Just thought I'd add some more general comments about t.v. here, as food for thought:
- T.V. programs just tend to be stoopid in general, I'm sure many here have noticed that. There have been some genuinely clever / well written programs over the years, sure, but in general, it's just kinda dum. So, one side effect of extensive t.v. watchnig, or even daily t.v. consumption in minor doses can be the lowering of intellectual expectation. You stop expecting intellectual stimulation and intellectual conversation from the world around you because your model of expectation has been established and reinforced by the "glass teat."
- Relating to this, when we watch t.v. we're just sitting there, absorbing. It's a chance for many to "turn off their heads" and veg. Relax from a day at work, or a day dealing with the kids. Sink down in that comfy sofa, rest your head on the pillow, and begin click click clicking with the remote control. Then we just lay there and let t.v. talk to us. We're not thinking in the true sense of the word most of the time and we're certainly not interacting with anything. It's a one way feed. We just lie there and veg while being pummelled with garbage. Baaaaaaaaad habit to get into! There are other ways to relax, and I don't recommend this one! Even if you're just watching movies on t.v., it's like Neomatrix mentioned earlier...there's an INSANE amount of advertising on t.v. in this country. Every 5 minutes it seems.
- ...and relating to this, what's interesting about the advertising thing is, if you get away from t.v. long enough you should ideally find yourself suddenly becoming completely intolerant to advertising. Avid t.v. watchers don't even seem to notice the commercials and leave them blaring in the background without a second thought. (and I use the word "blaring" for a reason...............it's a known fact that the volume of commercials is louder than the programs...) But give up t.v. for awhile and THEN see what happens. Has anybody here noticed this? I know Montalk feels this way. And I definately have this problem now. I can't even stand to HEAR a commercial on t.v those times I do find myself around it.............I can't even deal with RADIO anymore for this very reason! I literally get a little freaky inside if I hear a commerical on the radio and go AHH! and immediately start grappling for the dial to get it off, get it off, get rid of it! ahhh! It's not a staged reaction, it's genuine. This is what over 6 years of lack of t.v. has done.
- And yes, the longer you go without t.v., the more you will find that it negatively affects your head when you are around it. You'll find that you get used to the quiet, the lack of all that electronic "noise" that's emitted from it. The quiet starts to feel good! It's nice! You learn how to concentrate and focus again! Woohoo! But then you may find yourself around a television again, maybe when you're over somebody's house hanging out, and you'll notice that you may feel a little bit "frowny". Your brows are furrowed. It's noisy. It's distracting. It's...............chaotic. Your head may even start to hurt. And the content of the programs................nothing but nasty negativity. From the "news", to those reality t.v. shows, to even regular programming. It's all so inane, and yes, negative. You never really noticed it before, but now in your new quiet, post-TV life, it stands out like a sore thumb. Yikes!
Just some random thoughts.......
"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!" - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."