Sedna'm stunned about the MIA thing. To think that it wasn't just me being paranoid, that the MIA comment has been said to somebody else too..............!!!! It's very exciting to get confirmation about this, you have no idea.
To answer your question about the pattern I noticed: This was in regards to when my abductions were occuring. Last year, around April or so, I was sitting in my apartment alone, surrounded by my logged phenomenon and all the photos I'd accumulated by that point. I felt this drive to go through it all, and to be looking for something, although I wasn't sure what. Searching, sifting, analyzing, seeking. Finally, as I absently picked up different photos, turning them over to look at the dates for each one, it hit me. The dates. I saw multiple photos of anomalous markings that took place between the 1st - 3rd of each month. Then, again from the 20th - 23rd of the month. There was clearly a repeating pattern, these weren't just random occurances. I sat up on alert, and it was a rare time where my nerves stood on end, and I felt a surge go through me at this big realization. I grabbed my log book and started going through it, checking to see the dates of when funny stuff had been happening. Sure enough, there was a disproportionate amount of stuff that also coincided with the 1st - 3rd and 20th -23rd of the month. This realization about the pattern coincided with one of those times I communicated with what I think may have been my higher self, as noted previously in another post. I felt a little panicky and lost, and I sat on my bed and closed my eyes and though, "Okay higher self, I don't know what to do here, it looks like I discovered an actual pattern to when my abductions are hap...."
"It's about time!!"
The thoughtform came back at me, actually interupting me and cutting me off. I opened my eyes and looked up in the air, laughing. I had to, that was too funny. The voice as it came across to me didn't seem snotty, just urgent and concerned. The next thought form / feeling I got from this source was "Don't stop now!" As in, don't just drop the ball, now that you figured this out, DO something with the knowledge.
So, I did. I began doing everything in my power to avoid abductions. During those times of the month I proceeded to stay up, ALL night. Whether I had work or not. Red Bulls and Frappucinos became my new best friend, usually combined together. Interestingly enough, soon after noticing the pattern, I also began noticing that I got lots of ear ringings during those times of the month. I figured they were monitoring to see my whereabouts, see if I was in bed, and ready to take. Because many of them would happen late at night, during times when normally I would have been in bed. The ringings confirmed to me my theory about the schedule pattern, and just spurred me on in my quest to stay up and fight back.
I did this for a few months, and probably avoided a LOT of abductions, that's all I can say. I know I must have screwed things up big time for them. I'd gone a long time being oblivious, barely noticing the funny round bruises that always appeared mysteriously on my legs, never paying attention, never questioning. Then one day I started to look closer, started to wonder, hmmm, because the nature of these bruises was so weird, they were always nickel sized, a deep indigo color and perfectly round, on the fleshy parts of my calves, sometimes thighs. Started taking photos. Then, I hit paydirt one day when I finally got my hands on a copy of the book "MILABS", regarding military abductions. In this book, one of the female abductees talks about her perfectly round, nickel sized bruises she would get on her legs. HUGE lightbulb moment for me. So it started with finally looking closer at my weird bruises, taking photos, logging the phenomenon, getting confirmation that these bruises weren't just normally occuring, and then finally, seeing the pattern to when they happened. After I figured out the pattern I went back and re-read the MILABS book and saw something I'd overlooked the first time: The reference to miltary abuctions happening on schedule. The military is very efficient I guess, and has everybody on a schedule. No random chaos going on there!
The story doesn't really have a happy ending though, and I hesitate to write it because I don't want to discourage anybody. But if they can no longer getcha by physically abducting you, (and I think I figured out how that's done too, btw; it's not like they come into my apartment and physically take me....) then they will find other ways to utilize me.
To understand these other ways, first I had to figure out, through deductive reasoning, what I was being taken for.
To make a long story short, and just summarize: Through deductive reasoning, I figured out It's government / military, and it's for PSI / remote viewing / psychic energy stuff. To start with. I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg. I have SUPER strong psychic capabilities, and I can remote view, I've done it before. I have a checklist of traits / unusual talents & abilities I possess, and those are definately the highlights. It's the same abilities my dad has, and I'm probably being taken for the same reasons he was.
But when they realize they can no longer take you physically, they sigh, roll their eyes, and resort to Plan B, which is to utilze you through the implants you have. They had this capability all along, however, I think when they actually physically have you there with them, next to them, they get better results and it's just a whole lot easier in general, so for that reason, physically taking your body to their realm is the preferred choice. But they do have their backup plan in the event their subjects start to "wake up" and fight back. I found this out one morning when I woke up, still in and out of a weird, trance-like state, hearing a male voice in my mind saying calmly, and smoothly, "1 - 4- 1 - 4 - 1." I had an image in my mind of a male, with glasses and a beard, looking like a psychologist or hypnotist. Could have been my mind's way of "filling in the blanks" to create an image for the voice I was hearing. Could have been a memory of someone I've once met during an abduction, who knows.
But 141 is one of "those" numbers that follows me EVERYWHERE, to the point of ridiculousness and absurdity. It's another thing I've amply logged and tracked. I've always known it had negative conotations, and was associated with "them", (long story as well about how I know that).
But as I woke, half in a funny trance-like state, I also had the lingering feeling that I had JUST been remote viewing for somone, like it was slowly fading away and I was losing grip on the target as I awoke, cued by the 14141 numbers. Then a thought form came to me, very clear, again, sounding like my higher self which I've communicated with before. It said, "They now have the capability to use you without having to abduct you."
That was all, but, that's all I needed to hear, short and sweet and to the point. But does it mean all hope is lost? No. Just means I have to find a new way around it. Throw an obstacle in my path, and I WILL find a way around it sooner or later, trust me. It may take me a while, cause I'm just so quick like that, but I will!
Anyway, that's it for now. Don't want to bore anybody to tears or anything with my stories. I have so much to talk about on this subject, I could seriously write a book probably. I won't, but, I have enough material, stuff I've learned, things that have happened to me. Never a dull moment in MY life, that's for sure. 
Sedna......Just thought of something. What if MIA doesn't stand for Missing In Action? What if it stands for something else? Do you think your abductions tie into anything military / government related? Could MIA stand for Military (something) Abuctee? Just a crazy thought, but doesn't that make more sense than missing in action? Like, "Here comes another military abductee....", or, "Looks like we got ourselves another military abductee...." Just a thought.
"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!" - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."