Topic: Percision on the Pyramids
I was talking to an anthropologist this weekend and mentioned to him my fascination with the great pyramids. I told him that I didn't think that the current theories on pyramid construction were accurate. He brought up "Chariots of the Gods" and mentioned how insulting it was to the Anthropology field for someone to insinuate that the technology for the great pyramid was extra terrestrial. I thought it was very interesting to come in first hand contact with a good example of the closed minded anthropoligist that Graham Hancock, Robert Buvall and others talk about facing when they pose their new theories on Ancient Megalith construction.
That however is not my point. I also discussed how the sides of the great pyramid were optical quality, from my understanding this means that they have the same level of precision that the glasses you may wear, only on a scale of a few acres. I noted how this is an impossible task even by todays standards of lazer precision. Later on I was watching Transformers the movie and one scen showed the perspective of the transformers vision. Everything the Robot/Alien/Transformer saw in his display was highlighted and boxes drew themselves around objects of interest, and targets had a cursor drawn over them in the robots field of vision. Anyway even later on I was listening to someone give a talk about Ayahasuca, and I remembered the very first thing that I experienced on Ayahausca, just before reality completely imploded. I remember looking at the stars in the sky and they were sooo amazingly clear. Lines begun drawing themselves between the stars to form constellations maybe, but complex geometries began to form and shapes. And I remember these were not random lines, these were just like the transformer was seeing, like my mind was playing connect the dots in my visual field with the stars. It was as if I had some sort of computer overlay that was drawing things in my field of vision. If I turned my head the lines would stay connecting the same stars. If I closed my eyes they would disappear and then opening would cause them to reappear. I don't really remember this too well because shortly thereafter reality ceased to exist as it had for the previous 26 years of my life, and I was kinda overwhelmed by that.
Now we have to connect all of these things together. How did the builders of the pyramid create it to optical precision, as precise as the surface of an optical lens? Well what if they could see the world as I saw it only temporarily? What if this computer overlay in the mind could mathematically calculate and overlay in the subjects field of vision, a guide to how the stone must be placed to achieve this level of precision? I know this is pretty far out, but its a better explanation than using the sun and mirrors, or string to draw a perfectly curved line over a couple hundred yards in length.