16 (edited by shukaido 2008-01-20 11:30:46)

Re: The Agent Next Door

lyra wrote:

Obviously my comment was not worded correctly, because what you described here was what I actually meant, and it's almost word for word what I talked about in my book.

I may have misunderstood your meaning (those emoticons can be such a bother trying to interpret) but just because you wrote about it doesn't necessarily mean that you're the only one to have experienced it. I've read portions of your writing, and I was nearly astonished at some of the similarities of our experiences. However, I'm very different from you. wink

"Oh where have you been, my blue-eyed son? Where have you been, my darling young one?" - Roxy Music (B. Dylan)


Re: The Agent Next Door

lyra wrote:

Obviously my comment was not worded correctly, because what you described here was what I actually meant, and it's almost word for word what I talked about in my book.  wink   So, I wasn't trying to imply obliviousness as "Whistling Dixie" (the term Ocean used) but rather, they're doin' their thing, and he looks at them, acknowledges it, then shrugs and goes back about his business.  No fear.   And not at all caring about them.   Like, "Yeah, whatever."  In my book I talk about how at the beginning of my own harassment (which seems kind of minor compared to what you two have mentioned) I too was like the naive deer caught in the headlights, and would freeze, but then resume my activities.  Minor fear and naive obliviousness was certainly better than being consumed with all out "gonna have a nervous breakdown!" fear and skittish paranoia 24/7, but it still wasn't doing what you outlined here.  And only when I got to the point to what you described did it stop.  So yeah, I definitely support what you're saying here.

Fear is good it is a survival mechanism. Fear is gone you say? No its not gone you simply don't see it. I am afraid of the pods,very afraid. I don't want them here why should we tolerate them.

It is my will that the pods vanish, vanish into pod-o world. Leave my world alone. It is my will so mote it be.

18 (edited by lyra 2008-01-20 13:21:26)

Re: The Agent Next Door

shukaido wrote:

I may have misunderstood your meaning (those emoticons can be such a bother trying to interpret) but just because you wrote about it doesn't necessarily mean that you're the only one to have experienced it.

Okay....shukaido?  I never said anything even remotely resembling that.  That is you putting words in my mouth, making incorrect insinuations about me and where I'm coming from.   You say you may be misunderstanding me, but instead of asking me what I meant first, you just went ahead and assumed the worst, said as a statement, not a question, showing that you were in fact pretty sure about what I must have meant.   I was agreeing with you.  Not saying "***I'M*** the only one who's ever experienced this!  ***I*** wrote about it so therefore this experience belongs to ****ME!!!!!!!!!!****  IT COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED TO YOU!!  BECAUSE I'M THE ONE WHO WROTE ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Holy shit.  How crazy and egotistical would somebody have to be to have a mentality like that?   In fact, the whole point of me writing my book was BECAUSE I knew those things were happening to others and I wanted to pass on the tips and info. that I'd gleaned, to help them.  I even say that in the book.  That's what fully 2/3 of the book IS.  Not to claim that I'm the only person on the entire planet that those things had happened to.  Jesus God.  !  Could you get it all any more backwards?   

Obviously there's a communication mishap between you and I, you can't seem to understand what I mean by the things I'm saying.  Could be me, might be you, I don't know, so, I will bow out of further communications with you to avoid the continuation of this.  When posters have to nitpick back and forth, explaining and clarifying and having miscommunication hiccups it just derails threads.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."


Re: The Agent Next Door

Let the thread derail then Lyra. Whats going to happen if it derails?

Re: The Agent Next Door

lyra wrote:

So when you say you stepped out of the prison, in what way was that?  What did you do?

I think everyone has their own personal prison; something that keeps them from seeing and understanding what really matters - what's really going on. Although we all have freewill (well, some of us anyway), we are manipulated away from certain choices. The fight-or-flight mentality leaves little room for rising above/bypassing the whole theme altogether.

You can only see the prison in hindsight, from a place of freedom. We are programmed to take people at face value. By their words, their clothes, their race, their wealth, their poverty, their religion. Life becomes one big screenplay. My own prison was called Ego. Constantly defending the Land Of Me. When I decided on a different, more aware approach to people I accidently stumbled onto the keys out of the prison. Suddenly I was 'free' from emotional turmoil, which of course is... loosh. Hence, the onslaught.

lyra wrote:

When your agent neighbor next door skips out before you've even thought of leaving, for what purpose would that be?

The purpose of the neighbor always leaving before me is purely psychological. Think of Pavlov's Dog. It is conditioning. They call it "sensitizing the target". The drip, drip, drip of the Chinese water torture.

When he first moved in in October of 2004 I didn't pay any attention. It takes months of subtle actions to wear someone down unconsciously. After the first few months I thought it to be an unusual coincidence. Then I began to get suspicious. His schedule always coincided with mine. After a year I felt a sense of irritation and anxiety. He was still always stepping into the hallway just before me. And I was seeing him all the time. In the hallway. In the parking lot. In the grocery store. Walking in front of my car a mile away. It's all a message. "You're being watched."

Now he knows I know exactly what's going on. I've called him a gangstalker to his face and he just grinned and looked away.

It doesn't matter if I'm going out to the grocery store, to my job, to empty the trash, etc.. The idea is for me to notice that he's paying very close attention to me. If he leaves AFTER me, then I won't get this message, because I won't see him. By always leaving just before me, I get the benefit of noticing. After a while ANYONE would notice this. That's the whole point. To get my attention. To make me react. To break me.

Add to this the missing mail, the flat tires, the stolen/broken items, the stalker downstairs, the text messages... I once had a phone conversation with a friend, the subject of god came up - twenty minutes after the conversation ended I get a text message featuring a character with praying hands - meaning "we're watching you AND listening too!"

I am not freaked out by this anymore. And the more I ignore it, the more it fades.

Piece_ofnothing wrote:

Let the thread derail then Lyra. Whats going to happen if it derails?

What an odd thing to say. You sound like you're trying to provoke her.


Re: The Agent Next Door

Now I know why I doñt write as much here anymore.....Too many lectures from members about proper ways to write you OWN views


Re: The Agent Next Door

Ocean wrote:

I am not freaked out by this anymore. And the more I ignore it, the more it fades.

Piece_ofnothing wrote:

Let the thread derail then Lyra. Whats going to happen if it derails?

What an odd thing to say. You sound like you're trying to provoke her.

Does it Ocean? That is your perception.

23 (edited by lyra 2008-01-20 14:51:52)

Re: The Agent Next Door

Ocean wrote:
lyra wrote:

So when you say you stepped out of the prison, in what way was that?  What did you do?

I think everyone has their own personal prison; something that keeps them from seeing and understanding what really matters - what's really going on. Although we all have freewill (well, some of us anyway), we are manipulated away from certain choices. The fight-or-flight mentality leaves little room for rising above/bypassing the whole theme altogether.

You can only see the prison in hindsight, from a place of freedom. We are programmed to take people at face value. By their words, their clothes, their race, their wealth, their poverty, their religion. Life becomes one big screenplay. My own prison was called Ego. Constantly defending the Land Of Me. When I decided on a different, more aware approach to people I accidently stumbled onto the keys out of the prison. Suddenly I was 'free' from emotional turmoil, which of course is... loosh. Hence, the onslaught.

Interesting.  Thanks for answering.   In reading over what you described I imagine I'd get a bit worn down after awhile always having my neighbor leaving seconds before I do, always seeing them everywhere out in the world.  Very very odd. For myself when I've made some positive advancement in breaking free, the way you described it, I haven't had people stalkers or any of that sort of thing.  Instead what will happen is I'll go to sleep and then wake up the next day, having completely lost the drive and motivation to continue.  The wind let out of my sails.  Or in a negative state, total frequency crash.  Possibly like nocturnal programming going on to derail me.  Different groups probably use different tactics.  I've called it "whack a mole!" like those carnival arcade games. wink  That's where the little mole critter pops up and you're supposed to try to whack it with the big padded hammer thing.  You get a prize for how many moles you pop on the head.  Well, we're like the moles, getting whomped back down every time we pop up.  "WHOMP! Get back down!  WHOMP!  WHOMP!  WHOMP!"  Yup.  Whack A Mole!   haha

Well, best of luck to you, hope you can find a way to get it all to stop.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: The Agent Next Door

lyra wrote:

"WHOMP! Get back down!  WHOMP!  WHOMP!  WHOMP!"  Yup.  Whack A Mole!   haha

I admire your cheer, Lyra. You make me smile.

water115 wrote:

Now I know why I doñt write as much here anymore.....Too many lectures from members about proper ways to write you OWN views

Something in this thread has disturbed you and you have chosen to comment out of left field from a negative place. I'm not even sure who your comment was directed to.

In any case, I really enjoyed reading your post because it was such a reminder of how sts we can be - waiting in the wings, ready to pounce with anger. I've done this countless times in life and online. And it only backs me into a dark and pissed-off place. Just where the matrix wants me. And you.

Wake up and smell the loosh.


Re: The Agent Next Door

Ocean wrote:
lyra wrote:

"WHOMP! Get back down!  WHOMP!  WHOMP!  WHOMP!"  Yup.  Whack A Mole!   haha

I admire your cheer, Lyra. You make me smile.

water115 wrote:

Now I know why I doñt write as much here anymore.....Too many lectures from members about proper ways to write you OWN views

Something in this thread has disturbed you and you have chosen to comment out of left field from a negative place. I'm not even sure who your comment was directed to.

In any case, I really enjoyed reading your post because it was such a reminder of how sts we can be - waiting in the wings, ready to pounce with anger. I've done this countless times in life and online. And it only backs me into a dark and pissed-off place. Just where the matrix wants me. And you.

Wake up and smell the loosh.

Again not anger just my own view what I have been seeing lately....Yeah my post is just full of anger=) BTW with your situation to get this thread back on track my suggestion would be with the neighbor next door...I would confront him in a nice manner.  It seems like this has been a cat and mouse game with you two for 3 years.  Do you know what he does for a living??  If not you should reverse the situation and see where he goes in the morning and the best way to understand an enemy is to gain information on that person so you know what you are up against as it seems he is doing to you.  If all in all its just a bad situation I would just move and find a place with more positive energy...It seems like this person has really gotten to you so the best solution would be just to move (UNless your rent is just an absolute steal because) ...Good luck.  I have had this happen to me as well and know it can be quite irritating.

26 (edited by DanB 2008-01-21 11:17:54)

Re: The Agent Next Door

Well Ocean, thanks for sharing!

I've posted this solution here before on this forum...or through pm's with others from this forum.
And please understand Ocean, I am extremely partial to this meditation method because it works so well and so directly and so strongly...for me!
I cannot help but share it when I get a strong hit to do so!

Solar meditation will send anyone and anything negative around you or about you or within you a runnin',  imho!
There are other meditations and other excersizes and other processes and things that are direct solutions that have been shared here on this thread of yours.

But for me, this process would be all inclusive of say, Montalk's suggestions in post #9. For some reason when you start solar meditating diligently most issues will probably begin to dissolve...and I feel your stalkers would dissolve from your life  too...it is my personal experience that this meditation process scares the begeebers out of bad entities/spirits for some reason...I believe the main reason is that you begin to get in touch strongly and directly with your own immortality and your own innate wisdom/happiness and begin to tune-in with a fervor as to the changes coming on...usually in the first month of consistent and built-up meditation time.

It is your personal free will to do whatever you decide you need to. I don't expect my suggestions to help a small town fill up a football field with daily solar meditators, if YaknowhatImean : ) !.
And that is not a goal of mine, HaHa!
But, if by me sharing, maybe just one or two or three more folks will "look" into it and start giving it some time in their lives and "see" if it will help them with what they need help with...then that is a good thing!.



http://www.consciousmedianetwork.com/me … gibson.htm


It is also my personal feeling and experience, right now,  that the solar/cosmic energy is getting oh so pure and intense that just being fully and consciously aware of the sun and the light coming in through ANY personal meditation process that interacts with nature will help filter shadowy matters from your life!

Re: The Agent Next Door

lyra wrote:

Okay....shukaido?  I never said anything even remotely resembling that.  That is you putting words in my mouth, making incorrect insinuations about me and where I'm coming from.   You say you may be misunderstanding me, but instead of asking me what I meant first, you just went ahead and assumed the worst, said as a statement, not a question, showing that you were in fact pretty sure about what I must have meant.   I was agreeing with you.  Not saying "***I'M*** the only one who's ever experienced this!  ***I*** wrote about it so therefore this experience belongs to ****ME!!!!!!!!!!****  IT COULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED TO YOU!!  BECAUSE I'M THE ONE WHO WROTE ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!"  Holy shit.  How crazy and egotistical would somebody have to be to have a mentality like that?   In fact, the whole point of me writing my book was BECAUSE I knew those things were happening to others and I wanted to pass on the tips and info. that I'd gleaned, to help them.  I even say that in the book.  That's what fully 2/3 of the book IS.  Not to claim that I'm the only person on the entire planet that those things had happened to.  Jesus God.  !  Could you get it all any more backwards?   

Obviously there's a communication mishap between you and I, you can't seem to understand what I mean by the things I'm saying.  Could be me, might be you, I don't know, so, I will bow out of further communications with you to avoid the continuation of this.  When posters have to nitpick back and forth, explaining and clarifying and having miscommunication hiccups it just derails threads.

My, my. It seems that I touched a nerve. What is that about? And what's with all the capitals and exclamation points? Clearly, I didn't put anything in your mouth as it seems full already. Crazy and egotistical? Hardly. Have a look at your response. You might want to unravel that at some point. That's just weird.

You responded to my post by indicating that you'd phrased your question (or whatever) incorrectly, that you'd mis-presented your thoughts but oh wait! it's something that you've already covered in your book! like word for word! so yeah, you were agreeing with me. Please. I really could care less it you were, in fact, agreeing with me. How boring.

They're threads. They get derailed by side-thoughts and experiences (and strange hysterical outbursts), and then they find themselves back "on track" again. Of course, I should just let it go, but I'm just so not impressed with hysteria and other people's crazy.

water115 wrote:

My suggestion would be with the neighbor next door...I would confront him in a nice manner.  It seems like this has been a cat and mouse game with you two for 3 years.

My experience with directly confronting the neighbors, as in the agent next door, was that they already had a full history and set of responses mapped to all of my inquiries. They were always cordial when I encountered them in the hall or elevator, then when we were inside our apartments it was back to business as usual. When the agents became too familiar they would move out only to be replaced by new, more impersonal representatives. They were just too weird to be close to for very long so I never invited one over for a drink for a little Q&A.

Earlier was mentioned something about timelines that I thought very interesting. With all of the manipulated dreams of being imprisoned or blocked from forward progress (as in roads and such) along with their real-life reinforcements I sometimes experience, and how clear it seemed that one of the objectives of my stalkers was to keep me indoors and immobilized, do you think that it's at all a possibility that by mimicking your movements and getting you to "freeze" that there's an effort to prevent you from making certain connections (with people, places, thoughts, or lines of force as you're out wandering around) that might bring you to an intersection in time? This feeling that you described for fellow humans is now a part of you, of your movements. It's in your eyes, your vibratory pattern, and this elevated perspective rubs off, so to speak, on others that you meet, subtly inspiring them. It's an interesting thought. What a grand scheme for hijacking the future to keep those that begin to shine closed up in their rooms. It seems to me that something very interesting is becoming more of a highly probable future and these "negs" are aware of it, and so are expanding efforts to usurp it. All the more reason to get out and live, laugh, and love.

"Oh where have you been, my blue-eyed son? Where have you been, my darling young one?" - Roxy Music (B. Dylan)

Re: The Agent Next Door

As long as this thread has gotten this far, I'd like to interject an intermission here and clarify something.

I become less and less affected by these events with each new day. All of us are fighting some sort of battle. None of us intend to give up. While these events in my life may sound incredibly stressful to some of you, some of YOU are being... yanked out of your beds in the middle of the night; enduring incessant ring-tones; battling personal inner demons; fending off electronic attacks, and basically just trying to hold your own in a world oblivious to all of it.

This silent world is meant to be silent. I believe the valley of the shadow of death where we fight for our survival is a desolate place. Our own personal Gethsemane. We help each other, for sure, but eventually we must pass through the slim eye of the needle alone.

DanB wrote:

But, if by me sharing, maybe just one or two or three more folks will "look" into it and start giving it some time in their lives and "see" if it will help them with what they need help with...then that is a good thing!.

These are great resources, Dan. I was amazed by the guy who doesn't eat (???). Wow. I never knew the sun was so nourishing. I'll definately look into this. Thanks.

water115 wrote:

Yeah my post is just full of anger=) ...Good luck.  I have had this happen to me as well and know it can be quite irritating.

I stand corrected, water. Mea culpa. And thanks for the good-luck vibe. Your thoughtful reply rose way above my ignorant insinuation. As far as your questions go, I could not have answered them better than shukaido in post #27 above.

shukaido wrote:

...do you think that it's at all a possibility that by mimicking your movements and getting you to "freeze" that there's an effort to prevent you from making certain connections (with people, places, thoughts, or lines of force as you're out wandering around) that might bring you to an intersection in time?

This is most definately a possibility. As soon as I got a handle on the bigger picture I went directly to my timeline to see how it could be changed. I can't do this myself and so I asked for intervention. Who did I ask? I don't know. I just put my faith in whoever or whatever was sympathetic to my plight. I don't have god's name and address. All I have is a conviction that I am not alone. Hopefully that will change with time.

shukaido wrote:

It's in your eyes, your vibratory pattern, and this elevated perspective rubs off, so to speak, on others that you meet, subtly inspiring them.

You know, I remember talking about this weirdness to a friend some time ago (long before I knew what was going on) and she said, "It sounds like people are seeing the holy spirit in you." I couldn't relate to that term. I had spent years looking for the holy spirit (the christian brand) and came away empty handed. Nothing. Zip. Nada. I spit on the god of the bible and the horse he rode in on, so I wasn't exactly a candidate for conversion. (by which I mean "enlightenment" - and nothing more)

To describe this more clearly (and it's kind of embarrassing to say this) my affect on people seems palpable. I can see it in THEIR eyes. At first they glance without noticing anything unusual, then they just sort of do a double-take. something clicks. I register with them because they are registering with me - and they can sense that. It's like something inside me reassures them. Makes them feel safe. Like I've known them forever.

That's the trade-off we all go through, isn't it? Yeah, the world sucks... except when it doesn't suck.

29 (edited by DanB 2008-01-23 02:45:44)

Re: The Agent Next Door

Ocean wrote:
DanB wrote:

But, if by me sharing, maybe just one or two or three more folks will "look" into it and start giving it some time in their lives and "see" if it will help them with what they need help with...then that is a good thing!.

These are great resources, Dan. I was amazed by the guy who doesn't eat (???). Wow. I never knew the sun was so nourishing. I'll definately look into this. Thanks.

Hi Ocean,

Here is another link to a more "americanized" kind of discussion and outlay of the safe approach of starting a personal solar healing meditation process:


Good info and writings and connections on this site for any personal research you wish to get to on this matter that has been pretty well hidden from us in the western world up until the last few years, imho.

Great Newer Book On This "The Earth Was Flat":

http://www2.xlibris.com/bookstore/bookd … okid=26909

There were some cultures where you could get imprisoned for staring at the sun (only certain priests were allowed to sungaze).

For centuries, people and researchers believed that it was impossible for human beings to live their lives without sustenance, and that their vision would be destroyed by looking straight at the sun. Based on science, human eyes are not strong enough to resist the damage of direct sunlight while the human body has a natural cycle of hunger that has to be curbed. But for author Mason Howe Dwinell, people can overcome such obstacles and even achieve the impossible. These he elaborates deeply in his groundbreaking book titled "The Earth Was Flat: Insight into the Ancient Practice of Sungazing."

30 (edited by shukaido 2008-01-23 11:02:14)

Re: The Agent Next Door

Ocean wrote:

You know, I remember talking about this weirdness to a friend some time ago (long before I knew what was going on) and she said, "It sounds like people are seeing the holy spirit in you." I couldn't relate to that term. I had spent years looking for the holy spirit (the christian brand) and came away empty handed. Nothing. Zip. Nada. I spit on the god of the bible and the horse he rode in on, so I wasn't exactly a candidate for conversion. (by which I mean "enlightenment" - and nothing more)

Do you still feel empty handed?

After my experience with this spirit I call holy I went to church, and that experience was something of a downer. I still go every once in a while but I'm just not all that wild about it. I like the music, the sonorous voices. I feel the inner strength of the older ladies and gentlemen who have all come through their own personal tests of fire and faith, and feel the love and the hope of the mothers and fathers for their young children squirming in their seats through what is, even for me, something of a boring ceremony. From my first experiences with it, the ceremony, or service, just wasn't matching up to the in-streaming of love / light I was experiencing. It didn't seem to be coming from the same place, although in that whole spirit of Oneness business, it is. However, Communion was of the utmost importance for me. There was something very mysterious about the wafer and the wine, that transubstantiation, that I just had to be a part of. I have only a few ideas about what that's all about, but I felt that I just had to have it. I'd seen bona-fide intelligent-willed demons, or devils, and non-humans that follow in their wake hoping to rise in their ranks if I should be infected and taken, and they were writing things on concrete and brick walls that would only show up as I passed by. It was so unreal that I felt as if I were living in someone's movie. I also felt that some portions of help available to me from those far more knowledgeable and experienced than I am was being withheld until I joined in the body of Christ. What's odd is that no one, not once, ever said to me, "This is what you must do." I suppose I had to figure out a way, my way, on my own about these things. This was something of a humbling lesson for me; that I don't know everything, that I can't solve all of my problems alone, and that help is available, both overt and subtle from so many parts of the universe that it's almost funny, but that I had to take some steps to acknowledge this, and ask for assistance and guidance. Learning to say, "Thank you," didn't seem to hurt, either. Sometimes help comes and I can see it with my own eyes. It's astonishing. I've seen beings stand between me and that thing so that I can sleep at night. That part in the Bible about showing me things that I knew not is scary accurate. Sometimes I have to get off my lazy ass and go out and meet the help. Get out of doors and walk around, feel the warmth, the chill, see the sun, smile at the passers-by, the babies, and laugh with the check-out clerks at the grocery store. And sometimes, it seems, help is kind of busy right now and I just have to wait.

But there is this thing about organized religious faith in its current configuration that bothered me. There was this minister who spent an inordinate amount of time shouting and railing against other peoples when it seemed to me that more time could be spent, and better spent, teaching us about love, that gift to and from every one of us and personal choice we make, every moment of every day, how we express it. I realized that I had to take what was good for me to hear away with me, but that there were even greater portions of this minister's distortion or illusion of faith / teaching that didn't necessarily apply to me. I knew that I had to find my own way, so to speak, and that it may just be a while before I encountered anyone like me.

It is still that holy spirit that's a part of me, and may or may not be that weirdly wonderful (to me, anyway) Christian brand that has in some way touched you, but I think what's happening is that people are thinking, learning, and hopefully teaching that this holy spirit can be interpreted in an entirely new and very personal way, not guided word-for-word by the epistles of the apostles of the Bible. Although the words of Christ still rock. Even after all these distortions and the watering-down of years.

What DanB writes about about the sun and gazing at it is very interesting. The sun is alive, and so I can very well imagine how nurturing and healing its rays are in reception.

I really can't explain why, but I feel so happy and so hopeful for you, Ocean. I know sometimes it's rough, but in whatever you choose remember: you've got the love. Be well and good luck to you.

"Oh where have you been, my blue-eyed son? Where have you been, my darling young one?" - Roxy Music (B. Dylan)