I am not doubting you. If you truely believe that you are being visited by otherworldy entities then you must work on some important factors in your life so that you can help them and the rest of us; these factors are truth, beauty, and goodness. These historically were the traits that brought great lives to people; therefore your experiences can be of great service. If you lose this deep human sensitivity you wil be of no use to yourself or your loved ones. You have an important purpose and you should find ways to develop solid methods of communication with those people not so gifted or willing to be open to the possibilities of a greater authority.
Fear is your first and foremost project. To reduce fear a person must take personal risks. The more one dwells on it the more it disrupts your purpose. Facing fears can be done with discipline and habit. Love dissolves fear; here is where the appreciation of beauty comes in. Giving love appropriately from the heart comes in many forms; I would leave it up to you to decide how is best to learn to give love without increasing your fear. Start by listening to those you value. Write poetry and other artistic forms of self expression.
Secondly, pursue the truth. Begin by becoming aware of the little white lies you tell, those which seem to do no harm; those that you think will make it easier on others, including yourself. Promise yourself that you will be as frank as possible, not only with others, but with yourself. Do this every day, every moment. Fears are feed by those little lies that build up over time in the recesses of the mind; those times when it was too scary to tell yourself the truth. Your inner self (your conscience) remembers all of these little things. If you trust yourself you will be more likely to trust others, therefore, you will learn to trust the intent of these ghost, angel, and alien inquiries. They need to trust you before they can give you the messages which they have chosen you to express for them. They are testing and preparing you for greater works. Obviously they believe you are strong enough to handle their presence, so they will want you to overcome the restrictions which fear creates.
Thirdly, good work and good insight brings good things to your life. These entities are neither good nor evil. Their work through you is most likely for Good reasons. You need to know how to see good in others before you can know what is appropriate to express to others. If your intent is shadowed by doubt and fear you will convey the wrong messages to others. Good intentions do not always result in goodness; intent is the result of inspiration, so you must prepare yourself to be inspired so that you can inspire others. Many people of evil intentions will often appear as "good people"; you must learn the difference by your habit and discipline to always pursue goodness. Sometimes you may have to appear "evil" in order to do good deeds later. Goodness comes through the heart, not the mind. Manipulators use the mind; the heart cannot be fooled easily. Evil actions are achieved via fear and ignorance. We must learn to control the forces which result in the robbing of spirit. Fear robs!
Continue to learn and grow. Take personal risks, within reason, that develop your willingness to face those things that build love in your heart. Make education and learning a daily practice. Use your imagination to assist your curiosity, then do rationally-based research to understand the complimentary side to the creative mind. This balancing will lead you on a worthy path that will allow these ghosts, aliens, demons, whatever, to to do the compensory work they have come to you for expression into the physical world. I think you are so fortunate to be elected for these tasks. A life of growth will be rewarding, and you will never know when you will be called to service. Be patient and listen profoundly to your heart.
Love, titmouse_ :love:
Fun fact: Great Tits are common in Europe
To know love is to know trust; to know oneself is to know truth