StarCat wrote:Without knowing the genesis or details of this matter I will say this ...
AS an aside, I don't generally follow threads. I put my creative inspirations out there and let them stand in those moments. If anyone would like to discuss anything with me please feel free to send e-mail.
Starcat, if you can't be bothered to actually read up on the previous posts in a thread, maybe you ought not participate. By cavalierly jumping in to voice an uninformed opinion, you are disrespecting the people who actively participate here, and you are disrepecting me personally as I am the one who started this thread.
This topic of conversation has been quiet for months now, and there are very few problems on the forum. And it is a private forum, mind you: that means that all communications here are subject to the absolutist, arbitrary, authoritarian, autocratic, autonomous, despotic, dictatorial, full, monocratic, preemptory, sovereign, supreme, totalitarian, tyrannical whims of the web Master, and are not subject to the vote of "we the people." That may seem strange to you but the rest of us have chosen to stick around anyway, for he's a jolly good fellow.
So if you feel the need to resurrect an old topic, or have an opinion or question about something, please show us the courtesy of actually reading what's already been written first, and THEN posting your comment. Because just spitting out a hasty criticism in an existing thread, and then darting away saying "any questions e-mail me" is neither an appropriate nor a considerate means of communicating in a discussion forum such as this one. Perhaps a personal blog or website would provide a more a suitable platform for you to air your opinions. And that way you'd have the added feeling of security that comes from knowing no one else can moderate you.