Topic: The pineal glands effect on our perception of reality
Ok, so I asked myself the question, "What is the nature of this reality, in that we all see the same thing, but during my Ayahausca experience I was able to tune into another reality that shared the same setting as the reality I had left but with a different decor if you will" To explain the question in the simplest detail that I can, I was sitting on a pool deck and I would literally phase into another state of mind that looked exactly the same as where I had left, although now I had a different perspective as if I wasn't just looking from my eyes and seeing everything but seeing everything from all possible perspectives, and also this same place now had subtle differences like there were entities sitting in the chairs that were empty only moments earlier, and there was a being standing over me just out the corner of my eye who was refusing to show me his face because as I would turn he would disappear. The tiled rocks that made up the pathway through the grass also took on a very ornate pattern that was repeated over all of the tiles even when the tiles were different colors or had defects in them. All of these subtleties were not in the reality I had just left but were as real to me at the moment as the computer screen at which I now stare.
The answer to my question is that every being in existence actually recreates this reality in their own "minds" if you will. We are all tapped into the "Matrix" which is a uniform thought structure that is telling us what to see. However you can tap into your third eye which allows you to modify the matrix input as your imagination sees fit. To put this in another way, every concious being lives in another reality in actuality, but the matrix functions as a collective reality that we can tune into, and allow it to feed into and dictate to us the reality we experience. Through the pineal, you can connect with a discriminate entity and play the vision or sound into "your" reality by modifying the matrix input before you make it your reality. So you are modifying what the matrix is telling you, and no the matrix itself. Therefore people can see real things, that are only real to them as the pineal is allowing the mind to overwrite or modify the matrix input that your mind is recreating. An interesting fact is that all of the main sensory functions of the body run through the pineal area of the brain before connecting to the brain itself, allowing through the pineal modification of these sensory inputs before the brain decodes the information.
I must convey my understanding here that all things that we say may not be real that we experience, and in fact it may take a redefinition of the world real to understand exactly what that means. If you are defining what is real as what is in the matrix, then humans are able to see and experience much more then what is real, things that do actually exist "somewhere". A good question though is "Do these things that exist outside the matrix", they do seem to exist outside of ourselves, but are there also things that we can experience that are only inside ourselves, completely within our own reality.
One problem with developing an active pineal, which even many Western children have, is that the pineal makes visions that it has inserted into your perception, imperceptible from the matrix reality. This is because your reality is different from all others, and when the matrix feed is modified, you are not aware of what is from the matrix and what is not. Thusly you would see something and could not determine if it existed in the matrix, or only in your reality. This accounts for many cases of insanity as people are truly seeing things that may or may not exist, and probably do exist in their minds, but do not exist in the matrix reality and therefore they are out of touch with "reality". Anyone seeking pineal activation might have to give up the comfort of existing firmly in the matrix reality, and having other people be able to see what they see. I have however heard of people having shared altered reality experiences where two people are experiencing the same thing in an alteration of the matrix, which would indicate that people can tap into various offshoots of the modified matrix reality.
I am sure this explanation has its limitations just as saying gravity is a force that draws things together does not do much to define gravity, but gives us a general understanding of its properties. I have already found a weakness in the argument as I extend the argument of each consciousness recreating the reality as the matrix tells it. If we proceed down to the lower levels of conscious existence, do the frogs recreate the entire universe in their minds, do ants, do bacteria, do atoms? If every one of the approximately infinite number of atoms does this, is this not a gross overkill of perceptive utilage?
The pineal overlay does explain another ability that experienced under ayahuasca, and that was the ability to connect the imagination to the experienced reality I was living in. My first moments of distorted perceptions on Ayahuasca I noticed that I began to see lines drawn between the stars as if there really was some line of light connecting them. And this was not some sort of crude artists sketch, this was in fact as real as the stars themselves. And on top of that my conscious clarity was elevated leagues beyond what it had been in the moments before my perception began to change. What was happening was for the full imaginative qualities of my mind to be combined fully with my perception of this reality to which point I could not perceive the difference between the imagined and the non, but everything was experienced in a hyperreal hyperconcious state. One point of clarification is that what is expereinced is not imagined, of that I am for sure, there is some point of truth to what is experienced, but what is it? Is it a metaphor for something greater, is it the mind translating knowledge that does not make sense in the limitation of the matrix? These questions will have to wait to be answered at another time.