Topic: Firefly

I don't watch TV, and I rarely go to major movie company pictures, but I had a chance to watch this TV series on dvd  this week.  Hadn't heard of it before.  I think it reveals some interesting spiritual and social metaphor.  Are you familiar with it? One of the characters "River" seems like someone we would enjoy at NR.

The show is about fringe culture in the cosmos around 2500BC. Rather interesting and very well done. TPTB have little tolerance for rebellious individuals and creatives. The show was cancelled after 9 weeks.

Thought you might like to hear the theme from the movie.

"you can't take the sky from me" … irefly.jpg

Fun fact: Great Tits are common in Europe

To know love is to know trust; to know oneself is to know truth


2 (edited by Millsley 2008-02-11 00:18:37)

Re: Firefly

Firefly is an excellent series - I'm sure you would also enjoy the movie that was created after immense fan support, Serenity.  Chock full of symbolism.

Another favorite series of mine is Arrested Development.  The show was on FOX and obviously did not fit the network's ideals.  They changed the day of the show multiple times to drop viewership similar to the original Family Guy.

Re: Firefly

"So she Dances" … re=related

Fun fact: Great Tits are common in Europe

To know love is to know trust; to know oneself is to know truth
