Re: An Intense Attack

belljar wrote:

I've gotten into the habit lately of setting up my sleeping place. I say I am setting up the grid this will only be a place of love if not expressing love you are not aloud in. No attacks yet and I'm one of those people that attract.

I think that this is a good idea, also for myself, if I keep my sleeping space clear of all electronic equipment and devices, the better I can go into deep sleep in order to receive the good info that I ask for before beddy-bye-lala

don't judge a book by its name

Re: An Intense Attack

I searched for this thread again because I just last night had a lucid dream experience where i was dragged around my bed and pulled off and wrestled with something. I tried to get back on my bed but there was a kind of forcefield around it, but it was for my protection. the thing that was so interesting is that I wasn't afraid in the dream like I am in waking life now, also I realized that I have much greater strength to fend off things in my OB states than I do in the physical, so it is almost like I would rather take on the stuff in the astral than the physical world forms that this stuff often takes.
What was I doing right before I went to sleep? I did think about all those stories I've heard about people being pulled by something at the foot of their bed, and I wondered if I'd be scared by such an occurance. Then I had the occurance, but it was not a regular dream state dream. Also: I asked for any obstacles within or without to be removed so that i could proceed with a certain project. I asked to have the obstacles or what is stopping me revealed to me clearly, instead of having this free-floating fear all of the time. I am open to input-lala

don't judge a book by its name

Re: An Intense Attack

Ok people, this shit freaks me out! Though I have never experienced pretty much anything many of you have experienced, I would still like to be prepared, if one can be prepared for any type of attack. I read a prayer, if that's what you would call it, here at NR, and it goes something like this: (I may have changed the wording a little) "Loving Infinite Creator, please protect me from any and all negative entities and negative energies while I sleep, and until I wake in the morning". This is what I pray every night before I go to sleep (or before taking a nap). I sure hope this helps, cuz to be quite honest with ya all, I'm a big fraidy cat!!
Any other suggestions?



Re: An Intense Attack

Globug I can only tell you what works for myself.  Fear is a good thing it keeps you on your toes, don't be afraid of fear.  Talk to your fear and ask it why am I so afraid ? Am I afraid of dying ? Everybody dies sometime so what am I so afraid of you can ask yourself. Anyone who tells you they aren't afraid is lying everyone is scared.