46 (edited by nexus 2007-11-02 21:28:10)

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

Hi Khalil,

Well firstly let me say what a great honour it is to be "almost" making sense.   I will almost treasure that almost always.  Let's see if i can keep it up.

Khalil wrote..." Would this be the same God who sees everything? *Scratches Head*"

Yes it would be the same God.   Brahman is the ALL God.  Brahma [Father],  Vishnu [the Son], and Shiva [the Holy Spirit] and the femminine deities are cosmic forces at different levels of the ALL God.   The Cosmic Consciousness of the ALL spans  from the highest levels of Spirit... down in vibration through all the subtle material universes right down to physical time and space as we know it.  Vishnu the Son is the Christ consciousness or "the Word".  This level of God's being is of great significance to ourselves.

In the scriptures [almost word for word in the Vedas of India and the Book of John in the New Testament]
it says that..
                           " in the beginning was the word
                             and the word was with God
                             and the word was God
                             the same was in the beginning with God
                             All things were made by him
                             and without him was not anything made that was made
                             In him was life and the life was the light of men
                             And the light shineth in the darkness
                             and the darkness comprehended it not."

God and the "word that was 'with' God" are one, they are just different levels of God. [ie.. "and the word 'was' God"]  The "word" is the christ consciousness... a projection of God's consciousness into a lower plane.  It is therefore a creation of God which itself is alive, self- conscious and actively creative.  We ourselves are fashioned out of the "word" as is "everthing made that was made"...  the trees, the stars, everything seen and unseen.  Each of us are uniquely infused with life, freewill and consciousness and are given access to the creative mind and the energy of the word [the inner spiritual Self] to "go forth and multiply".  This does not refer to sexual reproduction but to the multiplication of our creative energy through the creativity of the christ- consciousness.  But this doesn't happen automatically.  Our souls need to integrate with the christ consciousness in order to express it's inherent creative genius.  Many of us have achieved this in the past, lost it again and have had to incarnate over and again searching for the interior "lost word" to recapture past glories. 

But while we have our noses to this re- incarnational grindstone there are levels of cosmic consciousness which are unconcerned with the minutiae of human experience.   However, not so totally unconcerned that we have no "advocate with the Father".  The soul is connected with the "word" [subconsciously in most people] and the "word" is individualised in the spiritual christ-self of each of us.   The spiritual christ- self is connected to the I AM Presence at higher levels of reality and the individual I AM Presence is one with higher levels of spiritual reality.  All these higher levels of reality are 'populated' with cosmic beings of great light.  We are not disconnected from all that because we are actually made from all that and one with it at inner levels.  While many beings of great spiritual attainment are actively concerned with us and our activities on earth,  the entire universe and all beings therein are not concerned with what is going on here.   Although all life is one, it is a matter of where beings choose to focus.

Some people on NR have dismissed the notion of a spiritual hierarchy as being a limiting concept born out of the reptillian brain.  granted, the false hierarchy is just that.  Their job is to decieve us into constant ignorance and loosh production for as long as they can keep us here doing it.  But there is also a true spiritual hierarchy spanning the vast reaches of cosmic consciousness.  It is a hierarchy because it is one of spiritual attainment.  It is a hierarchy because these being are actually our God parents.  And greater beings are their God parents ... and on.  They have actually created our spiritual identity and watched over our development.  Over vast periods of time they have sent their own into incarnation and given dispensations of extraordinary opportunity in a cyclical fashion.  They don't do it all for us but it takes their co- operation to turn the tide of history and to bring souls to a readiness of spiritual knowledge so that we can ascend out of the material plane during certain tides of cosmic opportunity.  It is seasonal.  This happens over and over again over millions of years.  It is called a 'harvest' not because we are to be devoured by theocrats.  No.  The harvest is a spiritual metaphor for the maturing of the spiritual seed of Christ sown in the material plane and ready to unite with spirit in the ascension.  The true spiritual hierarchy enable this opportunity in many ways.   

To deny the existance of the true spiritual hierarchy is almost to imagine that sentient beings first came down in the last shower or popped out of spaceships 10,000 yrs ago.    Spiritual beings that pre- existed ourselves "went forth and multiplied" the I AM Presence and causal body to such immense proportion that they became responsible for the development of systems of worlds and gave [spiritual] birth to billions of spiritual beings which populate all levels of material and spiritual planes in order to fulfill the divine plan.  That is why it is so important for us to re- integrate with the inner Christ so we can get on with our divine plan for this life on earth and then beyond.  We were not born [spiritually or physically] to be the earthly fodder for TPTB and their goons.   

The true spiritual hierarchy is in stark contrast to those beige channelled entities who claim to have physically seeded the human race and claim to be our parents .... like we are just flesh and blood or something.  We are much more than that and the black hats know it.   What merit have we in their eyes?  We have spiritual energy to steal.  The impure 'enjoyment' they must get from their games of control and deception can only be imagined.  They are cosmic desperados.  Shrivelled beings living on borrowed time and stolen light...

True Khalil, in our Christ presence all is known.  The Christ presence needs no life lessons.  But our soul is a further projection of the christ- self into the world of form and it has fallen into a sorry state.  The soul is actually not the christ- Self.   If being "saved" is consciously uniting with inner spirit then the soul cannot "save" itself.  The soul is a jewel of consciousness borne out of the Christ- spirit and it must return to that spirit in order to ascend out of the material planes.   The inner- Christ must be the wayshower for our soul's vibrational return to oneness with inner- spirit.  Now,  the only way to make the soul identity permanent is through the purifying power and the guiding light of the inner Christ spirit.  That is why the Universal Christ spoke through Jesus saying:

        "I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life
         No man goeth unto the Father [the I AM Presence]
         except through me [the inner Christ of All.]

Jesus was not referring to himself as a man capable of that.  He was speaking out of the universal Christ- consciousness which is individualised in each one of us.  Those words are spoken by the christ- Self even now in the heart of each person...  "Except in me there is no life and no access to the highest levels of spiritual identity [the Father]".  It is only through the vibrational union of the soul "wed" to the inner- Christ that we can unite with the I AM Presence.  It is only the ritual of the ascension of the soul to spirit that our soul is made permanent.  It is the way through materiality and beyond into immortal spiritual realms.  There is no other way, that's why Jesus made that statement.  Call that inner spirit anything else you like... the higher- Self is the answer to the soul's fallen state.

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

Aww Khalil?  Half your post has disappeared... now it looks like i'm talking to the wind.   Maybe i am anyway.

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

Aww Khalil?  Half your post has disappeared... now it looks like i'm talking to the wind.   Maybe i am anyway

Sorry about that.

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

That's alright.  I thought your questions were some of the essential ones so,  lover of essential questions as i am,  i went right to it.

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

Nexus, you rock!.

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

Hi Nexus, I just feel like adding this:

Now then, after the conclusive paragraphs just cited above from the Tevijja-Sutta, one of the standard scriptures of the Southern School of Buddhism, in which the x-quantity, that Something, is emphatically and plainly stated herein as being capable of attaining 'a state of union with Brahma,' it becomes necessary to point with emphatic finger to one of the most pregnant and important teachings of the Great Master which shows that the Buddha-Gautama by no means considered such a state of union with Brahman as the ultimate or ending of the existence of the fortunate Jivanmukta or freed Monad. Indeed, his teaching ran directly contrary to such erroneous idea; for both implicitly and explicitly, as may be found in the scriptures of both the North and the South, there is the reiterated statement that even beyond the 'world of Brahma,' i. e., beyond Brahman, there are realms of consciousness and being still higher than this 'world of Brahma,' in which reside the roots, so to speak, of the Cosmic Tree and therefore the Root of every human being, the offspring of such mystical Cosmic Tree. What is this Mystic Root, this that is higher even than Brahma? It is the individualized Adi-Buddha, the Cosmic 'Creative' Logos of Adi-Bodhi, or Alaya, the Cosmic Originant; for even a 'world of Brahma' is a manifested world; and, therefore, however high it may be by comparison with our material world, is yet a relatively imperfect sphere of life and lives. In consequence, the teaching runs that higher even than Brahma there is something Else, the rootless Root, reaching back and within, cosmically speaking, into Parabrahmic Infinitude. One who is a Buddha, i. e., one who has become allied in his inmost essence with the cosmic Bodhi, thus can enter not only the 'world of Brahma,' but pass out of it and above it and beyond it, yea, higher and higher still to those cosmic reaches of life-consciousness-substance towards which human imagination may aspire and indeed always does aspire, however feebly; but which, unless we are Buddhas in fact, i. e., more or less straitly in self-conscious union with the Dhyani-Buddha, the spiritual Monad within us, we cannot understand otherwise than to be an adumbration of ineffable Nature.

(Sanskrit) A compound word: literally "he whose essence (sattva) has become intelligence (bodhi)." As explained exoterically, a bodhisattva means one who in another incarnation or in a few more incarnations will become a buddha. A bodhisattva from the standpoint of the occult teachings is more than that. When a man, a human being, has reached the state where his ego becomes conscious, fully so, of its inner divinity, becomes clothed with the buddhic ray -- where, so to say, the personal man has put on the garments of inner immortality in actuality, on this earth, here and now -- that man is a bodhisattva. His higher principles have nearly reached nirvana. When they do so finally, such a man is a buddha, a human buddha, a manushya-buddha. Obviously, if such a bodhisattva were to reincarnate, in the next incarnation or in a very few future incarnations thereafter, he would be a manushya-buddha. A buddha, in the esoteric teaching, is one whose higher principles can learn nothing more. They have reached nirvana and remain there; but the spiritually awakened personal man, the bodhisattva, the person made semi-divine to use popular language, instead of choosing his reward in the nirvana of a less degree, remains on earth out of pity and compassion for inferior beings, and becomes what is called a nirmanakaya. In a very mystical part of the esoteric philosophy, a bodhisattva is the representative on earth of a dhyani-buddha or celestial buddha -- in other words, one who has become an incarnation or expression of his own divine monad.

Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement.
You have to believe in the impossible in order to become.

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

Good one Antaeus.  Yes they're virtually the same ideas in slightly more elaborate language.   I too find the eastern descriptions very appealing.  There's beauty in the bodhisattva ideal.   Everyone who ever found spiritual oneness and has  looked back to pass the baton is mysterious and attractive to me.  I want to know what i can about their path.  It is a road less travelled but their footprints are there to be found.  The boddhisatvas, east and west, have made sure that the signs and symbols and teachings can be found.  We may have to search under the odd rock here and there but what outer signs and understanding can be given is given.  The rest happens in the crucible of our own hearts and minds where the teachings are brought to life through communion with the higher- Self. [and if we are fortunate, the spiritual presence of the "buddhas and boddhisattvas"]   If we engage, there is no escaping the joy and the pain of confrontation with all levels of self.... grossly human and divine.

53 (edited by Zejith_Themis 2007-11-03 07:07:36)

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

"Mine eyes are too pure to behold iniquity"

is a clasic example of

"How can what is be not what is for anyone else?"

you can read it 2 ways:

"pure eyes cannot bear the sight of iniquity"


"there is no iniquity before pure eyes"

Words are both tools and traps: placeholders for perception, which is itself a placeholder for "reality" which is never purely felt, always subject to point-of-view.

What's so evil about pointing out the obvious?

"Adonai spake unto V.V.V.V.V., saying: There must ever be division in the word.
For the colours are many, but the light is one.
Therefore thou writest that which is of mother of emerald, and of lapis-lazuli, and of turquoise, and of alexandrite.
Another writeth the words of topaz, and of deep amethyst, and of gray sapphire, and of deep sapphire with a tinge as of blood.
Therefore do ye fret yourselves because of this.
Be not contented with the image.
I who am the Image of an Image say this.
Debate not of the image, saying Beyond! Beyond!"

is basically what i'm trying to say, and i really sense no stink to it, after years of parsing and comparing and experimenting. i think i'll hold to my opinion until i hear a better presented contention of it, thanks anyway, Khalil.

Nexus, what i'm getting from your explanation of "ultimate source" is somewhere between the qabalistic ideas of Ruach and Neschamah... both a lot more universally discerning and intuiting than the perceived "self" but still short of unfiltered "ultimate source" as i see it.

"Expediency, selfishness, hatred, murder, envy, bloodlust etc are not created by source and therefore are not eternal and can be proven so [in the life of the individual] by self- transmutation.  This personal change can be permanent but the individual must surrender to the superior will of the higher- Self and be willing to give the inner spiritual identity self- expression in form."

apart from the first bit (ALL by derivation comes from Source, just like the calories in a candy come from the sun) the personal quest for change you describe is precisely he object of the occult Great Work.

and while i agree completely with this:

"Truth will resonate with that self.  The true self can confirm truth even when all the senses are contrary.  The true self can direct you to "step forward" when all the external indicators demand that you step back.  Conversely, the true self can direct you to "step back" when all external indicators are demanding you step forward."

i entreaty people to recognise the difference between conditioned reactions in absence of actual information, and the acting of higher intuition.

and i disagree with this next bit, and thing the zoroastrian programming of the big 3 monotheistic religions is behind this gem:

"The stuff about  duality is good, I think there might be something in that to do with all.
The anger, jealousy, hate, ect not being from source and therefore not eternal, that's very good."

very good, indeed. why?

contentedness, sharing, love etc. would be just as ephemeral as the negative in Original Source, there being no OTHER to either be angry or content about; to share with or be jealous of; to love or to hate.

the idea that there should be some sort of "self-censorship" even in philosophy and mysticism is IMHO a mental and spiritual shackle that keeps people stuck in the formulas of slave religion even when they've gone as far as recognising the ecclesiastical officialdom as a farce and refuted the organised faiths.

another bit i agree wholeheartedly with:

"Only the Spirit can 'embrace' the shadow and transmute it.   In such a meeting of forces Spirit is superior and sets free the energies locked in shadow forms...."

if you only want feelgood vibes and PC drivel, you're going to miss that boat. if you are as blunt as  "one thing is sure, something is either the truth or it is not the truth." and apply this to


you will be led astray.

parse all info as objectively and close-to-origin as possible and use your own judgement, is all i have to say.

shooting down fallacious armchair-sagery based on urban legends is a hobby for me, but i do feel it is important that people get back to socrates and realise how little of what they take as "knowledge" really is.

i mean really:

"Something tells me very strongly something stinks in the state of Crowley.

This may now not be true to others, the truth may seem to be in a subjective state but I never said this is the truth."

the second phrase is unparseable to me. the following phrase totally negates the first part of it (cfr. "either the truth or.." and "This may now not be true to others..")

i mean i can't get what you are saying, really and how it relates to the first statement. sounds more like disjointed slogans.


"One thing is sure, something is either the truth or it is not the truth.

All else may very well be just your opinion unless you know what is truth?"

the final phrase... WTF? something is either truth or not or just your opinion unless you know truth.  i don't even know what to say about it! but i will give something that i think is along the line of thinking you're trying for, but possibly says the opposite.

"All affirmations are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense."

- Sri Syadasti (Principia Discordia)

Repeat the above as a mantra 10000 times daily and you will become Illuminated and Know Truth (in some sense)

Love is the law, love under will.
     Zejith Themis

54 (edited by nexus 2007-11-05 06:03:07)

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

ZT....  From your above post, you are no stranger to these rudiments.  To what degree they can be applied to ourselves is up to ourselves.  As you say words can be both tools and traps.   So...

Because you are arguing a case for your own perception, of which you sound convinced, i will assume like anyone else here, that you are hoping to be understood by your reader.   You are using words and sentences by which you actually mean somethings and not other things.  If your reader misunderstands you, you do not hesitate to clarify your meaning.  I assume you are making an attempt to carry your perceptions to the reader by doing so and would be a little dismayed if your reader reflected back at you what you were not saying.   Or worse, replied to you by using  "Sri Syadasti" type twaddle --  but i am trying to make the point that there is always meaningfull intent behind words from the authors point of view.  [any author including the bible quotes we are discussing.]  That is simple enough. Those points of view may be personally ignorant, they may be universally enlightened or they may be anywhere in between. 

[As an aside:  What a desperately confused fellow is Sri S.  I understand his caveat in his repetetive use of the phrase "in some sense".  He is suggesting that in reference to reality all we can hope to affirm is "some sense" of it, as incomplete as it must be.  But that is no excuse for declaring "All Affirmations" false and meaningless.... in any sense.   Our reason for being is to affirm in the material planes who we really are in the spiritual planes.  That continual affirmation in thought, word and deed is the means to re-integration with the "Word" and to becoming whole "As above [in spirit] so below [in matter]."   Unfortunately some of the biggest fools hide behind the cloth... east and west.... If that indeed is where Sri S 'hides'.  Maybe he is a "Borat" type figure or a "Bhagwan" who is just having us on.]
We can all hide behind such riddles [as SS does... but enough of him] or we can attempt clarity.  Before you pile in to assure me that "clarity" is an individual perspective i am saying it is not.  I say that yes clarity can become personal by flashes of inspiration which have their origin in spirit...   But "clarity" is not a relative construct derived from merely having a point of view.   I am also stating the obvious by saying that whoever wrote the bible qoute we are discussing [" Mine eyes are too pure to behold iniquity"] actually meant something by it.  That's rudimentary enough too.  They knew what they meant and it is for us to find out. 

I assume the person who wrote it based it on more than personal perspective [perhaps an experience of cosmic consciousness in which the personal ego was transcended] and that the person actually wrote it down with a meaning in mind.... as anyone does when writing anything.   The person wrote it down in order to carry a reality greater than the words themselves ... a reality which, in order to communicate it in some way,  could only be conceptualised more simply by using words.   Right there, just by the act of writing it down, the reality of the higher mind has entered the sphere of duality where truth now appears as a relative personal opinion.  Not only are we asking  "what is the writer saying?", we are asking "is it true?"  A chasm is opening within which we can project all our personal conditioning, bias and wishes for ego reinforcement.   There's a lot at stake in the mental positions we already hold.  Like Pilate we are asking "what is truth?" but we may not want to know.   If all we have to go on [and we may have more] is the words themselves, then we can make them mean anything we want them to mean to ourselves.   

So, while of course there is "nothing evil in pointing out the obvious" fact that a statement could mean more than one thing, there may yet be evil in turning a statement inside out and back to front to mean something untrue and contrary to the intent of the writer... that is if the writer knew and wrote truth in the first place.  In the said bible quote i believe he did but we dissagree profoundly on what was meant.   

If i never learnt a thing heart to heart with the inner- spirit i would only have the words of others to go by.  But those are not inconsiderable and to my mind and heart are very revealing.  From your above post ZT you, like Crowley, would prefer to interpret the bible quote thus ... "There IS NO INIQUITY before pure eyes?"  ie...  if one is seeing purely he or she realises that the very notion of "iniquity" is the phantom of an ignorant mind.  [I will grant that "iniquity" is the product of an ignorant mind but it does have to be transmuted in order for the soul to rise in consciousness.]   

Your interpretation ZT is very convenient to yourself and AC because it permits you to reject all the scriptural passages that deal with iniquitous states of consciousness  and the choices which the inner- spirit demands of the soul in relation to them.  To contend that there is no such thing as "iniquity" is to dismiss the whole notion of karmic 'debt' and atonement and therefore to dismiss the reality of the essential Christ [within ourselves and within Jesus and other spiritual Adepts] as the answer to the iniquitous state of  consciousness and it's negative effects upon others.  From yours and Crowley's  perspective, the scriptures of east and west can more easily be dismissed as fairy tales and mind control by "theocrats" rather than [if clearly understood] a revelation for the spiritual liberty of the soul trapped in a fallen state of lower consciousness.  For me,  there is enough revealed in the esoteric writings of the past dozen decades or so and in the more ancient scriptures , east and west,  to put that picture together and there is enough reality left in the cup for me to confirm it.   We're all being exposed to similar things and making our own choices. 

Yes those esoteric writings and scriptures, like any words, are just "images" and ideally should perhaps be beyond debate.... but not because they can mean anything we want them to.   Ultimately our own mental concepts are just "images" too [as your quote suggests] but some of those conceptual images originate in the higher mind.  And because they do they act as a divine tuning fork to call the attention of the soul upward in consciousness.  Some concepts are divine and are not merely the constructs of the mass consciousness nor the individual points of view of hopeful fools.  They are projections of the incorruptible christ consciousness into the individual mind.   It is written:

"Thou shalt have [within your consciousness] no other gods before me"   and...
"Thou shalt not make unto thee [in your mind] any graven image"

These two commandments of the inner- spirit refer to those "images" you reference in your quote ZT.   Any false mental concept which originates in the lower mental body [the carnal mind] is a "false god" and a "graven image" because it eclipses the divine light of the Sun / Son from the soul.  These "false gods" and "graven images" perpetuate the delusion that the soul is complete in the shroud of the carnal mind, and is sufficient unto itself so long as the predatory carnal instincts are fulfilled.  But it is a delusion and that is why, if spiritual self- knowledge is valued, "thou shalt not have them".

Love is potent and is not ephemeral ZT.  Love is a very high spiritual vibration and thus an extension of source.  All the negatives of hate, fear etc are not an extension of source.  These vibes originate in a much lower state of consciousness far removed [vibrationally] from source.  These lower vibes are ultimately impotent.  The individual can prove this within self by enduring the sometimes painfull process of surrender and sacrifice [of these animal feelingforms and thoughtforms] on the altar of the heart.  Or, alternatively it will be proven at the end of a long cycle of opportunity if and when the soul's total allotment of light has been turned to total darkness.  There is no escaping that confrontation of the soul with the greater light.  The soul will engage by freewill through the spiritual path of initiation, or it will eventually happen when the "party" of [lower] self- aggrandisement one day comes to an end.  The christ- spirit is eternal but the soul's opportunity for integration with that spirit is not. 

This process requires some degree of "self censorship" as ZT puts it.  It really does and "philosophical self censorship" can only be the beginning.   But given it's a freewill process "censorship" is probably too harsh a word.  No philosophical idea is given up without a more appealing one to replace it.  So the path is one of natural growth and is not spent grieving over lost philosophies.  Granted, nobody really wants to govern themselves but given our fall into duality consciousness it is nevertheless a part of the path as we discover [through the christ consciousness] the difference between the real and the unreal motivations in our own consciousness.   Anyway, regardless of our intellectual philosophies about things, those subconscious motivations are our real philosophies,  baked into us over countless incarnations.  Still, the Christ mind can confront and transmute them if the soul will surrender the will of the carnal mind.   

That path is in stark contrast with "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law" philosophy.  If we are self justified in our every whim there are absolutely no boundaries.  That is not soul freedom.  It is licence and great harm comes from those who consider themselves a law unto themselves and who licence themselves to do anything they please at anyone's expense.  They have no respect for anyone but themselves and for them everyone else exists to be twisted, used and abused. 

Another thing [dare i say] clear to me,  is that any attempt to approach words about spirituality and metaphysics from the point of view of a lawyer is doomed to failure.   Jesus saved his sternest rebukes for the lawyers of his time because there can be no end of argument without the penetration of the written word by the interior "Word".

55 (edited by Antaeus 2007-11-06 16:39:59)

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

Would everyone do a bit more reading (of relevant material) before posting their sage considerations on a lifetime of work, basing themselves on a few snippets, anecdotes and contextless quotes instead of the (considerable) corpus of work itself?

I'd be able to take "truth-seeking" a  lot more seriously if i saw that.  It's not just with these "favorite figures" of the spooky-rumour factory... it's with EVERYTHING. Most of the "research" is being done in this mode and i'm finding it all too entropic to be of any bloody use.
From Occult Glossary:
...In many parts of India the authority of the Tantras seems almost to have superseded the clean and poetical hymns of the Vedas.

Most tantric works are supposed to contain five different subjects: (1) the manifestation or evolution of the universe; (2) its destruction; (3) the worship or adoration of the divinities; (4) the achievement or attainment of desired objects and especially of six superhuman faculties; (5) modes or methods of union, usually enumerated as four, with the supreme divinity of the kosmos by means of contemplative meditation.

Unfortunately, while there is much of interest in the tantric works, their tendency for long ages has been distinctly towards what in occultism is known as sorcery or black magic. Some of the rites or ceremonies practiced have to do with revolting details connected with sex.

Durga, the consort of Siva, his sakti or energy, is worshiped by the Tantrins as a distinct personified female power.

The origin of the Tantras unquestionably goes back to a very remote antiquity, and there seems to be little doubt that these works, or their originals, were heirlooms handed down from originally debased or degenerate Atlantean racial offshoots. There is, of course, a certain amount of profoundly philosophical and mystical thought running through the more important tantric works, but the tantric worship in many cases is highly licentious and immoral.
as for licentious or immoral, or 'revolting details of sex'; i'll make those distinctions on a case by case basis and on my own authority, thanks... i'm quite sure there are many cases, as you say. i'm not looking for a cult, i re-invent my own daily; and study all i come across to make it more interesting. so there.
as for licentious or immoral, or 'revolting details of sex'; i'll make those distinctions on a case by case basis and on my own authority, thanks... i'm quite sure there are many cases, as you say. i'm not looking for a cult, i re-invent my own daily; and study all i come across to make it more interesting. so there.
Reiteration: from another thread on Noble Realms, when reading Crowley's texts, it is well to understand: blood = semen; death = ecstasy; kill = ejaculation.

to answer this:

"Why does Crowley rever Satan? "

short answer: he didn't.

long answer: wrap your mind around his worldview and cosmology to get an idea of what his blasphemous sounding statements really meant.

" Regardless, I believe that the information speaks for itself.  Zejith, I have resisted making a judgement call about you or anyone else who has contributed to this thread.  Why can't you extend me the same simple courtesy?"
Because that snippet does not speak for itself. Are you reading at all or on talking points? It was presented, in your post, to say that you didn't need to read much to know that you didn't need to know anything more about one who... "participated in the kind of rituals described above. "

Which, rather to the point, was not a description of any ritual engaged in, see?

And, to address those lamenting the emotional tides of controversy and devotion to beliefs:

I'm not flogging belief here in any fashion, however when outright falsity is presented and I know it to be false, I'm going to point it out.

Precisely, SiriArc!

For instance, even thinking, as I do, that yaweh-ism, church christianity and organised islam are frauds, that doesn't prevent me from delving the significance of their symbols and formulae.. hundreds of generations of real mystics have charged the myths and names with resonance. Qabalah, Gnosticism and Sufism are central to my practical exploration, far more than Buddhism.
SiriArc wrote : " Information regardless of source is neutral
                         Only personal resonance can determine value"

Somehow that has become a truism but it is not true.  Everything is information.  Nothing is neutral.  Ultimate source is the ultimate determinant of value.   While experiencing life in a state of duality consciousness, personal resonance cannot necessarilly determine ultimate value.   In that state of consciousness personal resonance can only determine relative value. 

Put simply, anyone can be wrong about the ultimate value of anything.  Just because something is prized doesn't make it valuable.  Granted, anything can be thought valuable.
I was just shooting down false statements and faulty procedure in my posts, not dragging into the question of "ultimate truth", and the question of putting ANY amount of TRUST ito ANYTHING should not come up.

To say what you think nexus is saying is to miss my entire point. The information being accurate should not be a one-time check, that if it checks out leads to resigning oneself that that source has a hotine to truth.
Something tells me very strongly something stinks in the state of Crowley.

This may now not be true to others, the truth may seem to be in a subjective state but I never said this is the truth.

One thing is sure, something is either the truth or it is not the truth.

All else may very well be just your opinion unless you know what is truth?
Truth may be defined as that which is Reality; and present human intelligence can make but approximate advances or approaches to this Cosmic REAL which is measureless in its profundity and in its infinite reaches, and therefore never fully comprehensible by any finite intellect. It was a wise declaration, in one way, that Pontius Pilate made, as alleged, when Jesus, the great Syrian Initiate, was brought before him: "What is Truth!"; for a man who knows Truth in fulness would have an active intelligence commensurate with the Universe: and whose intelligence is universe-wide?
Maybe i shouldn't have used the term "ultimate source" without some explanation of what i meant.
"Ultimate source" OR it's "uncorrupted extention".... the inner spiritual "Son" / "Sun" 

By that i mean the "divine projection" of the ALLspirit which is within us and which has been called many names... Christ/ buddha/ Krishna/ Samboag Kaya/ Higher- Self ... etc.   That pure "projection" acts as mediator between the uncorrupted I AM Presence in spiritual planes and the soul corrupted by the affections/ addictions of materiality. 

Somewhere in the old testament  it has God saying "Mine eyes are too pure to behold iniquity"

There are levels of universal God consciousness which do not focus on the periphery of life... where most souls are trapped.   But,  a "projection" of 'Ultimate Source' is "sent into the world" ... "the only begotten Son" ... "which lighteth every man [-ifestation of the ALL] which comes into the world."
The soul is tested to see if :

1) if it knows the difference between the vibrations of the real self and those of the shadow- self,
2) if it is willing to surrender the known shadow- self for the relatively unknown real- self, 
3) While resolving this duality in the inner spiritual fires, to discern and to do the will of spirit in all things.
"Mine eyes are too pure to behold iniquity"

is a clasic example of

"How can what is, be not what is, for anyone else?"
This is where I pause.  I think the point here is that some individuals are saying that the text written by Aleister Crowley should not be read.  If that doesn't provoke an increase of interest in his work I don't know what will.  Oops.

Laugh and the world laughs with you,
Weep and you weep alone,
For the sad old Earth must borrow its mirth,
But has trouble enough of its own.

Adam was walking with his son past the Garden of Eden,
As it was a very beautiful place, his son asked Adam,
Why don't we move there?  Where upon Adam replied,
We did once, but your mother ate us out of house and home.

Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement.
You have to believe in the impossible in order to become.

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

Antaeus--I appreciate your perspectives on this but I find it difficult
to see what you are saying as opposed to what you are quoting.
If you don't like to do the quote code thing, then please separate your
comments from the text you're quoting with a dotted line or something,
that would make it easier to read.

"Well God said to Abraham, "Kill me a son."
Abe said "man you must be puttin' me on"
God said, "No"
Abe said, "But..."
God said "You can do what you want, Abe, but the
next time you see me comin' you better run!"
Abe said "Where you want this killin' done?"
God said "Out on Highway 61."

----Bob Dylan, Highway 61

57 (edited by Khalil 2007-11-06 05:26:40)

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

and i disagree with this next bit, and thing the zoroastrian programming of the big 3 monotheistic religions is behind this gem:

"The stuff about  duality is good, I think there might be something in that to do with all.
The anger, jealousy, hate, ect not being from source and therefore not eternal, that's very good."

very good, indeed. why?

Well it's good in the sense that it is good material to contemplate.
If you want to go back to were it all began, did were it all began begin with love,hate, jealousy,fear etc?
If not, (if it matters) were did they come from?
See what I mean, something to think about.

"Something tells me very strongly something stinks in the state of Crowley.

This may now not be true to others, the truth may seem to be in a subjective state but I never said this is the truth."

the second phrase is unparseable to me. the following phrase totally negates the first part of it (cfr. "either the truth or.." and "This may now not be true to others..")

i mean i can't get what you are saying, really and how it relates to the first statement. sounds more like disjointed slogans.

Because it is said, someone may see it automatically as a false statement or the truth but when it was said it was not declared to be the truth, so sometimes people jump to conclusions, (as you may have).

is basically what i'm trying to say, and i really sense no stink to it, after years of parsing and comparing and experimenting. i think i'll hold to my opinion until i hear a better presented contention of it, thanks anyway, Khalil.

That's what I meant, it's all just your own opinion, did I contend your opinion, why the sarcasim or is that condescending attitude, do you feel like I was attacking you in any way?
Sorry, It was not my intention as I was just relaying thoughts to the board, not you personally.
I might at the end though.

"One thing is sure, something is either the truth or it is not the truth.

All else may very well be just your opinion unless you know what is truth?"

the final phrase... WTF? something is either truth or not or just your opinion unless you know truth.  i don't even know what to say about it! but i will give something that i think is along the line of thinking you're trying for, but possibly says the opposite.

"All affirmations are true in some sense, false in some sense, meaningless in some sense, true and false in some sense, true and meaningless in some sense, false and meaningless in some sense, and true and false and meaningless in some sense."

- Sri Syadasti (Principia Discordia)

Repeat the above as a mantra 10000 times daily and you will become Illuminated and Know Truth (in some sense)

Now this is not very clever.

What I am trying to say (although hampered by obviously inferior intellect) is :

The sky is a blue colour during the day.

Is this so because I myself made that opinion or is it because it is the truth?

What I am saying is either reps exist or they don't , dimensions exist or they don't, the sun is a ball of burning gas or it is not.

Perhaps you do not know what I am saying here because you did not understand it due to repeating mantras a thousand times a day which has taken over your brain?
I don't appreciate the subtle insult or being told that repeating some mantra made up by some nice bloke in India or wherever, is the path to truth, you just declared what I am trying to say, is the wrong thing to do.
Presenting your opinion as truth or the way.
I still think and this is only my opinion, follow along if you will, that something is either truth or it is not the truth.
Does truth ever change?

PS; Nexus I want to thank you for the way in which you respond and the time you have taken to respond and for bothering to post here, much food for thought and without ego stroking, well written my friend, you have a good way of looking at things but that's just my opinion based on the intelligence , insightfullness and good intent contained within your replies.

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

I was just seeing if I could summarize the thread.  I didn't like where I had placed Tom Paine's msg. so I took it out.  I put it too close to something that didn't pertain to him.  I haven't tried to figure out how to do the box quotes.  I was wanting opinions on the work of Aleister Crowley, but it appears that the people who do not think he is worth studying really have not read much of his work.

Good judgement comes from experience; experience comes from bad judgement.
You have to believe in the impossible in order to become.

59 (edited by Tom Paine 2007-11-07 00:17:45)

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

One thing about Crowley, he came from an era where education
about the classics of literature and mythology were more widely
taught and respected and he himself was highly educated and
literate.  So much so, that he frequently used references and
allusions to erudite subjects and writings which were beyond the
scope of the average person.  But in many of his writings he
was able to get down to the brass tacks of a subject in an
extremely precise and penetrating manner which blasted away
the many accretions (visualize coral and corrosion encrusting
a sunken galleon's cannon) which accumulate around any
subject, for example his explanations of the various branches of yoga.  One of my favorite works of his is his Book of Thoth in which he describes
his deck of Tarot cards(which he designed) and links them to numerology, astrology, mythology and the Qabbalah in a comprehensive system
unparalelled before or after.  Even so, his disdain for the average
human's consciousness was summed up by quoting Lewis Carroll's
Through the Looking Glass saying "you're all just a deck of cards"

Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley

lyra wrote:

If you truly don't see any problem with what's happening here though then carry on, don't mind me.  It's just my perspective and two cents.  Stepping aside now.....

I agree.   I'm not big into human sacrifice either but hey, to each their own I say.