Rogan, thanks for posting that!
Regarding the new book by Strieber:
From Publishers Weekly
Strieber's epic sequel to 2006's The Grays blends equal parts science fiction thriller, supernatural horror and provocative spiritual speculation. As struggling author Wylie Dale works on his latest novel, which revolves around an upcoming date when the earth crosses both the galactic equator and the solar ecliptic—a time that the Maya predicted would mark the cataclysmic end of this age—he begins to uncover evidence that what he's writing about is actually happening on a parallel earth. If nothing is done, on December 21, 2012, gateways will open into this world and reptilian invaders will not only enslave humanity but feast on their succulent souls as well. While Strieber's exploration into the existence and import of the soul isn't exactly profound, it is wildly entertaining. Fans of apocalyptic page-turners like King's The Stand and Niven and Pournelle's Lucifer's Hammer will enjoy this ambitious—and audacious—tale as it invokes everything from rectal probes and Ann Coulter to the destruction of the Great Pyramid of Giza. (Sept.)
Another piece of the puzzle, in my opinion. In trying to figure out what scenario "they" will most likely pull "when the time comes," I have looked for the most common ideas pushed in the various disinfo literature out there. Something that would achieve maximum effect while hijacking as much of the already-present fringe research as possible. A good candidate is the "Good grays save us from bad reptilian" scenario, which I first saw in Dr Courtney Brown's two books "Cosmic Explorers" and "Cosmic Journey" -- you can download them freely from his website.
Brown proposed that based on his "remote viewing" work, a time will come when earth will make contact with friendly human-like Martians and benevolent Grays, and that we need their help to save mankind from an evil faction of renegade reptilians. After they help us defeat the renegade reptilians and bring the Martians to earth and integrate them into our society, over time we will build increasingly strong relations with the mysterious Grays and probably meet up with the rest of the non-renegade positive reptilians.
To assure maximum success, it makes sense that both a fear and reward tactic would be used. The fear of a reptilian threat. I mean, they look scary, so why not have them be the bad guy? And David Icke has helped spread awareness of the reptilian problem anyway, so that won't be an issue. Grays look all smart with their big heads, so they can be the advanced dudes with incredible technology (Stargate SG-1 -- "I love those guys!") -- they have already sent signals in crop circles saying they oppose deception, and they have returned a modified version of the Arecibo message we broadcast into space, which reveals they have three stranded DNA and a silicon-based chemistry (silicon like computers! they must be smart like computers then!) The Nordics look like us only better, so they can be something we all look up to in awe. Therefore the Reptilian threat unites earth once and for all under the "benevolent" leadership of the Grays and Nordics who offer us additional technological and "spiritual" incentives for allying with them. Sounds like a plan!!!