Topic: melatonin

Seems like a lot of people have vivid lucid dreams while taking this smart drug, as it's called.

Also I've read that it is a powerful anti-oxidant. 

You can read many people's experiences with melatonin here:
http://erowid.org/experiences/exp.cgi?S … mp;Start=0

Re: melatonin

I can definitely vouch for the effects of melatonin.  They do help with lucid dreaming, and they help with extremely vivid, colorful, and WILD dreams in general.  It is also a lot easier to remember my dreams if I use melatonin. 

I've found that it has a downside, though.  Sometimes I wake up feeling a lot more tired than I felt before I went to bed!  Also, as a sleep aid, I find that I've got to hit the sack the moment I start feeling tired, otherwise I "miss the train", so to speak.  As a result, I tend to use it only occasionally.

"It is only with the heart that one can see rightly;
what is essential is invisible to the eye."
-Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Re: melatonin

I too have found that as little as 3 mg causes some wild colorful dreams.  That and reading a little Robert Anton Wilson book like Cosmic trigger, or what ever it's called.  RAW calls himself an guerilla ontologist.  I find it interesting that just reading something by him would affect the manner in which I dream.  (Very colorful, very vivid, very lucid, etc.)

Re: melatonin

Allright, after reading about melatonin on montalk's website i decided to experiment with it and let me tell you what happend. I indeed dreamt more than usual and what was on my mind came in my dreams like what ever I had been thinking and stuff. Now, I read in one of the books that melatonin causes our physical body to collapse and paralyze our muscles while we are dreaming with a rapid eye movement which is what REM stands for dreaming before waking up cycle. Now, I doubt it that using too much melatonin would land us vulnerable to be performed or hack into our minds thru the cosmic mind which usually happens in my case when i sleep. So, paralyzing your muscles means you don't know what is being performed on your physical and etheric body cuz we are totally relaxed and dreaming like babies. I say this because i personally experienced myself waking up in the middle of the sleep and dreaming while i was on melatonin which is a sign for me. Everytime I do something stupid like do drugs or take any kind of medication that doesn't do good to my body it comes out in my urine right away. And everytime i was taking melatonin i was waking up in the middle of night as if someone woke me up to go to the bathroom like i was being too vulnerable for any kind of attack. I even do wake up when people stare at me or try to do what ever the hell that i have woken up to in the middle of my sleep. but thats just a personal opinion but it sure does paralyze your muscles.

" Love is the understanding and unspoken bond between you and the creator "

"Loving is an art that is the state of creation"

..........Lyrically am suppose to SHINE.........
..........I am the ONE that makes you  BLIND........
..........And am that darkness that lets you SHINE.........

Re: melatonin

I experimented with Melatonin and had no effects whatsoever.  My dream rate was actually lowered, and I woke up feeling worse the next morning.

Very interesting how this works for others so well.

6 (edited by Barefoot Doc 2007-11-29 12:32:44)

Re: melatonin

Auscastian wrote:

I experimented with Melatonin and had no effects whatsoever.  My dream rate was actually lowered, and I woke up feeling worse the next morning.

Very interesting how this works for others so well.

I have tried it recently as it sometimes  can take me a few hours to get to sleep if i dont have a glass or two of red wine on an evening. It got me to sleep more quickly so i can see why people use it for insomnia but i was left tired in the morning . It was a 3mg tab though so it could be a 1mg tab may be a better dose.

Its not like we are fractions of the whole but rather versions of the whole.

Re: melatonin

I've found that .5-1 mg works best for me. It gives me a great night's sleep.

And yes, really vivid dreams. Like other described, more colorful. Fuller, and rounder.

I haven't taken it in a long time, because I haven't had any trouble sleeping. Seems like not being too indolent and not having stressing thoughts prevents insomnia. For me, at least!

But then, I do sleep too MUCH. It's just so god-damn pleasant feeling. And those dreams sure can be sweet. And informative.