Re: Freemasonry is not evil
So how exactly do Freemasons orchestrate how many people are killed, injured, etc. to the exact number? I'm sure the military would be very interested in such accurate technology.
The media get their numbers from "official sources", these numbers may not be the actual numbers, they're just spewing forth the symbology and propaganda like good reporters (that want to make it anywhere) do.
...if they are true however, and the exact numbers of dead and injured can be "evoked" or however you want to put it, well that would be creepy, but I don't doubt it as a possibility.
another obvious 11 that was somehow not mentioned is the towers themselves.
I really mean no offense, but I don't see how an open minded and intelligent person that has researched the masons can really believe they are not about power and control in the fullest STS sense (those of the 33rd degree, and some below (those that have the potential to reach the 33rd degree))... Maybe that's too harsh and a fault of my own shortsightedness... Personally I was convinced fully through my studies of symbology and can longer deny what I see. It is very easy to dismiss symbols as nonsense (because thats what were taught to do) but when you start seeing them being used over and over you see trends, and meanings and it becomes hard to deny their deliberate and blatant use. You realize that people in control of the lives and deaths of millions of people don't use symbols because they're "cool" or "neat looking." they're plain statements that most people gloss over without a second thought. I think what I'm trying to say is that the thing I find hardest to believe, is that you say you've researched into the subjects were discussing and cant see how obvious it is. then again i could be wrong, although i really don't think or feel that i am.