31 (edited by nexus 2008-01-31 19:23:27)

Re: The Night I Possessed A Secret Society Bimbo

Hi Pinkrylq,

I've been thinking about another possibility regarding your dream. 

But first, just one block to your consideration of this possibility might be [not saying it is, but this idea is floating around the 'new age' sites] that you may believe that angels/demons and good/evil are illusory.  That is, that they are merely our own mental projections and are not objectively real.  My own interpretation of my own experience forces me to disagree with that.  I accept the truth that all beings, and all good and evil created by beings, are emanations of the ALLGod.  And that from the highest perspective of the ONE.... all is ONE.  Yes.  But that's only because the ONE is aware of ITSELF as the ESSENCE of all things at inner levels.  At outer levels there is manifest evil in the material universe (created not by the ALLGod, but by beings with freewill, who fell into duality consciousness) and so evil must be reckoned with by souls incarnate in the material planes.   Evil cannot be transmuted and transcended by denying it's manifestation.  In the lower planes, where we are now most conscious, we yet deal with evil, in ourselves and others, and that the only way to triumph over duality consciousness (in it's many forms) is to unite with our higher- Self which is our God consciousness.  The higher- Self is our soul's refuge (in the divine powers) of absolute GoOD and IT is the antidote to absolute evil in the lower planes.... wherever it appears.

Anyway, that's something to munch on while considering where i'm coming from with my interpretation of your dream.  But only insofar as it explains my firm belief that evil is a force to be dealt with in the planes of matter.  True, from the perspective of essence, evil is not ultimately real.  But we must prove that by allowing our inner-Self to defeat it's manifestation in ourselves.... and wherever else it manifests as a force opposing the higher- will within us.  That said, you might still consider my questions speculative. 

[Edit] ...[ i just read your reply to capitan.  Don't know how i missed that.  But looks like you accept that freewill beings  inhabit other realms and act as they will.  They can go no higher than the subtle material planes (only lower ones) and cannot enter the planes of spirit without "the wedding garment" (the light body).  The thing we seem to differ on is that i believe that beings who are one with their spiritual- Self cannot be successfully opposed by beings who are not.  These beings may have powers but they are as nothing compared to spiritual beings who are ONE with the light of spirit.]

I believe the higher- Self can give you a dream that approximates what you were really doing while your body slept.   In the form of a dream, your higher- Self can reproduce a scenario that closely resembles your real activities while you're soul travelled out of the body during sleep.  It may be that your HS impressed (in an instant) the whole scenario on your etheric body (your memory body) and your brain, so that you would have a point of reference in your outer waking awareness for an even higher experience which your HS will not yet reveal.

Pinkrylq,  You referred in your dream to your powers to direct light rays (from your solar plexus chakra} at threatening entities to disable them.... and to 360 degree spherical visioin.... and your ability to focus your own consciousness to inhabit the body of the agressors to disable them.... and to "be" in those bodies and anywhere else in an instant.... and basically, your perfect knowledge of your essential threat environment to be anywhere instantly ( because you were aware of everywhere simultaneously).  These are all real powers and faculties of the soul under the direction of the higher- Self.  They are not simply dream fodder produced by the mental body.   For the purposes of your battle environment you displayed Omniscience ( All Knowingness),  Omnipresence (everywhere present) and Omnipotence (everywhere potent).  These powers are well documented (as the Divne Attributes of God... east and west) and are an absolute winning combination to easily defeat any lesser manifestation of consciousness  (ie,,, the vibration of evil).... embodied or disembodied.  This is why the spiritual adepts are invulnerable.  They can employ their power in any plane of activity, consciously and at will.  To them, the whole material universe is a dream in which they are fully lucid / conscious and fully adept because they know all it's laws.

If i said to you that there are spiritual beings who are constantly 'at work' in the lower astral and lower mental planes defending us from attacks by astral entities and who employ the consciousness and powers you displayed in your dream, would you believe it?   And that the occasional attacks against us which we do experience, are allowed to happen only to show us the reality of these threatening astral forces? [or for karmic reasons].  I know for sure that these friendly spiritual beings exist and that they do this work on our behalf.  Is it thinkable to your mind, that you are a part of their number, and you are being assisted to relearn and re- use your latent power (long forgotten) to engage in battle again on behalf of vulnerable souls?  And that, that is what in fact you were doing in your soul consciousness on that night? and perhaps other nights you've forgotten?.... the memory completely sealed?   The real scenes of your soul's nocturnal activity, being shielded from your outer awareness by impressing a dream upon you (on this occasion) to familiarise your 'waking' self with your expanded consciousness....  to better integrate the experience at all levels and to give you confidence in your ability? 

You also had interactions with a wiser Self which makes sense in this scenario because your soul is not yet fused permanently together.  But you got your encouragement.  You are "on the side of the Light".... And that sister, is no mere illusion of duality.

Your answer to questions like mine may simply be... "Anything's possible i suppose.  I don't know for sure what it all means".   I just wanted to add these thoughts into the pot and also thank you for recording your dream so lucidly for us.   You virtually disappeared for months after i arrived, or so it appeared, and i wish you hadn't now.  Thanks pink.  And don't listen to titmouse.  I'm much, much nicer than he thinks.  tongue

Re: The Night I Possessed A Secret Society Bimbo

Oh my goodness.... sounds like I'm Superman, defender of the innocent! lol!  You're right, nexus... my first inclination is to respond that anything is possible and that I'm just not sure what to make of it.  I'd certainly hope that there are lots of people who are also doing the same types of things I seem to be doing during sleep.  I may just have a little better conscious recall of some of them?  That one dream of me being "omni-everything" was the only one where I was actually hunting down some evil spiritual entity, as far as I can remember.  But then again, there's the operative word... "remember".  It seems that the conscious mind is only "allowed" to recall certain events that occur during these dream-time adventures.  I've often felt that there is a heck of a lot more going on somewhere in my mind, but that my conscious mind isn't "allowed" to know what it is... at least not yet, at any rate.  I do hope that someday it will all be 'revealed' (or remembered), but then again, that's the entire goal.... the integration of the Higher Self with our consciousness.  I don't get the feeling that any amount of spiritual cleansing and mediation by my consciousness is going to speed the process up any, though.  It feels like there's some kind of pre-set auto timed release of information that goes on.  Maybe it's because if one were to suddenly become aware of the Truth, we might go mad.  Just a thought, at any rate. smile

"Sometimes I wonder whether the world is being run by smart people who are putting us on, or by imbeciles who really mean it." ~ Mark Twain

Re: The Night I Possessed A Secret Society Bimbo

It requires certain events to be gone through before certain pathways are open to experiencing higher densities. What exactly brings about these spontaneous journeys is probably beyond our current understanding, but simply they occur when one is ready...although this could possibly be accelerated by purposefully developing these powers, I find that this striving can actually disrupt not only the quality, but even the quantity of these experiences.
It must be pursued in a balanced way, in a way that connects you more deeply with the Universe rather than estranges yourself from it. It's all about integration, and often filling yourself up with thoughts, words, beliefs, pre-conceived notions and obsessive wishes can disrupt your journey if you don't let yourself just experience the life that's unfolding all around us. The balance between Ahriman and Lucifer..the path must be both noble and grounded.
But as many have said, the purity of the call determines the purity of the response.

"Don't eat any wooden nickels."

Re: The Night I Possessed A Secret Society Bimbo

I'd like to comment now, but my brain is fried from the days brain drain at work.  I'll probably be able to come up with something much more coherent on Saturday morning. 

We'll see if there is anything I can address with any coherence.  First off, the concept of duality.  Yes, I realize that labels on things just limit things that are infinitely complex to a simple explanation.  What I am trying to understand with duality, has more to do with the simple rules of life.  For instance there are rules like do unto others as you would have done to you.  Do you need to follow this rule to be successful?  No but it does help alot if you are trying to be a nice person and make friends with people.  This is the same with duality.  The concept of duality has carried itself down over many centuries, and I therefore figured there may be a significant lesson to be taken if it can be understood.  It also relates specifically to me and my own situation.  I fight myself almost non stop, as I am beginning to realize, and this fighting of the self drains my energy, depresses me, causes me to look at other individuals as first a possible threat before looking at them as a possible friend.  One of the more interesting pieces of the concept of duality whose concept is currently crystallizing in my mind, is the concept that pain must be required for pleasure (for lack of better wording).  It goes that I have spent my whole life running from effort, from pain, from conflict, from anything that causes pain.  And yet I feel pain, and depression and other negative feelings.  I have noticed that the only time that I feel really empowered and happiest, is when I face the struggles of life head on.  Yes it is painful to face these struggles, but I feel pain when I don't face them too.  And when I do face a struggle and succeed or benefit, I feel a great feeling of success or improvement.  So how does this relate to duality?  Well I have labeled something in my life bad, and avoided it thusly.  And by avoiding these things that I labeled bad, they only get worse and worse and don't go away.  So this is a benefit I hoped to see from understanding the concept of duality.

I guess now I will move onto my favorite new topic, awareness.  From my understanding from my readings, the main difference between densities such as 1st/2nd/3rd/4th etc, is the level of consciousness.  Density is a now commonly used metaphysical term used to understand the progression or evolution of a soul.  The common description is that inanimate objects such as atoms, and rocks are first Density, Simple life like plants and animals are second density, and humans represent third density consciousness.  Now, one of the fundamental concepts that is described often by montalk in the beginning with the coming Wave that will transport human consciousness into the 4th density for those who are ready.  So I often try to understand what this 4th density experience could be.  I recently came across a reference in the cassiopean material that suggests that hallucinogenic drugs offer one a glimpse into the 4th density.  Now what the 4th density seems to me to be, is the beginning of the ability to exist in a fluid, etheric, nonphysical reality, while retaining physicality.  One experience I will give is that I was looking up at the starry sky and lines began drawing themselves between the stars.  These lines were not like some blurry bleeding or streaking, these were as if I was in a futuristic computer simulation, and someone was drawing lines between the stars in the simulation, so that in effect the change was not happening in my mind but to reality itself.  The ancient shamans called Ayahausca ceremonies "dreaming awake", and I think that may be a good explanation.  It is very hard to conceive of exactly what is happening when you are walking down a path and you see the path go into another reality, as if you walked down that path it would not lead to the same place, or even dimension as it would where your consciousness not altered.  I will also mention now why I asked what the level of consciousness was during the out of body dreams, or alternate body dreams that were described.  My experience on the Ayahausca was that I was in an incredibly higher state of awareness.  The feeling was not as if I had entered a dream, but as if I had awoken from one, as in my life now is the dream, and the Ayahausca woke me up. 

Well thats about as much as I can handle today, my brain is all tapped out.

"...But Nothing is Lost:" "Nothing lasts... nothing lasts. Everything is changing into something else. Nothing's wrong. Nothing is wrong. Everything is on track. William Blake said nothing is lost and I believe that we all move on." - Terrence McKenna - Shpongle - But Nothing Is Lost

Re: The Night I Possessed A Secret Society Bimbo

Capitan wrote:

My experience on the Ayahausca was that I was in an incredibly higher state of awareness.  The feeling was not as if I had entered a dream, but as if I had awoken from one, as in my life now is the dream, and the Ayahausca woke me up.

In Search of the Miraculous: Fragments of an Unknown Teaching (1947) by P. D. Ouspensky:

Gurdjieff: "A man does not see the real world. The real world is hidden from him by the wall of imagination. He lives in sleep. He is asleep.

Only by beginning to remember himself does a man really awaken. And then all surrounding life acquires for him a different aspect. He sees that it is the life of sleeping people, a life in sleep. All that men say, all that they do, they say and do in sleep.

How can one awaken? How can one escape this sleep? These questions are the most important, the most vital that can ever confront a man."

             P.D. OUSPENSKY

..."It is necessary to understand here that the first state of consciousness, that is, sleep, does not disappear when the second state arrives, that is, when man awakes. Sleep remains there, with all its dreams and impressions, only a more critical attitude towards one's own impressions, more connected thoughts, more disciplined actions become added to it, and because of the vividness of sense impressions, desires and feelings— particularly the feeling of contradiction or impossibility, which is entirely absent in sleep—dreams become invisible exactly as the stars and moon become invisible in the glare of the sun. But they are all there, and they often influence all our thoughts, feelings and actions—sometimes even more than the actual perceptions of the moment.
In connection with this I must say at once that I do not mean what is called in modern psychology 'the subconscious' or the 'subconscious mind.' These are simply wrong expressions, wrong terms, which mean nothing and do not refer to any real facts. There is nothing permanently subconscious in us because there is nothing permanently conscious; and there is no 'subconscious mind' for the very simple reason that there is no 'conscious mind.' Later you will see how this mistake occurred and how this wrong terminology came into being, and became almost generally accepted.
But let us return to the states of consciousness which really exist. The first is sleep. The second is 'waking sleep' or 'relative consciousness.'
The first, as I have said, is a purely subjective state. The second is less subjective; man already distinguishes 'I' and 'not I' in the sense of his body and objects different from his body, and he can, to a certain extent, orientate among them and know their position and qualities. But it cannot be said that man is awake in this state, because he is very strongly influenced by dreams, and really lives more in dreams than in fact. All the absurdities and all the contradictions of people, and of human life in general, become explained when we realise that people live in sleep, do everything in sleep, and do not know that they are asleep.
It is useful to remember that this is the inner meaning of many ancient doctrines. The best known to us is Christianity, or the Gospel teaching, in which, the idea that men live in sleep and must first of all awake,
is the basis of all the explanations of human life, although it is very rarely understood as it should be understood, in this case literally.
But the question is, how can a man awake?
The Gospel teaching demands awakening, but does not say how to awaken.
But the psychological study of consciousness shows that only when a man realises that he is asleep, is it possible to say that he is on the way to awakening. He never can awaken without first realising his sleep.
These two states, sleep and waking sleep, are the only two states of consciousness in which man lives. Besides them there are two states of consciousness possible for man, but they become accessible to a man only after a hard and prolonged struggle.
These two higher states of consciousness are called 'self-consciousness' and 'objective consciousness.'
We generally think that we possess self-consciousness, that is, that we are conscious of ourselves, or in any case that we can be conscious of ourselves, at any moment we wish, but in truth 'selfconsciousness'
is a state which we ascribe to ourselves without any right. 'Objective consciousness' is a state about which we know nothing.
Self consciousness is a state in which man becomes objective towards himself, and objective consciousness is a state in which he comes into contact with the real, or objective world from which he is now shut off by the senses, dreams and subjective states of consciousness.
Another definition of the four states of consciousness can be made from the point of view of the possible cognition of truth.
In the first state of consciousness, that is, in sleep, we cannot know anything of the truth. Even if some real perceptions or feelings come to us, they become mixed with dreams, and in the state of sleep we cannot distinguish between dreams and reality.
In the second state of consciousness, that is, in waking sleep, we can only know relative truth, and from this comes the term relative consciousness.
In the third state of consciousness, that is, the state of self-consciousness, we can know the full truth about ourselves.
In the fourth state of consciousness, that is, in the state of objective consciousness, we are supposed to be able to know the full truth about everything: we can study 'things in themselves,' 'the world as it is.'
This is so far from us that we cannot even think about it in the right way, and we must try to understand that even glimpses of objective consciousness can only come in the fully developed state of self-consciousness.
In the state of sleep we can have glimpses of relative consciousness. In the state of relative consciousness we can have glimpses of self-consciousness. But if we want to have more prolonged periods of self-consciousness and not merely glimpses, we must understand that they cannot come by themselves, they need will action. This means that frequency and duration of moments of self-consciousness depend on the command one has over oneself. So it means that consciousness and will are almost one and the same thing, or, in any case aspects of the same thing.
At this point, it must be understood that the first obstacle in the way of the development of self-consciousness in man, is his conviction that he already possesses self-consciousness or at any rate, that he can have it at any time he likes. It is very difficult to persuade a man that he is not conscious and cannot be conscious at will. It is particularly difficult because here nature plays a very funny trick.
If you ask a man if he is conscious or if you say to him that he is not conscious, he will answer that he is conscious and that it is absurd to say that he is not, because he hears and understands you.
And he will be quite right, although at the same time quite wrong. This is nature's trick. He will be right because your question or your remark has made him vaguely conscious for a moment. Next moment consciousness will disappear. But he will remember what you said and what he answered, and he will certainly consider himself conscious.
In reality, acquiring self-consciousness means long and hard work. How can a man agree to this work if he thinks he already possesses the very thing which is promised him as the result of long and hard work? Naturally a man will not begin this work and will not consider it necessary until he becomes convinced that he possesses neither self-consciousness nor all that is connected with it, that is, unity or individuality, permanent 'I' and will."...

Full text at:   http://www.livingstonemusic.net/Psychology%20of%20Man's%20Possible%20Evolution.pdf

also a very helpful stuff on 4 Density in his book "TERTIUM ORGANUM" :


    Ouspensky (1878-1947) was a mystic who traveled widely in Europe and the East looking for esoteric knowledge. He later studied with G.I. Gurdjieff. In this book, he uses the concept of the fourth dimension as an extended metaphor for the esoteric nature of reality. Einstein and other physicists had at that time validated the study of higher dimensions, and Ouspensky was fixated on this idea.

It is of prime importance to recognize that just about everything we've been taught to expect as "normal" in our lives is the stuff of fairy tales and unrealistic dreams.
Theodore Isaac Rubin M.D.

Re: The Night I Possessed A Secret Society Bimbo

Pinkrlyq wrote:

Oh my goodness.... sounds like I'm Superman, defender of the innocent! lol!  You're right, nexus... my first inclination is to respond that anything is possible and that I'm just not sure what to make of it.  I'd certainly hope that there are lots of people who are also doing the same types of things I seem to be doing during sleep.  I may just have a little better conscious recall of some of them?  That one dream of me being "omni-everything" was the only one where I was actually hunting down some evil spiritual entity, as far as I can remember.  But then again, there's the operative word... "remember".  It seems that the conscious mind is only "allowed" to recall certain events that occur during these dream-time adventures.  I've often felt that there is a heck of a lot more going on somewhere in my mind, but that my conscious mind isn't "allowed" to know what it is... at least not yet, at any rate.  I do hope that someday it will all be 'revealed' (or remembered), but then again, that's the entire goal.... the integration of the Higher Self with our consciousness.  I don't get the feeling that any amount of spiritual cleansing and mediation by my consciousness is going to speed the process up any, though.  It feels like there's some kind of pre-set auto timed release of information that goes on.  Maybe it's because if one were to suddenly become aware of the Truth, we might go mad.  Just a thought, at any rate. smile

Put the word "bimbo" in a thread title and watch the view count!  wink

Thanks for defending the innocent and vision impaired. It is so true about the difference between what happens in dream-time adventures and what one recalls in the morning.  I've decided while asleep that certain details were of profound importance, and so much common sense that I would remember them in the morning.  I wanted to get up and write a note, but was so certain that I could recall the details.  Meaning in that state is often much more relavent to the unconscious than can be expressed in written words.  I believe the Akashic record was written in Greek--only a Superwo/man could decipher it properly when awake. Thanks! You're my super hero!  I'll be watching for you tonight as I fight the good fight.

Fun fact: Great Tits are common in Europe

To know love is to know trust; to know oneself is to know truth
