Topic: Getting the Ego out of the way - a'la Stuart Wilde

Hello all,

I am new here and are a bit overwhelmed by these posts - I got to the right place! Friends, family or other alternative forums did not give me the feeling that I get by reading your posts here. Congratulations all!

I've read through a few posts here that deal with depression, trying to find the purpose in life etc. This is something that is always in my face, too. There are a few things that I know for sure, one of them can be expressed by this quote I just received from someone:

"The Beings who live Below, say that God is on High; while the Beings in Heaven, say that God is on Earth" --- ZOHAR (from "THE SECRET WISDOM OF THE QABALAH" by: J.F.C. Fuller ).

It is a privilege to be "down here", Alchemists say that this is the only place where the triple transmutation can be achieved (physical, astral and mental) - so cheer up! We are part of the future and do not look for external forces dictating what it should be. Of course they will want to be the drivers (and they actually are) but we also have a say in this. No matter what kind of odds are against us, we nevertheless have a say in it. Everyone in their unique way!

My question is this to those battling depression or trying to find their unique purpose in life: have you ever tried one of Stuart's ideas about getting the over-rationalizing Ego out of the way that would go like this: walk backwards all day long for one day. No cheating when nobody's near you, do that everywhere. If people ask you why you're doing it, tell them that you like to see where you've been. I think this is from "Whispering Winds of Change" - but I'm not sure... I know that when I get so desperate that I can't stand the pain of the Seeker, I will do it. I wanted to know if any of you tried it (or something similarly outrageous) - would love to hear about it.


Ora, lege, lege, lege, relege, labora et invenies.

Re: Getting the Ego out of the way - a'la Stuart Wilde

I'd probably get arrested if I walked backwards all day!:D  I remember something from those who have studied the man, Edgar Cayce.  How can you do His bidding?  Not in mighty deeds of valor, not in exaltation of thy knowledge or power; but in the gentleness of the things of the spirit:  Love, kindness, longsuffering, - I think that means tolerance - patience; ... applying them in thy associations with thy fellow man day by day, here a little, there a little, may become one with Him as He has destined that thou shouldst be.

To me, just doing that is extremely difficult.  I never sought help and to say I was depressed would be a great understatement.  I just went through the decades in torture and amazingly never did any harm or injury to others.  I'd like to say my life was being in a grinder that polished me to kindness and gentleness, but actually I'm still working to reach that goal.  Getting closer though.   

I've studied the Qabalah also, and it is very fulfilling.  I've read one interpretation on how Malchuth was in the middle just below Binah and Chokmah and that it fell into matter becoming the Kingdom, shedding as she went; Chesed, Geburah, Tipharet, Netzach, Hod and Yesod.  Ego must have the veil pierced from the other side.  VERBUM DIMISSUM CUSTODIAT ARCANUM. (the lost word keeps the secret).  I imagine that means I would have to behave appropriately for some time and make an appeal to Tipharet. 

One place I found interesting information was at a site called Halexandria.  I was googleing the Ninth Gate while on that site.

Sometimes Etele, I wonder if it is more important to improve Ego rather than rid oneself of it.

Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement.
You have to believe in the impossible in order to become.

Re: Getting the Ego out of the way - a'la Stuart Wilde

Antaeus wrote:

Sometimes Etele, I wonder if it is more important to improve Ego rather than rid oneself of it.

I too have similar dilemma. The more one reads the more complex it becomes. It should be simple, but it isn't for me. Not at the moment... I think the ones (like myself) who have no natural tendency to "see things", need to improve their character constantly, or live an impeccable life in Theun Mares' terms. I've always felt that Zen is a shortcut but it could be only sour grapes. Any Zen Master here?


Ora, lege, lege, lege, relege, labora et invenies.

Re: Getting the Ego out of the way - a'la Stuart Wilde

If you bring balance into your life, through consious use of freewill, the ego will fall very silent.

The reason the ego is defined by so many as a problem as such, is because they don't trancend the darkness, they fail to accept their shadow-self.

The ego is a child desperate for attention, so by balancing the energies within you, you will give it the attention it needs. Look at the dark inside, consolidate it, love it, embrace it for what it is. Learn what aspects of it have served you, and why. Then re-define yourself by letting go of the things that no longer serves you. Set free the energies that no longer represents Who You Are.

Try not to eat for a week, drink only lots of water. Trust me, that will silence your ego. Taste the silence in your mind after a few days, and then meditate on this. It will give you a good understanding of how and why your ego is there.

Integrity, is consistently choosing the Purity of Truth, over popularity.

Re: Getting the Ego out of the way - a'la Stuart Wilde

smjor wrote:

If you bring balance into your life, through consious use of freewill, the ego will fall very silent.

The reason the ego is defined by so many as a problem as such, is because they don't trancend the darkness, they fail to accept their shadow-self.

The ego is a child desperate for attention, so by balancing the energies within you, you will give it the attention it needs. Look at the dark inside, consolidate it, love it, embrace it for what it is. Learn what aspects of it have served you, and why. Then re-define yourself by letting go of the things that no longer serves you. Set free the energies that no longer represents Who You Are.

Try not to eat for a week, drink only lots of water. Trust me, that will silence your ego. Taste the silence in your mind after a few days, and then meditate on this. It will give you a good understanding of how and why your ego is there.


Hi smjor, I agree with all that you said.  I've come to the understanding that there may be many Ego's within us.  That the self or ego, is the result of the sensory perceptions in the physical world, and is a focal point between us and our inner realities.  I won't go into what I think our inner realities are but that I suspect they are vast.  I wouldn't deny the Ego simply to show it who the boss is but only prior to some constructive spiritual pursuit.

Although most of my study is devoted to Theosophy, I've read some articles by Rudolph Steiner who is associated with Anthroposophy.  In his "Between Death and Rebirth" articles, he made the assertion that we only have use of the brain while alive in the body.  I suppose then, we simply intuit whatever amount of reality we have gained and/or are inherent to our higher aspects.  I also suspect that an aweful lot of what our Ego is, the Ego that is associated with the world of matter and utilizes sensory perceptions, the body, our affections/aversions does not go along with our self which is reimbodying.  I wonder what happens to all the left over stuff.  Maybe it is what these Ghost Hunter shows go chasing around, and what all these so called channelers and psychics talk about so often. 

I'm sorry, I expanded the theme of this thread and with brutal brevity bereft of levity.:)

Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement.
You have to believe in the impossible in order to become.