I am not sure how the first exercise wuld help clear sub-conscious programming. It seems there is an element of trust based on the fact that it is an exercise from a well known Buddhist tradition. The second one mentioned by seeker isn't one I'd try to do while driving for example!. I am perhaps being too cautious, but I think when you open yourself up like that, you need to be very clear on what your intention is and be aware of what you may be opening yourself up to.
Also wanted to say that in neither of the two exercises is there any mention of being grounded. I am wary of doing anything of this sort without first grounding myself in this dimension. As I am quite susceptible to flying off and day dreaming when I am in a meditative state, I always feel more stable when I ground first. There are many methods around regarding grounding your energy. By grounding I mean imagining a pillar of light running through your body from the top of your head, through the perineum area, and extending into the earth as far as you can imagine. If you can imagine this pillar extending into the centre of the earth and attached to a crystal of your choice at that centre, all the better. Also, extend the light pillar from the top of your head to as far out into the cosmos as your imagination will allow you to go.
Having done this, imagine and try to feel the energy flowing from both above and below. When I do this, I get the flow to gather in my heart chakra area, and then I circulate it around my body. It is only after this sort of grounding that I would feel ready to set other intentions and move to explore other aspects of myself and my guidance. At present, just grounding in the above manner and exploring the nature and extent of my energetic field here on earth is interesting enough.
The exercise mentioned above is my summation of part of a series of energy awareness and "life force" enhancement exercises suggested and offered by a group of entities who call themselves the "Hathors" - 4th density STO entities chanelled by Tom Kenyon. The purpose of this range of exercises is to energetically attune one's body to the changing frequency of planet earth. To better adjust to events like the recent Venus transit, and perhaps balance the energy surges that can lead to exhaustion as per the thread started by lyra.
Apparently the Hathor influence in this realm was strongest in pre-pharoic Egypt and Tibet. If you are interested, have a look at 'THE HATHOR MATERIAL - Messages from an Ascended Civilisation', by Tom Kenyon and Virginia Essene. It is available in most bookshops, or you can check out the site: http://www.tomkenyon.com/
"the truth the whole truth, and nothing but the truth"