I accept there are multiple planes of existence too ape- x. And not because of the above link either although quantum physics is brilliant. The Universe is comprised of the multiverses. We are experiencing all levels now with varying degrees of self- awareness in each of the 4 material levels ... physical, astral, mental, etheric and beyond into spiritual planes of existence.
Where i differ is with the idea that our souls are physically incarnate in multiple physical bodies simultaneously... ie. "at the same time". It seems that is the concept some people prefer over the ancient idea of multiple consecutive incarnations. And it appears that the new physics article you linked to, and other NR posts which i've read, suggest that multiple non- physical lives in alternative timelines are also initiated just by the mere possibilities arising out of choices not actually made. Or maybe they are saying that these alternative timelines are just as physical... i'm not sure because the article doesn't make that clear. Either way i don't agree with the extent of their extrapolations over and above the basic revelation of the link between the mind and quanta. That is, i believe we do create our own reality but not to the extent the physicists are suggesting.
Don't get me wrong, i too can imagine some amazing implications of this new knowledge and i can see the link to the older esoteric explanations for YCYOR. I even think the physicists are very close to reality in their extrapolations but i think they go too far. Usually i think it's a virtue in science to go too far than to not go far enough. At least it shows that intellectual freedom is alive and well in some areas of life.
But, the quantum physicists are saying, that without the slightest contemplation of an alternative possibility [not acted upon in the tangible present] quanta can give 'birth' to a simultaneous lifetime/timeline in another dimension by virtue of the mere possibility of the alternative. Simultaneously, and conversely, they suggest that "particles only settle down to one of these multiple options when they are observed." To me, that is an obvious contradiction. While i accept that contradictions are often present in theoretical science, there is usually some discussion about the contradictions and some attempt made to resolve them. I see the contradiction in the article but there's no evidence []in the article at least] that the physicists have seen it nor made any attempt to resolve it theoretically.
By their own logic, if certain alternative possibilities are not observed in one's life then particles will not settle into any pattern to form any "probable state" at all. If that is the case, and i accept that it is, then how does the quantum theory square with the physicists other assertion that mere possibilities [not observed] can produce new forms/timelines/lifetimes? Surely, if no attention is given to a particular possibility then it wont exist at any level because the basic qualification for manifestation [manifest-action] on any plane has not been met. ie... "observation".
Observation/Contemplation truly does cause virgin subatomic "wave functions" to organise into measurable particles.... in other words the mind really does have the power to mold matter.... But i believe the results are much less dramatic than the article suggests specifically where it relates to their assertions of simultaneous incarnations. If i could attempt to resolve the physicists contradiction for myself i would say that it is more true that only contemplated alternative possibilities are created [emotionally and mentally by the act of contemplation] and therefore the creations have some reality in the astral and mental planes. And, that those creations are far less dramatic than full blown "alternative timelines" filled with their own characters, mountains, rivers, cars, elvises etc. Those astral and mental forms will physically outplay over time in this and consecutive incarnations not in simultaneous incarnations in alternative timelines.
Also, if uncontemplated tangents can spontaneously arise from virgin quanta where is "will" in the creative process? The universe would otherwise be filled with "junk" soap operas.... that is, infinite manifestations of alternate lifetimes/ timelines. And if those alternative possibilities did exist then each of those timelines/lifetimes would also have infinite split off alternatives branching off in every instant by virtue of the mere possibilities that exist. How unwieldly! How could we be responsible for it all if mere "possibility" was the "author"? How could it even happen given the unanswered contradictions of the theory.
Yes, the virgin waves at the quantum level are like cosmic plasticine waiting to be molded [manifested] by the attentive mind. That is our responsibility. Bringing the whole mind into conscious realisation and focus. But our creations will only be as voluminous as the mind has the power to amplify them. For most people, while we do create reality through observation/ contemplation of all our hopes, fears and dreams, the potency of this power has waned exceedingly. But the future of this timeline, which is the only one in which we have incarnated, is pre-concieved in the present by the power of our attention/faith/belief [as the physicists suggest]. And so we do retain some of our creative powers.
"You have ruled wisely over a little.
I will make you ruler over all"- [all levels of your own consciousness] ... eventually
I also differ with the idea that says time is not a linear construct. I realise the universe is not linear, but within it , or more accurately, at it's vibrational circumference, time is experienced as linear movement [of the earth] at the physical level by incarnate souls. If we are to know ourselves at every level of the infinite universe, then a part of ourselves [the soul in the 4 lower bodies] must of necessity incarnate in time and space and move forward through it's finite cycles. By 'incarnate', i mean we incarnate into 4 material bodies of various densities but these 4 bodies are integrated here and now by the chakra system and, ideally, work in harmony for the evolution of our soul in the material planes. I believe the concept of these 4 integrated material bodies may be what some people are confusing when they talk about simultaneous multiple lifetimes/ timelines.
These 4 bodies are not [except as our soul's vehicle in the astral or etheric planes during sleep] off somewhere leading their own tangential lives in different planes of existence. While these bodies do occupy more subtle planes, they are integrated together so the soul can express itself through thought, feeling, memory and physical action in one seamless expression in the here and now. This integration of the 4 bodies makes conscious action in 3d possible.