Antaeus your comments about sphere hopping and globe trotting interest me too. I know Blavatsky wrote of that evolutionary process and what i got was that it refers to distinct globes in the solar system but not always physical. Depending on the spiritual evolution of the race, the sojourn may be experienced at higher density spheres of the globes.
For example even now there are very spiritually evolved souls in the etheric plane of earth, only some of whom will incarnate again on earth. (These are the hardiest boddhisatvas.) A perpetual Golden Age of soul satisfying 'perfections' is in full swing in the etheric plane (which is the highest material plane.) It acts as a preparatory step for the ascension into spirit and as a shoolroom for earth souls to visit during sleep (and between incarnatiions if the soul is vibrationally prepared) there to be tutored by advanced souls and Adepts. Not all souls on earth are participating in that because not all are ready yet. I am writing this paragraph last because i want to point out that many of us could be closer to the (personal) ascension than we think. In consideration of that real possibility, i think it could be helpfull for each of us to have a little understanding of our current evolutionary status. An accurate appraisal of that is not a simple matter considering our current lowly estate in the flesh. The density of our vessells hampers memory to a large degree. That's why i believe at least a cursory understanding of who's who on earth (in broad evolutionary terms) can begin to open our understanding of our own origin (how we got here to earth) and our history on this planet. The true record is written in every soul and it is accessable. While i don't think it is something to obsess about, the truth about it can come to our conscious awareness in dreams and intuitions so it's worth contemplating at least a bit. Having a thumbnail on a page like this could help trigger a deeper awareness and bring hope that the opportunity for ascension is real because we have surely originated in higher planes. To those planes we shall return. And ever beyond.
As i understand it there are several distinct evolutions of beings, criss crossing planet earth today. Humans look the same, but they are not the same. That is pretty certain to my mind and might even shed light also, on the fundamentally different psychological profiles of the many people who have passed through the Noble Realms over the past few years, ourselves included.
The true history of the earth reads a bit like a fantasy but, considering what is actually happening on planet earth, the truth seems worth considering as a possibility. I've seen some elements of that history discussed here in various terms so it's not all new to NR. It's what i found in different places in my own search, including my intuitions and confirmations of parts of this picture. Whoever reads this might consider that you might have originated from any one of these distinct evolutions on earth today and chances are, given that you're seeking, you are not soulless and not entirely indigenous to the earth either. You may already have risen to enlightenment in the deep 'archives' of cosmic history but may have subsequently gotten ensnared here on earth in one of several ways. When i use the term "angel" i'm not thinking wings. The wings are symbolic of the "air" and "flight" which symbolises mental power. The attainment of divine mind is what it's about.... and because that mind can be expanded infinitely through spiritual evolution, there is always a new "angle" of Divine Mind to discover and new dimensions of it to become. Thus....'angels'. If an angel is not real then just maybe, you yourself are not real. So consider that possibility in light of earth's past, present and future.... however you believe that timeline plays out.
Beings of different origins are inhabiting physical human bodies on earth today and obviously, are not all on the same page. Firstly, there are souls that have arisen over aeons to inhabit, finally, human form and human soul evolution. These have come through the evolutionary 'ranks' of the mineral, plant and elemental kingdoms. These souls are on their way up the evolutionary ladder and over aeons, move from sphere to sphere in this solar system to gain experience. They are here on earth today.
Then there are the spiritual beings who fell from higher realms into the lower planes and now wear physical human bodies. They got here by a circuitous route having destroyed other planets in their quest for power, before targetting earth. These beings came here with evil intent to make earth their kingdom, independent of any higher power. They moved in to take over and control it by severing the chord to spirit on planet earth by many devious means. So these fallen angels are here today too. Having fallen with great metaphysical and scientific knowledge they are "wiser in their generation than the children of light". They are totally self- interested, dangerous and cunning. They are self- programmed to the ways of death and they seek control by programming others in the same ways. They come bearing gifts, inducements (for us to share their appetites) threats and war as the grossest of their tools of coersion. They are still here today on earth and in the astral planes. They form a false hierarchy spanning both planes.
Also, many of the angel devas in etheric realms, who were tending the earth and her evolutions, responded badly to the fallen angels gate crashing the earth and engaged their powers against them. It was a war fought at psychic levels and eventually included the psychic domination of the earth souls evolving here . Consequently, the angel devas also fell into duality consciousness, but did so foolishly at first, in defense of their earthly charges. Eventually, blinded by revenge and hatred, both sides in this epic battle of 'giants' had 'conscripted' earth humans in their service and both sides were phycically dominating earth souls for their own advantage. Both sides threw themselves at each other with all psychic and physical means, using infant humanity as fodder. Humans were genetically altered to limit them ... make them more controllable and useable and, as i understand it, both sides participated in this sacreledge to create the "well engineered fodder" needed to defeat each other. After falling under the psychic influence of dark, selfish forces, human souls became willing, faithfull pawns in their "fodderhood" just like they are today. Easily fooled by appearances and highly pliable.
[The term "fodderhood" gives new meaning to that paternal command you can still hear at my house when my son visits me and i greet him in good humour at the door..... arms outstreched and with a heavy bronx accent..... "give ya fodder'a hug.... cummun... gimme a hug". I imagine i look more like Billy Crystal doing a zombie. I dunno, something about the way he runs in mock fear for his life when he sees it... ..straight past me to the refrigerator.]
Sorry, back to more light hearted matters...
Anyway, that epic battle between 'angels' (of different evolution and origin) has all happened in the physical and astral planes and has happened/ is happening over vast cycles of time and space. Everyone involved has been karmically reduced in power and potency yet war continues on earth in it's many psychic and gross forms. The karma for genetically altering humanity, was for the warring bands of angels to reincarnate into those genetically altered bodies themselves. And so they are here today too. And everyone walks past each other in the street looking pretty much the same to the eyes of flesh. Human. But their souls are from different evolutions. These parties also produced clones who were soulless. These multiplied and they also are still here today. If it wasn't for the mindmush of masses of soulless and dumbed down human beings , all the 'left / right' games on every concievable issue could not succeed. Humans are easily divided because most are divided in their own beings. All the psychological wounds have produced deep divisions within each individual and these are projected outward in infantile displays of affection for their enemies and pre- judice against their friends.
Clones were just one tool produced as fodder in a war for the conquest of a planet on which divide and conquer is the main game. The war rages to this day, in every area of life. It is obviously not just a war of explosions and physical death, but a war of ideas, soul imprisonment and even soul death.
Lastly, another evolution of souls is on earth today inhabiting human bodies and looking pretty much like everyone else here. I descibed them in my last post. They are the 'newcomers' (angels too) who arrived in numbers (legend has it) in an attempt to re- ignite the fallen souls then on earth with the inspiration of their divine identity. While it can truly be said that "you save yourself", once beings totally lose the heartflame of divine awareness they are lost and have no options left for rising again. They are totally caught in the loops of duality consciousness, and without a lifeline, they cannot even see the possibility of a higher way. When all the divine attributes of consciousness are snuffed out and replaced with animal passion, death is the inevitable consequence.... barring a compassionate intercession. Legend has it that at that time every last soul incarnate on earth had severed themselves from the interior spirit and were living like animals. A decision was made to give those souls ( the ancient warring parties) an opportunity to truly live and to reach their original estate again. Those who came to earth in this rescue mission, volunteered to the request from one among them who had the greatest attainment of the divine mind. That Divine Person had greater knowlege of how earth and her evolutions fits into the greater cosmic scheme and understood the great loss which would ensue and the great suffering that would continue if earth and her evolutions remained adrift in maya, illusion and perpetual conflict. That compassionate being has been called different names in different cultures.... called "the ancient of days" in the Book of Daniel, and called "Avalokitesvara" in the east ,and today known as Sanat Kumara.
As i wrote in the last post, even that mission has had failure. Many of these angelic souls who came to assist humanity also fell into duality consciousness and, although many have already risen, many more are still finding their way out. But the divine memory is returning with the divine self in this cycle and souls are awakening to a new opportunity for ascension. And many will succeed even in this life. But very few, if any, will fully master the energies of self in the earth plane, so virtually no- one will consciously dissolve the physical body to ascend. Only a few have ever done that. For the majority of those who fulfill the requirements for ascension (ie... the resurrection of the lower- self and the balance of the heartflame of love, wisdom and power) the physical body will still get old and die. I say, don't be overly concerned about that. So long as we are balancing the energies that we have sown in ignorance and balancing the heart flame, we will be purging the soul and etheric body (called the "wedding garment" and the "deathless solar body") and raising our vibration in preparation for ultimate union with spirit. As the physical body withers and dies, the etheric body can still shine during this incarnation and be adequate at 'death' to propell the soul to the etheric plane. That's the preparation we need. It is that body of light which is our ticket to the central SUN of being after we pass on.
But the etheric body is now scarred with the karmic records of all human incarnations. The grooves of that trauma are now also impressed upon the mental and astral bodies causing people to get set in their ways and to repeat old patterns. But love "covers a multitude of sins" and love has arrived in this wave of the holy spirit. It is gently awakening us to our divine identity and to our heart friends of the ages. We can now begin to rise above our programming in our interactions with all life and by loving service, transmute the old records of karma. Stumbling at first we have taken a breath of inner freedom and we know we cannot turn back. We cannot turn our backs on our inner- God in this cycle of increased opportunity (which will pass) so we are willing to be lead through the valley of the shadow to fulfill the law. Later we will meet at that bar at the end of the universe (guess who's) and we will take a draught of the greatest love this world has ever known. We will do that because we will bring it here first. But even that may not always be recognised for what it is. So, with a heart for any fate ... onward to the I AM Presence and victory in the ascension... whatever happens just around the next bend.