Re: Stuart Wilde

Fascinating appearance of an archetype. If I remember, the good angels in Western tradition and good spirits in Eastern tradition who fight the baddies usually carry swords. The bad guys may have weapons (pitchforks, strangling nooses, flame daggers) but never swords.

We're all butterflies flapping our wings and changing the world.

Re: Stuart Wilde

u are so right on that Starling.  just wanted to say that.  that's accurate.  takes great strength to wield a sword, theyre not for sissies.  not at all.  thats why such great respect for a true soldier/warrior.  some swords were up to a 3rd in body weight.  unbelievable kinds of swords, their craftsmanship.  samurai swords 10lbs or less some say.  extensions of self in the right hands is what they are.  there's a regalness to it, like serious business when u got a sword.  pure archetype.  apparently necessary in some cases.  didnt know negs were freaked by em.  wow.

GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"

123 (edited by wandering1 2007-02-11 13:20:38)

Re: Stuart Wilde

visavis quoting Stuart Wilde wrote:


The Circuitous Journey

Stuart Wilde
February 07th, 2007

We are on the cusp of the rebirth of Hitler. It sounds jolly spooky but it is a very good thing, the world needs it, here is why. While the global shadow is hiding it has great power to drive armies and cause death, torture and pain, but once it comes out for all to see and we go into an era of open fascism be it literal or the modern version of it ‘techno-fascism’ with Big Brother over our shoulder controlling every aspect of daily life, then everyone can see what is happening and it is no longer hidden.

This section reminds me of the "5th Night" of the Mayan calendar.  Accroding to the Calleman interpretation of the Mayan calendar the Fifth Night will last from Nov. 2007 to Nov. 2008.  During this period, according to that model, the global shadow will come to the surface.

124 (edited by Marcus 2007-02-12 12:48:28)

Re: Stuart Wilde

I realise some people feel that Stuart Wilde's writings have become increasingly fear-based; but I am wondering what people think about this - taken from one of his recent updates.  I am not sure what to make of it:

Stuart Wilde wrote:

Here’s m’ tactics for the rebirth of Hitler (March 22nd), which is coming soon to a street corner near you:

1) Accept your powerlessness without grumbling or fretting.
2) Fix the injustice you offer others.
3) Make peace with Gaia and the animals and become vegetarian or partially so as matter of extreme urgency. Don’t be an ugly, obese soul waddling about.
4) Don’t confront people or institutions, lay low and make no waves.
5) Become as street legal as possible if your life is a bit of a grey area.
6) Stay out of politics and never have an opinion on anything you never know who is listening.
7) Never express your frustration or a criticism to others, for the bloke you fight with today may the citizen controller on the corner tomorrow.
8) Offer tenderness and generosity and respect to all people at all times without exception, no matter who they are or how evil they are.
9) Learn to walk away and detach from the emotion of it all, for in the end you may have to walk away from everything you hold dear.
10) Figure what you will do when the oil goes.
11) Put some of your money in a foreign currency in a bank outside the country you live in, as in times of crisis governments impose change control regulations to lock people into a country’s collapsing currency. This is very important for people in dollar denominated countries, as she’ll take a bath, the dollar will.
12) Buy some gold if you can.
13) Develop your perception as best you can and learn to believe in it as you will need it later.
14) Pray for love even if it doesn’t work

Re: Stuart Wilde

I'm going to be attending Stuie's lecture in London on April 1st so if anyone would like to join me and make it a UK Noble Realms meetup then send me a message. Tickets are  £89. I can advise on cheap accomodation and travel to London.

See for more info.

Join me in Peru to celebrate December 21st 2012 - Visit:

Re: Stuart Wilde

Well I got an answer to my last question in the form of an article from Stuart: … karma.html

127 (edited by SamIAm 2007-02-13 04:52:33)

Re: Stuart Wilde

"3) Make peace with Gaia and the animals and become vegetarian or partially so as matter of extreme urgency. Don’t be an ugly, obese soul waddling about."

Umm yeah Stuart....practice what ya preach?   I'm not sure but he seems to hate himself by way of his articles.  Maybe he's writing articles to help himself? Self-help therapy?  Need I remind any you of what he looks like?

In the words of Ani Difranco, I'll leave you all with this quote:
"If you don't live what you sing about, your mirror is going to find out"

I'm sure even lipstickmystic probabaly would agree that he looks "rubbery"...

It's hard to trust anyone these much misinformation, personal opinions,
and fear mixmatched together in a circus of dis-information.  The only real teachings
I agree with are the ones that teach you to have a heart, to love one another, and to tap into your heart chakra.   Your either looking out at the world through your heart, or your looking out at the world through corrupted eyes.

Re: Stuart Wilde

Mr. Stuart Wilde speaks the truth.
In several previous Ayahuasca journeys I was shown slaughtered buffalo by the thousands and the pain and suffering countless other animals on their way to the slaughter house. All tortured and sacrificed in the name of human gluttony. It was not a pleasant vision, and I often wished I never saw it.
I was allowed to feel one microfraction of the anger that the great feminine spirit has for our misdeeds as humans and our mistreatment of each other, our earth, the plants and the animals. We are destroying our children's legacy. She is PISSED!
When Mr. Wilde speaks of the dark side of Gaia being Kali, it is that great anger that he is talking about. Like the rage and sadness the Mother of all humanity would have for her kids who have nearly destroyed the earth and its inhabitants. "But not for much longer,"She would say. "Not for much %$#&*! longer." It was very scary.

One last thing regarding Mr. Wilde's appearance, many vegetarians are a little overweight. It just depends on how they are getting their calories. Not eating meat does not always equal being skinny and in perfect health.
Stuffing your face with Big Macs and Tripple Whoppers will always make you fat and unhealthy, makes more animals suffer and die, and pisses off the Lady, big time.
So when Mr. Wilde speaks of getting right with Gaia "as a matter of extreme urgency", that resonates with me, because I've heard it before from The Aya Lady, Herself.


Re: Stuart Wilde

ENT Doc wrote:

Mr. Stuart Wilde speaks the truth.
In several previous Ayahuasca journeys I was shown slaughtered buffalo by the thousands and the pain and suffering countless other animals on their way to the slaughter house. All tortured and sacrificed in the name of human gluttony. It was not a pleasant vision, and I often wished I never saw it.
I was allowed to feel one microfraction of the anger that the great feminine spirit has for our misdeeds as humans and our mistreatment of each other, our earth, the plants and the animals. We are destroying our children's legacy. She is PISSED!
When Mr. Wilde speaks of the dark side of Gaia being Kali, it is that great anger that he is talking about. Like the rage and sadness the Mother of all humanity would have for her kids who have nearly destroyed the earth and its inhabitants. "But not for much longer,"She would say. "Not for much %$#&*! longer." It was very scary.

One last thing regarding Mr. Wilde's appearance, many vegetarians are a little overweight. It just depends on how they are getting their calories. Not eating meat does not always equal being skinny and in perfect health.
Stuffing your face with Big Macs and Tripple Whoppers will always make you fat and unhealthy, makes more animals suffer and die, and pisses off the Lady, big time.
So when Mr. Wilde speaks of getting right with Gaia "as a matter of extreme urgency", that resonates with me, because I've heard it before from The Aya Lady, Herself.

This is why I'm terrified of taking an Aya journey.  I'm terrified of feeling the Mother's anger.  But what I'm even more scared of is feeling her sadness and pain.  I'd rather she be angry than sad.

Re: Stuart Wilde

Hey pal don't you or anyone else ever be too afraid to drink Aya because of what I say. It's not always dark like that, sometimes its heavenly. The more scared you are, the more reason it drink it. I'm always scared, always, but I keep going back for more, because it always gets better. One time when I was scared shitless to drink again someone advised "Trust the medicine." That was the best advice ever, because I did drink again and it was beautiful. No bad stuff at all.
You know just like any mom, the Great Mom of all humanity has her sweet and caring sides and then there is the other side, the dark and angry side, yin and yang. I've seen much more of the sweetness with Aya. Wouldn't do her much good to scare her kids all off would it? She just knows that I'm a sucker for punishment and keep coming back for more, good or bad.
Stuart Wilde? If what you read "resonates" then keep reading and take what make sense to you otherwise forget him. I promise he won't care either way.


Re: Stuart Wilde

Don't worry, I won't let my fear get in the way of using it.  It's just a matter of being able to afford the trip to South America plus the retreat.  I WILL do it some day, but I will also be very afraid.  I think anyone who isn't is just asking for trouble (or a very nasty surprise).

132 (edited by SamIAm 2007-02-13 12:51:37)

Re: Stuart Wilde

I agree the way humans treat animals is cruel & wrong, and the way they market them on the factory belts is terrible. 
The way humans bet on horse & dog races like it's all fun & games pisses me off even more.  I can tottaly understand why mother nature is pissed. 

Anyway I pointed that Stuart Wilde quote out, because I don't think he practices what he preaches.  He doesn't look like a radiant & positive character, That is all...

Re: Stuart Wilde

From SW's latest article.  Nothing new here, but it's an idea worth repeating.

We must follow the subtle way of tenderness and respect and wait for the moment when we are given the opportunity to become more, the moment when the cat morphs into its lion-self. Stay warm; you’ll get your chance.

The dark will triumph for the next few years and humans will be forced to make their choices for the cold, hard, cruel, vindictive way, or the tender, soft way and once everyone is committed one way or the other, then the dark will serve no further purpose and it will be swept away. And what is left behind is the affectionate heart of our collective humanity beating as one, under the raiment of the stars above and just as we know the names of the stars now, in that time they will also know our names and the animals will sit close by as our friends.

Re: Stuart Wilde

In addition to ‘s


From: … idden.html

The cat morphing into the lion tells me that in a time of crisis we all have the potential to morph up to a new level and do things we never thought possible. This especially so if you are on the positive, lighter side of things, the dark always faces a superior force that defeats it in the end; history is replete with examples of empires that crumbled and tyrants that were defeated. So safety lays with more softness not more aggression.

And the cat story came to pass exactly as I had seen it. The fights with the ghouls took place over a six year period and eventually the humans came and at first they were bemused and they only got to the entrance of the forest, they didn’t walk very far into it as yet. But they arrived none-the-less. It was so beyond what my heart expected and the little things I had hoped for back in the 80s, it was all beyond my wildest dreams really. A brave new world, a Camelot if you like, hidden inside this world.

There is an intelligence that is celestial that drives our perception toward goodness and it shows us how to grow and step between two worlds, it has showed us how to partially dematerialize our bodies and more than four hundred at my seminars have seen that now. And I am sure many of you have seen that without my help. The power is teaching us how to grow in our perception of what is possible and what we can become, and so there is reason to hope in what seems a world of complete madness. We must follow the subtle way of tenderness and respect and wait for the moment when we are given the opportunity to become more, the moment when the cat morphs into its lion-self. Stay warm; you’ll get your chance.

11   23   11


Re: Stuart Wilde

^^^ That's interesting.  Several months ago I had a dream where the white cat we had growing up, Purcy, morphed into a white lion, complete with the mane and all. Nothing bad about it.  I wasn't sure what it meant;  dreams about the pets we had when I was a kid usually depress me as my parents didn't treat our pets very well or give them the proper care.  So Purcy started out looking sad and weary but morphed into a confident but calm lion, and all with a positive vibe to it.  I was like, Wow, neat, when I woke up, hoping that it was a good symbolism.  It seemed like it.  Now here's Stuie talking about that same symbol, and it being a positive thing.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."