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Noble Realms → Aliens and Matrix → Aliens in the Media
I actually thought that this type of 'shift' displayed in the video above was most likely some sort of video editing effect especially cince I've seen several of the videos showing it and on one of them the womans hair and clothes also appeared to 'shift' in the same manner as her skin. But I watched a few of the others and found this one where there apparently was an entire hoopla within the production news set because of the 'shift' that was happening on camera.
I could agree but the evidence is in.
Called "meteor blaze"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mbA606Z … re=related
Read the comments, "that is no meteor".
Mexico is one of the, if not, the most prolific location on Earth for UFO activity.
This would appear to be a presentation of sorts showing a grey et and reptilian et. Would anyone care to comment or possibly translate?
Hey Xeno - that above video was so bogus I nearly went into epileptic shock.
(turns out they "the aliens" were being use for visual aids)
This interview was rather interesting, David Farrier talks Reptilians
http://www.npr.org/templates/story/stor … d=18146244
Reports of this UFO over Texas was actually on CNN yesterday.
Article details the militarys official explanation as, "a reflection of sunlight on two airliners."
This is reasonable because two airliners are commonly known to fly in close proximity with each other.
There were also [size=20]10[/size] jets scrambled to intercept.
Described as being half a mile wide and a mile long!
and this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LgFrKzhMs8
Then this one is shot while golfing, cool shot in 2008:
Tibetan monks remote view Benevolent intervention.
Early tonight, I was in the kitchen getting a quick bite and I looked out of the kitchen's entrance, I see my little sister watching the Sci-Fi channel in the living room and saw this commercial from a trashy strip joint located in Queens,NY. I just had to watch it while my mind was thinking "no way?! this is funny yet probably closer to the truth than most people think". haha
Anyways, thankfully, I found the commercial on youtube , so here's the link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXEbohjrx9Q
The last line: "Gallagher's 2000...it's out of this world" with a seductive, female voice. Who knows, it probably is out of this world and comes from elsewhere (aka Eve Lorgen "The Alien Lovebite" and the C's and how they say STS aliens can play a role with sex and such).
Confirmation and Update on Secret UN Meeting Discussing UFOs and Extraterrestrial Life
by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
Posted: 19:34 February 20, 2007I recently circulated an article describing a secret meeting that allegedly occurred at the New York office of the United Nations discussing UFOs/extraterrestrial life. www.ufodigest.com The confidential source (A) for the meeting is presently working as a member of the diplomatic community who relayed this information to two New York based researchers, Shawn and Clay Pickering. I am pleased to announce that I have received independent confirmation that the alleged meeting did occur on the morning of February 12, 2008 as Clay’s and Shawn’s source claimed. I was also given information by an independent source (B), who I believe is very reliable, on what transpired at the meeting. It was claimed that a document had been circulated at the meeting, and was now being relayed to key ministries of many nations for further study and comments.
I have yet to witness the document which allegedly refers to an offer by extraterrestrials to help prepare humanity for the disclosure of extraterrestrial life. The meeting also apparently discussed how the UN was being encouraged to take a proactive stand on the release of secret technologies that will enable the development of free energy. The date 2013 was given as the time when extraterrestrials would unambiguously appear. This was consistent with the date given in my earlier article. I will share more information on the alleged document circulated at the UN meeting and the independent source (B) confirming the meeting in my next communication on this unfolding UN initiative on UFOs/extraterrestrial life.
[rest of the article here: http://www.ufodigest.com/news/0208/un-confirmation.html ]
Noble Realms → Aliens and Matrix → Aliens in the Media
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