Topic: implants

Lyra suggested we start a topic about implants, and I volunteered.  This is a big subject.

Will start off with government implants, the kind installed during military abductions for mind control and monitoring purposes.

A friend of mine who used to work in the military-industrial complex told me that the same glass-tube/copper-coil implants that have been extracted from abductees in the 90s, he saw blueprints for in the 70s.

He told me this a few years ago. And interestingly, now these chips are being openly manufactured for commercial applications by Digital Angel Corp. So what was once a covert military technology used upon unwitting people, is now being produced for open implantation into the masses. Wish I could find those abductee implant photos showing these ones in particular...still looking.

Other areas to discuss:

- alien implants for mind programming, emotional manipulation, and monitoring
- etheric implants, implants installed during soul rather than physical abductions
- supposedly beneficial implants, as mentioned by Anna Hayes and others.
- the idea of "removing implants" or flushing them out, some valid some not.
- how to deal with the influence of implants
- ear ringing as signs of monitoring
- silicone implants. just kidding about that one.

I probably have an implant, installed during 2001. Perhaps when I took my trip to Sedona to go camping for a week. It manifests as an occasional series of clickings inside my left ear. These episodes would happen for several seconds at a time, sporadically throughout the day, one or two days every other week. And interestingly, they happen ONLY around time periods when other strange stuff is happening in my life, particularly hyperdimensional weirdness and "matrix agents" trying to start trouble via email or on the board. Because I've taken note when these clickings happen and took them as a heads up to watch myself more carefully, the clicking now stops as soon as I become fully aware of it. In other words, it starts while I'm in an Alpha brainwave state, then stops when I wake up fully into Beta. In other words, it is designed to communicate to my right brain while it is in a suggestible alpha state - very clever. That it stops when I pay attention to it shows there is something intelligent behind the clicking, that it's not just a natural phenomena or my imagination.

Furthermore, I happened a few times to catch the clicking going off the scale as I was waking up out of sleep, out of some some really negative and disturbing dreams. So this implant may be manipulating my dreams, using some type of clicking code to input some pre-scripted dream narrative. This is not farfetched considering how when you read a book, you see in your minds eye visual scenes - likewise, through a morse code type of clicking, my brain can be given fully visual dreams that are artifically induced for the purposes of manipulation.

Just wanted to share my experiences with implants. Anyone else ever suspected or know they have one? Any thoughts on the matter? This is a hot thread, as we can learn some really practical stuff here.

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

Re: implants

I had clicking noises within a day or so of seeing a UFO. I've also got the problem of causing streetlights to go on or off as I pass by them. Anytime I get a regular watch, it stops working for no reason. There is always someone looking at me and talking into a cellphone when I go out, one, two or three people, who turn their heads as soon as I look, as though I've got some GPS system in me that they are using to relay my wherabouts. I don't think I'm being paranoid, because it happens constantly.

It seems to be connected to HAARP and eloctromagnetic devices in some way.

I've gotten used to the lights, but the agents seems to have been mainly since I started investigating the government/ufo connection on the web.

I've yet to find a solution, but as Tom says a careful watch of yourself is effective. One other thing that may or may not be related: today there were 4 chemtrails right over my dwelling, and they seemed to last forever. I've had helicoptors buzz right over the room I was sleeping in. They've got the goods, technologically speaking.

3 (edited by Auendove 2004-05-07 08:30:28)

Re: implants

I've found that I'm really having to bite the bullet to participate in this topic, to even write a word one... I'm forcing myself to do so.  I find myself wanting to apologize for the depth of emotion I write of here, yet my heart tells me "it's okay," that I'm in good/decent company and I don't have to worry about being judged as weak-willed (in more ways than one) for expressing as much... mostly I hope nobody labels me as playing a victims role. So here goes--

When I read Lyra's suggestion to discuss implants at length I shuddered from head to toe, the idea of having implants in my body creeps me out to no end.  I thought that I would like to follow/read such a thread, but wasn't really sure how I could contribute... this odd given I've been abducted well over 50 times according to the C's (it is soooo embarrassing to divulge this to any of you). More pointedly, I just didn't even want to go there.

If I look deeply enough within I realize that it scares the :x out of me, in a primal way, and if it scares me this much I'd best deal with it.  So I took to my search engine and found this-- … mplant.htm

I don't know who the folks are, if they're competent (it's probably just wishful thinking on my part wanting them to be incompetent for obvious reasons), but if I had to face my fear, this was where I did it... frankly, I wish I never had of read it, it turned me inside out, I almost vomited... forget the shuddering.

Honestly, I'd really just like to bury my head in the sand on this one, but I know denial is not a tool of healing... so I bite the bullet.  All I can do is take the "shivering child" frozen in the time line of my consciousness by the hand and walk us through the process of mastering this fear.  This just makes me want to cry... and so I have.  The releasing of tears is the second step in a healing process, this following the recognition of an issue in the first place.  So I/we have taken the first step on the road home to a greater sense of emotional wellness.;)  I sincerely hope our "walk about" isn't too long, much less too difficult.

As a kid I had horrible ear infections, my tonsils were removed and for the most part the ear infections stopped, the doctors said there was no irrevocable damage from the infections--I now have issues with both of my ears. It may be pertinent to note my physicians at that time were military doctors.  My left ear sometimes experiences a piercing high tone, my right ear a low tonal thrumming.  The left ear piercing sound lasts only seconds and feels like a "thin strand" of sound, whereas the right ear thrumming can last for many minutes and feels broad and deep. 

For the sake of objectivity, I was in a bad car accident 12 or so years ago wherein I was the object of double whiplashes, with one of the whiplashes traveling up into my left jaw.  So this could be a product of TMJ.  I can find no objective reason for the issue with the right ear.  I've not taken note of these sounds following waking from dreams like montalk, but some nights it's almost like the two ear noises fight with each other for "air time" when I'm trying to fall asleep.  Thankfully, there's such a thing as bottled melatonin.

Like Sedna I have problems with watches, and I don't wear them, and  I also note the same with street lights. I've also gone through I don't know how many oral thermometers in my life because they don't work again after the initial use, although I'm not really sure how that applies to implants.  Like Sedna I've oddly found people staring at me but not while on a cell phone, sometimes almost as if they want to engage in a stare-down contest with me. 

A few times, this only in grocery stores of all places!, I've passed by a few people with those blacker than black deep dark wrap around sunglasses on and when their glance reached me their faces lit up, like they just spotted a long lost friend. I only shared a smile with them and went about my business.  I've always wondered how they were actually able to see indoors with such dark shades on, and I've wondered if they were "good guys," maybe something like benevolent walk-ins.

One of the most physically disturbing things for me is the level of sensitivity I feel about my belly button.  I feel like I'm going to come out of my skin and crawl the wall if my belly button is touched by another, and it is physically painful for it to be touched. In the past if someone touched my belly button my knee jerk reaction would be to fight back, to strike them, and I'm not a physically aggresive person.  I have never dealt with personal issues between myself and others by resorting to blows, it even takes a lot to make me yell, and I hate (strong word usage for me, but...) even doing that much.  It's just not in my nature to become violent.

I once did an hypnosis session to deal with some scattered memories of being abducted.  What was found in hypnosis was myself as a young girl, maybe five years old, having been led into a cave, having been strapped down to a metal table, and I was being "baked" underneath a very large light fixture that glowed a dark red color.  To make sure this wasn't a repressed memory of a visit to an ER when I was younger I asked my mother if something like this ever happened, she said no.

My father was in the Navy, early in his career he was shipped off to Antartica, my mother has told me he's never been the same since and indeed became an alcoholic following his return.  He refused my mother's attempts to continue taking us to Bible Study classes telling her that there was no such thing as God, that what we didn't know was that all of this reality was nothing but a huge experiement.  The C's once told me to be grateful that he wasn't higher in rank, or my days of abduction would've been much worse.  GACK!

And just recently as I've posted on the Orbit Alert thread I now do believe I was "hauled out" Sat. night.  I now believe this to be true, not only because of my own particular circumstances, but also because I've networked about this here on NR and elsewhere to find that quite a few others have the same notion, and have experienced the same type of "programming" as did I.  The pimple like bump on our lips that I spoke of on Orbit Alert went away overnight, but as I sit here I have a sore-ish throat and a low grade fever, and I was fighting off feeling icky since Tues..  It doesn't feel like nor is manifesting like a cold or flu, but still, I feel like kwap.  For revisiting the abduction memory of being under a dark red lamp, I'm wondering about low level radiation poisoning, or something along those lines, but this is just speculation on my part.

SednaSphere wrote:

I've yet to find a solution...

I think, at least at one time, I have experienced a "solution" to ward off the reception of further implant tinkering, and I would be posting about it now, but I've got to access some C's material for it to be succinct. ...well not to leave this hanging--at one point 3-4 year ago I was finding small cornflower blue dots on the underside of my upperarms, and not only was I, also were some others. I asked about it at a C's session in 9/'02 (the one montalk and Lyra attended) and they said the colorations were--

C's wrote:

It was an energy surge "burn." EM in nature... Blue color is physiological response the same way a blister is physical response to heat.

What was happening is those pesky little grays, or whomever, were coming to mess with me, I was lifting my arms over my head to shied an "intrusion" (C's word) and was blasting them out of my energy field with EM energy bursts, kinda like self made bullets, you see?  Did I know this was what was happening?  Heck no!  I hadn't a clue one I was capable of doing as much until I asked. 

I'd like to post the whole section on this, but I only have the answers as I had written them during the session, the transcribed questions are unaccessible just at this time, and without the questions it's difficult.

Once I get my hands on that info I'll come back to explain.  Hmmm, but even so, I did get mucked with Sat. night so my solution doesn't seem to be working anymore, or at least not in this case.  And really, this isn't anything I had made a plan to do...beanin' the little buggers, it was happening spontaneously in my sleep.

PS--After I submitted this I reread the first lines... and I thought I wouldn't have any thing to contribute, or even be able to write a word one... I realized halfway through this that even though I was totally aware of all of this, it was held "undercover."  Needless to say this has been like the "floodgates" opening.

Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance.
If you spin around on your chair really fast, things around here will make a lot more sense.


Re: implants

Auendove wrote:

  Once I get my hands on that info I'll come back to explain.  Hmmm, but even so, I did get mucked with Sat. night so my solution doesn't seem to be working anymore, or at least not in this case.  And really, this isn't anything I had made a plan to do...beanin' the little buggers, it was happening spontaneously in my sleep.

I want to comment more on your post, but I'm about to head out to lunch, so I'll start with this comment.   But I wanted to say that you probably still do have that protection, so try not to worry about it.   I think that protection has to do when they attempt to do something REALLY bad, like maybe kill you.  I have had those same blue markings myself, but I still get abducted.   Again, it probably stems from when they trespass into something that's off limits, a free will violation no no, like killing you.  As the C's said, we really can do nothing about being abducted, since they're 4th density, and higher than us.   But there apparantly IS a limit to what they can do, and should they try to kill someone who is tied into others, and it would violate all of their free will, then sorry, it can't happen.

So don't worry, I'm sure you still have that protection.   Anyway, I'll post more later on this topic.  I want to comment on Sedna's post too, which was interesting, (the streetlights, the people in public observing you, etc.)   Back later.........

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: implants

Last Saturday was in Pacific Palisades at a Buddist vows ceremony-no I wasn't getting vows but person I was with was.  The Llama was clearly a seer and got one of those all too familiar "stares"-if you know what I mean.  Spent losta time getting lost to and from this place and couldn't wait to get home.  Anyway, this was weekend of May 1-2.

The Tuesday before this weekend , while at work, I experienced excruciating pain in the right lower quadrant area.  It got to the point that I bearly made it through shift and had to be helped to the front gate because I didn't know if I was going to pass out .  The pain started 1am and got progressively worse as time went on.  I couldn't just leave the unit I was working on (car pool).  Spent all day in ER where they couldn't figure out what was wrong.  Feel OK now but  have this menacing thought of being messed with again. 

Funny raised bump area on the inner right knee/thigh area is more pronounced.  This is one of the "newer" unexplainable body marks.  Have one on inner left wrist  (long time).  When bending back hand one can clearly see 3 little circles -each is about 4-6 mm and  approx. 1 1/2 cm in length (straight in a row).

I find it very difficult dealing with the possibility of Milab stuff.  Come from a family with military, masonic, aerospace, and channeling background.  The channeling stuff started in early teens-only back then we didn't call it that.  We called the channeler "the instrument"  and seances "settings".  They were mostly like going to a class and learning lessons.

Anyway, right ear is ringing and it is hard to concentrate.  I feel so stressed and like crying too.  Must be brave .

If there is no time
      Then you have time for everything.
   You're never in a hurry.
That's true freedom.

6 (edited by lyra 2004-05-07 11:57:00)

Re: implants

Hi all,

SednaSphere wrote:

I've also got the problem of causing streetlights to go on or off as I pass by them.

Me too, have definately had this one happen, but not recently.   Have witnessed others do it as well. 

SednaSphere wrote:

   There is always someone looking at me and talking into a cellphone when I go out, one, two or three people, who turn their heads as soon as I look, as though I've got some GPS system in me that they are using to relay my wherabouts.

I have the recurring phenomenon of total strangers blurting out WEIRD stuff to me as I pass by, watching me, giving me the stare down.  You name it.  The blurted comments one though is the freakiest.  I have learned to ignore it by this point.  It began happening back in the summer of 2000, that's when I first really paid attention to it.   Coincidentally, that's when I started "waking up."  One of the most oddball things ever blurted out as I walked by someone was a guy with a southern drawl, standing there taking a drag off his cigarette next to his friend, who said (loud enough so I could hear, staring pointedly right at me)  "Looks like we got ourselves another MIA."  (missing in action.)  I was on my into a Walgreens when he said that, by the time I left he was gone.  Not sure what THAT was supposed to mean.  There are other weird ones too.

SednaSphere wrote:

I've gotten used to the lights, but the agents seems to have been mainly since I started investigating the government/ufo connection on the web.

Ditto.  I've actually had two "them" encounters, where I saw them in person, and three black helicopter incidents.   Stories for another time though.

I have been able to predict when many of my abductions will occur, thanks to carefully logging phenomenon.  I finally noticed a pattern.   I have photographs of nearly all of the anomalous markings I've received over the past 2 1/2 years, including some of those blue circles Auendove has gotten as well.   

In trying to trace back the why's and how's of this happening to me, I have been led to several theories.   Here's a summary of what I have tentatively concluded, as of this moment.  It's subject to change, pending any new information that comes in.   But here's the summary:

My dad as a child had many very strange incidents, which, when I think about what he's told me, sound to me like abduction related phenomenon.   Could have been military, since his dad had been in the Navy, or, could have been Grays.   Maybe both.  Later when he was a teenager, he experienced more paranormal phenomenon.   At age 16 he gave a report for one of his highschool classes talking about how there were underground bases within the Adironack mountains.   (he was in New York)   How he knew this, even he didn't know, he just knew.   Then when he was 18 he voluntarily enlisted in the Navy, during Vietnam.   He scored very high on his entrance tests and was immediately whisked away, so to speak.  He didn't even have to go through the first two weeks of basic training.  He wound up being assigned to "Communications", meaning, spying, translating morse code into typed text, etc. etc. blah blah blah.  Basically, he was Tech personel, and from what I've recently learned, it was Navy tech personal who were big time targets for govrernment experimentation with PSI work / remote viewing, and other stuff.   So from that point on, his 4 year tour of duty was riddled with special treatment.  He could put in a request for where he'd like to be assigned to and he'd get it, everytime.  He also experienced missing time and black outs, surges in psychic abilities which coincided after missing time, etc. etc.   I also found out he reported to the NSA.   Not the Navy. 

To make a long story short, I continued the trend of having weird childhood experiences (abductions).  I can't verify the source, whether alien or military, but I suspect it was probably both.  If not, then at LEAST bare minimum it was military, because the memories I have managed to get in bits and flashes involve people.  I have only one that involves "grays", but the C's told me it was a screen memory, which are "popular" with the government.

My theory is this:  "Aliens" probably do a scan on the population looking for those of desired frequencies, both negative and positive.   With the negatives they try to fully develop the negative aspects for negative uses.  With the positives, they try to change that, and make them negative, break them down, program them for self destruction.   After an "alien" abduction, military swoops in to abduct the abductee and find out what happened to them.  So now the abductee has stuff coming at them from two places, and is in the middle of a tug of war.

Other times, the military already has their eyes on someone due to the genetic line, and family members in the military who they were using for experimentation.   AND, maybe sometimes that person also has alien stuff coming at them separately as well.   Or, maybe the government faction is working alongside "aliens", which would be another way in which they're introduced into the scenario.

I haven't yet figured out which one adequately explains my situation.  It could be any of the above.   I think with my dad, there was a reason he enlisted in the Navy, and he was already known by them long before he went in.   How else did he know about underground bases in the Adirondack mountains at the age of 16??    They would have had to have known of him due to his father being in the Navy too.   His childhood weirdness could have been government abductions, with a small chance of alien.

My ex boyfriend had a father who was NSA, and I always marveled at the fact that I was dating a guy with a dad who was NSA.   That was before I found out my own dad had reported to the NSA.  Now that pairing makes sense.   There's a lot of strangeness surrounding the story of me and my ex, but again, story for another time.  I just now have a very different perspective on THAT entire relationship, knowing what I know now.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: implants

Thanks so much for all your posts. It's affirming to know I'm not alone in this.
Lyra and manyeagles, I've also had the stares and the muttered (or not-so-muttered) comments by passerby. I've heard a comment about MIA's too! It was so similar, like "Here comes another MIA" and all sorts of neurolinguistic  jibberish. And we're not supposed to figure out something is going on?

I've also had people around me whom I sensed were trying to protect me, as Auendove mentioned. Come to think of it, they do wear dark sunglasses alot.(But, Auendove, are they our favorite, Cheap Sunglasses!? Wink, wink, nudge, nudge!)

Folks, its this big orchestrated operation going on all the time around us,and yet, as Lyra pointed out, they cannot kill us. We shan't  play games with them or seek them out or stop being cool about it all, but I must confess I enjoy
confusing them and throwing them for a loop when I'm energetically fluid and up for it. Some of them are on a one loop program of action; I mean, the lights are on but
nobody's home.

Lyra, in your careful log of events, what patterns have you noticed?

8 (edited by lyra 2004-05-08 00:15:38)

Re: implants

Sedna'm stunned about the MIA thing.  To think that it wasn't just me being paranoid, that the MIA comment has been said to somebody else too..............!!!!  It's very exciting to get confirmation about this, you have no idea.

To answer your question about the pattern I noticed:  This was in regards to when my abductions were occuring.  Last year, around April or so, I was sitting in my apartment alone, surrounded by my logged phenomenon and all the photos I'd accumulated by that point.   I felt this drive to go through it all, and to be looking for something, although I wasn't sure what.   Searching, sifting, analyzing, seeking.  Finally, as I absently picked up different photos, turning them over to look at the dates for each one, it hit me.  The dates.  I saw multiple photos of anomalous markings that took place between the 1st - 3rd of each month.  Then, again from the 20th - 23rd of the month.   There was clearly a repeating pattern, these weren't just random occurances.  I sat up on alert, and it was a rare time where my nerves stood on end, and I felt a surge go through me at this big realization.  I grabbed my log book and started going through it, checking to see the dates of when funny stuff had been happening.  Sure enough, there was a disproportionate amount of stuff that also coincided with the 1st - 3rd and 20th -23rd of the month.   This realization about the pattern coincided with one of those times I communicated with what I think may have been my higher self, as noted previously in another post.   I felt a little panicky and lost, and I sat on my bed and closed my eyes and though, "Okay higher self, I don't know what to do here, it looks like I discovered an actual pattern to when my abductions are hap...."

"It's about time!!" 

The thoughtform came back at me, actually interupting me and cutting me off.  I opened my eyes and looked up in the air, laughing.  I had to, that was too funny.  The voice as it came across to me didn't seem snotty, just urgent and concerned.   The next thought form / feeling I got from this source was "Don't stop now!"  As in, don't just drop the ball, now that you figured this out, DO something with the knowledge.

So, I did.  I began doing everything in my power to avoid abductions.  During those times of the month I proceeded to stay up, ALL night.  Whether I had work or not.   Red Bulls and Frappucinos became my new best friend, usually combined together.  Interestingly enough, soon after noticing the pattern, I also began noticing that I got lots of ear ringings during those times of the month.  I figured they were monitoring to see my whereabouts, see if I was in bed, and ready to take.  Because many of them would happen late at night, during times when normally I would have been in bed.  The ringings confirmed to me my theory about the schedule pattern, and just spurred me on in my quest to stay up and fight back.

I did this for a few months, and probably avoided a LOT of abductions, that's all I can say.    I know I must have screwed things up big time for them.  I'd gone a long time being oblivious, barely noticing the funny round bruises that always appeared mysteriously on my legs, never paying attention, never questioning.  Then one day I started to look closer, started to wonder, hmmm, because the nature of these bruises was so weird, they were always nickel sized, a deep indigo color and perfectly round, on the fleshy parts of my calves, sometimes thighs.    Started taking photos.  Then, I hit paydirt one day when I finally got my hands on a copy of the book "MILABS", regarding military abductions.  In this book, one of the female abductees talks about her perfectly round, nickel sized bruises she would get on her legs.   HUGE lightbulb moment for me.   So it started with finally looking closer at my weird bruises, taking photos, logging the phenomenon, getting confirmation that these bruises weren't just normally occuring, and then finally, seeing the pattern to when they happened.      After I figured out the pattern I went back and re-read the MILABS book and saw something I'd overlooked the first time:  The reference to miltary abuctions happening on schedule.  The military is very efficient I guess, and has everybody on a schedule.  No random chaos going on there!   

The story doesn't really have a happy ending though, and I hesitate to write it because I don't want to discourage anybody.  But if they can no longer getcha by physically abducting you, (and I think I figured out how that's done too, btw;  it's not like they come into my apartment and physically take me....)   then they will find other ways to utilize me.

To understand these other ways, first I had to figure out, through deductive reasoning, what I was being taken for. 

To make a long story short, and just summarize:  Through deductive reasoning, I figured out It's government / military, and it's for PSI / remote viewing / psychic energy stuff.   To start with.   I'm sure that's just the tip of the iceberg.  I have SUPER strong psychic capabilities, and I can remote view, I've done it before.  I have a checklist of traits / unusual talents & abilities I possess, and those are definately the highlights.  It's the same abilities my dad has, and I'm probably being taken for the same reasons he was.

But when they realize they can no longer take you physically, they sigh, roll their eyes, and resort to Plan B, which is to utilze you through the implants you have.  They had this capability all along, however, I think when they actually physically have you there with them, next to them, they get better results and it's just a whole lot easier in general, so for that reason, physically taking your body to their realm is the preferred choice.  But they do have their backup plan in the event their subjects start to "wake up" and fight back.    I found this out one morning when I woke up, still in and out of a weird, trance-like state, hearing a male voice in my mind saying calmly, and smoothly, "1 - 4- 1 - 4 - 1."  I had an image in my mind of a male, with glasses and a beard, looking like a psychologist or hypnotist.   Could have been my mind's way of "filling in the blanks" to create an image for the voice I was hearing.  Could have been a memory of someone I've once met during an abduction, who knows. 

But 141 is one of "those" numbers that follows me EVERYWHERE, to the point of ridiculousness and absurdity.   It's another thing I've amply logged and tracked.  I've always known it had negative conotations, and was associated with "them", (long story as well about how I know that).   

But as I woke, half in a funny trance-like state, I also had the lingering feeling that I had JUST been remote viewing for somone, like it was slowly fading away and I was losing grip on the target as I awoke, cued by the 14141 numbers.   Then a thought form came to me, very clear, again, sounding like my higher self which I've communicated with before.  It said, "They now have the capability to use you without having to abduct you." 

That was all, but, that's all I needed to hear, short and sweet and to the point.  But does it mean all hope is lost?   No.  Just means I have to find a new way around it.   Throw an obstacle in my path, and I WILL find a way around it sooner or later,  trust me.  It may take me a while, cause I'm just so quick like that, but I will!  smile   

Anyway, that's it for now.   Don't want to bore anybody to tears or anything with my stories.  I have so much to talk about on this subject, I could seriously write a book probably.   I won't, but, I have enough material, stuff I've learned, things that have happened to me.   Never a dull moment in MY life, that's for sure.  wink

Sedna......Just thought of something.   What if MIA doesn't stand for Missing In Action?   What if it stands for something else?  Do you think your abductions tie into anything military / government related?   Could MIA stand for Military (something) Abuctee?   Just a crazy thought, but doesn't that make more sense than missing in action?  Like, "Here comes another military abductee....", or, "Looks like we got ourselves another military abductee...." Just a thought.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: implants

Yes, in 97 I made the BIG mistake of signing up with the Army as a radar technician. Several months later I got three weeks into basic when I started the ball rolling to get OUT with the help of a female Lt.Colonel who understood me, and supported my spiritual stand on things (she was also a chaplain and a member of the same religion as I was). I guess I was lucky, but I had focused and gritted my teeth and was released. I know I had help from higher forces, who did not want me there.

Needless to say, they give one a spray-gun shot, which is a high-speed liquid forced shot of multiple vaccines, and who knows what else. If anything, liquiform detection devices are the minimum of what I see as a possibility here. Then theres what you are forced to ingest.

So...very, very scarily on target, Lyra. Military (something) Abductee. Yes. Military Intelligence Abductee.

My dad was in the military for a year, but he was rebellious. He too met a decent chaplain. Then he met a professional artist that the chaplain introduced him to, and the artist said, "you've got to quit the military and become an artist." So that is what he did. As he went on in his career as an artist, he met many people and seemed a psychic oddity to many. At one time he also worked with a contractor for a NASA project in which he helped design the first solar panels on satellites.

So there are two, to my mind, big connections.

I also was hoping someone would bring up "staying up." That might explain why I probably have not been abducted. I, too, have felt the need to stay up at times, as if I am afraid to go to sleep and be messed with. Why some people are monitored and others both monitored and abducted could be explained in the way you mentioned: they have two tracks, or plans for people (maybe more).

They think they can codify and classify every type of inventor and scientist and artist and they cannot just let us BE. Oh why oh why .....erp., In a sense, I was the ultimate expiriment potential for them because I abducted myself by signing up. I can hardly bear thinking about it! I wasted six months of my life with the prep and the planning, and when I got there I KNEW I would die young if I stayed there one minute longer. One sargeant said I never should have come there in the first place.
He may have meant that in more than an insulting way. Who knows? Maybe they wanted me to join long enough to inject me, etc. It didn't really suit them that I would stay, because an independent mind causes trouble there, but an implanted independent mind can be monitored and used without having to bother housing and feeding and paying it.

I.E. this all goes back to the global agenda, of large swaths of time and population controlled through a combination of technology and stolen psycho-spiritual energy, of engineering lives and events towards a one world order, devoid of art, devoid of joy, devoid of the Da Vinci's and the Tesla's and the Dickenson's and chocolate and Paris, when it rains. And I am piiiiissssseeeedddd.

One question to put out there: Why do they "allow" us to communicate? They must, due to laws of freewill. But what else do they have planned? What are they hiding up their sleeves?

(When I say I have not been abducted, I really do not know this for sure. It may have happend when I was a child.)

I also think that STO forces are undoing things done by STS forces.

Re: implants

Hi Sedna,

I had a feeling you had to have some sort of military connection going on.  No wonder!  Wow.  You know, I had a friend (male) who was briefly in the military for only a year and a half, back during Gulf War I, before doing everything in his power to be let out without having to finish his full 4 years.  That was apparantly long enough for them to get their hands on him.  He's had helicopters flying over his apartment, and other assorted weirdness, like he's been consistently monitored over the years.   Also, the fact that we were friends and how that came to be and the major role he played in my life was a bizarre story in itself.   So even though you were only in for 6 months, it's still long enough I think for them to notice you and do something.   

Good question about why we're allowed to communicate.  I thought the same thing when I was reading the MILABS book, which provided confirmation and answers to a lot of what was happening with me.  I wondered why I would be "allowed" to discover this book.  Because without that book, (and then Fritz Springmeier's work)  I would have continued to be in the dark as to what was possibly happening to me.   Before MILABS, I knew I had all the signs of being abducted, but yet...............I didn't fit the pattern of "alien" abductions.   No UFO's, memories of Grays, "false pregnancies", hybrid babies, amniocentesis (sp) procedures where they inject the long needle into your belly button, no "scoop marks", radiation burns, or anything remotely like that.   But I was getting abducted, nontheless, so....what the hell was happening??  I wondered.  Found the MILABS book, and it was like an avalanche rolling down a mountain, all the pieces starting to rapidly fall into place.   Was also back in touch with my dad at the time, (we're out of touch again)  and I got some valuable information out of him during the brief time we were talking again.   Stuff that I needed to know, like his NSA connections, the missing time he experienced in the military, his preferential treatment while in the military, the surges in psychic abilities he experienced, (which did not end in the military;  he was very psychic throughout my childhood, and I witnessed some amazing things with him)  and most interestingly that right now, he is experiencing black out periods.  Periods where he is apparantly doing stuff, such as completely rewiring the electrical system in his house, but yet, has NO recollection of doing it.   He completely rewired his entire house, something he's never done before nor has any formal training in, and doesn't remember a thing about it.   He had other stories of black out periods where during those times, he exhibited abilities he doesn't normally have.   One time we were talking on the phone and the stories he started relaying / confessing were so astounding I grabbed my notebook and furiously scribbled notes while he talked.   He told them with a sense of embarrassment, because apparantly, this black out phenomenon and displaying unusual talents was all new.   He didn't have this problem when I knew him growing up.  He said he had these moments where he temporarily came out of what he calls his "fog", and "WOKE UP" and felt like a stranger in this world, looking around, thinking to himself, "WHAT THE F***?!?!?!?" until slipping back into the fog again, able to resume his bland, routine, daily life where he's an automaton on auto pilot.   

By that point I was having realizations about the military involvement, and I suspected they had continued to use him long after he left the military.  I presented my theory to him, see what his reaction would be.   He didn't dismiss it, let's just say that.  He knows something is going on with him, but the feeling I got from him was weakness, powerlessness to stand up to it, get answers, take it seriously enough to fight back, or take ANY sort of action.   He's got a lot of problems, a lot of issues, and seems to be deteriorating mentally, and he's only 53.

At any rate, I have no idea why we're allowed to get our hands on helpful information at all, or to communicate with others.   Could be the free will thing.   Also, as long as you are out there in the world, on your own, (as opposed to a mind control slave who is their property 24 / 7)  they can't completely dictate every thought and move you have or make.   They can try, and use implants to feed you thought loops that manipulate your emotions and decisions, and utilize post-hypnotic suggestions that would discourage you from researching certain things, reading certain books, connecting with certain people, etc. but, I'd like to think we have SOME sort of free will left, SOME smidgeon of ourselves that can still have independent thoughts and ideas, and which can recognize programming and override it and fight back.   I fully believe there's something positive looking out for us, no matter how much you've been messed with by "them", and all you have to do is reach out to it.  It's there.   It doesn't push itself on you, but it hopes one day you'll decide to reach out and ask for its assistance.  When you do, it's there.   And that same thing has got to be looking out for us in other ways, even when we're not asking for it, other wise, how would we even stand a chance, right?   If "they" had their way, we'd all be dead and out of their hair.  But that's a freewill violation, right?  So we're still here.  It's like a little tug of war battle going on.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: implants

SednaSphere wrote:

I also was hoping someone would bring up "staying up." That might explain why I probably have not been abducted. I, too, have felt the need to stay up at times, as if I am afraid to go to sleep and be messed with.

Thanks for sharing your personal experiences, by the way. The more of us post them, the more dots we have to connect.

As for staying up, that's an interesting point because it goes towards showing what they can do and what they cannot. I myself have never been abducted while awake (except as a toddler, for reasons I'll speculate on in a second). However, I have read accounts of people being abducted while awake, for example while driving and finding themselves pulling over and being snatched. Read another story of this woman who was talking to her friend on the phone when she was abducted, and her friend could hear the sound of the ship from the other end of the line.

What's clear then is this:

- it's harder to be abducted while awake than asleep
- while awake, some people are easier to abduct than others

Regarding the first point, I know of two theories why this is so.

First, if knowledge/awareness protects, then since you are naturally more aware while awake, you have more protection. This has something to do with freewill and the auric shield of light. It also involves an increase in the potential that you will remember something from the abduction, or be resistant and end it prematurely - two things they don't want. When you're sleeping, you are not aware of your environment, are incapable of resisting the onset of an abduction because you're still sleeping, and your aura is expanded and less protective so they have an easier time punching through into your space.

Other theory is that most abductions are soul abductions, and you have to be sleeping first. During sleep, the etheric body supposedly separates slightly from the physical, and it doesn't take much for them to capture it from there. They can still put implants in you during a soul abduction, according to the C's. Fourth density technology treats the etheric no less tangibly than the physical. 

Secondly, why are some people easy to abduct even while they're awake? I think it has to do with freewill and awareness, and FRV too. If their frequency is low, meaning it resonates with the abductors' natural frequency, then the abductors don't have much difficulty in taking them anytime. If their awareness is low, there goes most of the protection. And if they have made a freewill decision to WANT to be abducted (hey, who wouldn't want to meet with our lovable space brothers of the ashtar command?)  then they can say byebye to their freewill protection.

Back in 1993 I once looked at the sky and asked for a sign that they were out there. I wanted to have objective proof that they were real, and expected some stars to flit about confirming my question. What happened instead is that I opened a doorway via my freewill choice to contact them, and that night I got abducted and ended up with a hairline scar on my forehead and some shallow screen memories. Had problems since. That's all it takes - one beckoning, one giving of permission, and they jump right into your life. Sure, they abducted before, but after that they had an easier time since the door was open, and only after I gained awareness and resistance over a couple years did the door finally close once more.

Anyway - I've done the "stay up" routine as well. Another thing I found is that they seem to abduct less during daylight than the still of night. Theory is that there's too much electromagnetic and psychic noise during the day for them to successfully "tune in" and extract me from my space or body during daytime naps.

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.


Re: implants

Back in 1993 I once looked at the sky and asked for a sign that they were out there. I wanted to have objective proof that they were real, and expected some stars to flit about confirming my question. What happened instead is that I opened a doorway via my freewill choice to contact them, and that night I got abducted and ended up with a hairline scar on my forehead and some shallow screen memories. Had problems since. That's all it takes - one beckoning, one giving of permission, and they jump right into your life. Sure, they abducted before, but after that they had an easier time since the door was open, and only after I gained awareness and resistance over a couple years did the door finally close once more.


Do they need permission? I mean, I understand they have to abide by the free-will "rule-of-thumb", but aren't they based on manipulating everything to their ends? If they really want to, can't they just do it?

I've never had experiences like yours. But I'm worried that with my progressive steps on learning everything we speak of, that my time will come. Or rather as you put it, "the door" will be opened. I dont want it to. I'd rather be left alone with my studies. Is it inevitable? Am I being idealistic? Or can those who have not had that door opened, keep that door shut and locked?

Re: implants

BB wrote:

Do they need permission? I mean, I understand they have to abide by the free-will "rule-of-thumb", but aren't they based on manipulating everything to their ends? If they really want to, can't they just do it?

If they could do anything they wanted, we'd all be human stew for the grays right now. But here I am alive and typing thanks to the various protective mechanisms in place. Knowledge protects, ignorance endangers - that's the most important principle.

Do they need permission? Many cases no. But think of them being like the big bad wolf. If your house is made of straw, they'll blow it down - no permission needed. Knowledge and spiritual stamina increases the strength of your walls. As you become stronger and more aware, at some point, they can only knock on your door and say "Little pig, little pig, let me in." From what I understand, they do this through mind programming, by pushing your buttons to lower your FRV if you give in, through disinformation to make you want them in your life, by inducing fear which weakens your auric shield, and through sending agents into your life who act as frequency bridges into your realm when they form a psychic bond to you through interaction. Fall for enough of these over sufficient lengths of time, and yes, you'll be a gonner.

And don't forget, even in the case where they cannot kill you (that's a 5D violation which they, being 4D, cannot accomplish), they can still abduct and program you toward self-destruction (a 4D process). If they program you to commit suicide and you choose to succumb, the blood is on your own hands, not theirs.

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

Re: implants

And, BlackBox, this also reafirms the need for the "light side" mentioned in the Stu Wilde thread. Their subtle insinuations can be very effective in getting your FRV down through your own self-sabotage.  Hence the need for the balance. Alot of people in their twenties want to seem cool by not showing their craving for the light.
They got tricked into thinking they can use a cynical or nihlistic attitude to navigate through life. As you get older, and you realize you don't need any extra problems, you tend to find the light side extremely refreshing and attractive. This is my opinion, and there are exceptions, everyone here is relatively advanced for their age, etc, nevertheless this is a fairly universal process.I mean, hopefully you don't get stuck in a "do things the STS way" pattern of ick.

"But I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now."

15 (edited by cameron 2004-05-09 05:43:01)

Re: implants

BlackBox wrote:

Do they need permission? I mean, I understand they have to abide by the free-will "rule-of-thumb", but aren't they based on manipulating everything to their ends? If they really want to, can't they just do it?

  This is kind of like the comment 'the 4D STS get whatever they want'.

Again, no.  The 4D STO, in conjunction with higher STO, has the same capability to 'get what they want' -- while respecting free will.  This often manifests has simply 'blocking' the attempts of the dark forces.