Topic: Site with hard evidence and data about alien presence?

Does anyone know of a site or a group of sites that contain hard evidence and data showing beyond a doubt the alien presence is here?

Strengthen your microcosm. Love. Knowledge. Faith. … ion-part-i

Re: Site with hard evidence and data about alien presence?

I'd suggest looking up the research of:

Richard Dolan       Book   Website  Video
Dr. Roger Leir       Books  Website  Video

3 (edited by Nyarlathotep 2007-12-11 00:06:24)

Re: Site with hard evidence and data about alien presence?

I know personally beyond a doubt that something is here. I communicated with a couple UFOs once and have met some people who also have. It would be pretty retarded if I just made that up for no reason, or just to look cool. Some people go apeshit thinking I am a liar. After some research I think many of these beings are showing off and dangling "spiritual" and technological carrots in front of us just like they have been doing for many thousands of years. It seems these beings want nothing to do with trully awakened individuals because the trully awakened individual may just be like " who are you and what the f*ck do you want". A person like this would not be so dazzled with the information being given to them. Actually the "aliens" couldnt even get so far as this because a trully awakened person really does not buy into the "us needing help" bit, or that " we need their help to evolve". Ever notice how these aliens talk about how they are so much more better than we are, and that we should mirror them in some interesting ways? Sure, we could use a good dose of humanity but I think I would rather it be a HUMAN movement. Honestly, do you REALLY need aliens to teach us right from wrong, and do we need them to give us all this information?

Actually, there is some great informaiton out there. The best "transmission" from ETs I have read is at These beings are interesting in that they are telling us that they are different in that they are not intervening, and will not intervene no matter what. All they can do is communicate, and it is really all they want to do. This makes good sense, in that being a nuetral observer of the Game instead of feeding the different sides of it with dim hopes of there being closure is more healthy. Im not saying believe what you find at that sight, Im just saying it is interesting and novel at the least. Their message seems to be rooted in you taking responsibility for yourself, period. This is what makes me a bit iffy about the pleidians.

Why do you think they are offering to come save us? I think this might be chipping away at the responsibility human beings should be taking for themselves. I like the 2012 information because it is more of a natural thing, and what happens will happen. Those awake enough will pass through this bottle neck to the other side no problem, and others might not make the squeeze. We will all make it eventually, but there are some hard core Game addicts out there who want to be the "winners" who have been playing this Game for a long long long time....aliens included.

We, human beings, have ALL THE POWER in this situation. The more of it we rediscover in ourselves, and the more of it we take back for ourselves, the better. I mean taking back your power spiritually, mentally, physically, the whole bit. Your existence is YOURS. This all boils down to collectivism vs the individual. Government seems to think that people left alone are dangerous, and go through terrible lengths to assert themselves. THough, this is just another facet of this game thats being played on so many different levels. Awakened individuals happen to have the uncanny ability to "see through the bullshit" and to evolve passed all this nonsense very VERY rapidly.  The rocky road of the individual on their individual path of discovery and enlightenment is much more potent and powerful than the experience of the "smooth riding" collective boat. Not so smooth these days many people are finding out. Actually, it never really was smooth. Where there are huge masses of people sharing and ideal there is the most blood shed, the most tyranny, the most back stabbing etc., etc. A lot of this is to do with the alien influence, and never forget that a good huge chunk of it is also to do with certain very low level human beings who really arent "human beings". Some of these souls literally come from the animal/planetary realm. They are very low incarnations and are literally on a different path then people with actual Higher Selves. These people will NEVER "progress" in the way that you and me are and are literally tied to the earth. Their behavior is animalistic, their thoughts are collective and animalistic. All around they are simply animalistic. This is not just a strange phenomena. For the longest time I saw most cops and bureaucrats as being animalistic, in fact so animalistic and unfeeling that it is as if they are a different species. Turns out, they are. And it is not just those collective positions of power that these beings flock to, though it is a very big part, but anywhere that promotes the exact same things and give the exact same amount of cushion for their low, animalistic, irrational behavioral drives which scream out for collectivism and scream out to be controled and to control, in all ways imaginable.

Ive been digesting a lot of information found at, especially a book callec Matrix V. I do not "believe" everthing in this book. I do not want anyone to think that one book has all the answers. THere are all kinds of stages in the process of waking up, and the books you read and the information you gather are just different stepping stones, nothing more. If you see one stepping stone as the be all, end all answer to everything then what happens? You just stand there.

Re: Site with hard evidence and data about alien presence?

Pamelajean wrote:

The alien thing is just another ploy to make us think there is a "type, race, color" of being to be "for or against".  It's also a ploy of the deceitful to train you to think about a certain type of looking alien since (now) race doesn't have the "dividing" power it was in the past. And, your mind must constantly be kept busy by being given the provocation to "looky and thinky about here" and "looky and thinky about over there".  These things are just presented to us in such overwhelming numbers that we are kept busy not looking at the agendas going on in the here and right now.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there aren't little green men or grey ones or the like (why wouldn't there be), I'm just saying that they are no more alien than anything else going on...if you know what I mean."

Good points.  I don't know anymore. Something's going on though. Something's different about the population, about our evolution. Ok, yes, we are all alien to each other and fear is the mind killer, but what is the solution?

If someone hides him/her/itself in the population and does not reveal him/her/itself to be "different", isn't that deceitful? Don't we owe it to one another as "beings" to come out and say: "Look, this is who I am. I am Kerrick from the planet B-12 and I come in peace."

Rather than skulking around feeding off others?? Because that's what I think is going on.....

Masquerades, deception....Its not right. Just come out and show yourselves already.

My People Were Fair And Had Sky In Their Hair...But Now They're Content To Wear Stars On Their Brows

-Tyrannosaurus rex

Re: Site with hard evidence and data about alien presence?

Shoogie wrote:

Masquerades, deception....Its not right. Just come out and show yourselves already.

Maybe the fact that they don't come out and show themselves in itself shows what they are really all about.

Shoogie wrote:

Rather than skulking around feeding off others?? Because that's what I think is going on.....


Re: Site with hard evidence and data about alien presence?

Also see this site...

Keep in mind that each piece of evidence should be judged in context of the whole. Pieces that each appear ambiguous in isolation may add up to an objectively convincing whole.  Sloppy skeptics typically explain away each part in isolation from the whole, then because the whole is supposedly the sum of its parts, these individual rationalizations together are expected to explain away the whole. But that is a major logical fallacy because the whole is more than just the sum of its parts because the parts derive additional value in context of the whole, meaning the skeptics fail to explain away the fact that these pieces all occur together. You see it all the time, though, this magic trick of stupidity. Using that same fallacy I can explain away cookies as disgusting because since flour is too dry, eggs too slimy, butter too heavy, and sugar too sweet, the cookie being a combination of these ingredients is therefore too dry, slimy, heavy, and sweet to be edible. The alien abduction phenomenon is just a combination of sleep paralysis, hypnopompic imagery, self-induced nosebleeds, watching too many sci-fi shows, unknowingly scratching and bruising yourself as you shift around in bed at night, and... and well the other things I can't explain away I'll just ignore! big_smile

Acquiring fringe knowledge is like digging for diamonds in a mine field.

Re: Site with hard evidence and data about alien presence?

yah right here, google this: "LA Times 1941, battle of los angeles"
or heres a good one, "NASA footage, STS - 48 video" -youtube usually has that one.  somethings going on, god knows what tho.. i once made a myspace profile though and i put up the video of sts48 and below it one of magnetron technology (which is just a metal top that spins on top of a magnet) and i said something like this, "earth is surrounded by a magnetic field (this is why the northern lights happen) much like the one created by this magnetron technology, is it not possible that ufos could be manmade and just using this magnetic field...maybe thats why one crashed in roswell, i mean i dont think aliens are so supersmart and could come millions of miles just to crash, thats probly not what happened, it was probably humans and they just f*cked up"  the sts video got taken down right after i posted that (day after) and i had someone knocking on my windowsscaring the shit out of me after i posted that, then i wound up seeing a couple ufos after too, crazy  world, good luck