Well let's see.....I'm back to regularly consuming these large salads full of organic (or....supposed to be organic) veggies, with a home made salad dressing / tonic. And that does seem to make a definite difference in my energy levels. I feel healthy afterwards. Whole Foods Market has this great "spring mix" salad greens mixture that has red and green lettuce, spinach, dandalion leaves, a small bit of red cabbage, and a couple of other random plants, and that's the salad base, then on top of that I add three shredded radishes, (I'm a bit of a radish freak, gotta have them in my salads!!!!) two stalks of sliced celery, a shredded carrot, (sometimes two, if they're really skinny) slices of red onion (BIG time red onion fanatic!! Love them!!) and depending on the produce available, maybe either slices of cucumber or green pepper. But all organic, no regular pesticide veggies...I hope. Hope they're not lying. !
For the fat in the salad (because eating loads of veggies gets tedious) I either do slices of avocado, or shredded Danish Havarti cheese, the best cheese ever in the history of cheese.
The dressing is a mix of extra virgin olive oil, and Bragg brand Apple Cider Vinegar, which comes with "the mother," which is supposed to have healthful properties. Tasty stuff! I add fresh squeezed lime juice to the oil and vinegar along with a hefty sprinkling of cayenne pepper (big time cayenne pepper freak here, put it on everything from pasta sauces to deviled eggs, haha) and sometimes fresh crushed garlic. The garlic isn't for everybody, but I love it. So, oil, apple cider vinegar, lime juice, cayenne and garlic. It's tastier than any dressing I've ever bought in the store. It's actually ruined me for all other dressings.
So that's my magic salad. I first had the urge to eat these large salads back in '99, in SoCal, as well as the inexplicable urge to cut out corn syrup from my diet. Came totally from nowhere, (although I have my suspicions.....;) Stuff always comes from somewhere....whether beamed....or gleaned during dream time travels or abductions.....) I'd never even THOUGHT about health at that point. I was all about eating out fast food - burgers, fries, and ice cream, cookies and soda and sugar heavy candy since I don't gain weight, I'd just eat whatever I wanted and it was all the wrong food. Veggies was not a part of my diet. Later heard of somebody else we know - a lifelong abductee - who woke up one day with the urge to start making large salads for herself every day out of nowhere and get healthy. Thought that was interesting.
For supplements there's spirulina or chlorella, biotin and silica for my hair, (have to, as noted in my "Liquid Silica for Hair Loss" thread) but silica also benefits the skin and nails as well; my Omega 3, 6 and 9 capsules that's a mix of fish, borage and flaxseed oil. And occasionally some zinc/copper and iron. Spirulina is one of those highly recommend things as well. Works for me anyway, gives me a real energy boost.
And also I'm back to drinking a lot of tea, usually green, with organic, unfiltered, unheated honey made locally here in the Shenandoah Valley. Honey's my latest obsession. I never used to care for the stuff, then I had this local unfiltered "summer thistle" honey made by Golden Angels Apiary in Singer's Glen and now I'm hooked. I'll like, spoon it out of the jar. Terrible new habit I tell you. haha
Also trying to cut back on meat consumption. I'll never be fully vegetarian I don't think, but, I eat meat far less than I used to. Instead I'm back to eating the mix of black beans with brown rice with seasonings, chopped onions and melted cheese. Very tasty protein substitute and good for you to boot. (for vegans, just scrap the cheese obviously.)
Oh yeah, and for snacks lately I've been eating this maple nut granola mixed into plain yogurt with chopped bananas in it. The maple and nut matches well with the bananas and reminds me of the flavor of banana nut bread.
As far as being healthy goes in general, I waiver back and forth to making an effort to being completely lazy.
"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!" - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."