1 (edited by Paix 2007-11-19 17:07:06)

Topic: California's being sprayed with untested pesticide

Hello...  I am looking for ideas of how to deal with this if we get sprayed.   Moving five of us is not a viable option at this point.   It looks like Santa Cruz, Monterey, Berkeley, and San Fransisco are all in the first line up,  seems like the more liberal and free thinking areas are coincidentally, priority...

What bothers me the most, besides the fact that I am chemically sensitive, is that there are natural ways to eliminate this moth were it an actual hazard.


Re: California's being sprayed with untested pesticide

Newstarget.com has a great article on this subject.  This caught my attention... "If you examine the CDFA reports (www.cdfa.ca.gov/phpps/PDEP/lbam/maps.html) you will see the cause for grave alarm. The LBAM aerial spraying program does not target agricultural fields with this agricultural technology, but rather targets mostly residential and urban areas that are great distances from crops and fields."  http://www.newstarget.com/022434.html 

I see this story has also made it to good ole David Icke's Jan.6th latest headlines. Um, nice pic... http://www.davidicke.com/content/blogcategory/30/82/

We haven't been sprayed but, another city close to us soon will be.   Since ideas for coping with this aren't pouring in yet ...  wink  I have ordered a homeopathic machine for general health purposes.  I am hoping it will be helpful since it reads and balances your entire body.

Re: California's being sprayed with untested pesticide

Does anyone know the name of the company/organization of who is creating this spray? I'm reading over the articles but don't see it mentioned.
You all realize that the same company who created Agent Orange and also said silicone was perfectly safe to go inside human bodies are still one of the biggest multi-billion dollar corporations, just under different names. I mean hell.... chemical warfare makes us a lot of money. Sucks though because I really need something to scrub my shower and vacuum my floor with... A**holes they be...

"I never look at it this way, but maybe kittens are harmed synchronistically when people of the dark side masturbate." - titmouse_

Re: California's being sprayed with untested pesticide

If you read the newstarget piece, it talks about the effects of these chemicals (male sterility among other things), and the fact that the label of one of the components states that it should not be INHALED.  Here's info on the company involved...

"each aerial application of Checkmate OLR-F and Checkmate LBAM-F costs approximately $3.5 million and that $3 million is paid directly to the manufacturer Suterra, LLC of Bend, Oregon"    http://www.newstarget.com/022434.html

Re: California's being sprayed with untested pesticide

I've never heard of Suterra...so now there's more.. ugh... wow.. the poo pile thickens.

"I never look at it this way, but maybe kittens are harmed synchronistically when people of the dark side masturbate." - titmouse_