Re: They Sold Their Soul To Rock And Roll: Aleister Crowley
Hi Khalil,
Well firstly let me say what a great honour it is to be "almost" making sense. I will almost treasure that almost always. Let's see if i can keep it up.
Khalil wrote..." Would this be the same God who sees everything? *Scratches Head*"
Yes it would be the same God. Brahman is the ALL God. Brahma [Father], Vishnu [the Son], and Shiva [the Holy Spirit] and the femminine deities are cosmic forces at different levels of the ALL God. The Cosmic Consciousness of the ALL spans from the highest levels of Spirit... down in vibration through all the subtle material universes right down to physical time and space as we know it. Vishnu the Son is the Christ consciousness or "the Word". This level of God's being is of great significance to ourselves.
In the scriptures [almost word for word in the Vedas of India and the Book of John in the New Testament]
it says that..
" in the beginning was the word
and the word was with God
and the word was God
the same was in the beginning with God
All things were made by him
and without him was not anything made that was made
In him was life and the life was the light of men
And the light shineth in the darkness
and the darkness comprehended it not."
God and the "word that was 'with' God" are one, they are just different levels of God. [ie.. "and the word 'was' God"] The "word" is the christ consciousness... a projection of God's consciousness into a lower plane. It is therefore a creation of God which itself is alive, self- conscious and actively creative. We ourselves are fashioned out of the "word" as is "everthing made that was made"... the trees, the stars, everything seen and unseen. Each of us are uniquely infused with life, freewill and consciousness and are given access to the creative mind and the energy of the word [the inner spiritual Self] to "go forth and multiply". This does not refer to sexual reproduction but to the multiplication of our creative energy through the creativity of the christ- consciousness. But this doesn't happen automatically. Our souls need to integrate with the christ consciousness in order to express it's inherent creative genius. Many of us have achieved this in the past, lost it again and have had to incarnate over and again searching for the interior "lost word" to recapture past glories.
But while we have our noses to this re- incarnational grindstone there are levels of cosmic consciousness which are unconcerned with the minutiae of human experience. However, not so totally unconcerned that we have no "advocate with the Father". The soul is connected with the "word" [subconsciously in most people] and the "word" is individualised in the spiritual christ-self of each of us. The spiritual christ- self is connected to the I AM Presence at higher levels of reality and the individual I AM Presence is one with higher levels of spiritual reality. All these higher levels of reality are 'populated' with cosmic beings of great light. We are not disconnected from all that because we are actually made from all that and one with it at inner levels. While many beings of great spiritual attainment are actively concerned with us and our activities on earth, the entire universe and all beings therein are not concerned with what is going on here. Although all life is one, it is a matter of where beings choose to focus.
Some people on NR have dismissed the notion of a spiritual hierarchy as being a limiting concept born out of the reptillian brain. granted, the false hierarchy is just that. Their job is to decieve us into constant ignorance and loosh production for as long as they can keep us here doing it. But there is also a true spiritual hierarchy spanning the vast reaches of cosmic consciousness. It is a hierarchy because it is one of spiritual attainment. It is a hierarchy because these being are actually our God parents. And greater beings are their God parents ... and on. They have actually created our spiritual identity and watched over our development. Over vast periods of time they have sent their own into incarnation and given dispensations of extraordinary opportunity in a cyclical fashion. They don't do it all for us but it takes their co- operation to turn the tide of history and to bring souls to a readiness of spiritual knowledge so that we can ascend out of the material plane during certain tides of cosmic opportunity. It is seasonal. This happens over and over again over millions of years. It is called a 'harvest' not because we are to be devoured by theocrats. No. The harvest is a spiritual metaphor for the maturing of the spiritual seed of Christ sown in the material plane and ready to unite with spirit in the ascension. The true spiritual hierarchy enable this opportunity in many ways.
To deny the existance of the true spiritual hierarchy is almost to imagine that sentient beings first came down in the last shower or popped out of spaceships 10,000 yrs ago. Spiritual beings that pre- existed ourselves "went forth and multiplied" the I AM Presence and causal body to such immense proportion that they became responsible for the development of systems of worlds and gave [spiritual] birth to billions of spiritual beings which populate all levels of material and spiritual planes in order to fulfill the divine plan. That is why it is so important for us to re- integrate with the inner Christ so we can get on with our divine plan for this life on earth and then beyond. We were not born [spiritually or physically] to be the earthly fodder for TPTB and their goons.
The true spiritual hierarchy is in stark contrast to those beige channelled entities who claim to have physically seeded the human race and claim to be our parents .... like we are just flesh and blood or something. We are much more than that and the black hats know it. What merit have we in their eyes? We have spiritual energy to steal. The impure 'enjoyment' they must get from their games of control and deception can only be imagined. They are cosmic desperados. Shrivelled beings living on borrowed time and stolen light...
True Khalil, in our Christ presence all is known. The Christ presence needs no life lessons. But our soul is a further projection of the christ- self into the world of form and it has fallen into a sorry state. The soul is actually not the christ- Self. If being "saved" is consciously uniting with inner spirit then the soul cannot "save" itself. The soul is a jewel of consciousness borne out of the Christ- spirit and it must return to that spirit in order to ascend out of the material planes. The inner- Christ must be the wayshower for our soul's vibrational return to oneness with inner- spirit. Now, the only way to make the soul identity permanent is through the purifying power and the guiding light of the inner Christ spirit. That is why the Universal Christ spoke through Jesus saying:
"I AM the Way, the Truth and the Life
No man goeth unto the Father [the I AM Presence]
except through me [the inner Christ of All.]
Jesus was not referring to himself as a man capable of that. He was speaking out of the universal Christ- consciousness which is individualised in each one of us. Those words are spoken by the christ- Self even now in the heart of each person... "Except in me there is no life and no access to the highest levels of spiritual identity [the Father]". It is only through the vibrational union of the soul "wed" to the inner- Christ that we can unite with the I AM Presence. It is only the ritual of the ascension of the soul to spirit that our soul is made permanent. It is the way through materiality and beyond into immortal spiritual realms. There is no other way, that's why Jesus made that statement. Call that inner spirit anything else you like... the higher- Self is the answer to the soul's fallen state.