Topic: Benign abductions?

Here is a interesting account about a couple of seemingly benign interferences/abductions that my mother-in-law relayed to me.

The first abduction happened sometimes in the nineties when Vera (my future mother-in-law) had to take care of the her three younger teenage children all on her own. She used to sell some trifles in an outdoor marketplace and got a severe cold that also affected her kidneys. On one particular night she had a very acute pain in her kidney area - so severe that she practically rolled on the floor and screamed in pain. For some reason she did not call the ambulance but decided to wait it out. (I guess she did not want to be hospitalized because that would mean additional expense to the already strained family budget). Finally, she somehow managed to fall asleep and dreamed that somebody was dragging her out of bed. She kicked and protested, asking to leave her alone and let her rest a little bit because in the morning she had to go to work again. Anyway, in the morning she got up and was surprised to find out that the pain was completely gone save a little burning sensation and a little bit of itching on the skin. She tried to locate the itchy spot and see what it was. She discovered some geometrically shaped scars and marking on that spot. My wife confirms that she actually saw the markings, which initially were red and later became whitish and scaly.

The second episode occurred a little over a year ago when Vera ran high fever for a couple of weeks. She was finally hospitalized and when X-ray tests were done they discovered that she had pneumonia. The doctors couldn't help her because she had an adverse reaction to antibiotics. After a couple of weeks in the hospital she was released in the same condition. She became increasingly weak and we thought that it was the end of her.

On one particular night though she clearly saw two young guys appear in her dream. They were very handsome. The guys asked her if she remembered them from before. She said - Yeah, of course I remember you! But at the time she had no clue about who they were. They said that they came as soon as they found about her condition and that she should have let them know a lot earlier. She said: I would do that gladly, but how am I supposed to get in touch with you? It's not like I can pick up the phone and call you. They said that she can you a regular flashlight and just beam it up in the skies several times. They said that they monitor for such signals and would respond quickly. Then they proceeded to have a conversation between each other and pulled out like a hologram of Vera's lungs. One of them pointed to certain areas of the lungs and recommended to install some sort of net in there, which would help her.

In the morning, when she awoke she was all sweaty but the fever was gone. She is all ok now.

To me the part about using a flashlight to send out an alarm signal is really strange, but hey, if it works I am going to try it!

Re: Benign abductions?

Wouldn't it be great if you could be sure that they wern't the ones creating the pain/disease/illness in the first place? It's usually a lot easier to obtain someone's permission if they believe that you're helping them, but if the purpose was to gain someone's trust for further exploitation, then doing this sort of thing makes sense in a rather sinister way, doesn't it?


Re: Benign abductions?

True, everything should be checked and rechecked, but the question is - Is there ever a way to be sure? There is always room for doubt. Frankly, I don't know who to trust anymore - it is all lies and manipulation everywhere. You uncover one lie and there are a thousand more. Or you discover a truth that seems unshakable but in the end it turns out another lie again. It seems like a never-ending f*&ed-up game.

4 (edited by lyra 2007-12-31 20:10:26)

Re: Benign abductions?

The idea of benign abductions never occurred to me until this past summer, when I visited a psychic woman named Nancy who works out of our local metaphysical bookshop. She's a really nice woman with a very high up sort of vibe about her and these unusual piercing blue eyes.  Anyway her method is an odd one, it's to keep her hand distracted with writing/scribbling, while "stuff" is then able to get through the line, and information is then relayed.  That was the reason I wanted to check it out.  Tom had gotten a free reading from her and had interesting feedback results, so I thought sure, let's give it a whirl.  So that's the gist.  Cut to the point in our session where Nancy asks me if I had any questions I wanted answers for.  Well yeah, sure, let's ask abductions.  I kept it open and general - who's abducting me and why?  What do they want?

For starters, no matter how good a psychic is, everybody still has their personal filters and lenses through which they view the world.  And I think the concept of negative abductions, malicious ETs and government MILABS and mind control stuff is beyond a lot of people, even her unfortunately, despite how aware and unusual she is.  So the only thing I really got back was info. pertaining to the positive aspects of the abductions I've had, and even that was minimal.  I was told that one of the big things that was done to me by my abductors was to restore my hearing, which I apparently lost somewhere along the way in life.  So I'm supposed to be deaf.   Nancy didn't know that I had meningitis at age 1 1/2, which of course usually results in either brain damage or deafness.   I came away from my meningitis completely unscathed, despite being hospitalized for almost a month, and that was very unusual.  Everybody was surprised that there were no residual effects.  Kind of didn't make much sense.   She also said that work was done on my legs.  ??  To which I just shrugged like, uh, okay.  Sure.  I don't have issues with my legs that I know of.  It's my back and neck that are the problems.  So that really made no sense.  But that was all I really got in terms of info. on my abductors.  I don't doubt the deaf thing, because it does make sense and fits, but the total lack of info. pertaining to any negative doings with my abductions just made me feel like, hmm   Probably the personal filters thing.   But going back to being a kid, "sound" has always been important to me.  I never consciously realized it til after that reading with Nancy though.  The hand held tape recorder I have with a tape filled with sounds of life that I've recorded in our travels - chorus of birds in the woods in the spring and summer, thunderstorms, wind chimes tinkling in the breeze, the ocean, my kitty meowing and talking and even eating (haha!) the sound of walking on crunching snow in the winter.  smile  Written stories as a kid that made sure to include the detail of sound.  The importance of sound when I'm visiting a new place.  The way New York City sounds.  The way the beaches in south Florida sounded.  The importance of music, listening to the ways in which people speak and being good at identifying vocal speech indicators in reading people, having excellent audio recognition ability, etc.  Sound sound sound!   Maybe because I really did lose my hearing and there's a reality where I'm out there completely shut off to sound.   So if it's true, then I made sure to say thank you to whoever did it.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."


Re: Benign abductions?

How do we know abductions take place?  Could be a false memory created.

Re: Benign abductions?

Piece_ofnothing wrote:

How do we know abductions take place?  Could be a false memory created.

False memory created...........By who? 

You do realize that the question itself alludes to "abductions."  Somebody either took you, or showed up in your home, and implanted false memories.   Which means something still happened, and was done by somebody, for some purpose.

But the point of this thread isn't to side track onto a debate about whether abductions are real or not.  If you'd like that, start another thread.   This is a thread for those who believe they are real, and want to consider the possibilities of benign ones.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."


Re: Benign abductions?

False memory created by who good question I don't know.  I was just asking a question I didn't say they weren't real.

Re: Benign abductions?

I do not deny the possibility of false memories - the whole idea of linear reincarnation and past life regressions, for instance, sounds too simplistic and prone to manipulation to me, but in the case of abductions one is faced not only with memories but also physical evidence - strange markings on the body, implants and so on. All this has to be accounted for and I don't yet see how all this is possible without actual physical abduction.