I feel this thread needs to be close to the top at closing time.
I still see, and deal with on a daily basis, people who are ego-inflated as an obvious attempt to cover up serious esteem issues.
I don't mean to imply that I am above it, but I see it for what it is now. I always had the ability to read a person pretty accurately. That ability has only gotten keener since I've dropped most of what ego I had. There is an almost indistinguishable line between ego-based overexuberance; foolish pride, and true confidence.
It all sounds so simple now, but if these people would stop, and realize that 95% of their insecurities are brought on and amplified by cunning MARKETING.
Marketing is an extension of pure conditioning and needs to be recognized as such. Marketing can apply to anything.
A drill sargeant "selling" fear as motivation.
A government "selling" us fear as a means to maintain the same fear.
A magazine ad, featuring exotic locations, beautiful people... may have been intended to make the "consumer" equate buying 'that' product with being 'there'.
But what often happens is that images like those add to the feeling of unworthiness, and unreality, OF unreality.
"I'll never have that, I'll never measure up"
And far be it for most people to even question if it's something THEY really wanted for themselves.
A simple scene in any movie, be it a sex scene, a shoot'em'up scene, whatever. They train us to think like the movie, be like the movie, live like the movie.
The outcome is a very skewed definition of "success" and distorted ideas about how humans should interact, selling you impossibly high expectations.
The trick is being able to separate what you want, from what they want for you.
Do that, and you are more than halfway home. Because you will find those irrational fears that may have followed you for years, simply fall away.
For instance, panic attacks are brought on by feelings of intense insecurity,
I call it the antiadrenaline. That is, adrenaline being not expended to help ourselves, but to do severe harm to ourselves.
And some of you may think these are brought on by external stimuli.
Which is somewhat true, (and that "somewhat true" part is what justifies not resisting it) because these stimuli are all things you are not in control of. Being obsessively concerned what others think of you, is a sure trigger.
Remind yoursel it doesn't matter, any more than not living up to that magazine ad matters. You will see the irrationality of the fears that fuel said attacks. The fear goes, the panic goes with it.
Liberation begins with YOU.
You might postpone trying to take on all the worlds problems, until you've made some headway with your own.
Healing will take as long as it takes, and don't fall into the "I'm not worthy of giving myself the time and attention, it's selfish"
It's essential you discover who you are, AND who you're not... both. Just like in the title.
Warm Regards, J
Happy to have been a part