Topic: Nutritional Supplements

A friend of mine emailed this to me the other day and asked me to pass it on.  Maybe it will interest some of you. 

A matter that needs your urgent attention immediately is a bill before congress that threatens our legal right to use nutritional supplements.

The "Dietary Supplement Safety Act of 2003" or Senate Bill 722 was written to amend the "Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994" or DSHEA. If passed into law, SB 722 will restrict your freedom to use nutritional supplements, potentially cripple the nutritional supplement industry, and endanger your health and that of your clients.

The bill was created in a reaction to fears about ephedra and was brought forth by Richard Durbin (D-Il) and co-sponsored by Hillary Clinton (D-NY), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Charles Schumer (D-NY). A companion version is in the House of Representatives, titled the "Dietary Supplement Access and Awareness Act" (H.R. 3377). The intent of H.R. 3377 is to amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to dietary supplements and is sponsored by Susan A. Davis (CA-53).

Dr. Julian Whitaker writes on his website, "Some of you might remember the pre-DSHEA days when the FDA was completely out of control. They raided the offices of nutritional physicians like Jonathan Wright, MD, of Kent, Washington. They barged into manufacturing facilities and seized natural substances such as stevia and GLA. They authorized the removal of coenzyme Q-10 and other supplements from health food stores, claiming they were illegal. They refused to allow any information on nutritional supplement labels that would help consumers make informed choices. They mandated that many supplements now sold over the counter require a prescription, making them more expensive and less accessible. This is the kind of tyranny we experienced then and if you think this kind of stuff couldn't happen again, you're wrong."

Please take just a few moments to block SB 722. Go to click on TAKE ACTION on the main page. Type in your name, address and zipcode and a letter will be sent to your representatives. It takes 30 seconds. If you have a few more minutes write a personal letter. And if you live in California, New York, or Illinois contact the sponsors of this bill and educate them about the safety of supplements and how you and/or your clients (if you're a practitioner/fitness trainer) rely on them to be well. The Senate switchboard number is 202-224-3121 or go to to contact Richard Durbin (D-Il) Hillary Clinton (D-NY) Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Charles Schumer (D-NY).

Back in 1994 over two million people wrote letters in support of DSHEA and that same type of response is needed now to protect it. We can easily top that number with increased access to the internet when sending a clear message to congress. Forward this email to your clients and colleagues in complementary and alternative medicine, and together we can stop this bill. More information on HR 3377 to follow in the coming weeks.


Shirley Holt
American Health Science University

Likewise, if you're comfrotable with doing so, will you also pass it on to others in your network/cybersphere. smile

Thank you!


Today's mighty oak is just yesterday's nut that held its ground.
Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we might as well dance.
If you spin around on your chair really fast, things around here will make a lot more sense.



Re: Nutritional Supplements

Disgraceful.  The EU has a vitamin supplement ban effective in 2005 already, now this shit.  My family has been taking nutritional supplements now for three generations, and the difference in health is incredible.  I can't see this passing though, there would be a hell of a backlash.

3 (edited by lyra 2004-04-06 15:11:12)

Re: Nutritional Supplements

This is technically old news, something that came out in mid 2003.  I already wrote to both of my state representatives (FL) regarding this.   Like that'll do any good.   sad

The only thing I can recommend to everybody is --  Be prepared.   Hope for the best, but expect the worse.   This means figure out now which supplements are the most necessary, the most important and useful to you.   The ones you couldn't imagine going without in the event something like this goes into effect.   Make a list of them.   Get it all sorted out now, so that if we find out that this is going to happen, we can run out with our already pre-prepared list and go stock up on what we'll need.   You won't have to waste any time combing through books, or making decisions.  You'll already be ready.

A helpful hint:   Make a list of common ailments that you would probably get in the future, and from there, figure out which is the most potent, effective herbs and supplements you could have on hand for them.   

Even better, figure out which useful herbs you could possibly grow yourself, and pick up some books on herb growing and get the seeds on hand.

Colloidal silver is a must-have for fighting infectious microbes in the event that they take the rest of the herbal supplements away.   It's cheap and easy.   So learn how to brew your own silver and get the equipment together that you'll need now, not later.

And in conclusion........start making connections.   Find people who will be selling this stuff even when it's no longer on the store shelves, if you know what I mean.  wink

It may sound like drastic measures, but you never know.   They've already got supplement bans in the EU, and in Australia and Canada.   Sure, it's a multi-billion dollar industry, but they probably have a billion other reasons for shutting it down as well.   Don't count on the world that you know right now, as of this moment, to last forever.   Things change.   So be prepared, and think ahead, and have your list ready so you can run out and stock up like mad on all the supplements you'll need if the time comes.

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."


Re: Nutritional Supplements

You're too much lyra! smile

Re: Nutritional Supplements

Thank you Auendove for the heads up and to Lyra for her suggestions.  I believe this type of legislation is attempted on a regular basis.  Perhaps to act as a "survey" to see if there is profit in the health food industry - large enough to consider buying it up.  Years ago "Twin Lab" vitamins was a coveted vitamin brand...still exists but is today owned by one of the huge pharmaceuticals.

I've mentioned him before on the yahoo.noble realm board but today a friend lent me her copy of Dr. Richard Schulze's "There are No Incurable Diseases:  30 day intentive cleansing and detoxification program".  I thought this was synchronistic with Lyra's post about being prepared.  This booklet is an incredible program that a person could do on their own without any vitamins/herbs from a store.  (although some of the program does indeed call for herbs but you could still benefit from doing only some of it).  ( you can check out Dr. Schulze at

Anyway, I'm going to order my own copy.  I also thought growing aloe vera would be easy and definitely helpful.

BTW, I switched my dog and 2 cats over to Nutro - Natural Choice and all seem happier and less fussy as eaters.  So, thank you Lyra for the advice.

Warm regards,

Re: Nutritional Supplements

Montalk - maybe we should add a "health" forum?


This is the place where one can buy small or large quantity organically grown herbs.  Most others out there are for bulk ordering only.  One or two people can get enough for a few months from here, just to test out.

Mountain Rose Herbs

Will post some different blends and their uses later.

Re: Nutritional Supplements

Yea, I too heard of this bill long ago, it's being circulated on many health boards. And I too sent complaints to various places, but y'know, I get the feeling this world is out of the control of people with "real" needs, and it's just spinning onward in the destructive path set by evil policymakers such as Hellish Hillary.

As for stocking up, that's only good until the expiration dates.

Won't be aboard anymore due to disillusionment by teflonanity.
Warm wisdom is my preference.
Can be contacted via PM only, unless that's disabled.

Re: Nutritional Supplements

murphy wrote:

  As for stocking up, that's only good until the expiration dates.

Hence the reason I also suggested learning how to grow your own healing herbs, and learning how to make your own batches of colloidal silver, which cures anything.  smile

"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "Holy shit ... what a ride!"  - Anonymous
"I get by with a little help from my (higher density) friends."

Re: Nutritional Supplements

Lyra, I had been intensely considering various modalities such as Rife, Colloidal, Beck's electrification/silver pulser etc., and H2O2.

I've also already tried a ton of stuff including removal of 17 mercury amalgams which I could ill afford. Yet I still have bad tooth pain, probably due to bacteria stuck there, and I'm no healthier than prior to removal. As for Rife, there's all sorts of Rife versions out there including Zapper, constructing one's own (which I don't see myself pulling off), depending on human QXCI practitioner (I tried this already - with bad luck), and on & on... My head is in a whirl, & I certainly can't afford endless trials, failures, useless exertions, useless expenditures not to mention disillusionments...

So as of now, I've decided upon trying the cheapest - and that's H2O2.

As for growing my own healing herbs - hey, the world might come to an end even before they ban nutritionals wink - and I have too much I'm already trying to handle. I'm really just not up to it at this point, just as I'm not up to Rife construction.

As for Colloidal, I've been in communication with someone who was strongly advocating both Colloidal & H2O2 Colema Boards. But then someone else (who imo is pretty logical) informed me that she'd hesitate to try Colloidal due to its being a metal, and so she sticks to H2O2.

Anyway, bottom line is that for now I've decided on oral chelation, followed by H2O2, followed by Primal Defense. I'm also having my panorex evaluated by an "expert" (this after having spent over $100 on a different "expert"s evaluation of pre-removal panorex). There's just so much I can handle at once. Thus far most things I've tried haven't helped.

From the many things I've tried until now, what has given the most genuine relief was:

Neurontin (which unfortunately requires prescription from my socialized-med mentality doctor - and therefore too much of a hassle to obtain)

GABA (though not as relieving as Neurontin)

Black cherries/juice (healing to my internal bleeding). I discovered this absolutely on my own, no credit to either mainstream or alternative practitioners. Evenutally, maybe the first or second cousin of the guy that wrote the book about Oregano will write a book about black cherries - as if either didn't exist for thousands of years... roll Whereupon the price of Bings will shoot thru the roof, just as happened with eggs due to the Atkinists.

Prevention - avoidance or moderation on foods which trigger my inflammations/irritations (acid, raw-onion/garlic, chocolate, concentrated-starches that aren't liquidy enough, virgin olive oil

P.S. I'm also dealing with issues of photosensitivity to my monstrous LCD. Not all LCDs are cut from the same cloth - trust me, I know this because I examined a NEC LCD at the local library and it wasn't as ravaging as my Samsung. It was my bad luck that I fell in with this one, and infuriating that something which cost me $300 is degenerating my body. Laptops are also supposed to be good for photosensitives, and CRTs are also sometimes more tolerable. My question is - what do CRTs & laptops have in common which causes them not to be as intensely irritating as LCDs?

Won't be aboard anymore due to disillusionment by teflonanity.
Warm wisdom is my preference.
Can be contacted via PM only, unless that's disabled.

Re: Nutritional Supplements

My question is - what do CRTs & laptops have in common which causes them not to be as intensely irritating as LCDs?

Well, I don't know about laptops, but I will ask my friend who is retired from IBM(engineer).  He did tell me some time ago to stay away from LCDs...reason being CRTs picture is made up of the entire wave length where lcd's take slices of the wave at intervals...thereby fatiguing the eyes and brain. 

a rose...

It's all mind over matter. If you don't mind it doesn't matter...

Re: Nutritional Supplements

But then someone else (who imo is pretty logical) informed me that she'd hesitate to try Colloidal due to its being a metal

I have been making and using cs for years...truly amazing substance...with animals and people...there is a lot of "logic" to substantiate it's use...for inquiring minds...

H202, also truly amazing stuff, yet I have heard from logical, seasoned holistic practitioner to use with caution because it causes oxidation...

I never base my actions on opinions any more...I base my actions on empirical evidence.

a rose...

It's all mind over matter. If you don't mind it doesn't matter...

Re: Nutritional Supplements

palulukon wrote:

I never base my actions on opinions any more...I base my actions on empirical evidence.

a rose...

Hi, sorry, just now noticed your posts. BTW, was your IBM friend able to shed light on the issue of computer monitors? Since the above post, I've since discovered that large-viewing areas I.E. new, 17" CRTs are as intolerable as bright LCDs, because I've tried one. So it seems that even CRTs can have bright phosphors, though phosphors dim as they age which may account for why some CRTs are more tolerable than others. I don't know for sure - maybe your friend knows?

Now re: the above, what do you mean by empirical evidence?

If by that, you mean your own experience, shake hands. Because by this stage of the game, the only evidence I believe anymore is what I feel.

I know I've read alot about CS, but I've read as much about H2O2, and since the latter is a cheaper/simpler proposition, that's the main reason why I chose it over CS. I also realize by now that there are alot of misguided scaremongers out there. For example, they warn of dire consequences when chelating. But I've discovered that's bunk as far as my own experiences are concerned. Because I don't get the reactions they warn about (that's the exception rather than rule). Rather, I don't get any reactions at all - which in a way, may be bad, because it indicates the metals aren't becoming mobilized and ejected. And I've got a huge hunch that they're "scaremongering" about the wrong thing. My hunch is that it's actually the excessive Vitamin C which the "experts" advise chelators to take - that's the TRUE culprit, because it's acidic & caustic. But go and get them to listen - they'll just keep right on listening to the "experts" like lambs to the slaughter.

Won't be aboard anymore due to disillusionment by teflonanity.
Warm wisdom is my preference.
Can be contacted via PM only, unless that's disabled.

Re: Nutritional Supplements

Murphy, there are different forms of vit C and some are tolerable to senstive folks. I deal with people and the world of supplements and herbs every weekend, for the past four years and some of them sound like you. Not enough money and/or energy and patience to experiment with the millions of things on the market. I wonder what you are dealing with? I met a women today that gets a bladder infection from vit C, Echinacea, lemon, and the list goes on.

" Then it was, then again it will be. And though the course may change sometimes rivers always reach the sea." Robert Plant