Re: Larry King prepares Nation for "Disclosure"
I don't think they will obey you...
It's not about obeying, it's about influencing them to realize.
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Noble Realms → Aliens and Matrix → Larry King prepares Nation for "Disclosure"
I don't think they will obey you...
It's not about obeying, it's about influencing them to realize.
druid wrote:I don't think they will obey you...
It's not about obeying, it's about influencing them to realize.
You really think you can do that?
True 'light workers' are extremely rare on this planet. Most "light workers" are deluded and think they have powers they don't have.
There's nothing we can do directly against these ufos and so-called "aliens".
we can only cleanse our relationship with them, i.e. fre ouselves from them by becoming STO.
We cannot cure them if they do not want to be cured. And they clearly demonstrated their opposition to being helped.
Not the type of healing as if you're sending them energy - It's like when they are weak and frail you give them food to show that you are not the enemy and that is healing. It's pretty much influencing them by showing them the door when they need it.
If you give them "food" is that not giving them energy? After all, what is it they feed on?
All In all I don't think we can influence them since most likely they believe they are from a higher order of things. So what it comes down to is the "Lizard being" will eventually have to learn for themselves through trial and error. Just like the rest of us.
Spi wrote:druid wrote:I don't think they will obey you...
It's not about obeying, it's about influencing them to realize.
You really think you can do that?
True 'light workers' are extremely rare on this planet. Most "light workers" are deluded and think they have powers they don't have.
There's nothing we can do directly against these ufos and so-called "aliens".
we can only cleanse our relationship with them, i.e. free ourselves from them by becoming STO.
We cannot cure them if they do not want to be cured. And they clearly demonstrated their opposition to being helped.
I agree with your point here druid: "we can only cleanse our relationship with them, i.e. free ourselves from them by becoming STO"
So "curing" them would not be the path to take. Because this would be implying that there is something "wrong" with nature. The Lizzies were created by "nature" just as we were/are. Only through our subjective perceptions do we claim something to be either negative or positive when in the grand scheme of things they are neither. The creator has created "all" therefore by nature everything would then be "perfect" and would not need "correcting" or "curing". I mean who are we to say what needs correction in a creation created by a perfect being?
We simply don't have that right.
But I must say that I also believe that SOME fallen elementals are redeemable right now, and some true 'light workers' (as rare as they are) are working upon the lower realms of elementals through their Alchemical work, although they cannot stop their invasion into our world. It is as if a wall was imposed upon our sight of the spiritual during materialistic times, and now, with neo-spiritualism in 19th century and increasing ufo manifestations in the 20th century, this wall that was separating us from the subtle realms is cracking from the bottom, and lowest subtle beings, so-called "hords of Gog and Magog" (Nordics and Grays-lizzies?), are invading our world. It goes along with the resurrection of the atlantean crystal principle in HAARP and americanist world government.
In future eras, in far distant spheres, elementals will become humans. Some of them who will become human in a distant future are very annoying as they harrass some of us. Also, some of us, human beings, the lowest and baddest of us, will fall back into a parasitic kind of elemental being. I think ufos (the former) and parasitic beings from the future or the past collaborate with our Double, which is often seen as "reptilian", along with other satanic beings of the fallen ethers (so-called grays and reptiles). Some of us are inspired by a fallen angel instead of a good angel...
In theory, using the spiritual force of the eternal "I am", we can redeem low and fallen elementals, but we can have no real action upon fallen angels (angels are beings of higher hierarchies). But those who can do that are extremely few, impeccable human beings in every aspect, almost angel-like.
If you give them "food" is that not giving them energy? After all, what is it they feed on?
All In all I don't think we can influence them since most likely they believe they are from a higher order of things. So what it comes down to is the "Lizard being" will eventually have to learn for themselves through trial and error. Just like the rest of us.
The food thing is an example of influencing. If they don't accept it, fine. Even if they are in an open state of pain, loss, weakness, and ect. to you - I'm not going to expect anything from them when I show them the other way.
So "curing" them would not be the path to take. Because this would be implying that there is something "wrong" with nature. The Lizzies were created by "nature" just as we were/are. Only through our subjective perceptions do we claim something to be either negative or positive when in the grand scheme of things they are neither. The creator has created "all" therefore by nature everything would then be "perfect" and would not need "correcting" or "curing". I mean who are we to say what needs correction in a creation created by a perfect being?
We simply don't have that right.
It's not about fighting them, it's not about "a plan to cure all the Reptilians!", it's about when they realize they're in a total mess (After all, STS path will start to hurt along the way) - We'll show them another path of getting out of that but if they don't want it - Let them be.
Was it the Creator's intentions of the idea of perfection in the universe? Isn't the spirit's true nature is to shine? There's freewill in this though, everything is in a process of creation - The Creator did not stop, we're still in the process of the creation - We are Co-Creators, we can choose what we want to do.
Though, I'm still learning - If you think there's something wrong with me... Show me the door!
it's not about "a plan to cure all the Reptilians!", it's about when they realize they're in a total mess (After all, STS path will start to hurt along the way) - We'll show them another path of getting out of that but if they don't want it - Let them be.
I believe otherwise. I guess people who will graduate in 4DSTS will join them and be dominated along with other people who will not have graduated.
some few people will graduate to 4DSTO, and along with STO hierarchies, they might help others to find the way to STO, but...
In the case of "so-called aliens", they're not going o change their mind, because they don,t ever want to see how screwed they are. This is STS thinking, remember. They most certainly will not change side to become STO! Why would they do that? because they're screwed? Well, they're screwed anyway, they cannot change anything to that. And, more than that, they have "firmly locked themselves in STS, so they "see only what they want to see". They do not want to see, therefore do not see, that they will fail ultimately.
our evil is redeemed when we switch gradually into STO.
But their evil (overlords and their ufo-alien minions) will not be redeemed, they will be thrown away (litteraly "Left Behind", but not in the sense meant by Lahaye) on a separate moon satellite, which will later be destroyed and revert back into the primordial soup in some distant future. This is true hell: your inner being litteraly cease to exist, this is second death (in a wider sense that just OPs).
It's not about fighting them, it's not about "a plan to cure all the Reptilians!", it's about when they realize they're in a total mess (After all, STS path will start to hurt along the way) - We'll show them another path of getting out of that but if they don't want it - Let them be.
Was it the Creator's intentions of the idea of perfection in the universe? Isn't the spirit's true nature is to shine? There's freewill in this though, everything is in a process of creation - The Creator did not stop, we're still in the process of the creation - We are Co-Creators, we can choose what we want to do.
Though, I'm still learning - If you think there's something wrong with me... Show me the door!
They're in a total mess from our 3rd density perspective; they apparently are content with this mess that they are in. I.e. Being STS.
I cant help but wonder if showing them another path is a violation of free-will?
If they didn't necessarily "ask" for it are we supposed to show them another path?
I would think that would also be of STS orientation. This is just my understanding of free-will and I cant say for sure if "this is how it is, so believe me!"
I'm reminded of this passage by the C's, may or may not apply.
(L) Okay, now Eddie says: 'Laura brought up several comments about Love that confused me. I do not understand how could giving love when not being asked could harm instead of improve.' Can you remark on this?
A: "Giving" love is not giving, in such a case.
Q: So, if you give love when you have not been asked, you are NOT giving?
A: You are taking, as usual.
Q: When you say you are 'taking,' what are you taking?
A: Energy, a la STS.
Q: How does it come that you are taking energy from someone by giving them love when not asked?
A: Because an STS vehicle does not learn to be an STO candidate by determining the needs of another.
Q: I don't understand how that means you are taking energy?
A: Because the act is then one of self-gratification. If one "gives" where there is no request, therefore no need, this is a free will violation! And besides, what other motivation could there possibly be in such a scenario?!? Think carefully and objectively about this.
Q: My thought would be that, in such a scenario, that if one gives love to someone who has not asked or requested, that it seems to be a desire to change the other, i.e. a desire to control.
A: You got it!!
What stands out the most for me here is this part: A: Because an STS vehicle does not learn to be an STO candidate by determining the needs of another.
What stands out the most for me here is this part: A: Because an STS vehicle does not learn to be an STO candidate by determining the needs of another.
This is the point.
Okay, I see the point, no need to quote it, lol.
So, we leave the Reptilians and the Lizzies a lone. They'll have to figure this out on their own, I guess if we showed them the door, all they would be rather focusing is the room they're in. Sounds like expectation though, but they do have less freewill than STO..
The blog said that being in positivity (4d STO candidate) would attract the ones who are in negativity, because they don't understand you.. Which they will mock you and laugh at you, but really deep down, they want to be healed - They don't want to be themselves.
But I guess this doesn't mean exactly the same thing for STS or STO, but rather a way more different way - that would show a greater difference in a higher awareness. I guess they can't be helped, rather they think they are helped themselves.
Seeing that vid clip from z3n3rg, I felt compelled to post a link to this song here:
They're in a total mess from our 3rd density perspective; they apparently are content with this mess that they are in. I.e. Being STS.
I cant help but wonder if showing them another path is a violation of free-will?
If they didn't necessarily "ask" for it are we supposed to show them another path?
I would think that would also be of STS orientation. This is just my understanding of free-will and I cant say for sure if "this is how it is, so believe me!"
Not to side track this thread onto an STO/STS discussion, since that's already been covered in a bunch of threads over the years, but just wanted to say this:
While I for one get where you're coming from, and agree with the C's quote in the context of those who, for instance, like to "love bomb" unsuspecting targets, projecting love energy at their enemies in hopes of converting them, or continually forcing one's presense and "good deeds" on another "out of love" when the other party clearly didn't ask for it and probably doesn't want it, I do think there is one clarification that should be mentioned. And this doesn't go for the lizzies per se, speaking more along the lines of people. But hey, maybe it'll go for the lizzies too, you never know.
But say you're an STS take-take-take type of person who's self absorbed and likes to horde your stuff and not share, and doesn't give of themselves to others, and/or you're judgmental and critical and harsh with others, with a penchant for tossing out derogatory names at people you disagree with to trash them and drag them down, or even worse, you go out of your way to trash others because deep down you get off on hurting people, etc. and the myriad of other STS traits people can display in this reality. Then, through your every day life dealings, you cross path with a coworker, a neighbor, somebody who behaves the opposite of that. They're the sort that would give you the clothes off their back and not worry about it. You make a mistake and are expecting them to berate you for it the way you would berate and judge and harshly condemn others for making mistakes....but they don't. They're easy going and understanding and instead try to make you feel better and to not worry about it. You're having a bad day and are in a cranky, low energy mood....and where everybody else gets annoyed at you for being annoyed, they instead just look at you with an amused, knowing look. They don't take it personally or tell you to f*ck off and walk away and make things worse.
Just by being themselves, and being who they naturally are, STO inclined, it's showing you another way, without violating any freewill. Whether you choose to see it and be taken in by it is up to you. Some will. Most probably won't. But for those who will, they'll be taken in by how that person made them feel good with their opposite way of know, it sure was a lot nicer to make a mistake around them then it was with others.....they didn't cuss you out and call you every name in the fact, they were empathetic and understanding......and there you were at work and discovered that you left your wallet at home and had no money for lunch....and they gave you 5 bucks and said don't worry about it.....and you might start to think, hey, you know.....I don't know....maybe I'd like to be more like them. Be that way with others the way they were with's a lot nicer and life seems a lot easier!
Some truly hardcore STS'ers won't be taken in by it, and if anything, will try to take advantage of it. But for those who are on the fence, those who've had upbringings that drained all their energy and caused them to not develop well, but who are still good people at the core, they very well may see it and be taken in by it, and find themselves trying to be more like them and emulating that way of being instead. But no freewill violations took place. It was all still a choice, just by watching somebody else in action, being who they are.
Or, as somebody I know was saying recently - STS is the default in this reality. STO is a choice.
Which means, something has to cause beings to want to make that choice - but it should ultimately be a choice, not a freewill violation. With lizzies, they seem to be lacking their higher centers, from what I understand, so they're probably completely incapable of feeling empathy or understanding that pain is not a good thing for the victim, or understanding the idea of comraderie, and helping others just because you want to and because it makes you feel good. They're concerned with self preservation and are wired to feed on fear and terror and pain. So I would think that a being who doesn't have an activated heart chakra would be kind of screwed in terms of being able to make a choice to be STO. STO seems to stem from having higher centers. Which is why many humans probably can't become that way either, if they too are "spiritually stunted."
Anyway, that's my 2 cents.
Auscastian wrote:They're in a total mess from our 3rd density perspective; they apparently are content with this mess that they are in. I.e. Being STS.
I cant help but wonder if showing them another path is a violation of free-will?
If they didn't necessarily "ask" for it are we supposed to show them another path?
I would think that would also be of STS orientation. This is just my understanding of free-will and I cant say for sure if "this is how it is, so believe me!"
Not to side track this thread onto an STO/STS discussion, since that's already been covered in a bunch of threads over the years, but just wanted to say this:
While I for one get where you're coming from, and agree with the C's quote in the context of those who, for instance, like to "love bomb" unsuspecting targets, projecting love energy at their enemies in hopes of converting them, or continually forcing one's presense and "good deeds" on another "out of love" when the other party clearly didn't ask for it and probably doesn't want it, I do think there is one clarification that should be mentioned. And this doesn't go for the lizzies per se, speaking more along the lines of people. But hey, maybe it'll go for the lizzies too, you never know.
But say you're an STS take-take-take type of person who's self absorbed and likes to horde your stuff and not share, and doesn't give of themselves to others, and/or you're judgmental and critical and harsh with others, with a penchant for tossing out derogatory names at people you disagree with to trash them and drag them down, or even worse, you go out of your way to trash others because deep down you get off on hurting people, etc. and the myriad of other STS traits people can display in this reality. Then, through your every day life dealings, you cross path with a coworker, a neighbor, somebody who behaves the opposite of that. They're the sort that would give you the clothes off their back and not worry about it. You make a mistake and are expecting them to berate you for it the way you would berate and judge and harshly condemn others for making mistakes....but they don't. They're easy going and understanding and instead try to make you feel better and to not worry about it. You're having a bad day and are in a cranky, low energy mood....and where everybody else gets annoyed at you for being annoyed, they instead just look at you with an amused, knowing look. They don't take it personally or tell you to f*ck off and walk away and make things worse.
Just by being themselves, and being who they naturally are, STO inclined, it's showing you another way, without violating any freewill. Whether you choose to see it and be taken in by it is up to you. Some will. Most probably won't. But for those who will, they'll be taken in by how that person made them feel good with their opposite way of know, it sure was a lot nicer to make a mistake around them then it was with others.....they didn't cuss you out and call you every name in the fact, they were empathetic and understanding......and there you were at work and discovered that you left your wallet at home and had no money for lunch....and they gave you 5 bucks and said don't worry about it.....and you might start to think, hey, you know.....I don't know....maybe I'd like to be more like them. Be that way with others the way they were with's a lot nicer and life seems a lot easier!
Some truly hardcore STS'ers won't be taken in by it, and if anything, will try to take advantage of it. But for those who are on the fence, those who've had upbringings that drained all their energy and caused them to not develop well, but who are still good people at the core, they very well may see it and be taken in by it, and find themselves trying to be more like them and emulating that way of being instead. But no freewill violations took place. It was all still a choice, just by watching somebody else in action, being who they are.
Or, as somebody I know was saying recently - STS is the default in this reality. STO is a choice.
Which means, something has to cause beings to want to make that choice - but it should ultimately be a choice, not a freewill violation. With lizzies, they seem to be lacking their higher centers, from what I understand, so they're probably completely incapable of feeling empathy or understanding that pain is not a good thing for the victim, or understanding the idea of comraderie, and helping others just because you want to and because it makes you feel good. They're concerned with self preservation and are wired to feed on fear and terror and pain. So I would think that a being who doesn't have an activated heart chakra would be kind of screwed in terms of being able to make a choice to be STO. STO seems to stem from having higher centers. Which is why many humans probably can't become that way either, if they too are "spiritually stunted."
Anyway, that's my 2 cents.
Good observation Lyra.
I guess in the grand scheme of things if an Individual were to act naturally from their heart chakra, or higher centers, or be more inclined toward an STO awareness then that would not be a violation. But more so showing others different paths that exist without having the agenda to "convert" one another. But if left up to free-will and choice, the STS inclined individual may begin to see things in a different light.
Thanks for your input!
I know most lightworkers or people of good intent and pure spirit mean well but I think they are often misguided in their approach and I can only think in terms of a simple analogy:
If we were to try and influence say a carnivorous wild animal by sending them love and light and openly approching them with an intent to influence in a positive way I think the results would be obvious and not very pleasant for the human (or what remains).
I also think that humanity in general (there might be the odd exception) is in no position to influence others. Have you tried influencing GW and his ilk lately let alone an unknown unpredictable entity that could possibly read our minds a step ahead.
Anyway if we had any influence it would probably just be to turn the target into a pot smoking, beer swilling, gambling, Viagra guzzling demon. seriously though I think that passive, gentle inward influencing is what we should be doing - as in - as within so without - above/below sort of thing. The real power that we are not using that lies ever dormant until now.
The more I try to influence others the more I realise how uninfluential I am. I am happy now to be another nobody focusing inward on the connection to the All. To me the outward is just the illusion or the projection of the inner - therefore not the easiest thing to influence by that type of direct approach.
Back to the original thread - my original intent: I am putting money on Larry King going live very soon and dramatically reaching behind his head and unzipping himself from head to toe and a giant angry dragon stepping out and then pouncing on Shirley Maclaine. He begins eating her on live television to the horror of the cameraman while Shirley manages to let out a choked scream of 'Wait I'm one of you, you knucklehead' whereapon she slaps him in his scaly face with her reptilian tail that was under the desk all the time.
I hope I don't lose my money I have rather a lot riding on this.
This whole conference is being subdued and watered down. This should be one of the hottest stories on the net. I think too many of us were paying attention and the world wide anticipation was too intense for the media to release it just yet. Just about every article I find on the subject is vague and short, one story i found was three paragraphs and had been edited by three different people!
From what I gathered so far, it seems the military men who showed for the conference called for the governments of the world to re-instigate world wide investigations into the UFO phenomenon. The Air-Force said that it will not reopen ufo investigations and says that Project Blue Book stands as their last and definitive UFO effort and the results warrant "no further investigation". Any person who has followed the UFO enigma for any length of time knows that the exact opposite is true - UFO investigations are needed now more than ever. Just type ufo into goolge video and see the THOUSANDS of results that are returned. This is a mega issue that is being spun for the military so they can build their space weapons, space bases and to legitimize new weapons that will be used against people, not aliens.
Keep an eye out for more information because this story is so quite that there must be a lot more to it.
Noble Realms → Aliens and Matrix → Larry King prepares Nation for "Disclosure"
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