The torrent is just a small set of instructions telling a bittorrent program what to download from where. After you download a bittorrent program -- and the additional torrent linked above -- drag the torrent file into the bittorrent program (or File -> Open it from within) ... then after hitting OK or START or GO, it connects to other downloaders who have more downloaded than you do. In the process you'll be uploading what you have downloaded so far to others who still need those pieces. At first, you'll only have a "template" of the full final file on your computer ... so despite it appearing right away, they won't be filled with data until download is complete.
It takes a while, so once you see it connecting and downloading, just "set it and forget it"™ Expect speeds 5kB/s <--> 150kB/s. If after several minutes yours is still 0, then there's a problem with the connection or no one is currently sharing the file. That's why it is important to help share or "seed" the file after you have completed the download possible by leaving the bittorrent program open, so that others have a chance to connect and download it from you just as you did from others.
Good bittorrent programs/clients: Windows -> look up uTorrent
Mac -> look up Transmission
Another called Azureus is available on multiple platforms, but hogs computer power.
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