Although well intentioned Poffo, and with respect to you, that was one very eloquent defence of the 'devil' there. The fact that you personally are discovering metaphysical concepts and finding inspiration in diverse places, does not to my mind, really credit the metal scene for much. Whatever spirituality you may have attained is more likely in spite of your vibrational sympathies with heavy metal "music" rather than because of it... notwithstanding the few metaphysical concepts you may have found floating amongst the vibrational sewer of heavy metal sounds. Nothing personal Poffo. Here's my own observation of what is going on with it.
It is written somewhere in scripture: "Fear is the beginning of wisdom"
Obviously fear is not wisdom. But for some people it can be the beginning of wisdom. Sometimes, some people, are struck with fear at the first realisation of their true predicament in this world and their relationship with a higher universal power. Fear of that stark reality can sometimes jolt some people into beginning the path of wisdom. But obviously, fear is not a vibration one can profitably entertain if one would transcend the "beginning" of wisdom and rise above it into true wisdom... which casts out all fear. So, in order to become spiritually wise, fear must be transcended. Same with other negative human emotions of anger, hatred, revenge, rage, etc. Whatever positive concepts might be found in some Heavy Metal lyrics, they can only be the beginning of KNOWLEDGE and that knowledge must be pursued in non- violent ways if it would lead to spiritual wisdom....(as distinct from mere metaphysical knowledge.) Using raging, violent metal music as a means to self- realisation is unrealistic and is like lacing your morning carrot juice with poison. You'll get your vitamin A and D out of it but it might also kill you. To speak of death in relation to metal music is not far fetched.
Paraphrased, the New Testament records Mathew 10:28 :
"Do not fear those who can destroy the body but those who destroy the soul"
The energetic essence of the soul can be expressed in higher creativity or it can be poured into the black hole of violence. Either way, energy is invested in form and the soul is responsible for it. If violence is chosen, those soulful/spiritual energies will be poured into lower astral forms and remain "dead" (vibrationally trapped) in the lower astral planes until they are redeemed (spiritualised and released) by contact with the inner- christ self. That cannot happen until the soul forsakes indulgent mental / emotional violence and takes responsibility for the energies so invested.
The real- Self is LIFE. All energies which vibrate below the level of that christ- self are "dead" and must be resurrected at some stage (from the lower planes} if the soul is to ascend back to spirit. Any portion of self, crucified in lower forms, must be resurrected before a soul can fully transcend the material planes. And that of course includes the energies unwisely invested in mental / emotional violence in all it's forms, including heavy metal music. Reedeeming that energy is a matter of personal responsibility but it cannot happen unless one sees "death" for what it is. If "death" is indulged because it is attractive and appears like "life", then the higher- Self must wait until the soul percieves clearly, before transmuting / resurrecting "death" energy back into "life". Otherwise it is like trying to take a pacifier from a baby. It has to be surrendered willingly by the baby otherwise it is a violation of freewill.
Poffo, your eloquent and passionate defence of heavy metal music was no less an apology for the vibration of death and hell than i might hear from an amphetamine addict, an alchoholic, a heroin junkie, a war loving mercenary, TPTB using the hegelian dialect on the masses etc etc etc.
"Out of conflict, comes granduer".
Perhaps more accurately paraphrased in your apology:
"Out of (the knowledge of) conflict
(and it's theoretical solutions)
comes granduer (even if that knowledge
is delivered through the self indulgent violence
of heavy metal music)
If that was true, and if the regurgitation of noble themes could raise a soul, then the vast majority of humanity would now be enlightened and the world would have resolved it's conflicts. Passion will trump reason anyday. And that is why the violent passions of the masses are constantly provoked by all means available. The arts, music, sport, the media, movies, video games, the political polemic etc etc are all programmed with conflict and lashings of violence to keep the darkest passions "alive" in the mass consciousness. I submit that Heavy Metal 'lovers' are the unwitting victims of that manipulation whether or not they know it. What they do know of course, is that they enjoy the release of energy under the influence of metal music and that includes the powerful provocation of feelings of anger, dissafection, contempt, revenge, hatred and general raging against... whatever, it matters not. All that matters is the violence. And i dare say it wouldn't matter if the world was perfect, the metal genre would be raging against it. The themes are arbitrary and irrelevant for the purposes of Heavy Metal. That purpose is the rape of the soul essence from the chakras and the subtle bodies. That energy is garnered by astral forces who then use it back against us. The sense of self empowerment which a metal rager may feel during that bilking, is a complete delusion because, as they say, one cannot successfully fight the fire of hell with the fire of hell.... Hell of course being the dark fury of raging human emotion.
For the moment though, metal 'lovers' are free to enjoy that and to imagine themselves potent. For the enjoyment of that 'release' they will be karmically accountable and personally responsible for redeeming the energy spilled into the lower astral plane by their activity. Raging metal music is just one of the many ways of death which bind a soul to the material planes (as described) and for which each soul is accountable.
In this world, death is made 'sweet' in it's many forms and guises. Sweet death... Slow... loved... embraced... admired... defended.
The themes of "freedom and bondage", "gain and loss" "us and them" are constant in this world and are not unique to metal "music". The mere presentation of these themes has never, nor will ever result in the spiritual freedom of humanity, although they have re- arranged the deckchairs in the titanic movements of history. Instead, given the forms it has most often taken, (heavy metal being just one modern form) violent passion leads to a mind numbing impotence to effect the real changes that people really long for. An inner change of vibration will result in internal and external victories. But metal "music" is a clear and present danger to the fulfillment of that spiritual potential. The oldest trick in the book has been to blind people by pandering to their base passions. And it is always so beautifully gift wrapped in some flag or another, flying always high for a 'mighty' cause. Instead, the constant pandering to gross human emotion (no matter what theme it is wrapped in.... self- dignity, freedom, nationalism, communism or religion, it) has kept people unenlightened and keeps violence idling for the next "real" confrontation and the next.
How might the metal head meet violence when it comes? Like dutiful lemmings they will meet it with all the violent passion now being fuelled by that most obvious enemy to their own enlightenment.... ie... discord, distortion, disharmony, angry dissafection, violent realease of emotional rage and hatred...... None of this is healthy to the spiritual aspirant. It is poison of the first degree. Soul murder in the first degree. That might seem like a joke, because the average metal heads seem very much alive. All that passionate activity. So does a supernova before it's gone. A soul can be fully spent. I have seen hollowed out dead men in the street pretending to be alive. That's what i mean by spent. It can happen in many ways.
This enemy of inner-peace is so obvious it is too obvious. The higher- Self is the source of the lifeforce within us by which we accomplish anything in life. It flows through us and makes thought, feeling word and deed possible. Our connection to that spiritual flow has been reduced to a trickle until each soul is willing to be lead by the wisdom of the heart. Then it can expand. But beyond an idle speed to sustain the basic functions of life, the higher- Self will only release greater light energy to the soul if the soul can defend it in divine harmony. If a soul, in ignorance, is pouring the light energy down the drain, then the faucet of the lifeforce (from the higher- Self) is reduced as an act of mercy to prevent the soul misqualifying more energy and multiplying it's karmic responsibility (through re- incarnation) to redeem the energies of self, sown in error.
It is a very wise move by the higher- Self and in fact explains the situation humanity is in today.... mostly severed from the divine flow of creativity from the higher- Self because of ignor-ance. Each soul is responsible for how light, energy and consciousness is used. To give a spiritually blind soul an unlimited quotient of spiritual energy would simply empower that soul to multiply it's error. Without vision (the all seeing eye of the christ mind) the soul would perish, spending itself in lower forms, totally. We're all free to play life as we see it and i have no motive but to point out a pitfall as i see it on the path to higher consciousness. No offense intended.