ermolai wrote:Thanks Auendove, that is most helpful.
Your welcome! And thank you as well, you have given me much to think about, more than I've written here .
ermolai wrote:Auendove wrote:Why might you think a healthy psychological process that transforms negative energy would have to exclude Reiki or Yoga, or any other modality, to be affective? Have you had a bad experience with either one?
Not bad experiences but I did 2nd level reiki and practiced self-healing for about 6 months then had doubts and decided to make a break until I could better understand it. It wasn't clear enough for me to say if it was intuition or ego fear. Your experience with it is helpeful. As for yoga, I had a troubling experiences with someone much into it...
Given you've left this open ended I can't really know how this was defining for you, but ermolai--are you basing your assessment of yoga on your experience with one other person who happened to be a yoga "nut", or even a yoga professional for that matter? (and S. Wilde as well I see) (I am not a yoga pro, for sure, BTW)
And erm, you are always welcomed to PM me if there is something too private for the board you'd like to converse with someone else about, okay? I practice stringent guidelines about confidentiality.
ermolai wrote:It is quite possible that intent and awareness can protect from any negative effects of such techniques. What I see is a lot of people who think that just practicing lots of energy-raising techniques somehow makes them more "spiritual". Also yoga and such are often advertised as a way of "feeling better", which leads to the path of ego-pleasure rather than truth.
I'm sure as heck not pushing you to do yoga, this is not going to be my point. What if you thought of yoga as exercise rather than as an avenue to the truth? This next is my point...
The body is "the bomb" in 3D Land, it's within the body we experience life, consciousness on the planet without a body to "fire out of" just doesn't "pack the same punch", eh?... with hopefully our bodily experiences bringing us closer to the Truth, the truth about existence exactly what some of us are looking for out of life.
As exercise yoga really helps the connective tissues in the body to stay supple, if it happens to "feel good" it is because it helps release physical "kinks". I have to ask you: if one releases stuck energy from the chakras in the process is this feeding ego-pleasure?
Only twice in the times I've practiced yoga as a form of exercise, or as a comfortable meditative position, was something "revealed" to me, and I wouldn't even call them Truths, rather more so tools to possibly aide in reaching the Truth. One was a symbol I've yet to find anywhere else, and I've been looking for a few years now. The other was the prayer position, I now know it's called a mudra, I shared a few weeks ago here on NR (kinda bummed that with 200 members on NR not a single person responded, but, oh well... others I asked to try this out did and confirmed what I was feeling. Cool!) Interestingly to me, both the symbol and the mudra came while I was in the Goddess pose . (Oh sheesh!, and not because I think I'm a goddess )
And as far as "ego-pleasure" goes... please don't be so hard on yourself ermolai. Love your body like you would love a child or a mate, because those are the greatest of loves we can experience as a human be-ing. You'll never be able to separate yourself from your body nor your ego, and I know this not because I sure as heck haven't tried <wink>. You can though build a healthy relationship with them, like one may nurture the relationship with a child or mate. A life force is made of many parts, maybe all these parts should be honored for their value rather then concentrating on how they can seriously <bleep> things up.
You only to need to look at info about the ego for so long to know it's a pretty straight forward influence in one's life, even if initially it looks complicated, and it's not one that's going to be transmuted out of the consciousness as long as one is in body... well, not at least done so to the extent that one can "have a life" too. If one has soul-wise reached the point to and has aligned themselves with an STO path they are going to instantly know in any situation if they are acting from ego, or at the least they are going to have some kind of inkling that this just may be so, and give pause to thought about their actions. I think with positive reinforcement the ego can be brought to a STO candidate form as well as can one's whole value system. For me now the ego is no more complicated then I choose to make it, and, :x , I made it complicated for years.
Is the mudra founded through a yoga pose (one of two influences at the time) something that makes us that have tried it feel better? You bet it does, but it's not a feeling of "pleasure" like I'm thinking your thinking, it's a feeling of peace and calm within each chakra system the mudra is held over. I didn't approach either one of the yoga experiences with the intentions of "getting" something out of them, it just happened.
ermolai wrote:All and all, this seems to fit the idea that increased energy makes people more attractive prey if they neglect true spiritual work. If they generate more energy, but bleed it all to the STS hierarchy, then I guess this is desirable for this STS hierarchy as it gives it more power?
Please excuse my likely "denseness", but please define the "it" you speak of... do you mean that for the lack of a STO spiritual nature in people's energy work the STS nature of that, "it", feeds the STS force as a whole, and through the nature of "give and take" they are subject to STS manipulation? Or do you mean this in reference to "cause and effect"? Both? How do you see "it" happening?
I'll tell ya, the words "true spiritual work" were the three singular of your words that made me to sit and think. So much of myself has changed rather profoundly the last year+, I had to sit myself down to figure out what this now meant to me ermolai (again, thank you)! My definition of "true spiritual nature" has definitely changed from what it was one year ago, and has almost completely changed since two years ago, even though I use many of the same terms.
ermolai wrote:Or am I viewing the process of energy-raising incorrectly?
I anymore tend to shy away from questions like this about another person, especially about a fellow STO candidate being correct or incorrect... ummmm, ermolai, I think all responsible energy workers are in the constant process of seeking just what is the CORRECT processing of energy, the correct position on raising ones personal frequency resonance rate to produce greater, more Truthful, personal "Light". Even so, I read you questioning about what other people are doing with their energy work... you may be hard pressed to fully realize your own values of correctness through reflecting and projecting about what others are doing with their energy work. And yes, I know self assessment may be more proficient for accessing others' views and actions, observing them, and playing them off our own thoughts and actions, assessing where we belong as one compared to another, yet hear me out...
I used to worry about what other people were doing about their "spirituality" as well, then at one point I began to realize that this caused me more grief, more STATIC, in my energy system than was actually necessary... after all what can I really do about what another person is doing? I liberatively realized that as long as--
1) I personally don't impede upon another my good intentions, where my good intentions were not requested
2) I wasn't personally enforcing with manipulative energy anothers self-perceived (my perception) negative life force
3) and, I was living the best person I can be, IN EACH AND EVERY MOMENT, following STO guidelines to the best of my ability, and doing so with allowance for natural 3D imperfections
--then that was as "correct" as I am able to be about anything. I think I individually have not a shred of "power" elsewhere outside of my own life force, and even there... well, I'm not alone in the Universe am I? Higher Self always has their "magic hands" stuck right down into the mix of my life as well, doing the best it can to transmute and infuse Cosmic Intelligence into my awakening consciousness .
Bottom line for me: when I don't worry about what others are doing I'm far more harmonious within myself. And I'll tell you something straight up, I like harmony much better than I like static. Way more.
If you've read how I deal with what's in/correct and you find yourself making sense of it, then considering my points and words now ask and answer for yourself the question you pose... this will save me from coming up with the wrong answer .
Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance.
If you spin around on your chair really fast, things around here will make a lot more sense.