Topic: How thoughts and emotions affect your health
I've noticed that my mindset affects my health.
When I'm happy and going with the flow, I am fine. If I stress out over something for more than a day, or do something that goes against the grain in my life, my immune system goes down and within days I develop anything from a stuffy nose to cough and sore throat. If I push harder, wallowing in negativity and being stubborn, this can turn into the flu.
Once I let feelings of resentment get a hold of me for weeks, and that resulted in my gallbladder not working, which only fixed itself after I let go of my resentment and backed this up with some dietary changes.
I've read in many places how imbalances or blockages in emotions and thoughts manifest symbolically as disease, often as cancer in severe cases.
I think a reduced immune system ultimately stems from weaknesses in one's spiritual immunity. Just as harmful chemicals can weaken the physical immune system directly, so can neurotic thoughts and feelings poison the aura or tear it so that etheric and later physical pathogens can enter.
As long as I keep aware and calm, I don't get sick. In the past eight years, I have had the flu only once. And that was when I pushed my life in a direction against the warnings of my intuition. Having a good diet and using unconventional medicine helps, but without support from the root spiritual/emotional/mental level, these would be ineffectual.
Anyone agree or disagree, or have experiences supporting or doubting this idea?