Topic: Whats the Word on this?
Allright to begin with I am pretty sure most of the people are familiar with such diagrams they are called Mandalas and one day sitting at home getting bored I thought I would draw a Mandala out of my own creativity and personal expression of God and completeness. It wasn't untill I was reading a book called Mind & Supermind in which they defined Mandala drawings " a mystical diagram to call upon a deity". There I began drawing without any particular idea or any scale in my mind but as i went on it kept on taking shapes and I understand that I used the seal of King Solomon in the middle and the corners have the freemasonry touch to it and the seal was the last symbol that finished my drawing and as soon as I did that I saw a flashing light on it which i usually see and an explaination to that I have is that am in the process of transforming myself from human to something else its the time of my revival and my kundalini awakening is on its way or may be am at the end of my journey but I personally take it as a revival period. But anyways, as I finished my drawing I noticed that it has a shape of Aztec temple pyramid and then I seem to have draw a bird with wings which is in different directions all around it. Anyways, just thought I would share this little drawing of mine and get some feedback on this and what does one think or get of it?
"Loving is an art that is the state of creation"
..........Lyrically am suppose to SHINE.........
..........I am the ONE that makes you BLIND........
..........And am that darkness that lets you SHINE.........