Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley
... and that's a subject-appropriate time-stamp on my last post, if I ever saw one.
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Noble Realms → Spirituality and Metaphysics → They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley
... and that's a subject-appropriate time-stamp on my last post, if I ever saw one.
"Perhaps you do not know what I am saying here because you did not understand it due to repeating mantras a thousand times a day which has taken over your brain?
I don't appreciate the subtle insult or being told that repeating some mantra made up by some nice bloke in India or wherever, is the path to truth, you just declared what I am trying to say, is the wrong thing to do."
Khalil, write again when you understand the irony of the "mantra" and also it's truth. I don't babble mantras all day, learn to spot irony or any discussion with you will be nothing but tiring. The joke is, "get it into your head that worded statements cannot be absolute truth", the "repeat as mantra" is a joke. Where do all the yokels come from, i ask?!?
You said "something tells me.."etc. what told you? you never made it known. You then move into "This may now not be true to others..." but never qualify your statement. Maybe putting forth what "tells you" would help it be "true for others", que no?
About me finding "no stink" you say: "That's what I meant, it's all just your own opinion"
Yet i've said what my opinion is based on, but you expect us to take yours because it's "in chorus", a head-bobber, and give nothing more for it. My opinion is measured and tempered by study and trial, i ask you again, where did you get yours?
"blue sky" fact or opinion:
Again, Khalil, you have an aristotelian handicap in your reasoning. the sky IS not intrinsically blue, ever. when excited by solar radiation the nitrogen in the sky reflects an "azure" frequency light (note the quotes), so the "blue sky" is arguably in your eye, and more surely in your mind.
Ask a daltonic (color-blind), an acid tripper, or a blind person if it's blue and you may just find out that your "blue sky" statement is in fact:
"true and false and meaningless in some sense."
QED. AND rather clever, whether you want to get it or not. ;-)
I may not be obsequious, Khalil, in fact i can be scathing. But rest assured of my good intent.
Clarity rocks, prejudice and fear suck.
Nexxy: "We can all hide behind such riddles [as SS does... but enough of him]"
Riddles? Wow that appeal to recognition of absence of objectivity in our experience (i.e. the Bloody Obvious) sure touched some nerves!
"there may yet be evil in turning a statement inside out and back to front to mean something untrue and contrary to the intent of the writer..."
Intent which all people writing about the Bible seem to think they KNOW, interpolating and translating as is convenient to THEM e.g:
"Thou shalt have [within your consciousness] no other gods before me" and...
"Thou shalt not make unto thee [in your mind] any graven image"
it IS NOT SO WRITTEN ; the mind bits have been interpolated. Who sat down and had a heart-to-heart with Jehova to authorise those additions? Yet you reproduce it here.
I think anyone silly enough to take an engraving stylus to their brain would be beyond reach of commandments of any sort. (irony alert for the brain-dead amongst us)
anyway, following that logic (which i do not contrast, as no mental image can substitute the divine!) you must realise that....
also "From your above post ZT you, like Crowley, would prefer to interpret the bible quote thus ... "
A: you don't know Crowley from Shinola, so don't tell me how he interpreted stuff, it makes me itch.
B: Don't you dare come tell me what i think or how i prefer to interpret... you obviously just don't get what i'm saying so please, until you do, refrain from defining me.
I was pointing out the fallacy of literalism, nothing more.
Eyes cannot behold for 1 of 2 reasons: nothing's there or they are blind; just saying they cannot behold does not specify. if you push one or the other interpretation you pretend to know the original intent. why don't you just re-write all sacred scripures for me at that point? hell, just turn them into a Chick Tract, make it even easier!
"Love is potent and is not ephemeral ZT."
who said otherwise and why direct such a structured comment directly to me?
and finally the clincher that you have never so much as opened anything written about Thelema:
"That path is in stark contrast with "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law" philosophy. If we are self justified in our every whim there are absolutely no boundaries."
"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law." does not mean what you've said at all, at all, at all.
And until you know what is really meant by it i think it's pointless to continue discussion... you will only throw more senseless statements like that at me and i don't have the time to either transcribe or copypaste whole freaking pages just for you.
there is an internet. there is freely available public domain material. if you insist on speaking from ignorance and saying silly things because of it,it is a personal choice and no-ones fault but your own... but do not get on some moral high horse with me when i point out the falsehood, just get informed.
Morningsun:"I agree. I'm not big into human sacrifice either but hey, to each their own I say."
You implying i'm into human sacrifice? That AC was?
Now see here, he's dead and beyond offense, but I take strong offense at such offhand defamation.
there was no human sacrifice... so why insert it other than to defame, raise tension and spread disinfo?
my reposte to that quip, friend morningsun, is as follows:
[CENSORED-not worth it & gratuitously uber-offensive, just imagine a similarly obscene innuendo directed towards you]
Antaeus: "I was wanting opinions on the work of Aleister Crowley, but it appears that the people who do not think he is worth studying really have not read much of his work."
You have it in a nutshell. the funny part is they have huge baggage connected to the subject while having literally no info to speak of.
Please realise that the "AC subject" is a nice concentrated microcosm of how the whole truth seeking scene is.
It's like this on EVERY subject. Observe the mechanisms here and recognise them elsewhere.
Knowledge Protects, Attitude and conviction fuc* you the fuc* up.
Over the gates of hell it is written: "Lighten Up" ;
....and over the Gates of Heaven: "Get Ye The f*ck Over Thyself"
bah, that's it. I'm off.
Zejith_Themis. That is some kind of intense statement, 'AC being involved in human sacrifice'. I suppose that is the reason so many people come forward with such strong opinion concerning Crowley. It is because of things like that being attributed to him.
Standing merely apart, and examining such functions of the human constitution, immediately creates a fatal duality of observer and observed, of subject and object, thus setting up a barrier of distinction. It is only by being it; it is only by becoming that one understands and comprehends; otherwise one merely talks about or speculates upon what they are studying.
That is how it might be OK to read his text rather than simply condemning it outright based solely upon incomplete or totally false insinuations. Standing merely apart, and examining it.
Z_T I'm glad you said what u said. Some people seem to have a distasteful 'know it all' attitude. It is unseemly, and I'm not directing that at Nexus or khalil. The only thing I've been getting closer to with my studies, is an increasing clarity of the level of my stupidity. What you state below is important in that maybe Nexus is correct, because in the context "Eyes cannot behold..." is placed, perhaps it is. But he did not include the context, he simply removed that sentence and inserted it in his message.
I was pointing out the fallacy of literalism, nothing more.
Eyes cannot behold for 1 of 2 reasons: nothing's there or they are blind; just saying they cannot behold does not specify. if you push one or the other interpretation you pretend to know the original intent. why don't you just re-write all sacred scripures for me at that point?
Yes well i can get scathing too at times, and i apologise for that, as it is usually not much help. It's just that i get very irritated with people who act like Galileo's inquisitors, i.e.:
"we will not look into your contraption because we already know you're wrong"
Just take a peek in the damn telescope and STFU, folks. is it so hard? lol... it's what i did when i got tired of hearsay BS.
And what i found was amazing.
Now i took the eyes comment as presented to prove my point about WORDS, and also to highlight something missing from all too many peoples idea of "divinity"
They think it's an all-good all-knowing daddy figure, and so may even be, but it is a presumption. i suppose, in my economical mind, that before the all-begetter there is neither good or evil as we could comprehend the concepts.
To suppose otherwise is either to castrate (disempower) god (i.e. 'e makes shit 'e can't control) or to suppose a collusion with evil (havin fun with us 'cause 'e enjoys it).
This has been the major quandary for Theological Ponerism since it's inception... they spend their lives trying to justify a fantasious monotheism in a world filled with inexplicable strife. In this, they attinge to the hebrew (nee zoroastrian) concept of a principal counterpart to good divinity, the devil or adversary. it was justified in Zoroastrianism because the 'Man was not of this creation, entered by error, and is paritary with the 'Maz.
Of course the Hebrew/Christian version results senseless, as the devil is paradoxically a creation of the all-good creator.
Hence Theological Ponerism as a possibly immune-to-obsolescence career choice for studious, sophistic priests. ;-)
Anything omniscient would not be tied down to the moral definitions of tiny, scared, control freak mortals. what is the difference between a solar flare, hot sex, making cupcakes or a labor union strike to the all-knowing, all-seeing?
If our "morals can be sapped" by reality TV, what kind of a state would "God" be in by now? (irony alert, for the terminally literal, but do weigh the concept, for the less literal)
Zejith I was aware of the "joke" as you call it, (nice way to twist things) you obviously understand semantics but were not able to pick up on the play of mantra and blue sky and assume I took these literally.
Thank you for helping me to understand that the sky is not really blue, I must obviously be a first grader who has not yet learnt why the sky seems blue in colour.
Is the rest of the world stupid to you?
I cannot say what makes me think "something tells me" because it is just a feeling, I am just expressing a feeling but as these are not proof of life why should I qualify it?
You really need to learn to voice your disagreements in a more subtle or friendly manner as your "bull in a china shop" approach will raise the hairs on the cats back everytime.
Have you always been like this?
Do you often read something someone wrote and then attack them by calling them names because it does not agree with your view of the world?
So far I am a yokel, idiot, and inquisitor this certainly shows your good intent.
Mabye I am being too sensitive but would I have the intelligence to be so or be able to recognise when someone is insulting me?
I am sorry that any conversation you have with me will be boring for you, I am obviously beneath you.
I do not think I would enjoy a conversation with you either because I believe it would be all one sided.
I wouldn't be able to get a word in edge ways.
I am sorry these types of things can offend you.
It shows great sensitivity to go along with your great intelligence.
Your superior attitude could be your biggest weakness.
I have two words for you, anger managment.
Take it easy dood.
anger? sounds like you trying to elicit anger in a typically trollly fashion.
example: "...I must obviously be a first grader who has not yet learnt why the sky seems blue in colour."
no, not a first grader, a yokel, as i stated. you were using this to say thngs are either A or Non-A.
Maybe the sky example was beneath you, then why did you use it?
Also the inquisitor tag fits perfectly as you've examined nothing since your first post in the thread, yet keep agressive. You won't look at the facts because they don't fit your policy, which is quite precisely how Galileo's inquisitors acted.
see post #64 for further clarification.
Furthermore i can't find where i called you an idiot, are you sure you just didn't confabulate that to fill out you list of perceived offenses?
I mean I have a reason for the other bits, and tend to use terms i belive apply. Having had no cause for a call of idocy, I really don't think i did say that. Care to point out post number, so i can apologise for saying something i don't think?
And no, you haven't spotted insults, unless there really was that idiot comment, so maybe anger management is something you should look into... as it's obviously warping your perceptions here.
Also this falsely self-effacing, falsely righteous bit:
"I am sorry that any conversation you have with me will be boring for you, I am obviously beneath you.
I do not think I would enjoy a conversation with you either because I believe it would be all one sided.
I wouldn't be able to get a word in edge ways.
I am sorry these types of things can offend you.
It shows great sensitivity to go along with your great intelligence.
Your superior attitude could be your biggest weakness."
is too manipulative and leading to comment. that crap is very old school.
Over the gates of hell it is written: "Lighten Up" ;
....and over the Gates of Heaven: "Get Ye The f*ck Over Thyself"
That said, I trust your gut feelings about as much as Chertoff's. Thanks
Also, have a look here: … -me-i.html
...and GTF back on topic and off the invalidation trip. troll.
...and GTF back on topic and off the invalidation trip. troll.
Troll? He's not a troll. He's been here for a bit of time. He started out under one handle name, and had to change handle names for personal reasons. But the last time I checked, a troll is someone who wanders from forum to forum, spamming with obnoxious provocative comments, name calling and insults, someone who has no interest in genuine participation and exchange of ideas.
Khalil has been participating here and there at NR all year, never causing any trouble. You conversely were here awhile back, then disappeared for a long time, then popped back up - only to roam around fighting with people and putting down the forum and tossing out name after name, and derogatory insults to anybody who doesn't fall in line with your views. So who's the "troll" now? Not Khalil, that's for sure. He didn't deserve the treatment he got from you, and your name calling is getting old and very obnoxious.
zejith, while i like the way you think and mostly feel the same way, don't you feel how your opinions and claims undermine every single word your saying and only making the whole discussion seem irrelevant? in some sense of course
nexus said it nice, remember there is a thought behind anything said wich is really hard to express. we can all eather shut up and not speak again or we can try to express ourselves tru this limited medium we call language.
"don't you feel how your opinions and claims undermine every single word your saying and only making the whole discussion seem irrelevant?"
no, i don't. care to explain in what sense?
nexus said it nice, remember there is a thought behind anything said wich is really hard to express. we can all eather shut up and not speak again or we can try to express ourselves tru this limited medium we call language.
i never said don't speak or write, i said please realise that "truth" in any absolute sense (and as long as we're on the subject of divinity it would have to be) will never be inequivocably present in words.
my point is keep that in mind, apparently not a popular thought here. odd, because when i joined i was rather under the impression it was.
Lyra: read back over the posts. 'es using troll tactics, whatever his trip be. I haven't thrown blood libel in, yet you seem to think that comment was ok, while my underscoring the lack of substance is not.
"So who's the "troll" now? Not Khalil, that's for sure. He didn't deserve the treatment he got from you, and your name calling is getting old and very obnoxious."
what name caling? does he not pretend simplicity when his examples are faulted? (yokel remark) does he not avoid examining any concrete material, get "moralistic" and personal, never coming back to the points i addressed? (inquisitor remark)?
from your own definition: "... someone who has no interest in genuine participation and exchange of ideas. "
that's where that "name calling" comes from. wanna deny the fact that "he resembles that remark"?
and what the hell does "never causing trouble" mean? that nicey facades and political correctness are more important than accuracy? to point out lies is somehow "ickiness"?
it's not about falling in with my views, as you so contemptuously put it Lyra, now you're sounding offensive at random. address the points, and there's something to talk about.
if someone lies and i point it out it's not commandeering the view. Saying that opinions should interrogate some information and not form in a vaccuum is not forcing views on others.
Notice that i don't try to direct to a particular site or page or article, but simply set forth that the material is out there for those who don't want to spew BS without having a leg to stand on. You seem to support that, on the other hand, as long as it coincides with your view. I rather think (but could easily be wrong) that you would NOT take that kind of absurdity applied to certain other figures, but here you just say "Who cares. It's an argument about Aleister Crowley." apparently meaning that as long as it's him, anything goes.
I fail to see how Khalil's "pleasentness" over the course of a year has a single thing to do with it. please re-read the thread, Lyra, and avoid this "ickiness" you lamented earlier. troll is as troll does, and he's using pure invalidator tactic with no substance. i have no idea what term you would choose for that, please illuminate me.
what other names are there? i called someone who gratuitously brought blood libel a jerk. I stand by that statement, as it's uber-assinine to shrug off the thread with morningsun's innuendo; and i call a jerk a jerk. don't like it? Well i don't like such accusations just 'cause i point out scandalous fiction being presented as fact.
if you expect me to be all obsequious and PC, forget it. i shall continue to call a spade a spade.
you can skip reading my posts, Lyra, and avoid that evil crowleyan ickiness!! OR you could actually check out what of substance there has been in the thread.
my opinion, as of now, is that i'm eliciting a lot of negativity by attacking the tribal dogma. to suggest a shade of grey in the mythological black of AC seems to get this kind of response constantly... again, just look in the damn telescope!
i'm not running around tossing out name after name, picking fights. I've actually done research on stuff, and when i hear crap like this thread, it's like hearing people still insist Saddam=9/11, understand? How would YOU evaluate soeone coming in and making that statement, only to ignore counterpoints, ignore evidence, and make moral judgements on you for not adhering to the headbobber chorus?
for how many posts would you continue to give the benefit of doubt?
i know it's crap, i know they think it because of misinformation. i try to remedy a bit, but when someone refuses to even examine, when there's this poddy reaction, well what can i say? i'm not spamming with gratuitously offensive coments, I see the wide range of conspiracy lore that throws Thelema and AC in to suggest evil beyond description, and how popular such material is. But i have only so much patience, and if i see manipulative statements, avoidance of actual subject matter etc.etc. i call it out.
a naked-emporer-pointer-outer SHOULD appreciate at least THAT; however i remand you to your first posting in the thread, and the ~who cares~ statement... notice any dissonance?
i mean is there any "nicey" way to set this stuff out? got some style suggestions that don't involve taking BS lying down? i'd be glad to hear them, as defusing poddy reasoning is a core objective of mine; and as long as i piss the subject off, i'm not going to succeed.
however examine the "names" used and why i put them. yes, there is yokelism. yes, there is the inquisitor's spirit of needing no facts to make a decision. i'm quite sure i could have, at length, explained the concept without the simile; but it was such an appropriate simile that i coudn't resist.
and do notice that you too, Lyra, only adressed one line... the troll line. Not one iota given to the reasoning in the thread, just the "negativity". care to address the rest of the post you responded to? care to address the REASONS for which i called troll?
"eppur si muove.", he muttered under his breath.
[edit- that last line means "but it DOES move.", q.v. Galileo's trial.]
May I have your permission to add troll to the list?
I have never trolled this or any board.
I cannot understand your anger, for that is what it is.
what name caling? does he not pretend simplicity when his examples are faulted? (yokel remark) does he not avoid examining any concrete material, get "moralistic" and personal, never coming back to the points i addressed? (inquisitor remark)?
You haven't called people names on this board, are you sure?
Shall we just dismiss it because YOU have stated that you never have?
You would like it to be like that wouldn't YOU?
Why would I bother to address remarks such as your submitting that I have an inquisitors attitude?
What could it possibly achieve?
Your points were more of an attack not worthy of any intellectual retort.
Your a bit of an energy drainer.
I admit guilt of allowing ego to dominate for once.
How about YOU?
No matter how you dress it up and twist words and play your little games, I can honestly say that I have researched this thread and I have come to the conclusion that you sir, are an ass.
Have a nice day.
Khalil, go ahead and put troll on the list, but remove idiot because i've gone through again and still can't find it.
i shall hereafter refrain from making any personal definitions, realising the non-constructive nature of the practice.
However i will address your tactics even more closely now, and you may find that even more unbearable.
I cannot understand your anger, for that is what it is.
don't tell me what i feel, it is a manipulative invalidator tactic. i remand EVERYONE to check out that article.
You haven't called people names on this board, are you sure?
Shall we just dismiss it because YOU have stated that you never have?
You would like it to be like that wouldn't YOU?
uh... "Search Forums" by poster? and stop telling what i want and feel, dude. we already know where that tactic is at.
need i state again what kind of a tactic that is ? (hint: the T-word)
use phrases like "it appears" "it seems to me" "i feel..." and quit with the silly inuuendo.
Why would I bother to address remarks such as your submitting that I have an inquisitors attitude?
What could it possibly achieve?
answer: to establish the proposition that the commonly held knowledge that the sun circles the earth, under examination, appears false; and that the inquisitor's attitude was to avoid examination to hold on to their belief.
get the simile yet?
Your points were more of an attack not worthy of any intellectual retort.
Your a bit of an energy drainer.
I admit guilt of allowing ego to dominate for once.
How about YOU?
my points attack faulty points. your evaluation of worth fails to touch any point. notice whaen i said there was a comment not worth responding to, i highlighted which comment it was.
am i draining your energy? i assure you i'm not getting a bit of it over here... must be lost in transfer. [--oops forgot to put IRONY ALERT]
No matter how you dress it up and twist words and play your little games, I can honestly say that I have researched this thread and I have come to the conclusion that you sir, are an ass.
Twist words? Dress it up? Play games? Sir, you have not to date touched any of the points in the thread, i beg you quote the word twisting, game playing and dressing up you've uncoverd in your research.
Also, you read the thread, you research the subject, something you continue to refuse to do!
And of course, you are entitled to your opinion on anyone, as am i.
i continue to see zero content in your last post, and now 100% offense without quotes to justify the evaluation, or a minimum consideration of the subject matter that WAS at hand.
i submit that the energy drain comes from these sort of entropic tactics.
1: dismissal without consideration ("not worthy of intellectual retort")
2: refusal to address points (you're continually silent on the actual subject, going ad-hominem and never to the actual grist)
3: insults, you just dropped a load of them, having been pushed out of your nice safe innuendo phase (v.s.)
4: innuendo and characterization without a single point adressed "twisting, games, etc."
it's nice that you admit to ego, and i admit that knowing that others are full of crap on a subject i might have the missing bits on gets me on a drive to bring them.
i will also admit that the frustration i feel when facing non-trolls who just happen to be trolling today is at least 70% ego itself. (i.e. "i'm being so FARKING clear, he must be pretending to not see it ON PURPOSE!" .....when in fact there may just be some cognitive barrier to ovecome)
however i stand by my statements in here and again invite you to please address at least some point pertinent to the discussion... that would help dissuade me from my negative opinion.
"... someone who has no interest in genuine participation and exchange of ideas. "
i said troll. OK, I Apologise; but if i am wrong, then prove me wrong, dammit!
you just keep reinforcing the idea!
stop it so we can have a real discussion!
'es using troll tactics, whatever his trip be.
We apparently have very differing perspectives on what it means to be a troll.
I haven't thrown blood libel in, yet you seem to think that comment was ok, while my underscoring the lack of substance is not.
The reason I didn't comment on morningsun76's "blood libel" comment that you're referring to here is because I'm not participating in the Aleister Crowley debate. Which means I'm not going to support or deny comments made about AC either way, no matter who says them and to whom. I would have thought that would have been apparent by now. To conclude that I thought the comment was "ok" merely because I kept quiet about it is bad logic. If I'd been actively arguing with you all about AC, and then kept quiet about that one particular comment, then sure, it would be safe to assume that I thought it was "ok." So let's not make assumptions.
what name caling? does he not pretend simplicity when his examples are faulted? (yokel remark) does he not avoid examining any concrete material, get "moralistic" and personal, never coming back to the points i addressed? (inquisitor remark)?
You ask the question, then go on to answer it later in your post, so, I won't retread and be redundant.
You believe yourself to be so much more of an intelligent, critical thinker in this thread than your opponents, however I'm seeing a lot of emotionalism clouding the works in your responses. And poor logic and debating skills. You say "What name calling?" then immediately follow that statement with ""does he not pretend simplicity when his examples are faulted?" Now, if Khalil does do this, then what does that have to do with the fact that you have resorted to name calling and derogatory personal insults in lieu of neutral debate? The issue was your name calling and insults. Either you've called people names or you didn't. Yes or no. In this case you deny doing so by saying "What name calling?"....then later on list some of those very names you've used, which contradicts yourself, and then throw out defensive excuses to justify the behavior. Either you've resorted to childish name calling - which is poor logic and debate skills - or you haven't. That was the point.
from your own definition: "... someone who has no interest in genuine participation and exchange of ideas. "
that's where that "name calling" comes from. wanna deny the fact that "he resembles that remark"?
I don't believe he does. I've seen you get all riled up and insult people and call them names, and conversely his responses have been respectful. His character versus yours couldn't be more evident, and he completely puts you to shame. And as stated, we seem to have very different definitions of what constitutes a troll. You believe he's acting like one, I say, think again. So I guess we're at an impasse.
Impasse means = move on.
and what the hell does "never causing trouble" mean? that nicey facades and political correctness are more important than accuracy? to point out lies is somehow "ickiness"?
What does it mean. Hmm. Well, you were defining him as a troll. I pointed out that he's been posting on NR all year, and does not act like a troll, as I define one, and elaborated by saying that he has never caused trouble. Trolls cause trouble, after all. That's what the very nature of a "troll" means. Purposeful inflammatory comments designed solely to provoke discord and distraction and....trouble. Of which Khalil does not do.
Hopefully, that makes sense now?
Notice that i don't try to direct to a particular site or page or article, but simply set forth that the material is out there for those who don't want to spew BS without having a leg to stand on. You seem to support that, on the other hand, as long as it coincides with your view. I rather think (but could easily be wrong) that you would NOT take that kind of absurdity applied to certain other figures, but here you just say "Who cares. It's an argument about Aleister Crowley." apparently meaning that as long as it's him, anything goes.
It's not that I endorse absurdity so long as it's somebody I'm not into, but rather, the complete waste of energy and fighting and wordy windbag round and round posts going on in this thread, (and other threads too...) and the "dream logic" of it all, as already explained in my previous post from which you're quoting and referring to. But I can see how it comes across that I'm like, "Bah, who cares, it's *just* Aleister Crowley*, be as silly as you want to be, facts don't matter, who cares..." I believe this entire thread is such a waste of time because there's a whole world and a real life out there, why waste your time here, on a messageboard, getting caught up in "fighting" with "people" on a computer screen over a dead guy that you never knew, and therefore, can't purport to understand the true mindset of? Nobody here was him, nobody here can truly know his motivations and way of thinking and the way he viewed the world.
I fail to see how Khalil's "pleasentness" over the course of a year has a single thing to do with it.
As I already explained above:
"Well, you were defining him as a troll. I pointed out that he's been posting on NR all year, and does not act like a troll, as I define one, and elaborated by saying that he has never caused trouble. Trolls cause trouble, after all. That's what the very nature of a "troll" means. Purposeful inflammatory comments designed solely to provoke discord and distraction and....trouble. Of which Khalil does not do."
please re-read the thread, Lyra, and avoid this "ickiness" you lamented earlier. troll is as troll does, and he's using pure invalidator tactic with no substance.
Again, we have differing viewpoints on what constitutes a "troll." We're at an impasse there, and we'll have to agree to disagree on the matter.
if you expect me to be all obsequious and PC, forget it. i shall continue to call a spade a spade.
Did I say that I expected you to "be all obsequious and PC" ? No. And I will say that there's a different between "calling a spade a spade" and just being a plain ol' ass, as Khalil said in his last post. You're coming across as being a bit off, like maybe you have a lot of personal problems and are overreacting here as a result, taking things out on the wrong target, getting upset over what really isn't worth being upset over. Or possibly you genuinely have no basis of comparison or reference point perspective for what is worth getting this upset over, I don't know. I could totally understand the "!!!! AHHHH!" response were somebody falsely accusing you of things that aren't true. I've had that happen to me since first joining NR. It's frustrating and maddening. But when it involves somebody else...somebody you never actually knew and can never truly know.....then I'm just not getting the level of irritation and hostility displayed in your posts. It's strange, to me, but, that's just me.
With that said, I have to get back to work, and that will be the final contribution to this ridiculous thread. People usually don't accept that though and respond anyway, which is their choice, but, I won't be responding, just to let you know.
Lyra, have you read his last post? ah yes you did because you support the ass statement. hmmm.
I accept your hit and run. I like those "final contribution 'cause you aren't worth it" escapes. quite convenient.
But no matter, even if you don't want to discuss this honestly i will still address your points:
Differing definitions of troll:
reread his posts in this thread, and your own definition. past behaviour and personal liking don't enter into it, he did here what he did here. maybe tomorrow he will act completely different... i'm writing on this thread, not on his life. 'nuff said.
Blood libel irrelevant because you don't care about this thread:
non-sequitur. 'nuff said.
name calling waffling:
ya got me here. as i said above, the right way was to parse the tactics, not define the poster. i give contrition for this. my bad.
I however submit to you that Khalil's postings on this thread reflect "... resort[ing] to name calling and derogatory personal insults in lieu of neutral debate? "; [#70,#65]
as i am still waiting to discuss the subject matter, and I am still fending off paramoralisms and PC lunacy.
resembling the remarks:
again confront contents (ENTIRE contents, Lyra! cherries are out of season) of the last 3 postings of each. 'nuff said.
"asking information":
interrogate: to question formally and systematically. bad choice of words, perhaps, but i really think it commuicates the sense of it. the point was that passing judgement with no information is prejudice; forming an opinion with nothing, and not formally and systematically questioning any reperable facts. i have already addressed elsewhere the fundamental problem of this mentality, whether you give a crap about occult studies or not, the mechanism applies everywhere.
the meaning was be thorough.
also, to comandeer is to take control, command. you were specifically accusing me of doing this. i did not think it was that hard to grasp, sorry.
language barriers?
yes a grandiose language barrier: only seeing emotional words and filtering out all the information. Fnord.
But I can see how it comes across that I'm like....:
not comes across!! not can be inferred, not might be misunderstood. it's what you said!
now after your clarification, i must say i'm in accord... fighting on emotional terms is not debate. 100% with you on this. however my contention was not that the figure of AC be all that important. it's not. the fact that disinfo leaves people with false fears and aversions, strings to be pulled whenever. re-read my head-bobber comment. stop filtering out all the content i've presented to cherry-pick "ickiness". not honest.
notice my CONTINUAL appeals to address points, parse info and address topic. you make it sound like my opening post up to here has been nothing but ad-hominem attacks. i beg you re-read.
Purposeful inflammatory comments designed solely to provoke discord and distraction and....trouble. :
re-read Khalil's posts on this thread. I have no idea what he's been doing all year, i've only met him in this situation, and the hat fits. i've not heard yet form him a question of "why and how do you hold your opinion, friend ass?" though i've desperately tried to get it across. no, i just get called an ass 'cause i can't dance the head-bob. that saddens me.
agree to disagree:
why, when we have a slew of posts showing the direction? why except to leave a parting blow and refuse to look in the 'scope?
You're coming across as being a bit mentally off, like maybe you have a lot of personal problems and are overreacting here as a result, taking things out on the wrong target, getting upset over what really isn't worth being upset over. :
mentally off? quotes, luv... that's a very nasty bit to throw in as a goodbye to the thread. when someone responds to actual subject matter i'm all for discussing it. when someone is using logical fallacies and manipulative language i point it out clearly.
i suppose, that by societal standards deviation from the tribal myth and the common mores is to be considered insanity... but i rather thought we were avoiding poddishness here.
that may be "windbagging" for you, it's logic to me.
now resorting to insinuating mental instblility, continually telling me what i feel and think... all of this avoids any discussion on the subject and is at best soft-core ad hominem abuse.
and both K and L, stop attempting to anger me then telling me i'm angry.. i'm not going to forget your points or fail to address them, and it just looks bad.
i've been irritated yes, but i've adressed the irritating factors point by point. i've gotten no such courtesy in return, and have indeed been slandered (actually i think it's libel in here, Lyra) but that's not even my point!
it's not about "he called me stoopid!!" "waaaahhh!"
it's about the tactics used to derail discussion, those annoy me. it's the effect i'm worried about, not the words... it's not 2 kids slinging 'yo mamas' at each other, it's a forum. Antaeus was trying to glean some info from it. how much do you think he got from the last posts? Zip is my estimate.
in fact i bet all he got from the entire thread is that there are those wilfully ignorant and willing to spread disinfo without a second thought, and forcefully opinionated about it at that... and that there are idiots like me who actually waste time trying to have some reasoning with them, and get foolishly worked up at that.
not much to show for his time... you are sure right on that.
but i submit that it is neither the subject nor the rebuttal of falsehoods making it "icky"; it's those who just lob random statements out there and get pissy defending the indefensible. if the discussion had been at all honest up to now, we'd be quite somewhere else.
so i formally take back the troll accusation, but submit that there's a lack of honesty, no will whatsoever to discuss the topic, and continual ad hominem. that doesn't make him anything, it's just a description of the current flow of communication coming from him. i have likened this to the attitude of Galileo's prosecution, rather descriptive, but taken as insult. my bad on that, too, but it sure does SEEM like y'all would cut your leg off rather than having a peek.
actually more likely my leg..
[edit - forgot this gem: "Also consider........what if morningsun76 knows something about Aleister Crowley that you don't?" -- how about the more obvious vice-versa, Lyra? will you EVER consider that? or how about we start to talk some turkey here and stop with the suppositions, cmpfire stories, innuendos and what ifs? if you parsed the content of the thread you'd find that was my original scope here. it got derailed... and i'm sure not getting anything out of that!]
A battle of Titans. Form and Force. Not sure which is mightier. Zejith, I kind of posted something in Phiconcept's thread on occultic games that should have been placed here. I suspect that Aleister Crowley made reference to certain things to shock people. Also to be difficult to understand by the profane.
Also there might be within his works, something based on a distortion of Democritus and Epicurus. But I'm not sure of that, as there is mention of Nuit, and this name goes very far back, to Seb. Who is going to define to me what physical and moral purity is? Is quality the same as physical and moral purity? Is quality more important or is the latter? I've mentioned LIBER III VEL JVGORVM to a person I work with who is a Christian, and she was very surprised, as apparently she was being taught something very similar. If your not familiar with it, I'll just give a brief outline; it involves wearing maybe a ring, or necklace, and whenever you are wearing it, you cannot speak a certain letter, or avoid using the pronouns and adjectives of the first person. It goes on to also describe avoidance of certain movements, also avoidance of certain thoughts. So, whenever you wear that piece of jewelry, there are rules that have to be followed regarding speech, actions, and thoughts.
I thought that was interesting. Do you jump all over people because you're Italian, or are you 173d? Either one explains the indomitability.:)
Still draining hey?
1: dismissal without consideration ("not worthy of intellectual retort")
Scathing personal attacks aimed soley at infuriating the reader are best left untouched by said reader, especially if they are not interesting in allowing negative emotions to rule their lives
2: refusal to address points (you're continually silent on the actual subject, going ad-hominem and never to the actual grist)
Your points? I did not see any of sufficient validity to respond to. As you instigated the attack your points, to me at least, became moot for the time being.
You see, when it is you who starts the name calling, it is you who have hi-jacked a thread and take it away from it's subject matter.
Try not to blame those who you began insulting for this.
3: insults, you just dropped a load of them, having been pushed out of your nice safe innuendo phase (v.s.)
Though nothing so insulting as the ones you have dropped.
4: innuendo and characterization without a single point adressed "twisting, games, etc."
As already stated, addressing points with you would be hard to do as they might bore you.
You have already stated you would not be interested in this.
Khalil, go ahead and put troll on the list, but remove idiot because i've gone through again and still can't find it.
I have told you I am not a troll, I have never trolled.
You may not want to take my word for it but I will lable myself such because YOU say I am a troll.
I think you are desperatly trying to make me out the monster here, I cannot understand why.
I don't know you, have never debated with you and gave you scant reason to attack me so.
Could it be to hide the fact that you first displayed My Hyde tactics?
please re-read the thread, Lyra, and avoid this "ickiness" you lamented earlier. troll is as troll does, and he's using pure invalidator tactic with no substance.
When did you become the board sensor?
What gives you the right to judge their writings then insult them and put lables on them?
Do you not see what a fool you are being?
One of the tactics I have seen trolls using is to try to get someone else labled as such by throwing the word out there first and plenty.
Read the thread, I have never called you a troll.
As for "idiot", insinuating that someone is a yokel, a troll and boring would be found within this context.
This is what I meant by "idiot" as you were insinuating this inbetween the many lines and how I took it.
Was I wrong?
Now suddenly you are all upset because I have called you an ass?
So it was ok for you to spew slander but not when I do it in a milder form?
You demand that I stop telling you how you feel when it clearly shows how you feel, as you slander me and tell me what I am?
Now, you see here I could "label" you a hypocrite but I wouln't.
You should read and heed your own words pal.
Get over yourself.
(Amazing*Shakes head*)
PS: If I appear simple or a pretender or using invalitator tactics, mabye it is because I am of only average intelligence.
Those who have displayed lower intelligence than me through out my life ( and they are few) have not been subjected to ridicule.
Noble Realms → Spirituality and Metaphysics → They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley
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