Topic: Defeated abduction attempt, or "One Little Victory ... ?"
I went to bed this morning sometime around 5:30AM, after being up all night working on the computer. I did not do my normal prayer routine which I sometimes do before going to sleep, which involves “getting in right standing,” giving thanks and asking for protection. However, I had done this when going to sleep the morning before, and that night had specifically asked, as I sometimes do, for protection against abduction.
I suddenly became semi-conscious and found myself paralyzed, with an overwhelming feeling of being under control and about to be “pulled,” to borrow Jim Sparks' term. It's a feeling I have felt before on other occasions but can't recall the details clearly. I could see the bookshelf which is right next to my cot on the floor which I sleep on, and I could feel my contact lenses uncomfortably dry and off-center in my eyes, so as to distort my vision slightly. The control over me was causing me to feel as though I was about to lose consciousness at any moment, I was already in an altered state of consciousness, and I knew that I had to fight against this feeling with all my might. I could not move or even speak, and in my mind I was vaguely thinking “nooooo!”
I suddenly realized, though, that it might be more effective to give a clear indication that I did not consent to being taken, and so, being totally paralyzed and unable to speak, I mentally repeated “I INTEND TO STAY HERE! I INTEND TO STAY HERE!” After repeating that statement about four or five times, I suddenly snapped to full waking consciousness and sat up in my bed, relieved to have regained control of myself but still on the verge of falling immediately back asleep. I closed my eyes a few times and had a visual impression of ant-like creatures, standing upright around a table, and looking almost cartoon-like, though vague enough that I can't specify more detail.
As I was sitting there still in bed and still on the verge of falling back asleep, I began to hear a low but continuous tone in my left ear, which for me is always associated with aliens, or of monitoring, or of potential danger. I also felt some clicks in my head, which unfortunately occur extremely frequently for me lately, and I am certain represent the operation of some kinds of implants which must have been inserted into my head at some point in the past without my consent or awareness.* I also heard a few slight bumps and odd noises both inside and outside the room, though I can't say with any certainty if they were related to the incident at hand. I also think I noticed a strange visual anomaly in the room near me for a brief moment, and wondered if there might be an invisible entity in the room. Now being in control of my vocal cords, I quietly said something to the effect of “Get OUT of here, whoever you are” ... just in case something, or someone, was actually there to hear me.
I forced myself to get up, turn on the lights, and go into the bathroom and put some drops in my eyes because they were so dry. This is an important detail to note, because it proved to me that my initial impression of being under control was not “just a dream” because I first noticed the dryness of my eyes while in that altered state. Not to mention the fact that on another occasion less than four months ago, I woke up in that same room with two huge new distinct scratches on my face which had not been there the day before.
So anyway I went downstairs and had a cigarette out on the front patio, a bad habit which I have recently picked up again after many years of being a non-smoker. I walked out onto the walkway, out from under the cover of trees, to look at the sky for a few brief seconds, to see if I might notice anything unusual. Other than the fact that the skies were overcast, it having rained slightly the evening before (which in itself is unusual for southern California), I did not detect anything out of the ordinary. Though I am aware that UFOs have been known to use clouds as natural cover for their presence. I then came inside and typed this account immediately, so as to preserve as many of the pertinent details in my mind before they begin to fade from memory.
Saturday October 13, 2007. 8:34 AM Camarillo, California
* One time a few weeks ago, also while in bed, that I was getting a feeling of dread and had the idea in mind I might be abducted. This time, the clickings began going off rapid-fire, in several different areas around my head, for quite a few minutes. That was a quite unpleasant experience in its own right, I can assure the reader.