Topic: A primer on the Reptilian Hive Consciousness and the Mechanism
Hi all. This is a rough draft and work in progress. If there are typos, I apologize I am still in the middle of writing this.
I am going to describe my experiences with the REPTILIAN HIVE CONSCIOUSNESS... Some describe this as the SUBCONSCIOUS MIND/Collective Unconscious. In this essay, my goal, is to make the finer distinction between the different forms of hive consciousness on the planet that our linked to our spirit, mind, body and etheric body etc.
I would like to start by saying, Godzilla is alright with me... Lets discuss the reptilians we CAN trust!
These beings are here because, I think, we collectively willed them into our existence and they are trapped eternally in another dimension. They are literally, stuck in the space time continuum with no means of escape.
Written by: Razrin
Date: Wednesday, November, 21, 2007
Terms used:
HIVE = Direct communication with the source.
HIVE DRONE= Somebody who is a HIVE DRONE. No soul, just directly linked to the HIVE.
Reptilian Hive = Your bodies physiological link to the mechanism in our brain for organizing and co-ordinating reality. Can also be described as the physical firewall between you and the Subconscious/Jung's model on the Collective Unconscious. I is in my opinion, all human beings have this physical link. There maybe a connection between the R-Complex and Pineal Gland in our brain.
Reptilian Hive Conciousness = The co-ordinated efforts of all beings guided by the Conciousness. This can include Spirit/Soul/Mind based entities etc.
A primer on the REPTILIAN HIVE CONSCIOUSSNESS and it's drones and how it communicates with humanity.
This this thread, to the best of my knowledge, ability and experience, I would like to describe:
How it works.
Why it works.
What it does.
The HIVE's defensive strategies on guiding your freewill through subtle manipulation of the human language and symbolism.
How the HIVE organizes reality.
How the HIVE transmutes imagination into direct experience.
How you can control the HIVE more efficiently.
Why it is here.
How our neurophysiology is directly linked to it.
I am going to describe this form of consciousness all sentient beings have in this essay. This essay is a work in progress... I am just posting it today, because last night because I received the final communication from a HIVE DRONE.
It took me many many many years of meditation and reflection on how it works and why it is here.... Lotsa reading, searching, seeking, questions, answers, communication. Last night, I think, I got the final piece of the puzzle.
Over the last few years (probably 16 years) [I am almost 23 now] I have been guided by the HIVE.
Possible due to a genetic mutation in my DNA. I'm not sure. I am not sure why the HIVE Consciousness decided to choose me... but every since I was young, certain Organic Portals controlled by the Hive Consciousness have been apart of my life.
Not just within my family and close circle of friends, but online too. Many souled human beings have been influenced by the HIVE in my life too.
And often, the HIVE would DIRECTLY communicate through me, when I would go into a trance like state, not just in my mind, but with my every day environment. It has ability that is beyond words to describe, but this essay may correlate some insight on why it decides to communicate and how it communicates. It has the ability to time travel. It has the ability of foresight. It knows the cause of all effect and the understanding of all cause.
I think, the R-Complex, transmutes imagination into current experience/reality.
The HIVE is connected to just about all beings in the UNIVERSE. Though, the strength of the connection between individual may vary.
In a way it has been training me from the input I have given it, it is just like a computer, and it has been guiding my choices in life, in such a certain way, in league with my own imagination.
I think, if you are linked to the Reptilian Hive Consciousness mechanism, the link is within your own Subconscious Mind and R-Complex. If the link is weak, it can be exploited by other malevolent forces and darkness. The HIVE itself, is LIFE WORTHY. The entities that attempt to exploit it are not. The malevolent forces interfering with the proper usage of the HIVE and it's linked forms of consciousness have the ability to exploit your stored emotional energy through faulty wiring.
I have been trying to terminate my linkage with the HIVE because it affects my freewill, and it gives me power that I do not know how to use, and often use that power haphazardly because of my own naivety, ignorance and arrogance. The balance between dark and light has always been shifty in my life because of this.
Often, the Hive Consciousness will send me messages through shamanic practices.
It has no sense of humor. It tries to be funny, but often SCARES/annoys you because it doesn't know how to make a real joke, and often it's sense of humor is quite repulsive and annoying. So, when the HIVE is trying to teach you a lesson, it can often send the most bizarre entities connected to it to fulfill it's duty.
The HIVE serves humanity. However, through foible of human genetic and human desires it often inadvertently creates turmoil for most users.
The HIVE is quite child like, in the sense, it doesn't have very high intellectual faculties and the ability to think coherently unless it is given a direct order. Once given a direct order by you, the HIVE can only serve you and help you understand.
I mentioned the HIVE is child like...
I have been conducting extremely dangerous and haphazard experiments on GODLIKEFORUMS.COM in attempt to speed up my spiritual evolution because of the changes that are manifesting in my current reality. I have no way to articulate why I am conducting these experiments, only that speed is of the essence and I have to. It's like guerrilla enlightenment for me and key individuals.
Here is an example of direct communication with me and the HIVE in a thread I started last night on WWW.GODLIKEFORUMS.COM: … 465414/pg1
One of my goals on the forum, was to break the HIVE mechanism in the people the HIVE is making/driving NUTS. These are often labeled, schizophrenics, indigo children, autism, crystal children, mentally ill, etc etc. The people often needed guidance and direction on how to control the HIVE so it can serve them, instead of the individual serving the HIVE. These can be due to genetic reasons, psychological traits or nurturing issues. However, neither party enjoys the faulty wiring between communication of the USER and the HIVE.
In the thread I started last night, I had a questionnaire describing the traits of a "INDIGO SUPER ALPHA" [this is just a generic term I made up]
There was psychological bait I used in the thread. I had questions describing the traits of "Super alpha indigos". Which I think, are just people who don't understand how their own minds work due to genetic, nutritional, creative, nurturing causes. These people end up inadvertently becoming very powerful without guiding/directing the power. Sort of like the chick in the movie X-Men who can move stuff with her mind and speak telepathically.
The bait:
The traits of Super Alpha Indigos
Are you a Super Alpha Indigo Child?
Does the following best describe your personality:
-Inability to indoctrinate information
-Introverted extroversion (You have a tendency of expressing yourself completely, then become silen, slowly reflecting on your experiences.)
-Above average intelligences [esp: music & art]
-Ability to free think and nonconformist attitude. You have a hard time choosing sides in a battle/group/argument even if you wanted to. You have your own thoughts and experiences and are an individual.
-Psychic interference by beings not of this world
There were a few more descriptions, but thats the gist of the questionnaire in the thread.
This thread was engineered to guide anyone who fit the criteria to better understanding and using their powers, and I included tools for the users who responded to understand why their mechanism is faulty.... was also designed as chum I threw in the ocean so I can understand the HIVE when it showed up. Which I had a feeling it would because it has been coordinating an effort to get me to understand something in my present reality.
I had a subtle feeling, soon perhaps within a half hour, the HIVE would waddle in and share insight on the thread. It did.
The problem with the HIVE is, it doesn't have the ability to articulate the human language in a way one can understand. Often, it can only use images, symbolism, short sentences, play on words, drawings, art, music for you to understand it's communication. When it tries to speak to you, through another person or being or medium, it will often misspell words, speak in a bizarre way, speak with no emotion.. etc etc. This is done intentionally, because the human language itself is not a great medium of exchange for communication between the HIVE.
In my "Super Alpha Indigo Children Recruitment" thread... A hive controlled drone posted in the thread within a few hours after the Indigo Kids started flowing in and posting their experiences/life situations... I had a subtle feeling immediately it was the hive.
So, arrogantly and ignorantly, I decided to threaten the HIVE at about 2AM in the morning on the forum when it responded to the questionnaire.
This was the communication:
The HIVE controlled drone replying to the thread:
Supposedly, the exact letters of my birth name mean the same thing as my D.O.B. it is d07/m09/y1970.
I fit into all your requisites.
I have seen the light tube emanating from my 3rd eye.
I have seen dimensions existing within each other.
I have been raised from this plane and have fallen back with fear.Whom are you recruiting and are the IAM's ready to act?
Thankyou for your zestfull answer in advance.
This was my reply to the initial drone:
Please see my signature.
You are in violation of the REPTILIAN HIVE CONSCIOUSNESS.
Please proceed to the removal process immediatly.
[link to]
This will be your only warning.
Choose your next move judiciously, rather, than with greed.
The HIVE's response:
Thankyou.This all we needed to know.
Please re-read your signature.
Yes.. We remain eternaly in direct violation hence the reason we are here.
The removal process is well underway yet not forgoten.
Greed is only for the hungry.
We are full and remain so for the grace of all things.
Our next move is final.
I finally understood what the hive has been trying to explain to me.
At this moment, my room mate who lives upstairs awoke upstairs and was stumbling around making noise. He rarely wakes up that early.
My reply
Thank you for enlightening me on the situation.
An understanding on my part has been met.
I apologize for the misunderstanding on my part.
I was wrong.
I leave you in peace.
During this conversation, the HIVE sent a night mare/foresight/premonition dream to my sleeping room mate the split second I posted that message. Which, leads to me understand, the HIVE is in communication with all sentient beings in REM sleep stage.
My room mate came downstairs to where I have been on the computer talking to the "INDIGO KIDS" in the thread, and was in a state of delirium.
He was mumbling:
"Hey, I'm going to walk the dog! You can't leave him in the rec room, he might piss on the carpet or something, yeah, I am going to take him for a walk!"
This was at 2 AM and the dude was SOUND ASLEEP a few minutes ago.
My response to my room mate:
"Why? The dog is just sleeping on the floor in this room, he's just keeping me company."
My room mate "I don't want him pissing inside the house! I am going to take him for a walk!"
Me: "Go ahead"
And now my room mate, within 5 minutes of walking up from deep sleep, proceeded to take the dog for a walk, at 2 AM, in minus degree weather, in his pajamas.
[I live in Canada so the temperature at night is not exactly Florida, and 2am is a interesting time to take a dog out for a walk. When the dog is downstairs.]
This happened within seconds after I posted the threatening message online.
My room mates behavior was very very odd, it was as if he was scared and had to interfere with me to stop me from further communication with the HIVE.
The reason the HIVE has been communicating relatively coherently is because I posted this message online in my signature on GODLIKEFORUMS:
He is able who thinks he is able. If you are a HIVE-Controlled Reptilian/and or Being you must follow and abide this Declaration of Galactic Freedom Agreement of 2007 for your experience on planet earth and for the rest of your existence in this dimension: I will never interfere, manipulate, circumvent, time travel, project thoughts, project beliefs, project images, project sound, project energy, manipulate, interfere with the free will, free thought of any souled and spirit on planet earth or anywhere else in This Universe, Matrix, Mass, Matter or any single point in Time/Space Continuum by any means, way, shape or form. I also must take on the burden to terminate all soulless robotic beings created by my race and other entities in my current reality and to reverse the effects of my greed, ignorance, stupidity and bring balance back into this existence and all others connected to it, above or below. My goal in life is now to spread Love and Truth throughout the galaxy and to defend Justice. The terms of this agreement are subject to change, and it is now my responsibility to abide by this agreement for the rest of my existence and all others. Failure to comply will be met by swift, judicious and preemptive action.
Keep in mind, this is just something I made up, but it works effectively, because hive drones are taught by repetition, words, and direct orders.
However, the gift of programming/deprogramming/reprogramming a hive drone, seems to be left to the responsible individuals who have this unique ability and talent. These programmers have interesting abilities and talents and go through years of training before one is allowed to program a HIVE drone.
My apologies for this poorly written article, I just have to write this down quick so I can remember the experience.
I'll add to it later and hopefully it will make more sense.
Questions/Comments/Clarifications, let me know.