Topic: Shadow People
I like to discuss my experience.
My first paranormal experience was involved with a negative being, called Shadow People. They look black and hazy, the one I met was tall and dark. It had a repetitive action of opening and closing the door, but no sound would come out of it. I was about 2-4 years old when this happened and something I would never forget.
I lived in an apartment building at that age with my parents. It appears in the bedroom I slept only at night.
It was humanoid shaped, but dark and facial features or anything.
The last time I met with the being was when it actually picked me up physically and dropped me on bed. Its 'hands' were under my armpits and I felt a huge ticklish feeling - Obviously it was sucking my energy.
Strangely, I had a habit when I was young of forming a barrier around me. Like when it was dark I imagine a multilayer barrier that keeps something from touching me. I also was able to see pictures easier in the dark, like imagine a picture and I see the shape. Also, aura, I saw aura a lot easier back then. Stare at an object for a moment then move and it sticks to my vision. Babies see aura easier too...