Topic: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

The Secret Teachings of All Ages (1928) - Manly P. Hall

Online (HTML) version of this classic book on Qabbala, Alchemy, Tarot, Ceremonial Magic, Neo-Platonic Philosophy, Mystery Religions, and the theory of Rosicrucianism and Freemasonry. big_smile

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

Re: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

Oh, wow. This is great. I had hoped not to have to lift heavy tomes as much as I used to. Oh, my aching back in those days!

3 (edited by morningsun76 2007-10-02 23:01:29)

Re: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

Hey everyone,

The complete set of ALL 39 of Manly P. Hall's audio lecture series is now available on BitTorrent.    Please everyone get a set, and then help distribute this RARE and VALUABLE material to the world by continuing to seed after your download is completed.  Here is the link: … ure_Series

I've also uploaded a complete list of all the titles contained in this collection.  You can get it here: …

Re: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

Be a nice person and please be a seeder not a leecher smile

"The universe is on fire with wonder, beauty, and ecstasy." - From the Undines to Humanity

Re: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

Okay people, I downloaded Bittorrent's downloader thing, and I also downloaded
(I think) the Manly Palmer Hall lectures, but I can't open them and I don't know
if I'm skipping a step or not.

Please tell me how Bittorrent works because obviously I don't understand it.

Thank you!


6 (edited by montalk 2007-09-30 14:01:30)

Re: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

The torrent is just a small set of instructions telling a bittorrent program what to download from where. After you download a bittorrent program -- and the additional torrent linked above --  drag the torrent file into the bittorrent program (or File -> Open it from within) ... then after hitting OK or START or GO, it connects to other downloaders who have more downloaded than you do. In the process you'll be uploading what you have downloaded so far to others who still need those pieces. At first, you'll only have a "template" of the full final file on your computer ... so despite it appearing right away, they won't be filled with data until download is complete.

It takes a while, so once you see it connecting and downloading, just "set it and forget it"™ Expect speeds  5kB/s <--> 150kB/s.  If after several minutes yours is still 0, then there's a problem with the connection or no one is currently sharing the file. That's why it is important to help share or "seed" the file after you have completed the download possible by leaving the bittorrent program open, so that others have a chance to connect and download it from you just as you did from others.

Good bittorrent programs/clients:  Windows -> look up uTorrent
                                                    Mac -> look up Transmission

Another called Azureus is available on multiple platforms, but hogs computer power.

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

Re: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

Ancient texts in general is not useful for you unless you understand the context, culture, and language such as words and syntax.  Every translation is an interpretation.  Read it in original language if you can

John 10:34

Jesus answered, "Is it not written in your law, 'I said, you are gods'?

8 (edited by morningsun76 2007-09-30 18:03:42)

Re: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

Tom Paine wrote:

Please tell me how Bittorrent works because obviously I don't understand it.


1) Download uTorrent here.   Then install it on your computer like you would any other program.

2)  Then click this link for the Manly Hall material.   The uTorrent program which you just installed in step #1 should hopefully take over at that point and start downloading the collection for you.    If not, copy and paste the link I just mentioned directly into uTorrent.

3) Once you've successfully downloaded the material, keep uTorrent running for at a few days, so that you share as much data as you have received, otherwise the system breaks down and I am the only one sharing.   The progarm will show you a "share ratio" which you should allow to rise to at least 1.0    For every whole number that rises, that's how many people you have shared the collection back to.   So 3.0 means you've shared with 3 other people.  I'm at about 13 right now after several days.  It's slow going but very important to do if the goal is to get this material out there.

Hope that helps.

Re: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

Well, I'm having no luck with either bittorrent or utorrent.
So I uninstalled both of them.



Re: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

Sorry for the TANTRUM I threw in my post.
My tolerance level for things that don't work is low right now.
Especially things that require me to think. 

MorningSun--thank you!
You are most gracious!  I'll check my email!


Re: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

Manly Hall MP3 Collection ERRATA:

Lecture #3 from the album "New Concepts of Therapy" has the wrong title showing in the filename and when you play the MP3.     The correct title of this lecture should be "The Value of Group Prayer and Meditation." 

However, please do not change the filename or tag while you are still seeding the torrent (and you ARE still seeding the torrent, right?)    If any of the file data changes you won't be able to seed anymore.

Re: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

If you move the folder where all the files are then that also prevents you from seeding.

"The universe is on fire with wonder, beauty, and ecstasy." - From the Undines to Humanity

Re: Manly P Hall - Secret Teachings of All Ages - online

Hi all,

Over 200 additional lectures by Manly P. Hall are now available for download in "PART TWO of Manly P. Hall Complete Lecture Series."   You can download it for free here.

The original "Complete Lecture Series" collection, which actually was not at all complete, is available here.    I'd highly recommend getting both now while you can.   

As always, please keep your BitTorrent program open once you're done downloading, to help others get the entire collection as well.