1 (edited by Capitan 2007-11-03 09:19:29)

Topic: The pineal glands effect on our perception of reality

Ok, so I asked myself the question, "What is the nature of this reality, in that we all see the same thing, but during my Ayahausca experience I was able to tune into another reality that shared the same setting as the reality I had left but with a different decor if you will"  To explain the question in the simplest detail that I can, I was sitting on a pool deck and I would literally phase into another state of mind that looked exactly the same as where I had left, although now I had a different perspective as if I wasn't just looking from my eyes and seeing everything but seeing everything from all possible perspectives, and also this same place now had subtle differences like there were entities sitting in the chairs that were empty only moments earlier, and there was a being standing over me just out the corner of my eye who was refusing to show me his face because as I would turn he would disappear.  The tiled rocks that made up the pathway through the grass also took on a very ornate pattern that was repeated over all of the tiles even when the tiles were different colors or had defects in them.  All of these subtleties were not in the reality I had just left but were as real to me at the moment as the computer screen at which I now stare. 

The answer to my question is that every being in existence actually recreates this reality in their own "minds" if you will.  We are all tapped into the "Matrix" which is a uniform thought structure that is telling us what to see.  However you can tap into your third eye which allows you to modify the matrix input as your imagination sees fit.  To put this in another way, every concious being lives in another reality in actuality, but the matrix functions as a collective reality that we can tune into, and allow it to feed into and dictate to us the reality we experience.  Through the pineal, you can connect with a discriminate entity and play the vision or sound into "your" reality by modifying the matrix input before you make it your reality.  So you are modifying what the matrix is telling you, and no the matrix itself.  Therefore people can see real things, that are only real to them as the pineal is allowing the mind to overwrite or modify the matrix input that your mind is recreating.  An interesting fact is that all of the main sensory functions of the body run through the pineal area of the brain before connecting to the brain itself, allowing through the pineal modification of these sensory inputs before the brain decodes the information. 

I must convey my understanding here that all things that we say may not be real that we experience, and in fact it may take a redefinition of the world real to understand exactly what that means.  If you are defining what is real as what is in the matrix, then humans are able to see and experience much more then what is real, things that do actually exist "somewhere".  A good question though is "Do these things that exist outside the matrix", they do seem to exist outside of ourselves, but are there also things that we can experience that are only inside ourselves, completely within our own reality. 

One problem with developing an active pineal, which even many Western children have, is that the pineal makes visions that it has inserted into your perception, imperceptible from the matrix reality.  This is because your reality is different from all others, and when the matrix feed is modified, you are not aware of what is from the matrix and what is not.    Thusly you would see something and could not determine if it existed in the matrix, or only in your reality.  This accounts for many cases of insanity as people are truly seeing things that may or may not exist, and probably do exist in their minds, but do not exist in the matrix reality and therefore they are out of touch with "reality".  Anyone seeking pineal activation might have to give up the comfort of existing firmly in the matrix reality, and having other people be able to see what they see.  I have however heard of people having shared altered reality experiences where two people are experiencing the same thing in an alteration of the matrix, which would indicate that people can tap into various offshoots of the modified matrix reality. 

I am sure this explanation has its limitations just as saying gravity is a force that draws things together does not do much to define gravity, but gives us a general understanding of its properties.  I have already found a weakness in the argument as I extend the argument of each consciousness recreating the reality as the matrix tells it.  If we proceed down to the lower levels of conscious existence, do the frogs recreate the entire universe in their minds, do ants, do bacteria, do atoms?   If every one of the approximately infinite number of atoms does this, is this not a gross overkill of perceptive utilage? 

The pineal overlay does explain another ability that experienced under ayahuasca, and that was the ability to connect the imagination to the experienced reality I was living in.  My first moments of distorted perceptions on Ayahuasca I noticed that I began to see lines drawn between the stars as if there really was some line of light connecting them.  And this was not some sort of crude artists sketch, this was in fact as real as the stars themselves.  And on top of that my conscious clarity was elevated leagues beyond what it had been in the moments before my perception began to change.  What was happening was for the full imaginative qualities of my mind to be combined fully with my perception of this reality to which point I could not perceive the difference between the imagined and the non, but everything was experienced in a hyperreal hyperconcious state.  One point of clarification is that what is expereinced is not imagined, of that I am for sure, there is some point of truth to what is experienced, but what is it?  Is it a metaphor for something greater, is it the mind translating knowledge that does not make sense in the limitation of the matrix?  These questions will have to wait to be answered at another time.

"...But Nothing is Lost:" "Nothing lasts... nothing lasts. Everything is changing into something else. Nothing's wrong. Nothing is wrong. Everything is on track. William Blake said nothing is lost and I believe that we all move on." - Terrence McKenna - Shpongle - But Nothing Is Lost

Re: The pineal glands effect on our perception of reality

I have been trying to get people see the connection in the Fluoride in the water and this general concept, please check this link out

This is why they must have it in the water, even though its topical not systemic I.E. their is no reason to swallow it, only risks can come from it!

Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.

—C.S. Lewis

Re: The pineal glands effect on our perception of reality

capitan wrote:

One problem with developing an active pineal

How does one do this?


"It means the Matrix can't tell you who you are" - Trinity

Re: The pineal glands effect on our perception of reality

T-Ren wrote:
capitan wrote:

One problem with developing an active pineal

How does one do this?

Well for one, I am only speculating that this would be a problem with activating the pineal.  I would assume that children who speak of having an imaginary friend, or who see a monster under the bed have an functioning pineal.  Children are taught in the western society on how to tune out the pineal gland just as someone with their eyes open in the land of the blind might choose to shut his eyes too if he could not understand why everyone else did not understand when he talked to them about what he was seeing. 

How to activate the pineal gland though?  I can only assume that heavy meditation, as practiced by budhists and such can strengthen the pineal gland, just the same as a body builder builds his muscles by constantly utilizing them and pushing himself to lift more and more.  The other choices for pineal activation are the utilization of psychedelic drugs that contain the chemicals that the pineal seems to run on.  This however does not help you to develop this ability naturally, although it does give you a taste of the experience so that you know what you are shooting for. 

My experience, post psychedelic awakening, is that my ego or some fragment of my personality is standing forceful gaurd over the third eye, and every time I have been able to activate the third eye I experience an intense fear, that causes me to spontaneously shut down further process.  I think the hard link of perception that you are tethered firmly to your body begins to fade, triggering a fear of death reaction.  There is also what I have termed ego death, which stems from direct confrontation of your ego with the truth that it is not nearly as great, significant, important, or correct as it percieves.  Your firmly held patterns and beliefs cannot survive after it becomes clear that they are irrelevant, and the old you is forced to change.

Another possibility I have considered is that this upcoming wave that is often discussed in the metaphysical community to arrive around 2012 may cause spontaneous activation of the pineal in humans to the point where effort will not have to be made to activate your third eye, but instead to try and keep it inactive for those who will refuse to accept their beliefs are inaccurate.

"...But Nothing is Lost:" "Nothing lasts... nothing lasts. Everything is changing into something else. Nothing's wrong. Nothing is wrong. Everything is on track. William Blake said nothing is lost and I believe that we all move on." - Terrence McKenna - Shpongle - But Nothing Is Lost

5 (edited by Gensix 2007-11-04 10:07:13)

Re: The pineal glands effect on our perception of reality

could the experience not also be explained by a dimensional perception issue. I know that the same heavy meditation especially of the Tibetan Buddhist flavor can create doors for not so friendly multidimensional beings.

you see what Im saying.

you say that the experiences of the entities are prove of the experience, and when asked how you get the experience you describe how many others have let the things in our plain.
they seem to be getting the good end of the deal, considering if it werent for us they would have no entry. what do you get? the experience of seeing/feeling them? where do I sign up?

Christianity, if false, is of no importance, and if true, of infinite importance. The only thing it cannot be is moderately important.

—C.S. Lewis

Re: The pineal glands effect on our perception of reality

Capitan wrote:

My experience, post psychedelic awakening, is that my ego or some fragment of my personality is standing forceful gaurd over the third eye, and every time I have been able to activate the third eye I experience an intense fear, that causes me to spontaneously shut down further process.

I came across something that "opens" the Third Eye: all it is is putting one's hands together a certain way and shifting focus to where the Chakra is (the chants aren't necessary to feel the sudden sometimes strong pressure on the Chakra). I've found that doing it is pretty easy. If it works maybe you could somehow force your hands to stay put?... I dunno. Just thought I'd mention that link...

Re: The pineal glands effect on our perception of reality

Capitan wrote:

My experience, post psychedelic awakening, is that my ego or some fragment of my personality is standing forceful gaurd over the third eye, and every time I have been able to activate the third eye I experience an intense fear, that causes me to spontaneously shut down further process.  I think the hard link of perception that you are tethered firmly to your body begins to fade, triggering a fear of death reaction.  There is also what I have termed ego death, which stems from direct confrontation of your ego with the truth that it is not nearly as great, significant, important, or correct as it percieves.  Your firmly held patterns and beliefs cannot survive after it becomes clear that they are irrelevant, and the old you is forced to change.

"Blinded by self-importance....the visionaries of society haven't the vision of a blind musician nor the perception of a churchmouse"

Fun fact: Great Tits are common in Europe

To know love is to know trust; to know oneself is to know truth


Re: The pineal glands effect on our perception of reality

Gensix wrote:

could the experience not also be explained by a dimensional perception issue.


Gensix wrote:

I know that the same heavy meditation especially of the Tibetan Buddhist flavor can create doors for not so friendly multidimensional beings.

How do you know this?

Gensix wrote:

you say that the experiences of the entities are prove of the experience, and when asked how you get the experience you describe how many others have let the things in our plain.

I do not know how to naturally make what I used a tool (ayahausca) to do for me.  I do not know why our pineal exists but does not function, and my only guess on how to activate it is the method most referred to of meditation.  Meditation allows you to quiet the mind so that you yourself can answer your own questions, questions like "How do I open my third eye?".  Meditation combined with extremely relaxed yet stimulated states of being have allowed me to connect to a similar experience to what I understand to having the third eye open.  I will add that disciplined focus has been most affective in naturally opening my third eye in meditation.  I first raised the intensity of my desire to open my third eye, just as a cheesy speaker wakes up a sleeping audience

Lame MC wrote:

"How are you doing Today.  What?  I couldn't hear you! Lets try that again louder this time!!!"

Emotions are a neglected part of our being and I have learned that it is much easier to get myself exited to do something, compared to forcing myself to do something.  From my experience, if I can focus myself intensely for a few days in a row, then I will usually have a spontaneous awakening of the third eye, which has happened two or three times.

Gensix wrote:

they seem to be getting the good end of the deal, considering if it weren't for us they would have no entry. what do you get? the experience of seeing/feeling them? where do I sign up?

I don't have any experience with what you are talking about, and it doesn't sound like I would want to.  Most of my experiences have been improving the quality of my life, and my positive functionality in this plane of existence.

"...But Nothing is Lost:" "Nothing lasts... nothing lasts. Everything is changing into something else. Nothing's wrong. Nothing is wrong. Everything is on track. William Blake said nothing is lost and I believe that we all move on." - Terrence McKenna - Shpongle - But Nothing Is Lost

Re: The pineal glands effect on our perception of reality

Gensix wrote:

I have been trying to get people see the connection in the Fluoride in the water and this general concept, please check this link out

This is why they must have it in the water, even though its topical not systemic I.E. their is no reason to swallow it, only risks can come from it!

I find it very interesting and thank you very much that you point that out. I have been trying to explain to people for years how fluoride is moreso hurtful than helpful....
People of course do not want to listen to just some random member of society, they want to listen to the public schools (whom when I was a child had "swish"day where every kid was required to swish a big cup full of minty flouride, and my parents did not allow my brother and I to partake in and the teachers automatically thought my whole family was insane). Oh and don't forget to take those couple of drops of fluoride a day that the doctor will perscribe if you tell them that you drink out of a spring fed well... oh and "the guys" who go around to homes who have spring fed wells to test your water and then lecture you on how you NEED fluoride put in your water... sheesh.
I need them to leave me alone is what I need.

"I never look at it this way, but maybe kittens are harmed synchronistically when people of the dark side masturbate." - titmouse_


Re: The pineal glands effect on our perception of reality


Your post brings much hope for me! It's a light in a long period of darkness and confusion I have experienced during the last year.

Your descriptions of how the pinneal affects reality perception have made me realize what has been 'wrong' all this time in my life.

Apparently my third eye have been activated back in November 2006 - the time Karen Bishop spoke about entering the "Page Two Reality" in one of her 'Energy Alerts' (which I have been reading since 2005). At the time I thought of "dimensional travel" as attractive. Not anymore.

Captain wrote:

you can tap into your third eye which allows you to modify the matrix input as your imagination sees fit

Which is what I find disturbing because what imagination "sees fit" is arbitrated by the lower mind (or ego)! You can command your imagination to edit your reality the way you want, only to find out it's devoid of meaning and life force. You cannot command the real reality which is animated by God - the source of life and meaning.

The third eye can show you the inner workings of the stage upon which the drama is played out - it doesn't tell you how to play in it nor how to relate to other players.

The reality alterations may look fancy, fantastic or wonderful but they are only a distraction on a way to realizing what real life is.

To sum up: I guess the most important thing is that you have validated my experience, Captain. I can relate to what you're saying about how the pinneal modifies personal (autistic) experience of the matrix. Which implies it is a peer with the matrix and as such it is your personal extension of the matrix. Let's put it in a graphic way:

             <-information-flow (3rd-eye off-line)->
The Matrix----------------[the senses----------------The Self]

              <-information-flow (3rd-eye on-line)->
The Matrix-------[the senses-----The Pinneal-----The Self]

Neither does the Matrix nor the Pinneal by themselves necessarily provide information about the living-true-meaningful-reality (say "the Pleroma"). It may only be revealed by God's grace:

              <-information-flow (3rd eye on-line)->
The Matrix-------[the senses----------------------------The Self]
The Matrix-------[the senses-----The Pinneal-----The Self]
         /\                     /\                  /\                        /\
         |  information  |   flow          |                         |
         |                      |                   |                         |
   The Revealed True Living Reality (or gnostic Pleroma)

The above indicates we don't effect the (vertical) information flow from a higher source by means of our senses or the 3rd eye.

I believe the two-way Pleroma--Self information flow can only occur via whichever chackras correlate with one's act of faith, hope and love.

So to sum up the the summing up: 3rd eye chakra = no big deal, not so real, trouble near tongue

Thanks again!

Some of my "post 3rd eye activation" (if that was it) experiences of the last year, posted in hope of their usefulness:

Here's how the perception of the world changed:
* It is dark. Only small portions of the world around me are "lit" - one I focus on.
* it is "partitioned". Things go in parts. Lack of coherence and fluidity.
* there's little energy! Probably the most prominent and disturbing feature of this world. The real Sun doesn't shine except for specific times.
* it is basically "lifeless" (see above). Things look barren, "dry", without the real "juicy" hues.
* there are periods if "opportunity" in regular intervals of time when some energy pours in: around 11-13th and 19-21 of each month.
* synchronicity is a way if life.
* literalism.
* people. This is a big change. When communicating the message is tailored for this specific person. A rapport is established and I then use specific wording and phrases best understood by the person to talk to.
This is interesting. The non-verbal (3rd-eye-to-3rd-eye? rapport?) communication precedes and determines the actual spoken content. The key to an effective communication is a precise image held in the mind AND a pure intent!
All in all it looks very Derren Brown-ish.
* physicality is easily manipulated with imagination and intent. adds to the surreal feeling of the new world.

Here's what has changed in myself:

* mood! It got depressed.
That's the most pronounced negative effect. It conincided in time with the "Page Two" of Karen Bishop.
In February 2005 I discovered by chance a meditation to clear my mind, elevate the mood and boost energy. It consisted of sitting in the Lotus Posiotion and focusing on breathing . Since "Page Two" it stopped working! There was now an invisible bar I couldn'd lift myself above! It creates a feeling of entrapment in a very dark world!
* sensitivity. I got hypersensitive to light, sound, touch and temperature.
* suggestibility. Got very susceptible to suggestion.
* imagination. Became *very* active.
* thoughts. Became a chaotic merry-go-around. Obsessions.
* memory.
  - bad short-term memory ("So what did I come into this for?")
  - good long term (encoding aided by imagination and rapid associations)
  - vivid recollection (So vivid as to resemble regular perception).
* 'magical thinking' - Things didn't come by themselves as before (objectively). Instead to experience something I had to... create a program in my imagination (visualization) and then run it! Or, to acomplish something I feel compelled to first do it in my imagination and then it manifests. Or, I have to make a specific *request*, like a prayer, statement of intent to make something happen. It's a ego-level reality creation run rampant. It makes me feel disconnected from the natural beauty of objectivity.
* fragmentated personality/identity.
* no sense of time.
* no emotions!
* intent is what drives the experience in this state.
* Feeling hope is challenging but when successful it makes a real difference! It elevates the spirit.
* Faith. Faith and trust is what enables me to live effectively in this state. Against all odds. No mater how bad things look, having FAITH right to the very last moment assures a positive outcome.

Re: The pineal glands effect on our perception of reality

Man I am going through a lot of the stuff that you are going through.  I am contemplating whether I want to write all this down or go to bed.  I'll see how much I can get out.  I have suffered from depression over the last 3 years but as of probably a year ago it began to improve, and following my trip to Brazil for AYA I am doing millions of times better.  I still have a relapse or two of intense negativity when I wish I could not exist any longer.  I don't believe in the death of the soul so I feel this is impossible.  I actually think the desire for the ending of existence is not my idea it is just something that grabs my attention and then runs with it.  I have been very distracted at work to the point where I almost can't get anything done without an all out battle with myself.  I have noticed insane synchronisities in my life, and the scary fact that the things I ask for are coming into my life like clockwork (its scary because its bye-bye old belief system).  I am very whimsical, or multipursonalitied, not so much that I have different personas, its just that I can be full bore enthusiastic for life one minute, and then I don't pay attention and let a negative thought grab my attention and all I can think about is how bad everything is. 

The one thing I don't agree with you on is that opening the third eye is a bad thing.  I think the third eye allows us to reconnect to the GOD energy or god source.  It is possible that you have linked up with some negative energy and your third eye is looking at a very dark place.  Also in my experience over the last year, looking for a positive outcome will not get you one, you must be positive now and then you will get a positive outcome.  Whenever I hear someone talk about how bad things are, or may get I just think of something like that quote I have in my signature, "Nothing lasts, everything is changing into something else, Nothing is lost, everything is on track, "

I have personally found the gateway to opening my third eye without taking anything and it seems to have a lot to do with intense focus, concentration, no distractions, and especially visualization techniques.  The visualization techniques are what really got it going.  I say that I can now get to the doorway behind which the third eye awaits. 

What is taking your energy is your internal battles.  It is the fighting or running in circles in your mind that is wearing you out.  I found this out this week, but I have been working on this issue for months.  Instead of fighting the distractions in your mind that are confusing you and wearing you out, you must learn to ignore them.  Imagine that a distraction is like a man coming up to you on the street trying to sell you something.  As soon as he has your attention he will get really aggressive and try to keep your attention.   Now you have been stopped on your journey and you are off track.  The people skilled with dealing with these street vendors know that if they ignore the vendor then the vendor will leave them alone.  Unwanted thoughts must be thought of the same way, as soon as you give a thought your attention it has a hold of you!  When I fight against this thought and yell at it telling it is distracting me it only gives more attention to the distraction, and ends up draining my energy.  It is only through turning my attention away from my distraction back to my focus that keeps me going and full of energy.

"...But Nothing is Lost:" "Nothing lasts... nothing lasts. Everything is changing into something else. Nothing's wrong. Nothing is wrong. Everything is on track. William Blake said nothing is lost and I believe that we all move on." - Terrence McKenna - Shpongle - But Nothing Is Lost