this is a long one but i couldn't resist. very very interesting feritciva. i always enjoy reading what u write--always. and u too Stephen M. and heandras-yes yes yes too. i think in this case, and many others scifi is not SCIFI but the way things really are ARE!!! i know u have seen / are referring to the supposed patch on the sleeve of alien officers from the fleet. the federation fleet with the upside down triangle with a snake, or is a lightening bolt and wings (I've seen and heard it a couple of ways) i think and the two intersecting triangles, or is it that upside down triangle? yes--i think that's it--the clue in there is the upside down part. the federation fleet ?from the show? and THE federation fleet, right? wow--she/S did see something it sounds like, that's for sure. i wow'ed at the song thing too--wow. loved that synchronicity. love when that happens. i've nver seen that song's lyrics til u showed me. thanks. and Stephen M--yeah, i get ya. that's what i am reasearching, i am trying to analyze, figure out, tie together the rH (-) negative blood thing, bloodlines, Jewish mysteries, the san greal/graal/grail, and ALL THAT, plug in ancestral karma, ancestral DNA, genetics, history, evil, alien tampering, the lizard beings, the illuminati, religion, and what some call "the mark" or even the mark of cain for real, if there really even is one and all that and i do mean ALL THAT. not even just "the mark" and all that, end times stuff, but hey, that, too and the numbers involved, etc. etc. it keeps alluding back and around with them.
i read recently that the mark--and it ties in with Cain, Tubal-Cain, the south of France, the north of scotland, the Kennites, as another researcher said on here last couple of wks; tie ins with adamic man, preAdamic Man, Adam-Kadmon, (hmmmm? Atom/atom!) organic portals/OP's, minions, and geez, ALL THAT and more, and how that ties in with loosh and loosh production, and the times we're in. i am doing something i am finishing or something like that from long long long LONG ago. hey--and i know u may be thinkin, and u will get a kick outta this--so u know what an "old soul" is...hehehe? a slow learner. DUH. i guess that's me when i really think about it, or admit it, i think/feel. (i know i'm a nine, anyway, and thank god that's over. last trip here i am truly hoping). i read the mark of cain = jealousy. i read "jealousy of all humans"....hmmm all over again. u wouldn't believe where i read/get this stuff too, from EVERY KIND OF source u can imagine, including when i began to trace my own bloodlines, blew me away. then i tie it in and that in and go back and forth and read more, anything and everything cross-references itself (yeah--i have alot of time on my hands). is this what is missing and taken back or gotten or farmed or searched for /desired? by/of loosh? is this what they want? need? are human emotions (the whole grey thing/hybrid thing and that's why i say grey and not gray with an a) as close as they r gonna get? to/from loosh? or what? how to then protect from it or know more--i will settle for KNOW MORE. i sense the need to know or find out more, and i love this stuff anyway. is this gonna entail certain DNA activation? or is it one and the same or OF it? dont know but wanna find out. i feel it is going to be needed, and rather sooner than later.
i loved what u both said--especially u saying i'd rather throw it in the garbage and/or flush it than unwillingly surrender it so---YEP YEP YEP--definitely a freewill nonpermission exercise. or is this really really efficient? i think the universe is efficient, is that the deal? one energy exchange for another? quickly, quietly, oh so quietly, like molecules doin their thing, physics being what they ARE. since i have read they think all the resources here and us belong to them, then we pay the rent this way? ok. who made u guys then and just who is the landlord? i wanna bitch about conditions then...
agree too, doesn't make me wanna kick alien lizard vs human-alien lizard butt with Earl, anymore. and i say that on purpose. i am more careful with that now and think i understand more, lately. cuz, see, i did AT ONE TIME, then i moved on from that thru my research. that's why i say BROTHERS as well, they are genetically related to us, some of us more than others, and therein lies the rub. that kept bringing me back--that's why i think the or "the battle" is about that. there is something going on with that. throw in how cells have memory, they have intelligence, how electro-magnetics, hell, how radionics can shed light on that and how PLAIN and SIMPLE KNOWINGNESS relates in here and has LIGHT, it's own memory/container/worlds/physics, how this is connected. i think the mystery schools were on to this and ALOT more OF IT. there's alot of "IT's" --yes, indeed. reaching states of wisdom and knowingness. yet not alot want to or can or seek that out, but its a way of being and a natural course of things for some (alushe was talking similarly lately i think).
also--about SNAKES--done alot on that too and really resonate the most with them symbolically--the meaning and symbol of them. even the caduceus, how it relates and back to the "shining ones/ the old ones" lots of lots of "forbidden knowledge"--why was it forbidden? and on the devil at the doorway of rennes la chateau--the head demon Asmodeus--"this place is terrible"... does he mean the earth? or the chapel there, or that metaphysical place of "secrets/mystery/knowing?" beware what ur doing to find out--beware of what ur looking for. in a nutshell, have alot of respect for the snake==hidden knowledge, arcane knowledge. it's another symbol of foreboding but as we all know--they dont go around bugging people, they mind their own business and only strike back when they sense harm, especially indignant harm and i am no snake expert that's for sure, yet their venom heals. it does alot of beneficial things, and for that matter, so does lizard spit and venom. theyre actually quite vulnerable, soft underbelly. alot of bark and yes, nasty biting, protection though, for themselves. that's one favorite part. the "they" have used the sign of the snake for centuries as BBBAAADDD when in actuality, that is not the case. it's to keep one away from knowing more--scare tactic. the fears projected out all over the place, all the time and what u and stephen m said which was so prolific--thats what we are pissed about. the f----n TACTICS. there is no doubt about the prison, none at all. it can be taken metaphorically and literally, yes. and ur right, man, somebody's supposed to come out a winner in light vs dark. as u said, he said, that was neat--there's not room for both so how about a co-mingling of both? that's what i am getting at, tying in with the grand experiment thing that everybody from all planets is supposedly watching, and the deal with "it's never been done before"....and how a few have "done this before" so theyve been sent here to do clean up/activation again, they know how and "u will know when it's time and all that" and wanderers, and walk-in's. and activation again, but in a "good" way, and this time everybody gets out ALIVE!!! wow. u take the body with ya (merkaba, light body, crystalline body, soul essence, all of 'em). is this the real message behind the rising from thre grave deal with jesus (and the end scene only if u want to...from mel gibson's P of C)? is that the secret? or is that obvious? or what? ascension, with all it's coming up soon symptoms? vs the rapture? ok then--who's goin and who is not? making the cut? pay ur way in/out with good deeds, that was another thread too. i think we can surmise everybody's goin somewhere, according to their vibration, i think opterra was saying that, and there will be worlds for those stuck, those that require lower vibratory states, where they r comfortable. wheat from the chaff? again the mark? is it vibratory? in the DNA? can ur belief system make it so, create it? wow. we certainly know what monroe has seen and experienced.
and then i made the connection, maybe, typing this, maybe the loosh is there, from us so we cant hurt them, as everytime we strike out at them, if we WERE to, we "hurt" ouselves. eating our loosh gets in them, in their DNA, the coded vibratory patterns, all those musings tied in. we take them WITH US when we go and it's a "new creation" which as u know, the universe is good for--except this time its REALLY NEW. it's never been done before. even tho everything else has supposedly been created somewhere else, by otherness, except this. maybe. as in "there's nothing new under the sun" except for this. so then, i love this, lots of people read scifi to get a thrill. a lift, it's fun, all the adjectives, and it;s REALLY really going on all around us, we are SCIFI. oh MAN oh man.
yet, so many times it's a catch-22 all the time. this planet is full of those. i asked an old astronomer/seer that many many years ago--so why r things like that here, Berniece? and she says well, it's very 3D here honey, it's a base planet, whaddaya want from 3D? nothing can ever be any lower here than YOU ARE....oh my god. (i actually was asking her why i had such a putrid boyfriend at the time) and that was in 1976. wow. i am truly trying to find out how this is gonna work out but it will never be as we/i expect i guess. we may be in some for some mind blowing yet gallant surprises. hey i am totally game for all of it. came here to see this one play out and thank my deceased parents all the time--for bringing us in to see this. will end again with WOW.
GNOTHI SEAUTON "Know Thyself!"