1 (edited by persephonevii 2007-07-03 01:09:31)

Topic: what's a good book on understanding money/economics

What's a good book/s that provides a largely unbiased, clear-cut and easy to understand exploration of money and economics, or a simple to understand book with an alternative view on these topics?

I want to understand this whole money-economy thing as I feel it is something very important to understand.

Thanks guys for any help proffered.

Re: what's a good book on understanding money/economics

Can you please clarify what area of money/economics are you wanting to understand? I do happen to have some resources on share investing. I doubt there will be such a book that covers such a massive topic. Maybe you might find a good book on Amazon if you look around. Try and find ones with five stars.

"The universe is on fire with wonder, beauty, and ecstasy." - From the Undines to Humanity

Re: what's a good book on understanding money/economics

I'm guess I'm trying to understand the basics of money and economics so books of that type are what I want, and after that books with alternative views on money (besides the mainstream stuff) are certainly welcome too.

Re: what's a good book on understanding money/economics

This isn't a book, but  http://financialsense.com/  has a ton of articles about what really is happening right now in the wordl of finance.

Re: what's a good book on understanding money/economics

I highly recommend watching Money Masters on youtube or google, it's a little bland, but is extremely informative as far as how the Fed works, essentially printing money at their whim, the biggest scam on the planet. It could actually save you alot of reading.....        J

Happy to have been a part

Re: what's a good book on understanding money/economics

Irwin Schiff's comic book: "How an Economy Grows and Why it Doesn't"

Irwin's locked up now for being an obvious terrorist, and his books are being sold very cheaply.   I'd also recommend everyone interested in law get a copy of "The Great Income Tax Hoax" before it sells out for good:    http://www.paynoincometax.com/great_giveaway.htm

Re: what's a good book on understanding money/economics

Thankyou guys! I especially enjoyed the Irwin Schiff books... wow, he's been seriously locked up for this stuff!? And I'll keep an eye out for 'Money Masters' too.