I had an odd number sighting after reading Montalk's bulletin about the forum closing. In one of his latest posts he made mention of the number 111. I was going to post last night in the "Number Sightings" thread that appeared at the top of the list of most recent topics but didn't have the time. This afternoon I noticed that a topic had been started relating to the number 111, in particular.
Montalk wrote:About the date 2/22/08 -- it was the next date within the "month from now" timeframe that was a nice number. You know how people see 111 or 222 or 333 on the clock and it means a thumbs up from reality. I figured why have a meaningless number, let's pick something that was associated with positive number meanings.
I've never placed too much personal significance in number sightings, although I like to think that when I perceive them that something is happening, and it may or may not have anything to do with me. When I begin to notice sequences of numbers lining up in a pattern over a short distance of time, I generally take the opportunity to focus and expand what I like to call my personal field. It may be a time to turn up the music, drive more carefully in traffic, take particular notice of who or what is around me, and / or examine my thoughts for an invitation to spiral into some sort of focused space of negativity.
Just after I'd finished reading Montalk's post, I clicked away to one of the social networking sites I like to visit and the first profile I randomly selected turned out to be someone with exactly 111 friends, and an opening descriptive post borrowed from The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. I didn't read it. I'd recently participated in a discussion here about my encounters in the wild with said novel.
I imagine that as the forum gets nearer to closing those who regularly contributed, or followed the contributions of others, will begin to experience all sorts strange synchronistic occurrences and perhaps even various types of interference. This forum functioned not only as a wealth of information, but also as a source of stability for a relatively small group of people spread out over a great distance who could share the strange corners of their lives in something of anonymity and, more often than not, in a respectful, cordial manner. It's a space of learn / teaching, as well as healing. As the date NR closes draws near I can reasonably expect, and have experienced, a noticeable spike in activity as part of my own adjustment and balancing, as that part of my attention which was once focused here shifts elsewhere, and I begin to experiment with the application of ideas I've gathered here in situations and interactions with those who, from initial contact, may not seem to speak the same language.
As far as The Screwtape Letters, I'm just not going to read that book, largely on principle. The more I read, the more I believe that title to have very little to do with rejoicing in the love / light of the One Infinite Creator. I just seem to get more out of Ra than I do the imagined discussions of beings inhabiting someone else's idea of a lower nether realm. I just can't be bothered to participate in the construction of that reality. It's not productive. I suppose the hyper-dimensionals are trying to tell me something, in their weird way, and perhaps it's something of significance, maybe even importance. However, whatever it is, I just don't happen to think that it's very interesting.
"Oh where have you been, my blue-eyed son? Where have you been, my darling young one?" - Roxy Music (B. Dylan)