Re: If you stop looking t.v.

I watch TV sometimes. Sometimes I'll do it for pure blank-out escapism, like a totally stupid movie. Sometimes I'll even pretend I'm a regular member of society and watch a sports game and drink a beer or something. Sometimes I'll watch the news and tell myself that I am monitoring the level of programming that's being dished out to the general public and also to make sure the rest of the world has not blown up yet.

Is it just me, or lately has the level of crap being put out and the tactics of deceit stepped up to the point where it is so painfully obvious that it is no fun anymore to even try to play along even though you know better? The stuff is so ugly and stupid that you have to be a moron to go along with it and yet most everybody does.

It's almost like it has reached the point of ridiculousness where the faithful will go along with anything they put out and anybody who does not will be flushed out into the open to be flogged.
Maybe that's a pressure tactic in itself. Maybe I'll get that cabin in the country after all.



Re: If you stop looking t.v.

Atlantis wrote:

And your pineal gland (3rd eye) is not prepared on this.
So, TV is damaging the function of your pineal gland. At the same time
STS are easier invading in your auric field because your pineal gland is less able to close your auric fields because
it is misdirected by the high-speed movements on the screen.

How would TV affect the pineal gland?  I could see how it increases light hitting the eye which would hinder production of melatonin, but I don't follow otherwise.

When I went to college 2 years ago, my roommate has a television that I was reluctant to use, so I watched barely any television for 3 months.  Now this is purely anecdotal, but I really started to change.  I started having these deep thoughts about empathy and started writing philosophical treatises about how the only way for human beings to live is personal empathy.  I found I could read for a longer sustained time, one night I forgot I had reading at 8pm due the next day- no problem I went to the library and read for 4 hours straight and polished it off.  I also started to acknowledge nature more than ever before.  I'm not sure that I can trace this exactly to TV because there were other changes in my lifestyle at this point, but it seems like the most synchonized action with the change that ocurred.

I don't have a television in my dorm room now, but when I go home on the weekends I do watch.  I notice that when I don't watch TV during the week, I feel calmer and more peaceful.  Mentally clearer.  Perhaps it is mind over manner, but  I'm inclined to think that I get more accomplished and have a clearer mind when I'm not watching tv daily.

18 (edited by lyra 2004-10-20 07:49:52)

Re: If you stop looking t.v.

Well I don't think you're imagining the correlation AZ1, I for one really believe there is definitely a connection between t.v. watching and one's moods, as well as how the mind functions. 

Here's a thought:  In the book "1984" the people who worked for the government were required to have T.V.s in their apartments / homes and they had to be going at all times, 24/7.  It was literally illegal to not do so.  Had to have All Propaganda and Brainwashing, All the Time.    This also appeared in the comic that Doctor DTA posted called "Bob Johnson: Enemy of the State."  And keep in mind that George Orwell, real name Eric Blair, is a relation to Tony Blair and so therefore was "on the inside" and had that inside scoop on things.  He knew what the deal was, knew what was in store for the world, knew what the Big Boys planned to do with the population.   So, he knew about T.V. and its true function and intended purpose, which is why he included that as a major point in "1984".

Like all negative things, "they" won't ever put something out there that is overtly negative and which the public would obviously reject outright.  They will try at all costs to be as covert as possible, and only resort to overt forceful tactics as a last resort.  Same with T.V.  They have to have fun and enjoyable programs on there to insure that the public views it in an overall positive and / or neutral way. This way, the negative stuff can be "slipped in."  Such as, the programs designed to program us with propaganda and lies.  The brainwave alteration.  Turning off our minds.  Becoming sedate.   Becoming numb to violence and gratutious sex.  Becoming conditioned to lack of morals and ethics and bad behavior due to hundreds - thousands - of hours of repeated viewing of these acts.     Oh, T.V.'s not so bad many will say.....there's the Learning Channel and the Discovery Channel and A & E and the History Channel and the Gardening Channel and the Cooking Channel and Lifetime and Oxygen and....and...and..........I mean yeah sure there's that garbage reality TV and mindless sitcoms and non-stop advertising and all that sex and violence n stuff but.....but.....but......Nick at Nite is FUN!  Eveybody Loves Raymond makes me LAUGH!  The Sopranos are COOL! 

Uh huh.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

19 (edited by Atlantis 2004-10-22 17:54:57)

Re: If you stop looking t.v.

To Zanobi. AZ1 et all,

Lyra, Montalk, Stephen M. do already have explained a lot.

I would try to explain more about the pineal gland.

Indeed the pineal gland is a main station for mind over matter and more:
creating reality by thoughts and imaginations.

Also the pineal gland is driving the other chakras, so if you as an outsider do have control over other's pineal gland, you're in control
of a person's energy field + soul !

The pineal is damaged by the artificial light instead of daylight.
replay: in front of a big screen it receives ONLY: red, green and blue from certain thin color frequencies, so it starves for more.

This effect is far less when watching PC screens, because the hypno-effect is less and the screen is much smaller.
However, when the PC-movies are also very "shaky" it's not healthy either, of course, that's why so much of TV/PC-Game junkies are suffering epileptic attacks (which really do have a relation with STS attacks !).

I'm not so familiar with the medical components in detail, but indeed the pineal gland is affected instantly when you're watching TV intensely.

And because the pineal stimulates the other chakras via the hormonal system, also the whole internal gland system is affected: esp. the sex organs and the liver, which have to react immediately on this "new reality" to "survive".

Hope this helps.

Atlantean Magic: safe, simple and enjoying a good lifetime.

20 (edited by ermolai 2004-10-23 07:28:54)

Re: If you stop looking t.v.


Thanks for the information. I have the feeling from my experience that it is true that screens affect the pineal gland / third eye chakra. I'm "psychically blind" in many ways, my second chakra is a mess, and... I have been spending thousands of hours in front of a computer for 10 years. These skills I have with computers and the knowledge I gathered through the Internet were part of my destiny, I have no doubts, however it seems that by choosing this path I also accepted serious drawbacks which I'll need to deal with (apart from getting a flatscreen monitor!) in order to continue my path... It's like if I had to go deep within the Matrix, and now I need to extract myself from it... Do you (or anyone else) know links/books with more information on this subject, especially on ways to heal this?


Re: If you stop looking t.v.

ermolai wrote:


Thanks for the information. I have the feeling from my experience that it is true that screens
affect the pineal gland / third eye chakra.
I'm "psychically blind" in many ways, my second chakra is a mess, and... I have been spending
thousands of hours in front of a computer for 10 years.

me too, but that will not necessary lead to psych. blindness, if you take rest periodes in between.

Do you (or anyone else) know links/books with more information on this subject, especially on ways to heal this?

Good start: … mp;s=books


Reduce TV watching
Eat healthy, breath healthy
Enjoy sunny days, enjoy nature, enjoy colorfull gardens and flowers.
Do some handwork, make happy paintings. 
Exercise with simple visualisations.
Meditations in front of clean lakes or rivers.

Atlantean Magic: safe, simple and enjoying a good lifetime.

Re: If you stop looking t.v.

A coupla comments;

Pineal gland has very high calcium content, fluoride accumulates in calcium tissues. The fluoride we drink from tap water and use for toothpaste builds up in our glands and effectively shuts them down... quantities of fluoride in these glands are massive compared to other parts of the body. Fluoride is a huge weapon to stop us reaching higher vibrational frequencies.

Also since 1984 the CIA has been using subliminal programming on tv along with the freq manipulations there are hundreds of messages flashed on screen using a patented device that imbeds itself into the main tv signal which is then transfered to all the repeater stations and our homes.
Here is a quote from the "Opal file", about the testing of this technology in new zealand before implementing in the states, UK & australia...

"24th May, 1984: Four-man CIA team co-ordinated by Ray Cline arrive in New Zealand to begin installation of equipment for subliminal television advertising at five sites - Waiatarua, Mt Erin, Kaukau, Sugarloaf and Obelisk.

Sophisticated equipment can be installed within one kilometer of TV relay arrials and all linked to one IDAPS computer bureau in Auckland.

Same equipment installed in Australia August 1985; Japan September 1986; UK February 1987: New York 1987. Also, Amax geoligists now estimate Martha Hill gold source could be worth up to $30 billion on strength of high gold/tonne ore assay.

17th July, 1984: In New Zealand, subliminal advertising begins on Channel Two between 6pm and midnight - hours later extended tobegin at noon.

Subliminal messages prepared in the US by the CIA and with New Zealand election imminent, tell voters to support the Labour Party, the New Zealand Party and to buy Mafia company products.

New Zealand Party was formed to ensure that Muldoon would lose, as Big Business unhappy with controls over economy. Big campaign contributions from Brierley, the oil companies and the Business Round Table ensure a Labour victory.

Later, Lange agrees to repay the favour to Brierley by selling the Government holding in the Kariori Pulp Mill to Winstones. New Zealand taxpayer loses $100 million.

Government then becomes the arm of big business, using economic policies provided by the Business Round Table, implemented by Finance Minister Roger Douglas and the package being sold by David Lange, who also keeps up a noisy CIA directed ANZUS withdrawal campaign.

* Reason: 1) ANZUS Treaty did not cover Mafia requirements over the Great South Basin discovery; 2) To identify any oppositin or threats within New Zealand who align themselves with supposed Government policy, Lange increases the SIS budget and strangthens links with the CIA.

Brookings Institute are the actual designers of the New Zealand Government econmomic policies provided by the Business Round Table (NZ Mafia front) and implented by the Government.

Douglas devalues the dollar and deregulates interest rates, which means cheaper labour, cheaper capital assets and high mortgage rates, thereby implementing Big Business policy of driving farmers off the land, establishment of the corporate farm and eventually remove viability of small business sector, etc.

27th September, 1984: New Zealand Mafia meets at new 'safe house' registered under Fernyhough's name, in Auckland. Those present include Brierley, J. Fletcher, Trotter, Jones, Goodman, Gunn, Papps, Hawkins, Judge, Renouf, Fernyhough, Gibbs and McConnell. Daigo Miyado announces appointment of Trotter as International Vice President of the Trilateral Commission Pacific Basin Economic Council.

Brierley outlines strategy of privatisation of the New Zealand Government and the establishment of the New Zealand Centre for Independent Studies which will be chaired by Gibbs, aided by Fernyhough and controlled by Cline, which will 'advise' Treasury on privatisation.

Parsky, Brierley and Seldon hold a separate meeting with Parsky, outlining plans for an expanded laundry operation which will coincide with the launch of 'Crack' - a new addictive product developed by CIA chemists for the world market."

just added the crack part as further food for thought   :>

Re: If you stop looking t.v.

Thanks AwakeKiwi for your response,

The info about the fluoride and the calcium effects at the pineal gland really makes sense.

It's frustrating, but better to be informed than to be ... not informed.

Besides the methods I put in this topic about re-activating pineal gland functions,
I have some others:

- Every day visualizing your eye area in violet or royal blue for a while.
- simple meditations or just being with candle light before sleeping.

Some optimistic suggestions give the idea eating garlic will slowly erase the fluoride from your body;
I hope this is true.

Is there anybody who can confirm this about garlic ?

Atlantean Magic: safe, simple and enjoying a good lifetime.

Re: If you stop looking t.v.

Atlantis wrote:

- simple meditations or just being with candle light before sleeping.

Funny I do that for several weeks. Must be a sign big_smile

A friend told me about small magnets that you can put in front of your third eye while in front of TV or monitors. There magnets can also be used for healing, I guess it would also work for the third eye / pineal gland. This therapy comes from "Nikken". I should have more information about this soon.

Re: If you stop looking t.v.

Neo and I are creating a website now that advocates getting rid of your tv.  The challenge is to make it "cool".  But it is coming together nicely.  Stay "tuned" hehehe.


Never Give Up!

Re: If you stop looking t.v.

Someone sent me this text about TV in Nazi Germany:

Re: If you stop looking t.v.

freeme wrote:

Neo and I are creating a website now that advocates getting rid of your tv.  The challenge is to make it "cool".  But it is coming together nicely.  Stay "tuned" hehehe.


Awesome!   Good for you, I look forward to seeing that when it's done.  smile   For years I had stickers on two of the cars I've owned which said "Kill Your TV."  The kicker is, I had a female co-worker frown and ask me "Why?"

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: If you stop looking t.v.

From a Scientific American article: " What is most surprising is that the sense of relaxation ends when the set is turned off, but the feelings of passivity and lowered alertness continue. Survey participants commonly reflect that the television has somehow absorbed or sucked out their energy, leaving them depleted.  They say that they have more difficulty concentrating after viewing than before....After watching TV, people's moods are about the same or worse than before." 

Damn!  TV *IS* a feeding frenzy!

Never Give Up!

Re: If you stop looking t.v.

I watch tv for a living, and am surrounded by hundreds of monitors. The only difference being that I don't watch it passively, as I have to summarise the programmes and meet deadlines on a daily basis. Maybe that minimises the hypnotic impact, perhaps not.

Certainly something for me to think about. I look forward to seeing the website Kathy.


The truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.

Re: If you stop looking t.v.

i am 55 solar years this lifehood.  over this lifehood have had periods of tv and no tv.  grew up with the invention of tv...there was a time when i was about 4 when the coming to the home of tv was a big, big thing.  programming less in those days...ended earlier in the evening...naturally less commercials.  it increased to a point that at 15, having no real awareness of the bigger picture, just suspecting it was out there, wrote a little poem about tv...starting tv you run my life, how to be the perfect wife, what to buy and how to live, but can you tell me how to love and how to give.  so at the ripe ole age of 15 i could see a problem.  and also always an interest to me that i could recall this little poem written in the midst of so many little poems, the ramblings of a lonely 15 year old, when i cannot remember the others that i wrote.   back in those days commercials abounded about the perfect, submissive wife btw.  i fell into all the traps of tv, the soaps, news, sitcoms...but had periods in my life when tv was the hippie days when all we watched were sat morning cartoons while on lsd...even then we tired of that when the cartoons got so violent (viet nam era so the conditioning had to go for more violence acceptance). Then later on tv to medicate my horror at a world going increasingly mad... then a stint with a guru meditation tv again...and so it has been through out my life.  this last break came many years ago, from not constant consumption but fav program status, was the final break.  the tv now serves the purpose to view movies...yes, an escape do it consciously.  what the heck, i enjoy movies.  but tv as a consumptive source...any time i have been in the addiction phase my thinking is more fearful, pessimistic, an all pervading sense of futility.  take away the tv and i start dealing with stuffed stuff...and becoming aware of the sounds around me...the smells, sensations.  tv brings the brain to an alpha state...where you are wide open.  the attraction is folks want the alpha state...but that is also the perfect state to insert mind  control…

Just a link I found on quick search to discuss the alpha tv state…

When I “look back“? on this “lifehood“?, as interestingly was doing yesterday before ever reading this thread…the years I watched tv in my assessment (realizing this is a judgment and yes, did catch that) were in a sense wasted years and it brought a tear to my eye.  I was outside raking, embracing the woods and the winter barrenness…and thought how much I missed of this journey when I was addicted to tv.  I could never go back…to be around it only briefly brings on feelings of body agitation.  Friends have it on when I go to visit and I have to request to turn it off so I can just sit still and enjoy the visit.  They always go “oh yes, of course.  Don’t know why I have it on anyway“?…hum…that says a mouth full.

It's all mind over matter. If you don't mind it doesn't matter...