Topic: How thoughts and emotions affect your health

I've noticed that my mindset affects my health.

When I'm happy and going with the flow, I am fine.  If I stress out over something for more than a day, or do something that goes against the grain in my life, my immune system goes down and within days I develop anything from a stuffy nose to cough and sore throat. If I push harder, wallowing in negativity and being stubborn, this can turn into the flu.

Once I let feelings of resentment get a hold of me for weeks, and that resulted in my gallbladder not working, which only fixed itself after I let go of my resentment and backed this up with some dietary changes.

I've read in many places how imbalances or blockages in emotions and thoughts manifest symbolically as disease, often as cancer in severe cases.

I think a reduced immune system ultimately stems from weaknesses in one's spiritual immunity.  Just as harmful chemicals can weaken the physical immune system directly, so can neurotic thoughts and feelings poison the aura or tear it so that etheric and later physical pathogens can enter.

As long as I keep aware and calm, I don't get sick. In the past eight years, I have had the flu only once. And that was when I pushed my life in a direction against the warnings of my intuition. Having a good diet and using unconventional medicine helps, but without support from the root spiritual/emotional/mental level, these would be ineffectual.

Anyone agree or disagree, or have experiences supporting or doubting this idea?

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

2 (edited by BlackBox 2004-04-09 09:41:22)

Re: How thoughts and emotions affect your health

Spiritual Immunity? I like that.

I'm getting into Qigong and learning that the body, like all batteries, has a conduit of energy cycling. Our emotions are powerful and are sometimes particularly the cause to the "blockage" of the cycling energy. When this occurs, that's when a "stuffy nose or cough" becomes apparent.

In regards to flus or colds, I'm like you montalk, yet we are "childs" in how to properly avoid such events (colds + flus + cancers) because the people who are deeply into Qigong or Falun Gong, or whatever that branches from the ancient practices of Lemuria and the first-civilizations, never had such small and pety ailments conflicting. We have the power to never get sick or feel bad, etc etc, it all depends as you know on our concentration and focus on what we "wish" to occur. STS primary principle isn't it?

I wonder if the "virus" or "flu bug" or "bacteria" or whatever truly has as much an impact on a human body, or if it's just a programmed reason, excuse.

Perhaps due to the 10-DNA strands that were burned off of us, this may be why we are prone to such conditions...however again I still know people who do not get colds EVER or flus EVER or anything of the sort to ever "possibly" occur would make them giggle like school-girls.

Re: How thoughts and emotions affect your health

Hmmm, Laughter is a natural pain killer,

So I'd say you're on the right track at least. Personally working in the ER I come in contact with lots of illness, and I think your awareness in this area can provide passive defense and some depending on their constitution/level of awareness may need to be more active in this respect. I really focus on STO's since someone needs to care for them and I don't want any of my team to have to work in my place. I'm also proactive away from work by meditating and active at work with prayer/requesting.

Hope that offers something.


"It means the Matrix can't tell you who you are" - Trinity

Re: How thoughts and emotions affect your health

When I was first introduced to this idea a number of years ago, I actually became hostile!  It was some victim-mentality addiction.  I didn't want to be held responsible for my own illness.

But of course it is true!

A friend passed on a lovely book on the subject by an intuitive healer:  Anatomy of the Spirit: The Seven Stages of Power and Healing by Caroline Myss, PhD.

I accept that, in theory, "We have the power to never get sick or feel bad, etc etc, it all depends as you know on our concentration and focus on what we "wish" to occur."

For most ordinary humans, however, this is a ways off.  Perhaps if collectively we recognized these principles we would all become stronger and more skilled at self-healing.  But as for right now, consciously controlling it remains a skill of the few.

I know deep in my psyche that when things go wrong physically, there is something wrong in my consciousness.  Recently I just went through a rough emotional knock-down and my pelvis flipped out of place.  This always happens when I am moving countries, breaking up a relationship, or having some upheaval.  The hips are connected to emotions and holding.

I broke through this emotion and woke up with the pelvis back in place.  I had been to a massage therapist, a chiropractor, and done tons of physical exercises to pop it back in.  But until those emotions were shifted, it didn't heal.

NOT a coincidence, I am certain.  : )

Also, I have a tightness between my shoulder blades that a massage therapist told me was about protecting my heart and escapism.

Escapism?  Who, me?  I laughed.

I am a writer who spends most of her days lost in her stories, and I have been living nomadically for most of the past decade!

Protecting my heart?  Oh, hell yeah.

If we observe life symbolically, metaphorically, we can see that everything is interconnected.  This is most certainly true of the connection between state-of-mind and physical health.

Re: How thoughts and emotions affect your health

The mind-body connection has gained much attention these days.

An early proponent of this line of thought was Dr. Edward Bach, creator of the Bach flower remedies back in the 30's. His whole approach to health, influenced by Goethe and Steiner (IMO) was based on spiritual disharmony as being the cause of all ill health.

As simplistic as this sounds, there is much to be said for his line of thought when considering that the manifest physical may well be a reflection of an inner 'spiritual' source. Dealing with energetic disturbances can head off it's manifestation as illness in many cases.

I do use a zapper (croft terminator type) and haven't been sick at all since using it (4 years now), but I also use flower essences too and feel they are a great help with my own 'psychic maintenance', helping to heal and balance the emotion/mind/spirit makeup of my being.

Flower essences and vibrational medicine is a fascinating subject that is not as well known as it should be IMO. Maybe I'll start a thread on it sometime if anyone is interested.

Be well,

Re: How thoughts and emotions affect your health

The subject of this thread is something with which I'm not really familiar, but from what I have gathered there is definitely something to all of this.   I've always tried to be spiritually true and have enjoyed very good health.  I can't remember the last time I was sick. 

I do have asthma and allergy/sinus issues which I'm not sure how to best deal with other than using the standard prescription meds.