Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality

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17 (edited by SiriArc 2007-04-21 02:00:21)

Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality

Howard Hendrix

Standing Wave

P. 338

In a flurry of murmuring, Stringfield called up a series of new animations. Then, abruptly, he seemed so struck by a particular thought that be switched off his background displays and spoke to them without the benefit of any visual aids.

‘If all these systems mode-lock onto one another to form a universal dynamical system’ be said, obviously still working it out in his own mind, 'then that universal system would be an intersection or interface, eternal and infinite, which imprints itself upon every pattern in the universe and is in turn impressed upon by every pattern in the universe. We would thus reside in a holographic plenum of information - information in the form of influences. All information would be everywhere, at all times because information, as mode-lockable influence, would stand outside of merely historical or temporal existence.’

Stringfield paused, absently bringing one band up to his chin.

‘Viewed in this light,‘ he continued, 'we are not essentially
biological, or even only physical, beings. We are entelechies that cast a shadow into matter. That shadow we identify as our physical being. Even our whole universe would then be more than just physical. The universe itself would be entelechial, moving toward unity in the sense that it is moving toward the unification of all its dynamical systems into one system. Mode-locking all the universe's dynamical systems would essentially create a system that unifies all of the dynamical phenomena of the universe.’

Sttingfield paused again, but it wasn' t due to transmission lag or question - just a moment to think.

' If the universe is evolving beyond the causal and toward the dynamical,’ he continue, 'then many strange things become probable. You could see the opposite of the instanton bubble we discussed earlier - a droplet, instead, of different internal space in which black holes would turn into spiraling strings and spiraling strings would turn into black holes. Instead of the eschaton particle manifesting itself as a wave that boils our universe, the system could undergo another type of phase transition, a concrescence, like vapor condensing to water, or cells organizing themselves in development.’

Stringfield stopped again, this time halted by a question from Seiji.

'What would this ‘grand concrescence' look like?‘ he asked.

Stringfield scratched his chin unconsciously, considering it.

'That's rather like asking, What did the universe look like

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before the Big Bang?,’ he replied. ‘All we could know would be the shadow it might cast ahead of itself, if it did. Rather like the way the boom of a distant cannon is always heard before the order to ‘Fire!’ - because the sound of the cannon firing moves as a soliton and thus travels faster than the command to fire -’

‘Or the way you never hear the shot that gets you,’ someone with a darker frame of mind remarked.

‘That would actually be more appropriate to the bubble instanton I should think’ Stringfield said with a quiet smile. ‘All we can know of the wave of concrescence is what we can detect reverberating trough time from the horizon of that future event. In our space-time, the acausal eschaton particle is always in the future rather like the singularity inside a black hole. As opposed to 'white hole' singularities, which are always in the past.’

This time Mei-Ling had her hand up.

' What kinds of signs for this sort of wave should we be looking for?' she asked.

‘I can't really say what form it might take, Mei-Ling,’ he said after a pause. 'If the universe is evolving beyond causality, becoming self-generating and mode-locking, that’s essentially saying that the universe is becoming conscious.’

Stringfield paused and cleared his throat at that, as if realizing what a large speculative chunk be was asking them to swallow.

‘If that's true, he continued after a moment, ‘then the relationship between psyche and universe is obviously a form of microcosm/macrocosm interaction - self-similarity across scales. Dynamical systems tend to mode-lock on each other, so if psyche and consciousness are developing toward increasing dynamicality, then the universe and individual consciousness are evolving toward a fundamental unity. That sort of evolution could occur with the rapidity of a phase transition, rather than on the slow scale of ordinary cosmological evolution. '

‘Professor Stringfield,’ Nils Barakian asked, ‘this acausal eschaton particle, though it might look like a black singularity, a ‘tragrammaton' endword to us - might it not also be a white singularity, a beginning ‘Logos’ word to the renovated universe Its waveform creates?’

The pause was once again longer than the transmission-lag would have explained.

'That's certainly possible,’ Stringfield replied. ‘However, which soliton we see - the destructive instanton or the wave of concrescence - might
depend on which one we're helping to bring into being.

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Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality



The phase we are just completing involved some crashing and colliding. This was because the higher energies were colliding with the lower and pre-existing energies. All resulting in attacks, fear of loss of identity and the security of the old, and mostly, butting heads in regard to what one thought was right and what another thought was right. Attacks always occur when the light enters, as the old must depart and it goes into great fear. It clutches on for dear life.

Now that we have finally completed enough of the integrating with our new energetic and dimensional spaces and purposes, just watch as we catapult ahead with awesome manifestations of the new!

After years of see-sawing forward, integrating the light, ever so slowly, we have finally reached an awesome critical mass, and the light will seem to be all that exists. Yes, our evolutionary process will continue on, but it will get so much easier, especially for those that have been carrying the torch since they arrived. For those that have come to transmute the darkness (you….if you are reading this), for those that have held the higher vision, for those that agreed to raise the consciousness of this planet through themselves, and for those who agreed to stay until the new earth was created and in place……your time is finally here.

Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.

Until next time, 



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Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality


"Beyond the stars a new world awaits me now" - Wintersun

Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality

Edwin - Alive

It feels so good to breathe the air
Another spin around the sun
On this spec of life in the universe
the gift of love is there for everyone

Angels working overtime
day or night to hold the hands that play
all alone

a babe is born pure to the world
as the old man lays down his head
and closes his eyes
with nothing said

every year another promise is made
a pint of beer raised towards a better day
lets find a star a star to call our own
and make the wish maybe we can make it home

ain't it good to be alive
to feel the sun strong against your face
strawberry blond waves of silky hair
spills over me like the milky way

ain't it good to be alive
ain't it good to be alive

alive alive
alive alive

ain't it good to breathe the air
another spin around the sun
on this spec of light in the universe
a little peace of love in everyone

ain't it good to be alive
ain't it good to be alive

to feel the sun strong against your face
spills over me like the milky way

alive alive alive alive alive

Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality


Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality


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Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality



Henceforth space by itself, and time by itself, are doomed to fade away into mere shadows, and only a kind of union of the two will preserve an independent reality


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Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality

[center][size=16]Terence McKenna[/size][/center]

[center]You can feel it.

You can feel it in your own dreams.

You can feel it in your own trips.

You can feel that we're approaching the cusp.......

And that beyond that Cusp, we are unrecognizable to ourselves.

The wave of novelty that has rolled unbroken since the birth of the universe has now focused and coalesced itself in our species.

And if it seems unlikely to you that the world is about to Transform itself, then think of it this way:

Think of a pond and think of how, if the surface of the pond begins to boil, that’s the signal that:

Some Enormous Protean Form is about To Break The Surface of the pond and reveal Itself.

Human history is the boiling of the pond surface of ordinary biology.

We are flesh, which has been caught in the grip of some kind of an


That lies ahead of Us in time, and that is Sculpting to Its ends.

Speaking to us, through psychedelics, through visions, through culture and technology.

Consciousness, the language-forming capacity in our species is Propelling Itself Forward, as though it were going to shed the monkey body and leap into Some Extra-Surreal Space that Surrounds, but that we cannot currently see.[/center]

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Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality

am i seeing things again?    WHERE IN THEEEE HELL have U BEEN?  my god man, dont do that anymore!!! im going where is my SiriArc????!!!*^%&$$#@_++)_. for weeks now.   i even thot i saw u once, but Blue told me it was a mirage.  and that u ascended already.  did u get a ride back for the day and ur only visiting?  have missed u BADDDD, man; thot u may have left us, but deep down i said to self "hes on vacation."

GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"

26 (edited by manyeagles 2007-09-20 17:36:25)

Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality

[size=16][/size]Yeah Siri....;)

Terence has certainly given us communication beyond the spoken word.  Lately, have been listening to of a CD of his (often) and it confirms what is in the heart (for me.)

Even if one has not experienced doing DMT it will come in a dream.....just like the real thing.

If there is no time
      Then you have time for everything.
   You're never in a hurry.
That's true freedom.

Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality


[size=18]Weaving Threads[/size]

[center] … 98&p=1   #14[/center]

[center][size=18]Bonding Of Purpose[/size][/center]


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28 (edited by manyeagles 2007-09-21 17:25:29)

Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality

Thank you Siri,;)

Have the book "Not in his Image" by John Lash, my younger sis just got done reading it and I'm to do the same.  It is one of those books that one needs to be re-read, lots of good info to digest upon.

These times are very challenging indeed, but the adventures and journeys make it all the more interesting, yeah?

If there is no time
      Then you have time for everything.
   You're never in a hurry.
That's true freedom.

Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality


[center]Filled with Hope and Expectation, Fully Accepting Your Self.......

Filled with Wonder and Awe ... Fully Free – Carefree – and Able To Soar

Filled with Love, Fully Loved and Fully Loving ...

Ecstatic YOU can Lift. Rising Upon The Winds Of Change, Billowing with Creativity,

YOU Can Be Free.


Can Be


*   ***   *******   Lazaris   *******   ***   *[/center]


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Re: Notching and A Secret of Spirituality


From Here to Andromeda
November 17, 2007

William Henry With David Sereda


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