This is my last post since the forum won't be available anymore to post anything else...Thanx once again to all...and CHEERS....
First to begin talking about densities one needs to take knowledge as anonymous. As long as we are what we have been defined and have concepts for. we will not have unconditional understanding due to the fact that we are restricted thru concept of us being either 3d entities or 4d or humans and what not. Unconditonal understanding should always begin from unconditonal love that is undivided and believing in love that is the interaction between two sources which led to life. This is also simple to understand when you know to produce anything there has to have its opposite. light cannot be seen in light only difference in radiance can be seen. but when you see darkness then you know that there is darkness and then there is light which is visible on that darkness. Now darkness does not always mean the evil side everything that we have learnt and transcended on is what we have made but if you let go of all and live only on love and accepting yourself as the reflection of the creator then you know everything is possible. This is why many said letting go is the hardest part. But who are we to hang on to anything just to prove our supermacy over the lower ones when we know deep inside we not yet fully know ourselves. My understandnig might not make sense to many but what I felt and experienced as an individual trying to ascend this plane has been written on the following conclusions. There is no agenda behind my writings the only one could be to let you all open ones heart and mind to look at the world thru love and understanding to let go and change the course of your own future being in more control of who you are which is not to control others but expand the experience of the self and the infinite creator being true to who you really are from with in. Imagine yourself being not affected by anything that could come to your way wether a friend of your is being promoted or you not making enough money or the love that you were looking couldn't be yours. This will only make you what you are not. Instead taking yourselve as the creator and accepting everything with love to ascend will give you more joy from within than being jealous or something else that is not understood through your love which will only make you weak and keep you where you are or either will lead you to negative side of ignorance. I have never seen aliens personally but I cannot restrict myself the possiblity of them not being there because of all thought powers and all that have created them or their awarness landing them into much more higher planes like in 4 or 5 in different galaxies where they might lack free will that is of logos but are advanced than human races.
Each density have its own subsets depending on the awarness of that particular concious. Therefore, there could be beings in the major set of third density but not have the total awarness of the whole 1d or 2d or even their own plane. What lets one ascend the plane is their own awarness that they make thru believe system of religion or own personal philosophy. Even tho! we know a lot but in reality we know not and we live lifes just taking what ever has been granted and made our senses comfortable.
1- The first density is filled with material matters like minerals and plants. In the first density there is awarness and the awarness is undivided and everything is bliss and ONE with all there is which is the interactiona between the force and the conciousness and that interaction which is love. Now, everything that exists have soul from stones to plants and they have the same conciousness as the conciousness of all there is. What lets the 1st density souls to evovle or desire to involve is the loss of connection to the source that eventually lets that awarness on a search of its own identity and it evolves thru fire and air into living being.
2- This density is of those insects and animal kingdom and many different beings. Basically 2nd density beings are the souls that have evolved with the soul conciousness of the force and all there is and on this plane they learn behavioural and survival instincts. From reproduction, to many little biological activities begin at this level of its awarness. They lack freewill because they are not yet capable of expressing their intent under the command of the soul or spirit where as they lack spirit because their conciousness evolves from the soul. They act on vibrations of the ones affecting them and their behavioural and natural adapted instincts of the survival. Death at this density is the door to the 3rd density or depending upon its awarness can go to 4d as aliens or someone else. But the reason many alien fractions lack higher free will is the matter of the choice that was made in the awarness of total survival and behavioural mode.
3- Humans and alien fractions. This is the time when the souls start their slates and learn emotions and become intelligent beings and ID's oneself as names that are concepts. Humans in natural are social animals who copy the behavioural and emotional expressions from the surroundings they live in. This is the beginning of GODHOOD of every individual in adolesence and innocense but thru our society and what not the higher forces divide and rip you off your GODHOOD and your FREE WILL making you slaves to the system you exist in. Since free will cannot be broken they can only influence you and any individual living in this plane would make his own choices conciously or subconciously thru the influence that is put thru them from social programming and the system called MATRIX. Religions are introduced at this level of evolution for the souls to surrender unto the certain deities and soul groups they carry and work from 4D. Personally what I saw from the religions is this that they have been introduced for the good but due to misprogramming of the system and surrendering your spirit under the name of this Gods of religions will leave you no choice but live as plants. This is also the level where you get the GOD SPARK for that certain conciousness that you live and you might begin to question life and everything around you. So, that is spirit which means you are done with your soul evolution and you have got the I AM sense where you cannot find yourself in this sea. Now, from this stage you are flooded with knowledge and your desire and intent of being who you are with impeccability will lead you to the doors of knowledge used properly will let you merge and align yourself with your higher self. Free Will is your intent in you I AM concious based on the love that you have for your dream could be the one to ascend to 4d or 5d depending on your awarness of I AM and where you put yourself in the ladder of evolution. Your soul is already potential of all she can but it is your awarness that will be the restriction. The more knowledge and awarness of the world around you the more eligible you are to climb up to higher planes. This is the reason why many from 5d or 4d decide to re-incarnate as humans again and again to climb up to higher levels quickly. You cannot jump after the decision has been made on 3rd if you end up in 4d then you cannot jump to 6 from there. That is why 3d is the most important decision making ground and very important for the forces fighting over the control of 3d planes.
................................The first 3 planes were of physical existence as a soul the later could depend on your will
................................. to stay as physical being as 4d or 5d beings.
4- Astral planes This is where most of the souls end up after they die or their ancesion. 4d couldn't be any more diffrent from the 3d plane only difference is people have their psychic abilities activated thru their individual efforts or working under the soul group frequencies. The law that governs the 4d is love and they lack true understanding of love and therefore they are always at war over supermacy of the certain soul group believes. So, this is the beginning of your true life of how on the cover of love there is soo much stupidity and mis understanding and how they use their believes and weigh you on your awarness to take you under their believe systems. They are either STS or STO which is to say in simple words love for the self (STS) they would do anything to ascend quicker and with less efforts. OR love for all (STO) they would do anything to help the others in lower planes to ascend with their knowledge and help without voilating your free will. The influence is always from both these sides and they are both in a way voilating your free will one for your good and the other for you to surrender under their believe system.
...............................The 4 upper planes and the 4 lower planes are divided by the 5th plane being the heart of
................................ Evolution ladder.
5- According to Ra this is where the so called Heaven is located at. There is more understanding and radiance of love. This plane is like the heaven for the souls and beings on this plane are spirit guides and helping angles for the lower planes. This is the seat of the Saturn where the decision of the earth and their free will is looked upon by the council at 5d. They have healing places and you could review your life and all that you have made progress in your evolution.
6- This plane is of beings who are GOD like beings. Their evolution on this plane was due to their awarness of their conciousness and their spirit I AM sense. This is like a more spiritual plane the soul is in communion with the Spirit. They could exist as individual spiritlsoul entity or Certain number of souls under the spirit of one vibrational frequency. That is why Ra always say he speaks on behalf of all that are included in one vibration. There is a possibility some of the negative religions for the purpose of control could very well have their descendence from this plane. What defines negative and positive at this level is their differentiation of love. Love for the self (STS) more souls under that vibrational frequency or (STO) love for others. Even tho! STO's have love for others they are still balancing their love between its communion and connection to the source. Entities at this level still cannot over ride the free will of others on lower planes but are free to influence.
....................................The following planes are more like divine planes of unconditonal understanding......................
.......................................... ......................
7- This is the total communion of the soul and spirit of the highest frequencies. Their understanding is based on love and undivided. The soul and spirit have no concept they are potentially GODS. And they have unconditional love which leads them to unconditional understanding. They can over ride anyones free will and have the potency to do as they will but even tho! they are GODS due to their unconditional undivided love they do not interfere in anyones free will. This is where the Logos originates from which is the cause of the free will that has been given to every individual that has the same potency to write their own destinies in their love. The 7d beings have the power to create and destroy. Entities at this level live as they will to live physical or they could stop their light from emitting and be invisible in mass. Living on this plane they have access to all the lower 6 planes plus they could acquire knowledge thru the higher planes in their love any time they will. They are like the children of the DIVINE FORCE.
8- At this level there is only the force that works for all kinds of mechanical to physical energies. This cannot be defined this is infinity, 8 fliped side ways is the sign of infinity. This is the intelligent infinity that works in its own patterns of the interaction between the two aspects of existence.
9- This plane is the completion of spiritual evolution. Entities only enter for few seconds when they die their every cell becomes concious of itself before it merges back into all there is. Entities living on 7d have a choice to merge themselves back or stay there. This is the last step before everything merges back into all there is the all knowing super concious words can't define what can be spoke of the source.
10- This is like being back into the same interaction of 1 and 0. One and No ONE. All and Nothing. Interaction between these two would result once again in existence. No wonder computer systems only use 1,0 as binary numbers to program systems.
Now, the world that is in present state is divided between the conciousness of the spirit and the conciousness of the souls. Both share the same conciousness but due to the fact that negative aliiances needing more control over the mass led to the present state that we are in. The fight is between the conciousness of the soul as the ultimate truth and reality which is of course right and the spiritual world of I sense being more powerful. Now, they have divided the world between Father and Mother, Angles and Demons forgetting the main interaction that led to the existence that is the love between both this worlds that led to creation of all there is which is superconcious.
Now, soul is present thru all the densities but what gives an entity his individuality is that spirit. And the concept of holy spirit is of that is in communion with the soul of all the dimensions. Lets say there is an ocean of bubbles every bubble is playing on the ocean that is made up of soul and spirit and the interaction between them is love of this ocean creating new bubbles. Now every bubble is the soul product of this ocean what categorizes them is their awarness. Once in a blue moon there comes a spirit or that awarness which is holy spirit who decides to go back and find its roots and ends up in the same ocean as the father. But the problem that i see is those bubbles of father have less chance of surviving due to the fact that the connection of the soul and heart is much stronger. Now, nothing wrong with having a strong connection but whats wrong is stopping and denying the existene of spirit that could arise on the whole of the ocean and there is always a possiblity of everything one can imagine in a system where everthing works mysteriously. Now, we defining laws and ways to read and write not just on papers but the actions and behaviours of others and making concepts won't make us the ultimate GODS and source for the ones who are being manipulated. All and all they are all our own parts and we are all ONE with the ocean. I wouldn't even bother to think about all this because I feel like I have been manipulated and still under pressure for my own believes have let me to try figure out myself but it deosn't mean that am trying to be a sourcer I had rather be an ant in the palm of the one who can show me true love where I know am safe than being a man in millions who are ready to kill you for not wanting to kill them.
The concept of STS and STO becomes simple on the grounds of love. Like I say STS is love for the self it could be love for myself to be on top or love for the one that I love and I don't want to surrender under any religious depot or Love for the control over masses. Love for the game that I can manipulate other souls and keep their spirit and awarness under darkness. Where as STO would be love for all and they are ever ready to help and spread knowledge cuz they understand the love to a point which makes them do what they are doing. And they give without expecting even tho! the nature of the universe is every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore if they even achieve something out of it their intent was only for the good for the other therefore they will recieve good for themselves in any way the system will hit them back with. The only suffering one can see is on 3d plane before the important decision. Which is ofcourse is such a big deal because of some stuck up spirits in pride of being the ultimate sourceres that they manipulate these beings of their free will. That is the reason for the STS the highest achievement is the 6d plane and they cannot move ahead and voilate the free will directly where as anyone incarnating on 3d plane and aligning itself with the 7d plane will give that entity the right to do anything it wills. That is the reason why spirit is such a big threat to the system. They expect the spirit or father hood should only be restricted till 6d.
what is death? if we break the word according to the birds language from where the alphabets emerged we get
D- The father Figure, (or you can say the awarness "I AM"),
E- The Unity of One joined by three worlds of Soul, Spirit and Physical
A- BY the rule, the rule by which world takes shape
T- the letter T is more like a nail stoping the line of one. LIke a full stop.
H- is the like the two different aspects of the being joined by a bridge that is love. (soul and Spirit)
....................In this case the awarness is of the same as the soul world and there is no more I AM sense........
Now, the question would be why would someone come up with I AM because we are free to do what we want in this world unless and untill we are not stoping other but isn't that just an illusion aren't we ruling over others and ripping them of their rights. And that "I Am" is dieing endless deaths for being I AM and once in a while that 'I AM" presence rises to bring that CHANGE. That is what all the prophecies are all about when you forget who is always beneath your feet and do wrong to your own people it has to shake the ground to show you he is there.
Therefore, Death is to that awarness of "I AM" which the person posessed in his Physical body. Which was not restricted he could have thought and made him suitable to any plane he willed for in his love. But that awarness of that spirit is taken and you are left with a marriage of soul and spirit that is H under the believe system that dieing person have surrendered. Could be religoious God or some Deity. Therefore, people who die in accidents become ghost is the fact that they are lost souls with awarness who get stuck in astral planes unless and untill they are guided by their loved ones or they won't leave untill they get what they had their heart and desires in. Thats what ghosts are...
" Love is the understanding and unspoken bond between you and the creator "
"Loving is an art that is the state of creation"
..........Lyrically am suppose to SHINE.........
..........I am the ONE that makes you BLIND........
..........And am that darkness that lets you SHINE.........