Topic: Nightmares and hot dogs
Yesterday I spent most of the day with a friend who just bought 2 hot dog carts. She won't get filthy rich selling hot dogs but she'll do fine. People believe it or not still buy hot dogs. I was rather amazed myself. And hungry. So, good grief...I had three hot dogs over to course of the day. This is most remarkable because I do not eat meat and haven't for awhile and when I do, it's organic beef or chicken.
And street hot dogs are far from organic. I tried not to think about what I was eating...sure was salty though.
When I got home, I didn't feel great. But, I attributed it to the heat. My blood pressure was out of the roof. And until a friend said ... duh ... hot dogs are full of salt etc.
OK. None of this is earth shattering news. BUT, around 2AM when I woke up from the most god-awful nightmare, heart racing, emotions over the top ... hmmm, good ploy. Hot dogs (and other crap food) possibly cause/trigger outrageous nightmares. Without a doubt there is something in those hot dogs. Sulfites etc and of course the horrific way in which the animals making up a hot dog are butchered, grinded etc.
It's really a 24/7 thing with bad food...kill the population slowly with fast food and then at night feed off of all their negative emotions being emitted during sleep/nightmares.
The nightmare was so foreign to me that I woke up and "processed" it. But, how about those that don't wake up and then the next day just act mean, scared, ready to fly off the handle?
To me this saga just reconfirmed what has been talked about regarding not eating meat and how it is processed/butchered.
Christine B.